Part 21
When Sid returned back later Samy was up watching TV. He tried to talk to her but she remained aloof. He forced her to eat the homemade food. She obliged after some persuasion and went back to bed immediately after dinner.
"Why is he not telling me anything about today's meeting with the client?" She wondered but didn't ask him.
"I don't think she has recovered fully. She is too weak and not in a mood, so I think it is better to wait till tomorrow." Sid thought, not sure what Samy was thinking about.
Sid switched off the lights and left the room quietly after making sure Samy was asleep.
Next day Sid woke up early and went to Pavan's place to pick up homemade lunch box for Samy. He wanted to make sure she eat healthy food till she has fully recovered.
By the time he returned from Pavan's place, Samy was ready and waiting for him to go the client's corporate office.
They both got into the cab. Sid looked at Samy and realized she was not in the best of the mood. Sid explained to her about the previous day's details and current day's agenda.
"Where did you get the presentation copy from?" Samy questioned realizing Sid didn't talk about it.
"I logged into your computer and emailed myself your latest version of the presentation."
"How dare you ...? " Samy exploded.
The cab driver got startled and turned back to look at them.
"Samy listen .." Sid tried to calm her moving his hands in the air frantically to clam her down.
Samy controlled herself, "you hacked into my laptop?" She questioned him angrily, lowering her voice.
"No Samy ... I didn't hack. Remember I asked you for your password?"
"And I declined!" She replied firmly, whispering loudly.
"Yes, but later before you went to sleep, you gave me the password .. or clues to the password."
Samy quickly turned her face away overcome by sudden shyness, as her blushing face turned deep red, realizing the conclusions Sid would draw from the password. She was not over him yet and now it must be clear to Sid also.
Samy tried many times to change the password, but somewhere within her, a feeling, strong enough, stopped her from doing it. She was still thinking about the issue, when she heard Sid, asking the driver to stop, as they reached their destination.
Sid introduced Samy to Chang, the CTO, and Chang introduced them to the rest of the members of the technical board. Sid started his presentation and started going through the slides.
As the presentation went on Samy realized that Sid made major changes to her presentation. The core design of the project was changed and she realized the familiarity of the design with the research white papers, she read on a geek website.
She had lot of respect for the author of the research paper, but she felt that it was not possible to implement such a design in real life, as it needs hard core programmers like the author himself. The only top programmer she has, was Sid and he too resigned and was leaving in two days.
"Is Sid trying to complicate the project and leave it on my plate, knowing very well I cannot implement it without his help? Is he taking revenge on me? How will I show my face to the client, once he leaves the firm?"
Samy was in a difficult situation. She couldn't disagree about the project design in front of the clients, as their management team already approved the project the previous day, yet she was sure of the technical difficulties, she would face, in delivering the project successfully.
The thought made her so angry, as she turned to watch Sid's face, doing the presentation enthusiastically, as if he was discussing chocolate making with kids. She felt conflicted inside, as part of her hated him for putting her in a difficult situation where as another part loved him for being so savvy with technical details.
The moment the presentation came to an end, Chang got up and thanked Sid for the excellent presentation. He announced that Samantha would take care of the questions and led Sid out of the conference room.
"Chang .. let me stay back and help out Samantha with the Q&A session. I will join you soon." Sid asked Chang as they stepped out of the room.
"Sid .. I am sure Samantha can handle the folks inside easily. If you want to nail this project, you need to come with me. I need to introduce you to few important people." Chang nudged Sid towards the elevators. Sid wanted to win the project so badly that he followed Chang towards the executive offices, leaving Samy behind to defend for herself.
Samy was literally boiling with anger as Sid vanished and she had to answer all technical queries. Usually she liked the Q&A part, but this time she was defending Sid's design and she was looking at it the first time like the other members in the room.
Chang took Sid around the executive offices introducing him to lot of important people who made decisions. After the meetings, he took Sid downstairs to a posh restaurant opposite to the office building. There he introduced Sid to a fashionably dressed good looking Chinese lady.
"Sid .. please meet my lovely wife Alisha. I had to prove to her that you do exist and I was not spending time, late hours in the night, talking to a mystery woman on the web."
"Its a pleasure to finally meet you Sid. Heard a lot about you from Chang." Alisha shook his hand.
After the inroductions they moved to a table by the huge windows, overlooking the street. Sid felt really bad for leaving Samy behind, but thftere was nothing he could do as one of them had to be in the conference room.
After placing order Chang excused himself to go to the restroom, leaving Alisha and Sid discussing about Indian and Chinese cuisine.
Meanwhile Samy managed to successfully answer all the technical questions they threw against her. After the Q/A session, the meeting was paused for lunch break.
"Still no sign of this idiot. Wonder what is he doing?" Samy thought angrily looking at her homemade lunch box. She texted Sid, but didn't get any answer as his phone was in silent mode. After waiting for fifteen minutes she dumped the lunch in the waste bin and decided to go around to find a smoothie shop.
She came out of the office building and was crossing the street to go to the smoothie shop on the opposite street, when her eyes fell on the couple sitting behind the huge glass window in the posh restaurant.
It was Sid and Alisha. Sid was laughing about something Alisha said and she punched his shoulder jokingly. Samy was already fuming with anger and seeing Sid eating lunch with another beautiful woman, her heart lurched in its cage, causing sharp pain and tears rolled out of her eyes.
She watched them for two minutes and then quickly went back inside, forgetting about the smoothie completely.
"Samy be professional .. don't act like a high school girl." Her inner voice kept on warning her. She made up her mind and continued the afternoon session without showing any signs of the storm brewing inside her. She successfully closed the presentation and stepped out of the conference room.
Mr Singh was waiting for her. He congratulated her for the successful presentation. She still didn't know the whereabouts of Sid.
"Thanks Samantha, that was an excellent presentation. I think Sid went out with Chang and some folks to the golf club, so couldn't make it. Do you want me to drop you at the hotel?"
"Thank you Mr Singh. I am good. I can take a cab back to the hotel." She thanked him and quickly exited the office.
After reaching hotel, she packed her luggage and left for the airport without waiting for Sid.
After finishing lunch with Chang and Alisha, Sid wanted to get back to the conference hall to check how Samy was doing and if she had lunch. He didn't want Samy to have outside food, hence left her out of the lunch invitation and anyway one of them had to be in the conference room with other members.
"Sid, I am going to take you to a place where we are going to seal this deal. Just wait and see." Chang steered Sid to a waiting limo, with a hand on his back.
Inside the limo there were other executives who already started partying. Someone thrust a glass into Sid's hand and before Sid realized what was happening, the car sped out of the business district towards the golf club.
Sid spent the next few hours playing golf and hobnobbing with the executives, solidifying the contract for Samy. After saying goodbyes to Chang and other executives, he had just enough time to rush back to the hotel, pack and leave for the airport.
As soon as he reached the hotel, he rushed to Samy's room and realized that she had already checked out. At that moment he realized, she must be pretty mad at him for abandoning her.
"Shit! She must be pissed. I need to explain to her that I had to do this to win the contract for her. She will be happy once she finds out we have the contract in our bag." Sid thought, hailing the cab for airport.
Samy cleared the airport security formalities and picked up a corner seat in the pre boarding lounge with her favourite smoothie in hand.
Her head was bursting with questions and anger at Sid's behavior. First he stole her project presentation and then changed it completely without her consent and then left her alone in a conference room full of technical people to defend his project. Then adding fuel to fire she caught him having lunch and rubbing shoulders with some bimbo.
"Really .. he dumped me and the project to play golf .. gosh .. how irresponsible can this idiot be. Actually its the fault of the people who picked him over Michael to represent the company." Samy was seething with anger.
As soon as the boarding started she got into the aircraft and informed the air hostess not to disturb her. She covered herself fully with a blanket, put on the eyeshades and turned towards the window. She knew Sid was going to occupy the seat next to her, but she didn't want to talk to him, afraid she might blow up and cause a scene.
Sid made it to the airport just in time and got into the plane before the gates closed. He took his seat by Samy and realized Samy was in no mood to talk to him.
After the plane took off and reached its cruising altitude, he tapped her shoulder lightly.
"Samy .. Samy .. are you ok?"
Samy heard him but didn't respond.
He then tried to find her hand to check her pulse and see if she had fever, but Samy covered herself completely and hid her hands inside.
Sid slipped his hand inside her blanket to find her hand, but instead landed right between her thighs.
"Gosh! .. What the heck is he trying to do?" Samy thought, as her heart beat increased unfurling a Tsunami within her body, as his fingers came into contact with her most intimate part. She could feel the spark and electric tremors, as shock waves shook her body, even though he touched her through multiple layers. She remained stiff, pushing her body back against the seat and curling her toes till the shock subsided.
"Oops .. sorry." Sid murmured as he realized, his hand was in the wrong place.
He finally found her hand and checked her pulse and temperature, feeling her palms. He didn't feel like giving back her hand and held onto it.
Samy was acting dead, so she couldn't pull back her hand and grudgingly left it under Sid's control.
"Enjoy your last touch Sid, this is the end of our story." She told herself.
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