Part 12
He came close to our bike and stopped right in front of us. Sid placed his feet firmly on the ground and placed his hands on the gas tank and looked at the intruder.
"If you want to live, hand over the girl now and we will let you go." The bad guy commanded, placing his hands on his hips and leering at me.
Sid lifted one hand and raised his helmet visor to reply to the goon.
I lifted my head a little more and moved closer to Sid to hear what he was going to say about giving me away to save his life.
Did he really believe them that they would let him go away? Also what would happen to me? I shivered at the prospect of being left alone with those monsters. My life has definitely reached a dead end. My entire life played as a thirty second time-lapse movie in front of my eyes.
Then suddenly I saw a flash. Sid while lifting his visor with one hand took something else with his other hand and moved it so fast, that the guy standing in front of the bike was taken by surprise.
I saw his eyes leering at me one moment and the next moment, I saw terror and pain in his eyes as he stumbled back clutching his shoulder.
Only then I noticed, his white shirt was turning red. OMG! He was bleeding very badly. I turned sideways to look at Sid's hand. He was holding a long knife in his left hand.
The other guys still sitting on their bikes, got up and ran towards us. Two of them picked their fallen leader and tried to arrest his bleeding.
"You guys have two choices. One fight with me for the girl ... and .. second .. take him to a hospital so that he lives." He told the two guys who approached us with their knives drawn out.
They stopped for a second and looked back at their bleeding friend and then at us .. particularly me.
"He is going to bleed to death in 30 minutes. The nearest emergency room is twenty minutes away. You already lost 5 minutes, so if you rush now, he may just make it. Your choice guys." Sid replied coolly.
It was the confidence in his voice that rattled them. There was no fear in his voice. He spoke as if it was business as usual for him, like writing a piece of software code in Java.
He seemed to be in his element and that scared the hell out of them. The ease with which he slashed their leader was evident they were dealing with someone who knew how to fight and fight dirty.
They made their decision and drove away carrying their friend.
Sid resumed our journey to my home. He stopped the bike again on the bridge. I thought of asking him the reason, but realized it as he stretched his back and launched his right hand towards the bridge railing, releasing the bloodied knife far away into the flowing river below.
"We should be good now. No evidence in case something happens to that guy." He turned back lightly and whispered into my ear.
I wasn't sure if I was terrified because of the bad guys or with the new side of Sid I witnessed. I didn't speak to him rest of the way, just sat silently holding him tightly resting my head on his back.
One part of me kept on warning me to move back and stay away from him, but I couldn't pullback my hands holding him tightly. His body heat made me his prisoner.
I couldn't move even after he parked the bike in front of my house. He slowly got off the bike and helped me to stand as I had no confidence in my legs. He hugged me and rubbed my back.
"What happenes if he dies?" I asked with a shaky tone.
"Samy forget what happened today as a bad dream. Don't think about it or talk about it. I will take care of it in case anything happens. For the record, you weren't even there at the scene. Ok, go now and get some rest." He led me to the front door.
He waited till I opened the door and disappeared inside. I went upstairs and saw him walk towards his bike from the upstairs window. Then he lifted his head and looked straight up at the dark window, as if he knew I was going to be there. After few seconds he left.
Though I was tired I couldn't sleep as I kept replaying the incident in my head. I felt like I met the Sid, I was scared about. All those stories about kidnappings and disapperance of his pregnant roommate/girlfriend seemed very real after the incident. The way he disposed off the evidence was very similar to the story of disapperance of his pregnant roommate. Her clothes were found, but not her body, reason why they couldn't prove the case against Sid and he is a free man now.
Though he saved my life today, he brought back old memories and tbe reasons for our engagement getting cancelled. I didn't see how we could continue on that path. Me and my family are against violence and Sid seems to have a violent history and does not back away from a fight.
Next day morning, I woke up and checked all the newspapers for any news about the incident, but there was none.
Things went back to normal the next week in office. Michael came into my office early Monday morning to enquire about my weekend and that set the mood for rest of the week.
Seeing Michael in my office drove Sid crazy and he spent the time glaring at both of us and trying to send me his message of disapproval through various actions.
I got his message, but acted as if I had no clue and continued my chit chat with Michael. On the other hand Maya was flirting with him the entire time and he acted as if he was oblivious to it.
"How can he not see her flirting and put a stop to it? He has no right to be mad at me. Men and their double standards!! .. To hell with him." I decided to talk to Maya as a friend and boss to atleast warn her of his violent past and mafia style behavior.
It was Thursday afternoon and my best friend Uma burst into my office.
"Samy, I need to leave urgently." Uma exclaimed, almost on the verge of crying.
"Ok, but what happened?" I motioned her to sit down.
"Its my sister again. I want to make sure she is safe."
"Oh shit! Her boyfriend again?" I knew about her sister's abusive boyfriend. I told her many times that we should intervene and take action, but Uma kept me at bay.
"Yes, she is an idiot and I don't why she supports him .. stupid love stuff."
"Ok, go and call me if you need help. This time we should teach him a lesson." I so much wanted to go and bash that idiot.
Uma left, almost running, to reach her sister as soon as possible.
Meanwhile Maya stepped into my office.
"Hello Maam .. are you looking for me."
"Come in Maya .. take a seat. Call me Samantha .. you are not in college anymore." I looked at her .. so young .. fresh from college .. but gunning for my man. My jaw tightened at the last thought.
"Am in in trouble?" She asked innocently, raising her beautiful and perfectly shaped eyebrows.
"No .. no. I just wanted to talk to you and see how are progressing and cover a few things." I replied in a calm and authoritative tone.
She explained her current project work and tasks.
"Maya, you are doing a good job. Apart from work, I wanted to give you some friendly advice. Don't trust anyone unless you know them well. There are lot of people whom you may not know well and feel betrayed later. So first learn about them and their past and then only trust them with your friendship."
"Sure maam .. I mean Samantha." She replied making an innocent face. I couldn't tell if she got my message or was playing me by trying to act innocent.
"You can go now." I told her. There was no way I was going to mention Sid by name, but hoped that she got the message.
As I expected she stopped over at Sid's cube and probably told him every thing we talked about. I waited few minutes watching them from my office to see Sid's reaction, but nothing happened.
Next day was Friday and Michael came over early in the morning to my office and both of us spent the entire morning going over the specs for a new project. As usual I could hear Sid making noises outside my office to send me coded messages, but I ignored him completely and concentrated on the project in front of us.
As soon as Michael left my office Sid barged in and closed the door.
"I don't like the way he looks at you. Moreover I heard some rumors about him, so be careful with him." He explained with a serious face, moving his index finger to emphasize his statement.
"I have no clue what are you talking about. Who are you talking about?" I replied laughing and relaxingly pushed back my chair.
I knew very well he was talking about Michael. For some reason, i was enjoying this conversation while he was on the edge of a soon to erupt volcano.
"Samy this is serious. You know I am talking about Michael. " He bent forward putting both his hands on my desk and looking into my face.
"Oh common Sid, grow up. I don't give a shit about rumors. Amyway it is none of your business." I spoke calmly and smiling softly, I got up from my chair and went around the table to show him the door.
"Samy, you are not being serious." He shouted and stepped closer to me. Luckily my office had sound proof walls else it would have been a big drama.
"You should leave now!". This time I didn't smile and warned him. I moved across him to open the door.
As I tried to step across him, he grabbed me and took me in his arms. "Samy! Please listen to me." His voice was very soft this time and he almost whispered in my ear due to the close proximity.
"Sid, take your hands off me." I shot back at him. I could have easily walked out of his grasp as he held me lightly, but it was one of those occasions where my brain and body act as two different people, ignoring eacb other and go in opposite directions.
Instead of taking his hands off me, he tightened his grip and pulled me into him, hugging me tightly.
I glanced at the narrow glass partition, afraid someone would look at us, but we were behind the closed door.
"Don't worry, we are not visible to anyone in this corner." Sid spoke, realizing my fears.
"Its not about anybody Sid, this is highly improper and unprofessional behavior." I spoke into his face angrily. Part of my anger was with my own body for enjoying the full body contact. I knew I was going to relish this experience later tonight.
"You had no problem hugging me last week on bike." He spoke pushing my body into him, virtually stirring fire in all my body parts.
"How dare you compare last week's situation to now .. Sid you better release me immediately else you are gonna get fired." I put everything I got into my voice, ignoring my body, and let it out to make it a serious threat.
"Samy .. Samy .." Michael knocked on the office door.
After few seconds .. felt like eternity, Sid released me. I opened the door partly and Michael peeked in and looked at us.
"Oh! Excuse me! Didn't mean to interrupt your meeting. Samy you want to go out for lunch?"
"Sure, lets go now." I took my bag and left with Michael. As I passed Sid, I looked at his face and felt the pain in his eyes seeing me leaving with Michael.
After we reached the elevator, Michael turned towards me and asked, "Samy is Sid bothering you?"
"No! why are you asking?"
"I don't know, he looked like an angry man to me in there .. if he is let me know ... I can set him right"
"No .. no .. we were just having a serious discussion, don't worry about him." I told him looking straight into his eyes, so that he won't do anything stupid and end up at the bottom of the river.
As I processed the incident with Sid, walking towards the restaurant with Michael, I realized it was better for Sid to understand the reality and the pain, he felt today, was going to be nothing compared to what was coming next. At least he will be better prepared to deal with the news coming out next week.
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