Chapter Thirty-Eight
More Revelations For Hamza {Part One}
It has been almost a week since Hamza let Aliya go from his revenge plan against her. He was thankful that Rukiya didn't know about his decision otherwise he would need to explain to her and even tell her the truth about the letter he has been receiving for a while now.
How could I be such a fool to have been manipulated by Alina and her mother against someone as pure as Aliya? I was so blinded by Aliya and Zayn's friendship that it was easy for Alina to corrupt my mind. I lost my childhood best friend because I listened to a girl who had a jealous mother who only saw revenge and nothing else. I wasted years hating someone who always had my heart no matter how much I lie to myself. I love Aliya.
I never loved Alina.
The moment Hamza realized what he just said, it all made sense to him. Jealousy was the main factor that made things the way they are now.
The jealousy Alina had because she needed love from him, Aliya's Nanny.
Alina wanted to be Aliya because of the happiness she had in her life.
"Sir, this came for you. Theres no return address," his secretary said, interrupting his thoughts.
Hamza turned to face her and took the package from her.
"Thank you. You can go now."
He then takes a seat on his chair and opens the package. Each time the packages were different from the other. Some would contain pictures of Alina with a guy whose face was covered. Others would contain the marks on Aliya's hands and feet from being abused by Rukiya.
The anger inside him never diminished when he saw those pictures.
"Lets see what you have for me today," he said, opening the package.
Inside were photos and a typed letter, Hamza started reading the letter before looking at the pictures.
This is the final package you will receive from us because it is time for you to know the real truth about Alina and her mother. Especially, her mother Rukiya.
The first thing I need to tell you is that Alina is alive! Yes, you read it correctly.
Her mother has been hiding her ever since she was discharged from the hospital almost 3 and a half years ago.
Before you ask about her location, I can't tell you yet. You know soon where she has been hiding all along.
Jealousy can make you hate your family like your sister. Rukiya made sure that Alina had hatred in her heart for her sister. Now you have finished reading this letter, look at the pictures. And remember what you see is very important. You might need them in your plans against Rukiya. All the best to you.
"This is a strange last letter. I wonder who keeps sending them to me. Could it be Aliya? I don't think so," he said, looking at the pictures with the package.
What Hamza saw shocked him. The pictures were dated a few days ago.
Rukiya was beating up Aliya while other people were holding Nanny Lea who was trying to protect her. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"This is sufficient evidence to take Rukiya to jail once and for all but I still need to find Alina, so she can testify against her mother," he said, looking at the different pictures. "But I will need to help Aliya and Nanny so they can leave that place. In shaa Allah, " he added placing the pictures inside the package and putting it in his safe that was hidden in his office, that no one knows about it.
I need to find a way to see Aliya and even to get to talk to her, for a few minutes. But how will I do that except to talk to Zayn and pray that he will help me? In shaa Allah he will.
Hamza took his phone and dialled Zayn's number hoping that he would answer him. Thankfully he did but angrily.
"Asalam Aleikum. I know that we aren't friends but I am calling you because of Aliya. Something is going on with her in that house and I need you to get her out," Hamza said without taking a breath.
"Waleikum salaam. I know and I am working on something to get my cousin out of that house..."
"I want to be included in your plan," he said interrupting Zayn, who was silent for a minute. "Please, I want to help her. It is the only thing that I can do for especially after what I had put her through," he added.
"Okay, sure. I will let you know where and the times we can meet. But for now, be careful of Rukiya. I don't want innocent blood in my hands if I let you in the plan," Zayn said.
"I know and I want to help her even if it will hurt me. I need to do this for her because I loved her then and I still love her now," Hamza said, whispering the last statement to himself.
"Okay, I will call in a few minutes."
Then the call disconnected without Hamza saying anything else. He was confused as to why Zayn did that but soon that was lifted when he saw a message that Zayn sent to him.
It had a location and times for the meetings.
Come to my house at 10 p.m night make sure no one follows you. Come with the packages and come alone.
"Alhamdulillah, he accepted my help but I just hope I am not too late to help Aliya. Ya Allah, I hope and pray that I am not late to get her out of that house. But how did he know about those packages that I have been recieving for awhile now?"
He asked himself feeling confused. "Maybe he was the one who sent them to me? I will find out when I get there in shaa Allah.
After a few hours, passed it was time for Hamza to go to the meeting but he had a feeling that someone was watching him when he got into his car.
Could this be the warning that Zayn was telling me about? I need to get rid of this person and get to the meeting before he changes his mind.
Hamza quickly called his father and started telling him what was currently happening.
"Go to your grandfather's house and take his car but you have to disguise yourself," Naeem said. "Be careful, son and let me know if you are safe," he added.
Hamza did what his father told him, thankfully his grandfather's house was in a gated community and no one was allowed inside without a pass placed on their car's windshield.
He drove into the community, headed to where his grandparents' house was located and parked the car.
Thankfully his grandfather was currently waiting for him at the door with a set of car keys in his hand.
"Asalam Aleikum, Papa. I am sorry about this but I..."
"Dont worry, Hamza. I understand and your father already called and explained why you are dping this. And I am happy that you are helping to get her out of that house as soon as possible," Liam said, surprising his grandson. "I know everything because of your greatgrandfather. He has been in contact with Zayn, Muskaan and even Zayd to help Aliya in any way they can without Rukiya knowing," he added.
Hamza thanked his grandfather and drove to his destination, hoping that everything they plan will work.
Alhamdulilah, we have people who will help you, Aliya. I hope you can let me be by your side. In shaa Allah.
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