Chapter Seven
Jealousy Is A Disease.
Ten Years Later In High School
It has been almost ten years since Rukiya wanted her daughter to be at the top of her class, but that doesn't always happen because of Aliya.
Alina couldn't help but feel like her mother never even loved her, but she didn't care as long as she did what Rukiya wanted.
"It's finally high school; are you ready for it?" one of Alina's friends, Anita, asks her.
Alina could see Aliya and her two best friends entering the school.
The feeling of jealousy came back to Alina, and she shook her head, trying to go back to the conversation she was having with her friend.
"Yeah, I am. Ready to crash someone like the bug that they are", she says to her friend Anita, making sure that she didn't hear the last part.
"I heard that there will be new students this year...."
Anita didn't even finish what she was telling Alina when two new faces walked in through the school entrance and walked toward the reception.
"That guy is mine," Alina tells her friends, who nodded. They knew that if anyone tried to say no to her, they would be in trouble.
Meanwhile, Aliya, Muskaan, and Zayn were heading to their classroom when they bumped into the new students.
"Hamza, what are you doing here?" Zayn asks him.
"We just transferred to this school because it is closer to our family", he says to Zayn, who nods.
"That's great. Now we can get to hang out as much as we want."
It wasn't the first time that they had met. They would meet every year at the park to celebrate Aliya's birthday.
They ended up being the best of friends.
Before Ahad could finish what he was saying, the warning bell rang, indicating it was time for them to head to class.
Muskaan, Aliya, and Hamza had the same morning classes but were different from Zayn and Ayat.
Now I can get to be with her in school too.
"Red, come here and sit with me," Aliya said to her best friend.
"You need to stop calling me Red. It was one time, and you won't let me live it down", Muskaan says while taking a seat beside Aliya.
Hamza watched as the two best friends interacted with each other. He couldn't help but smile and move to the seat beside Aliya.
This didn't go unnoticed by Alina, who was fuming mad at the way Hamza was interacting with Aliya and not her.
"Class, welcome to high school, where learning gets a little better than middle school," the teacher says, making the class laugh. "I can see we have a new student. Would you please come up here and introduce yourself to the class?" he added as he noticed Hamza.
Hamza stood up and walked to the front of the class.
"Hey, my name is Hamza, and I have a twin sister," he says to the class and continues to do his introduction.
Then the teacher told him to go and sit down.
"Okay, class. The way you are sitting will be the same way you will be sitting for the rest of the school year," he says to them.
This statement made Alina angry, as she wanted Hamza to sit beside her and not Aliya.
As the day went by, Hamza and Ayla stuck with Muskaan, Zayn, and Alina for the entire day, as they had almost the same classes.
"Ali, I think someone is going to hurt you..."
Muskaan couldn't even finish what she was saying when Alina approached them, looking angry.
"Aliya, I have one thing to say to you, and that is to stay away from Hamza. He is mine, okay?" Alina says to her, but what she didn't know was that Ayla heard and saw everything.
She couldn't let this pass because she despised bullying.
"My brother can be with anyone he likes, and if he likes Aliya, then he can be with her. Whoever my brother hangs out with, it's none of your business. Got it?" Ayla says to Aliya, whose face turned red with embarrassment, Alina quickly walks away, stomping her feet.
"Who is she?"
"My stepsister. Before you ask, I am older than her by a month. I don't know how it happened, but it is what it is," Aliya explained to Ayla, who couldn't help but shake her head, especially when Alina didn't give her a good vibe when they met.
"But how come you have different surnames? And what do you mean by a month older?" Ayla asks her.
Aliya tried her best to explain to her how which made Ayla more shocked to know that a father would do such a thing to her own blood.
Ayla knew that Alina couldn't be someone who could be trusted, especially after she showed what type of person she is.
I need to tell my brother to stay away from her. She is bad news.
As the days went by, Hamza and Aliya started to grow closer, and their best friends were happy for them, but not Alina, who wanted nothing but to destroy the happiness that her sister had.
"Mum, I need you to help me with something important," Alina tells her mother as soon as she reaches home.
"What's wrong?"
Alina explained to her what happened in the last few days at school and how she met Hamza.
"I want him, mom. He is rich, handsome, and perfect for me", Alina tells her mother. "But he is hanging out with Aliya and her friends," she added, making her mother angry.
"I know exactly what to do. But you need to follow my instructions and never miss one step, okay?" Rukiya says to her daughter, And then she started to explain what Alina needed to do for Hamza to be with her and not with Aliya.
This is perfect. It is time for operations to separate Hamza and Aliya from commerce.
Jealousy is a disease that can't be treated with any type of medicine. Being jealous of someone is like getting jealous of what God has given that person.
Don't be jealous, because someday your life will be much better than the person you are jealous of.
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