Part 40
Third Person POV
Samy watched helplessly as the two homeless guys, with knives in their hands, slowly approached her.
She could smell the stink coming from them, however it was thirst in their eyes, that bothered her the most.
Suddenly a huge screeching sound came from the steet entrance, covering the street with smoke and smell of burned rubber, as the wide tires of the Bugatti Divo, made a sharp turn into the dead end street and stopped few feet away from the homeless guys.
The headlamps of Bugatti, lightened up the dark street, shining on Samy and the intruders. As the three of them looked in surprise, the car door slid up and a shadowy figure stepped out.
They couldn't make out the gentleman in the car as he was behind the lights, but couldn't miss the sound of cocking of the big gun in his hands.
"Gentleman .. please drop your knives and step away from the lady .. turn towards the wall and place both your hands on the wall, so that I can see them, unless you want me to blow your brains out." The guy spoke sternly, pointing the gun at both the intruders.
As the intruders followed his instructions, Samy looked mesmerized by the voice.
Its Sid's voice .. but how? I just came in few hours back .. it's impossible.
Her brain tried to make sense, but her feet bolted towards the car and its occupant.
Sid opened the passenger door and motioned her to get in, his eyes still on the intruders, watching for any sudden movement from them.
Once Samy got in, he got into the driver's seat and backed out at the same speed he came in, leaving behind tire dust.
Samy looked at him closely, wondering if it was really him. A lot of questions were popping into her brain, but one look at Sid's angry face and she swallowed back the questions.
"What the hell Samy? Why would you walk into such streets .. don't you know this is New York? What were you thinking?"
His angry tone brought out tears in her eyes.
Sid looked at her face under passing lights and realized his mistake.
"Sorry Samy .. didn't mean to shout at you .. but that was absolutely foolish and suicidal."
Samy wiped away the tears and slowly explained the events since she landed in New York, few hours back.
"Shit!" Sid slammed the steering wheel hearing her story.
He then stopped the car in front of a modern glass tower building near central park. He came around and helped Samy get off the car, then threw the keys to the waiting valet.
Samy was still recovering from the ordeal and put her weight on Sid as he led her to a bank of elevators and punched the penthouse floor.
After they entered the Apartment, he led her to a love seat and went to the kitchen to fetch her a water bottle.
Samy got up and walked up to the window to catch the beautiful view of the city under lights. She couldn't help thinking about the danger she just faced out there.
When Sid returned, he had two bottles of water and he passed one to her. Samy emptied half the bottle in one gulp. She could feel her nerves calming and settling down.
"Now its my turn to ask the questions, mister!" She looked at Sid, as he settled down into a sofa.
"Sure, go ahead."
"How did you get to New York so fast? I am sure all the flights were pretty much booked."
"Private Jet"
"Huh .. private jet .. hmmm .. this Apartment and the fancy car .. who are you Sid?"
" Samy .. I am same guy .. this is just another side of me. Trust me, I have these things as business necessities, not for personal use."
"I know you come from a rich family .. do these belong to your family?"
"No .. my family is rich .. but not this rich. These all belong to a company."
"Which company is this?"
"Sid and Co."
"Huh! .. How big is this company?"
"Its just me and a few necessary employees."
"What does it do and how come it owns all these things?"
"Well, it owns the majority shares in IQTech, so you can understand how much it is worth." Sid replied.
"Oh my God! You are the silent partner Hussein was talking about."
"Yes Samy, me and Hussein, used to work on a project, here in NY, as consultants, for a wealthy Wall Street Hedge fund. We used to make normal money and most of the money went to the middlemen. One day I proposed to our manager of cutting the middleman, making it cheaper for both of us. He agreed and it was a big success. After that we got lot of projects and we started hiring lot of people. In this business, the success depends on the quality of the software professionals, so I remained in the background, trying to recruit the best professionals and Hussein took care of the management of the company. We grew exponentially quarter after quarter and invested in lot of downstream companies. I like the simple life, in spite of all the success, hence I remained as a techie and move from company to company, looking for quality people and hiring them through Hussein. So that is my story in short."
"So you are the one who proposed my name?"
"Ofcourse you are the best!"
"Now that I know how rich you are .. I think I should demand more money."
"Why do you want more money when you can own the entire company?"
"Really .. you are so cute!" She jumped into his lap.
"Sure babe"
"Wait .. but how did you know I was in danger?"
"I landed before you. Also I got my security folks here to get all your info. I followed you from airport to home and was waiting outside your aunt's home. I just wanted to be around you, in case you needed me. Don't you call me a perv!" He warned her with puppy eyes."
"Oh baby .. I love you so much!" Samy kissed him, pulling his arms around her.
"Don't you leave me alone again .. " he cautioned her as she got up from his lap.
"What about my parents?"
"Call them now and ask them to come for dinner. I will talk to them." Sid gave Samy his phone.
After that, Sid went out to get dinner and few things for them, to stay overnight. Meanwhile Samy called her parents and convinced them to come alone for dinner to Sid's Apartment.
Sid informed the building security to expect Samy's parents and buzz them in, on his way out.
After fifteen minutes Samy's parents arrived. They were worried about Samy's whereabouts, since she left home angry, after their fight.
They jumped out out of the elevator and rushed towards Samy.
"Samy baby are you ok?"
"Don't worry I am good." She replied.
"OMG! Such a beautiful place. Whose home is this?" Samy's mother exclaimed.
"It belongs to Sid!", Samy replied, watching their faces closely for reaction.
"Did he kidnap you? I am going to kill him." Her father shouted, looking around for any sign of Sid.
"No Dad, he didn't kidnap me. I am here on my own will and staying here tonight. " Samy replied, almost challenging her parents to stop her from doing that.
Samy's mom stopped her husband from reacting to that statement and reached out to Samy, taking her hand she asked, "Where is Sid? We need to talk to him."
"He went out to get dinner. He will be back soon." Samy replied.
"I am telling you now. It won't be easy to convince me about Sid." Samy's dad warned Samy and settled down on the living room sofa.
Samy started telling her mom how Sid earned his own money and had nothing to do with his family being rich.
Just then Sid entered in carrying two large pizza boxes.
"Hello everybody .. we are going to have the famous New York pizza for dinner."
Samy expected Sid to buy some fancy dinner, but realized he was just being his normal self.
Samy's parents got up and walked towards to the dining area following behind Sid and Samy.
"Sid, I appreciate you buying us dinner, but I think we should discuss the problem on hand first." Samy's Dad spoke firmly, trying to set conditions.
"Sure uncle, but how about some drinks first?" Sid pressed a button on the wall and a section of the wall opened up, displaying an array of bottles, some of the finest whiskeys in the world.
Samy's Dad looked paralyzed for a second and then moved slowly forward checking the age of the whiskey bottles.
"You think .."
"Sir .. you can have any bottle you want. As Samy's Dad, please consider this as your home too."
Samy was trying to signal Sid to keep her Dad away from the liquor cabinet. She quickly stepped in and pulled Sid aside.
"What are u doing?" She whispered in his ear
"Hey, I am trying to win your hand here." He whispered back.
"Not this way .."
"Son, let's go out and have some good time, while the ladies discuss how to handle rest of the details." Samy's Dad grabbed a bottle and two glasses and started walking towards the open balcony.
"What details?" Samy's mom asked.
"Well .. you would know the best way to inform your sister about the change in plans." He explained and disappeared into the balcony, as Samy and her mother, watched the change in his behavior with wide eyes.
Sid shrugged his shoulders and followed his future father-in-law as mom and daughter watched them in shock.
One Year Later
"Sid .. " Samy whispered into her phone.
"What?" Sid replied picking up his phone, his eyes still glued to the television, watching the ongoing cricket match.
"Come right now .."
"I am busy .."
"COME RIGHT NOW!" Samy screamed.
"Just five minutes .." Sid begged.
"If you don't come right now .. I will kill you!" Samy shouted into the phone.
Sid threw the remote and marched into the bedroom.
Samy was sitting half naked in the middle of the huge master bed. She had two beautiful girls .. twins .. feeding on each side, as she held them close to her body with her both arms. The phone was lodged between her ear and shoulder.
"Oh! I see you are busy .. ", Sid commented, looking lovingly at his wife and twin daughters.
"I need to pee .. urgent .. you hold them .. " She handed him the twins and jumped off the bed.
"Are they done?"
"Yes .. they are all yours now." She shouted back, slamming the bathroom door behind her.
Sid got busy .. burping both the girls and then changing their diapers.
By the Samy returned, after taking a shower, Sid was already on the bed, with each girl on his shoulder sound asleep. She sneaked into the bed and laid down by his side.
"Sorry about your game" She whispered into his ears.
"It's okay boss!" He whispered back.
"You got three lady bosses now." She replied, reaching over and kissing his forehead.
"Yup, I know .. shouldn't have offered your father a drink." He teased her.
"What the eff?!"
"Hey! Just kidding! I am so happy and blessed to have you all in my life." He pulled all three of them closer to him and kissed them Goodnight!
******* THE END *******
Author's Notes: Sorry it took a while to write this chapter. I was unable to decide to continue it further or bring them together forever. Finally I decided to bring them together and end the story.
I will probably be starting another story soon. Its going to be a fiction instead of romance. See you all there.
As usual I would appreciate your comments and feedback. Thank you all so much for encouraging me and keeping me motivated to continue, inspite of personal challenges. Cheers!
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