Part 39
Third Person POV
Sid watched Samy disappear into the airport with heavy heart.
Things were happening so fast that he needed time to regroup his thoughts to get some clarity and control over his life.
He didn't like Samy going alone to fight for their relationship. He shivered internally as the thought and possibility of losing Samy crossed his mind. At the same time he felt helpless as the fight was going to happen on a distant continent, almost 8000 miles away.
Samy's plane took off leaving a worried Sid behind, wondering what was going to happen to their relationship.
Samy looked through the window at the passing clouds and wondered if she could jump out and sail back on those clouds into Sid's arms.
She was already missing him. The last few hours she spent with Sid were the most memorable and the best time of her life.
Eventhough she was flying first class, she couldn't enjoy any of the comforts. She was in no mood to eat or watch anything on the console in front of her. Anywhere she looked or anything she touched, reminded her of Sid. She declined everything offered by the air hostess and requested her to activate the no disturb sign for her seat.
She closed her eyes and replayed the last few hours of her life again and again.
The moment she landed in JFK, New York, her phone started buzzing.
Her mom texted her.
Samy, we are waiting outside for you. Roshan is also here with us. He is very eager to meet you, so make sure to change your dress, freshen up and apply makeup. First impressions matter. See you soon baby!.
Samy made guttural voices reading her mom text. Her hate index just tripled.
She breezed through the customs and immigration checks and walked out to the meeting area, not even bothering to visit the restroom or peep into a mirror to check her looks.
Everyone rushed to meet her, including Roshan.
"Hey! Welcome to United States!" Roshan extended his hand.
"Hi, glad you could come!" Samy shook hands with Roshan, as her mom glared at her, angry at not following her directions.
Samy ignored her mom. She could sense the brewing anger and the upcoming fight, she was about to face, as soon as they get into a private room.
Everyone got into their respective cars, while Roshan requested Samy to come with him in his Porsche.
"Wow Samy! You look absolutely gorgeous! No makeup .. all natural. You really look fabulous for someone who has been travelling for the last twenty hours. Also I want to thank you personally for travelling on such a short notice. I know things have been moving fast here." Roshan spoke, maneuvering the car out of the airport parking lot.
Samy thought of giving a curt reply, but then thought, Roshan had no fault in the ongoing mess. He was just a bystander and ultimately was going to get hurt, for no fault of his own. He was going to end up being a collateral damage in the war between her and her parents.
"Thanks Roshan, really appreciate your kindness. I agree, things are moving really fast. I need some time to digest and discuss all the issues with my parents." She replied slowly, trying to maintain a neutral face. She wanted to minimize his hurt as much as possible.
"Oh! I made dinner plans for today. But it's okay, I agree, you need the rest after travelling so much. We can catch up tomorrow." Roshan replied, without fully understanding the implications of her earlier statement.
They talked little bit about work and by that time they reached Samy's aunt's home. Roshan dropped her and left immediately, promising to call her next day to make plans for a date.
Samy was immediately surrounded by her aunts, uncles and cousins, who congratulated her on coming up engagement to Roshan and wanted to know what she and Roshan talked about, on their way, from airport to home.
Samy realized that everyone there was impressed by Roshan, making her job, to convince them that Sid was a better alternative, million times harder.
After half an hour later, she managed to step into her room, to take a shower and change her clothes. After freshening up, Samy took her phone out, from her handbag, to call Sid and inform him that she landed safely, but her mom knocked on her door.
The moment she opened the door, her mom, aunt and her father stepped into the room.
"Samy, what is going on? You don't look excited. You didn't follow my instructions?" Her mom asked.
"Mama, I told you .. I am not interested in Roshan. I am not marrying him! Why did you have to drag me 7000 miles overnight? I don't understand."
"What the hell Samy? What is the problem with Roshan? " Samy's dad shouted at her, unable to understand, how can she reject a great guy like Roshan.
"Samy .. listen to me! Roshan is a great guy and any girl here would jump at a chance to win him. We are lucky that he chose you. Don't let this chance slip." Samy's aunt chimed in.
"I have nothing against Roshan. I am sure he is a great guy, but not for me. I like Sid .."
"Stop it Samy!" Samy's mom cut in. "I told you to stop seeing that idiot. He is not good for you. I thought we already discussed this topic."
"But mom .. I love him!"
"Samy .. Samy .. listen .. this is a life issue. It is going to impact your entire life and your future generations too. Roshan is rich, extremely successful and comes from a great family of achievers. You cannot compare him to Sid." Her father argued.
"Dad .. Sid is rich too."
"Yeah! But he comes from a political mafia family. His family is rich, not him. He is involved in murder and kidnapping."
"Who is this Sid? Sounds like a bad character." Samy's aunt asked.
"Oh! Don't even ask. We agreed to their relationship because of their family pressure, but backed out, once we came to know about the murder charges on Sid. Do you know they couldn't even find the dead body?" Samy's mom explained to her sister.
"Ma, that's not true. I talked to Sid about it and he is in clear. I can explain it to you in detail."
"Samy, he doesn't make as much as you. Moreover he works for you. How can you marry him? You are his boss. Roshan makes lot more than you and he is the right candidate. You should marry up .. not down."
"Daddy, Sid makes decent amount of money. He is not money minded, else he can make more than Roshan. Moreover his family has money, so he is cool with his job."
"Family money doesn't count Samy. We will give you to someone who can earn on his own."
"You mean if Prince Harry comes for me .. you will deny him?"
"Yes, if he makes less than you."
"But I am in love with Sid."
"Shutup Samy .. Sid is not acceptable. Not now .. never! Explain it to her." He screamed and left the room, after telling his wife to settle the issue.
"Samy .. try to understand. We want the best for you." Her mom explained.
"Mom! You don't get it. I am not in a situation to accept anyone else. I am marrying Sid .. that's my decision. " Samy declared.
"What is so special about him?"
"Well our relationship has crossed a line, so my decision is final." Samy tried to convey diplomatically.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh Di .. try to understand." Samy's aunt nudged her sister.
"Samy that is not a big deal. I don't think anyone is expecting you to be a virgin. Having such relationships is common here. I am sure Roshan too had his share of girlfriends, so it should be okay as long as you are loyal after marriage. " Samy's aunt explained to Samy as her mom digested the news, covering her mouth with her hand.
"What?" It was Samy's turn to express shock.
"It should be okay Samy .. just don't talk about it to anyone. " her mom suggested.
"Yeah! Just talk to Sid and make sure to wrap this sex thing before marriage. It's no big deal .. you can do whatever you want till marriage." Samy's aunt declared.
"You guys don't get it ..oh God! .. I need some fresh air." Samy stormed out of the room and house, unable to digest her aunt's opinions.
It was past 7:00 PM.
Samy stormed out of the house and started walking in random direction. Her head was bursting with conversation she had with her aunt and parents.
How can I ignore the values I grew up with? I don't understand how mom and Dad could throw away the values they taught me , just hours after landing in US. There must be something in the water here.
This is insane. Why don't they understand that I love Sid and nothing can change my mind about it. Looks like they don't care about anything other than me marrying Roshan.
Why do they hate Sid so much? They are not even willing to listen my side of the story. Once they get to know Sid, they are going to fall in love with him. I just need to rethink my strategy to deal with this issue. My 'A' card - slept with Sid, ended up being a dud. I need new ammunition and a foolproof plan.
Samy was so deep in thought, she lost sense of direction and ended up on a dark street close to the docks.
She realized her problem as a homeless guy jumped out of shadows demanding money from her.
She side stepped him and hurried forward to take the next street on her right. She thought of returning back by running through the cross street and taking another right as New York is mostly built like a matrix.
As she turned into the street, another homeless guy also jumped behind her. Only after she went half way through, she realized it was a dead end street.
She turned back and looked wearily at the two homeless guys approaching in her direction.
As the homeless guys moved towards her, they reached into their robes and took out knives.
Samy raced forward only to hit the dead end brick wall. She turned back and caught the glint of steel shining in their hands, from the lone tubelight shining at the far end of the street.
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