Part 6
Samy's POV
It didn't take long for the word to get to Sid. My parents were waiting eagerly for me to return from the date with Sid. They heard his car stop and watched me get out and come inside.
I knew they would ask me about my decision, but I was not ready for the question they asked as I didn't think that far.
"So Samy ... when do you want to get married? Can you guys wait till Summer? "
"Wait .. what? I didn’t say yes yet?" I asked, surprised she skipped the first question asking if I was agreeing to take Sid as my life partner.
"Its written all over your face, so I skipped the first question."
"Mom!" I screamed embarrassed.
"Its okay baby." Both my parents burst into laughter.
"Yep, Summer should be fine." I screamed running upstairs to my room.
I closed the door and hurried to the nearest mirror to look at my face and see what they were referring to. I saw the glow and the unstoppable smile pasted on my face. "Gosh what did he do to me!", I flopped on the bed.
The next few days were nothing but sweet torture. Sid called me a few times, but we couldn't talk much as I was busy or he got interrupted with other calls. We decided to go on a date on Saturday after he returned from his trip. The same day our parents set up a meeting to go over engagement and marriage preparations.
Finally Saturday came and I was ready since morning, waiting for Sid to take me out for dinner. I couldn't believe myself, my eyes would look at the front gate every two seconds and the slightest sound of any vehicle entering our street would make me run to the window. The wait was driving me crazy.
"Samy .. control .. control ..!" I screamed at myself. I didn't want to show him my desperate side.
Finally my prayers got answered and he arrived at 5:15 PM. I rushed to the window and saw him get out of the car and casually stroll towards the front door, showing no urgency. I decided to make him wait and remained upstairs.
I heard my parents talk to him and discuss about their planned meeting with his parents later in the day. After ten minutes walking back and forth in my room, I gave up and went downstairs to meet him.
"Hi Samantha!" He got up and rushed towards me with his hands reaching out for a crushing hug.
"Sid!" I stopped him with my hand on his chest, scolding him with my eyes for trying to hug me right in front of my mom.
"Ok ... you ready? .. let's go"
"Are you both going to join us for dinner?" My mom asked. My parents and Sid's parents were meeting for dinner at a restaurant.
"No! ... I will come home directly." I replied, picking my purse and following Sid.
Sid surprised me by opening the door for me.
"Thanks Sid"
"Can we go to dinner directly? I am starving. My plane got delayed and I had to skip lunch to make it here on time."
"Aww .. thank you .. sure", I gave him puppy eyes. He returned it back with a warm smile.
He actually reserved seats at the popular Park Rivera. We both started discussing food and after discussing about the menu, decided on the dishes we wanted to try and placed our order.
"Samantha .. how many of these dishes can you make?" He asked me showing the menu, taking me by surprise.
"Ha! I haven't cooked in a while .. so don't depend on me. What about you?" I turned the question back.
"I can cook only simple dishes, not these .. so you better learn to cook or get ready to eat whatever I can make." He replied, trying to suppress laughter seeing my angry face.
"If not we can always order from outside .." I replied, pursing my lips.
"Yes, we can do that .. but only till we have kids. I want our kids to eat healthy home food."
"I agree .. as long as you are not in a hurry for kids?"
"No .. not atleast for a year."
"Well that should be enough time for one of us to learn cooking healthy food." I replied, smiling at him.
"Hmm .. definitely .." he replied looking into my eyes .. trying to read my mind to see if I was sending him any secret message.
"Control Samy ... control .. stay strong .. don't loose the war before it starts." My inner voice cautioned me as I tried to maintain my cool under his piercing eyes.
The dinner discussion went on the same lines, testing each other and trying to find our real opinions on the topic of marriage and family issues. It was like a soft fight for defining territory and control over each other.
After finishing dinner we slowly moved towards the exit. I stumbled a little on the first step, but his hand shot out and caught my shoulder to steady me. I steadied myself without his help, but his hand stayed on my shoulder, creating a panic within me.
My heartbeat went up and my breath hitched. He didn't show any intention of removing his hand and of course I wasn't in a mood to complain.
He was explaining about one of his projects, but my concentration moved to his hand as it started to slide slowly down. I didn't want to do anything to disturb the ongoing drama, so I descended the steps slowly, enjoying the heat from his touch.
Half way through the steps, my phone started buzzing. I decided to ignore the phone and enjoy the feelings his fingers were generating. When we reached the the end of steps, I took a sharp right instead of going towards the car park.
"Let's walk around the restaurant." I suggested. I had to find out how far his hand would go.
"Ok!", he replied, still rubbing my back. My phone buzzed again. I reached into my purse and switched the phone off. As we walked around, his hand slid slowly to my waist. I was wearing a saree and had a gold chain running across my waist. I was hoping he would notice it.
His hand found the gold chain and his fingers were doing a delicate dance on my waist. My body became a hot zone with tiny fireworks blasting all over my body. I couldn't understand how his slightest touch could put my entire body on fire. Suddenly his fingers pinched me hard as I turned towards him angrily, my eyes expanding with fright and anger.
"Is it gold?"
"What! .. my waist or chain?"
"I know about your waist ... I am asking about your chain." He answered wiggling his eyebrows.
"Really! What do you know about my waist? "
He pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear, "It tastes like honey!" He then removed his hand and licked his finger.
At that moment, I was so close to his face and watched his lips close around his index finger. I wished he kissed me, but he stepped away quickly. "Don't worry Samy, the night is still young." My inner voice consoled me.
"So what's next?" I asked him getting into the car.
"Wait and see .." he replied maneuvering the car into the traffic.
I realized we were going to a movie after he parked the car in the mall parking lot and guided me towards the ticket booth. I didn't even ask him about the movie as it wasn't important at that moment. The only thing that mattered was spending quality time with him.
"I need popcorn." I demanded, coming to a stop in front of the shop.
"What? .. we just had dinner. Are you still hungry?"
"I can't watch a movie without popcorn." I made a puppy face.
"Aww .. anything for you dear." He replied going towards the counter.
He returned back with a popcorn bucket and handed it to me.
"What .. only one? I don't share popcorn. Don't ask during the movie." I told him, moving the bucket away from him.
"Don't worry .. I am good."
The theater was practically empty. We picked our seats and sat down. As the lights in the theater dimmed, the distance between us dissolved, making the seat divider a villain. After the movie started, he reached over and took my hand and placed it on his thigh, shooting my harmone levels through the roof.
"I need my hand to hold the popcorn bucket. " I whispered.
"Use the other hand."
"I need it to eat popcorn."
"Use your lap to hold the bucket."
"Do you want popcorn?"
"I reckon ... you don't like sharing."
"I know .. but it sounds ridiculous .. I am giving myself to you, so it doesn't make sense to hold onto this popcorn."
I thought he would release my hand, but he didn't and started eating my popcorn, dipping into the bucket resting on my lap. I noticed he was eating more popcorn than me.
"Slow it down . . . You are eating my popcorn." I whispered in his ear, leaning into him.
"I am hungry." He replied grabbing handful of popcorn.
"Ok, what will you do now?" I said moving the bucket to the seat on the other side.
"Don't worry, I will find it." He whispered putting his hand on my lap and feeling around.
"What ... what are you doing? " My throat dried up as his hand landed between my thighs. I heard some people talk about popcorn trick, probably that was what happened to me, but I didn't do it on purpose. If it was anyone else, I would have beat them to death, but it was him, so I let him have little fun.
"You know there is no popcorn there .. so can you remove your hand ...."
"Not until I find some popcorn."
"Here take your popcorn." I gave him the bucket.
He put it back on my lap and started eating again and feeding me too. I had a blast that evening, but was still expecting little bit more before the date ends.
After the movie, he took me back to my home. He opened the car door for me and as I got off the car, he closed the door, but didn't move away from me. I looked hurriedly at the windows and knew my parents were watching us.
"Hey .. not here .. my parents are watching." I warned him.
"Its okay ... they will get used to it." He enveloped me in his arms, shattering all my fears and objections, took control of my lips, crushing them with his lips. The world around me stopped spinning and I was afraid to even breathe, giving everything I had to the moment.
Those two minutes were the most wonderful minutes of my life. He disentangled from me and walked back towards the car. If someone told me at that moment that I would be seeing him again only after six months, I wouldn't have believed.
"What happened to your phone?" My mom asked me the moment I stepped in.
"Oops .. I think I switched it off .. why .. what happened? " I didn’t understand their serious faces and the anger in their voices.
"We cancelled your engagement .. you are not meeting that boy anymore." My father shouted.
"Why?" I could feel the anger rising within me. "How could they do this to me?"
"He is a bad guy .. a criminal and a murderer." My father shouted.
I felt like the roof collapsed on me.
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