Chapter Twenty-One.
University Acceptance Letters And Matthew's Scholarship.
A week after graduation, they received their college letter and were gathered at Aryan's house so they could open them.
This time Aliya made sure that Nanny Lea and Matthew's mother and sister were there to witness their happy moments together. Even though Muskaan couldn't make it, she would arrive later as she had somewhere to go.
"Okay, guys. This is it for us. Whether we get into the same college or not doesn't matter as long as we promise to always stay friends," Aliya says with a smile.
I wish I could go to my dream college because of the current situation of my family. But I will be grateful even if I could go to a local college and then maybe get a job to get by.
Matthew took a deep breath and opened his college application letter while Zayn and Aliya opened theirs.
"Well, what happened?" Aryan asked them.
"I got in".
"Me too. What about you Matthew?" Zayn asked.
"I got in too but I don't think that we could afford it..."
Matthew didnt even finish what he was saying when Aryan handed him an envelope. He looked at Aryan wondering why he gave him the envelope.
"This is a scholarship that my company gives out every year to a certain amount of students. It is a full-ride scholarship and it was first introduced by Farha who was Aliya's mother and my sister. She wanted everyone to have a chance for a bright future. The scholarship contains a full-ride to the college or university of your choice and a paid internship when you graduate," Aryan explained to Matthew. "One more thing, you have two choices either stay at the campus or stay in an apartment building that is owned by the company. Farha made sure that the scholarships we give out, included some amenities that she knew some families might not be able to afford. She started this programme when she finished high school. Because of the way she saw how much families had struggled to help their children reach their full potential," he added with a smile.
Aliya was proud of her mother for helping people without anyone knowing until now. She smiled knowing that Matthew could get to go to his dream college/university without any hurdles in the future.
I am proud to be your daughter, Mamma. In shaa Allah, one day I will be able to help people just like you.
"I dont know what to say about this...except thank you so much. I appreciate it very much and it will ease the expenses until I get on my feet. Thank you once again, especially you Aliya. You gave me a chance to be your friend and never judged me because of the way I looked or what type of car I drive," Matthew says wiping his tears.
"There's no need to thank me, Matt. All you have to do now is study at your dream college and then make your mother and sister proud of you. Thats how you will thank me," Aliya said while Aryan nodded.
"She is right. Study hard and remember that a paid internship will be waiting for you when you graduate, In shaa Allah," said Aryan.
I am grateful that Matthew has found such friends in school. I was worried about his education, but now I dont have to. Just because of the amazing friends he had in his life. I am thankful to them for giving my son the opportunity, he deserves to have in life.
Matthew's mother looked at the people surrounding her and smiled knowing that her son has great friends who will always be there for him.
"Thank you for the scholarship, Sir. I don't know how to..."
"You don't have to do anything. You just have to be supportive of your son and guide him to achieve his dreams," Aryan says with a smile.
"Now, it is time to go and celebrate, is that right, Dad?" Zayn asks his father.
"Yes and if Matthew, Mrs. Evans and Maria would like to join us?" Aryan asks them.
"Yes, we would like that very much," Matthew's mother said with a smile.
"Okay thats great, now I just need to go and get..."
"No, Dad. We need your card and the car. The four of us will be cooking the celebratory dinner tonight. We will be picking up Red from her house in a few minutes," Zayn says interrupting his father. "This dinner will be for the people who have been there for us through the darkest times of our lives and also being there to guide us through high school," he added making the others nod.
"Okay but dont..."
"Burn your kitchen," both Zayn and Aliya said while laughing.
Aryan agreed to give them his credit card and Maria wanted to go with them while Nanny Lea and Matthew's mother chatted.
Meanwhile, Alina was in her room trying hard not to cry when her mother told her that she must get accepted to the university of her mother's choice. She is currently holding the envelope that contained the acceptance or rejection.
Alina opened the envelope and started reading the contents, to her surprise, she did get into her mother's university of choice.
Alhamdulilah I got in! But what mom doesn't know is that it is the same university that Matthew has applied to as well as my sister and her friend plus her cousin. I get to spend time with Matthew and maybe try and make amends with my sister. But that is without Mom knowing about it. Now it is time to go and show her that I finally got in even though it isn't my choice, I am happy because of the people who will be there: my sister and Matthew.
Alina got up and walked toward her parents' room, she stood outside and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
She waited for a few minutes before her mother opened the door.
"I hope you have good news, Alina. As I told you before, I need you to be number one in everything that Aliya does. I want you to surpass her. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Mom. I just recieved the acceptance letter to the university, I applied to. And I got in..."
"Thats great news. At least you are good at one or two things. Now wait until your father gets home so that we can celebrate your achievements as a family," Rukiya said. "Now go and hang out with your friend Hamza. I am busy and Alina, do not disturb me," she added closing the door on her daughter's face.
Alina started tearing up knowing that even if she tried to be someone she wasn't, her parents would never acknowledge or even love her as she always wanted to be loved.
How do I wish my life was different from what I have now? I am not ungrateful but sometimes I just wish that I had love like Aliya does. Her Nanny Lea, her cousin, her best friends and also including Matthew. I need to change for myself and make sure that Mom stops hurting Aliya even if she won't be using me anymore. I need to talk to Hamza about what happened during high school. I need to confess everything that I have done to separate them. But the main question is will he be able to forgive me? And will Aliya still consider me her sister?
Alina had one thing in her mind and that was to make amends with everyone she has wronged in her life but that must be done without her mother's knowledge.
As Alina slowly walked into her room, she couldn't help but wonder why she hated Aliya and her mother.
No one would explain to her when or why there was so much hatred in her mother's heart for someone as innocent as Aliya who knew nothing.
When you realize what you have been doing is bad for you and the people around you, you have to stop it or else it will consume you. Change your attitude and be positive in your life and you will go places.
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