Chapter Twenty.
Finals And Graduation
Two months later.
Alina has been trying to get Aliya to talk, but this didn't go unnoticed by Rukiya, who needed her daughter to make a plan to work.
But now that Alina is suddenly having a change of heart, Rukiya has to take extreme measures that will make Alina hate Aliya more than ever.
"I need to get that stupid girl to do what I need her to do, and I don't want her to be friends with that witch's child," Rukiya says to the shadow that has been helping her with her revenge plan against Aliya and Farha when she was alive.
"Sometimes, you just need someone else to follow Alina and make her do what you want her to do," the shadow says, confusing Rukiya. "What I mean is that you need to threaten him to get her to do what you want, even if it's bad for her," they added, smirking evilly.
"That's not a bad idea. But what if she doesn't want to do it, then?" Rukiya asks.
"Don't worry, she will do it. Love makes you do anything for the person you love," the shadow tells her, making her smile.
Rukiya knew exactly what to do and when to do it.
The day of graduation arrived, but it wasn't the day that everyone expected it to be.
Not everyone was happy to find out that Aliya had been chosen as the valedictorian by the school principal.
Especially when Rukiya found out about it through Alina. She was beyond angry with her daughter, who came in second.
Why can't she just be like her?
Everyone who arrived was taken to their assigned seats. After everyone was seated, the principal stood at the podium, calling the valedictorian to make the speech.
"Goodmorning everyone, welcome to the graduation, and now all of you welcome Aliya Ahmed as your valedictorian to the stage to say a few words," the principal tells them.
Aliya walked to the stage with her head held up high. She scanned the crowd to find two most important people in her life.
Her Nanny Lea and her uncle Aryan.
They were smiling and looking proud of her. Zayn's and their friend's achievements.
"Good Afternoon, everyone. I want to start by thanking my teachers, my grandmother and most importantly my cousin who has been my best friend and not forgetting my best friend, Red."
This made the crowd laugh and Red shook her head.
"Graduation...what can I say about it? That we are done with school but the main question is are we ready for what life will hand to us? Yes, we might be done with high school but that doesn't mean that knowledge stops there. A wise woman once told me that no matter what, falling doesn't mean you have to stay done. Even without a helping hand, you can always pick yourself up. But always remember the people who give us lessons to learn in our lives, these people are important because they act as ladders to get to where we want to be with their help. Knowledge doesn't stop after you graduate high school, university or even college. You will always keep learning from life and the people you meet in it. And that's it everyone. Congratulations to all the graduates and the teachers for tolerating us all these years," Aliya said with a smile.
After her speech, the principle then called out all the names of the graduates and handed them their diplomas.
Aliya ran to her Nanny and uncle to give them a hug. She wished that her mother was there but Aliya knew that her mother loved her and that's all that matters.
"So where do you want to go and celebrate?" Aryan asked the three graduates with a huge grin on his face and then turned to look for Matthew who was standing with his mother and sister. "You can invite your friend too with his family," he said pointing at Matthew and his mother and sister.
"Thats a great idea, we van invite Red and her family too..."
Aliya didnt wait for anyone to reply when she went to find her best friend and dragged her to her uncle.
"She said yes, so here she is..."
"Ali, calm down. I said yes and so did my parents but my older sister wont be joining us as it's her anniversary," Red says cutting off Aliya.
And Zayn, go and ask Matthew," Aliya says pushing her cousin toward where Matthew was.
Nanny and Aryan just shook their heads at Aliya's antics. But they knew that she had a pure heart just like her mother Farha.
Meanwhile Hamza looked at Aliya who is smiling and happy. He wanted to go over there and to congratulate her but he was stopped by Alina's mother Rukiya.
I cant be friends with someone who claims that a guy is their friend and cousin. I am not that person. It is better that I stay away from her.
But Rukiya couldn't stop Ayla from going to congratulate Aliya, Zayn and Red along with Matthew.
Ayla even introduced her parents to Aliya, Nanny Lea and even Uncle Aryan plus Zayn.
After Zayn convinced Matthew and his mother and sister, they joined Aliya who was trying to contained her happiness of graduating and soon she will be able to to leave and get her Nannay out of that house.
In shaa Allah.
"So where are we going?" Aliya asked her Uncle who just shakes his head and smiles.
Aryan already made a plan for them to go to one of the hotels that his company owned. The same company that would be Aliya's one day.
In shaa Allah.
"Sir, I don't think that we can..."
"Matthew, come on. You are our friend and you will always be included in our gatherings," Zayn says looking at his father who nods.
"Zayn is right. You can join us today as we celebrate the achievements of our children," Uncle Aryan says turning to face Matthew's mother.
"But won't it bring trouble that you are seeing with us and we aren't in your level?" Matthew's mother asked.
"Ma'am, in our family, we dont judge people by how they are. We are friends with Matthew because he is good to be around and sometimes we need change in our lives. All we see is Matthew our friend and his mother and sister, not labels," Aliya answered her with a smile.
"Okay, we will join you then."
Uncle Aryan already contacted his driver to bring two cars and one won't be enough for all of them.
Zayn, Red, andAliya and Matthew and his sister would be in our car while the adults would in another one.
Aliya looked at her friends and knew that they would try to be together in good, bad and worse times of their lives.
Changes come when people accept them. Accept whatever comes into your life, the bad, the good. These are all lessons that we need to learn in our lives.
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