Chapter One.
Nothing is what it seems.
Everyone thinks that when you smile, you are happy, but what they don't know is that smiling doesn't always mean being happy. It means you are content with what you have now. And you should always be thankful.
"Why did you do this, Zayd? You could have just told us instead of going behind my back and doing what you did..."
"This is exactly why I didn't tell you. I knew you would have said no to my request..."
"Yes, because you married someone who has always had enmity with me. And you know that more than anyone else, yet you did it. Why? Just answer me that one question," Farha asks her husband.
"Because she is pregnant with my child, and I couldn't leave her just like that, especially in this type of society..."
Zayd couldn't even finish what he was saying when Farha slapped him.
"How could you? Was I enough for you? ....."
"I wanted a child, and you weren't giving me any, so I had to think of the future of my parents and what they worked for. They wanted a grandchild from us, and it has been almost 8 years since we got married, and you still haven't conceived. What did you want me to tell my parents every time I see them...?"
"Now I understand everything. The late nights at work, the work trips—it was all because you were with her. I have one more thing to ask: did you sleep with her before you got married? I need to know before deciding for myself and my baby. The decision won't include you," Farha tells him.
This surprises Zayd, as he didn't know that Farha was pregnant.
Three months pregnant.
"You...are pregnant. And what type of decision will you make?"
"Yes, I am. Just answer my question. Did you sleep with her before you married her or not?" Farha repeated the question to Zayd.
"Yes, I did," he answered, feeling unashamed of himself.
"Thank you for being honest with me. Now, leave and go with her. My lawyers will contact you with the divorce papers, and if you try and fight this, I won't hesitate to air everything that you did to the public, and we will see how people will react to the great businessman Zayd Salim's secrets..."
"What about the baby?" he asks her.
"And you dare to ask about MY baby? Don't worry; he or she won't need you. When he or she is finally grown up, they will know who you are and what you did, and it will be their choice if they want to get to know you or not. And you won't be able to do anything. Now go to your other woman and make sure that the baby she is carrying is truly yours", Farha tells him, trying to be strong for what's going to happen next.
Alhamdullilah, for her parents' leaving a business that she has been secretly taking care of. A chain of hotels that no one knew who its owner was.
Not even her husband.
This is what her parents wanted from her before they died.
"I am not leaving, and I will be bringing my wife here whether you like it or not. This is my house. I bought it for my family," Zayd yells at her, trying to intimidate Farha.
"Okay, then I will leave..."
"No one is leaving this house. You three will be staying here, and that's my final warning." They were interrupted by Zayd's parents, who walked in with Rukiya, who had a smirk on her face as if she were telling her that she had finally won.
Farha wanted to say something when she was stopped by Zayd's father, who raised his hand to silence her.
"I have made the final decision. Besides, if you leave, I will personally see that you lose that child that you are carrying inside you. And I will make sure that she or he never sees you again. You are my son's choice, and I wanted him to marry Rukiya, who was my first and only choice. Now, you both have to stay here together", he says before turning to Rukiya. "If she ever does anything, don't hesitate to call me right away. And I will do what is needed for my daughter," he added, hugging her.
In the coming days, Farha suffered in silence, especially when she had to give up her room and move to the servant quarters.
My parents were right about you, Zayd. I should have listened to them when they asked me to think about getting married to you, but I was so in love that I couldn't see the real you.
Each night, she would go to bed thinking of the future of her unborn baby.
Would she be alright?
Would she get her father's love?
Would she get her father's protection?
But Farha knew the answer to all her questions was NO.
Rukiya taunted her every day in front of the maids and Zayd, who just let her do whatever she wanted.
Five months passed when Farha knew that if Zayd ever found out about her companies, he would do anything to her. So she called up a friend that she knew from college to take care of what needed to be done.
"Please do this for me. Until my child is at the right age, that's when you will reveal yourself and give her the companies. Protect her when I couldn't. And care for her," Farha tells them.
After making the necessary arrangements, Farha knew that her child would be more than safe from Rukiya and her father.
"Go and bring me some juice," Rukiya snapped at her.
Farha didn't want to fight her, so she did what Rukiya wanted, even if it was to cook for her. Farha has known that Rukiya hates her since the moment that Zayd fell in love with her and married her.
The enmity between them started with Rukiya liking Zayd, who had eyes for Farha alone.
Flashback Before The Enmity Between Farha And Rukiya.
"Will we be best friends forever, Farha?" 16-year-old Rukiya asks her friend
"Yes, we will. In shaa Allah. No matter what," Farha answered, her best friend hugging her.
But their friendship was short-lived when Rukiya's parents started comparing her to Farha.
They wanted their daughter to be just like Farha, who studied every day to be at the top of her class each year.
Jealousy began to get in between them, and some other students started influencing Rukiya to drop Farha as her best friend.
"You see how she is always feeling all mighty just because she studies a lot and passes almost all the exams given in class", One of the girls tells Rukiya while they were watching how Farha was receiving an award for the best student in school for the year.
"She is right, Rukiya. You shouldn't be friends with her. A show-off..."
They were suddenly interrupted by the teachers, who asked them to be quiet.
In the coming months, Rukiya started drifting away from Farha because the other girls commented on how she was using her as a friend.
One day a new student arrived at the college, and their professor wanted Farha to show him around, making Rukiya more jealous than before.
"Asalam Aleikum. My name is Zayd Salim, and what's your name?" He asked Farha as they were walking toward the cafeteria.
"Waleikum Salaam. Farha Ahmed. What course are you studying?" She replied to him.
It turns out they were on the same course, so they started getting closer and closer every day as they spent their free time together.
This made Rukiya mad, and she asked to talk to Farha to make her choose between her and Zayd.
"You need to choose. You can't have both of us. Either me or him?" Rukiya asks Farha, who can't believe that her childhood best friend would do this to her.
"Why are you doing this, Rukiya? Is it because we don't spend time together at college? ...."
"No, the truth is, I don't want to be your friend anymore. So our friendship is now over. You are now my enemy, and that's all you will ever be," Rukiya tells her, walking away and leaving Farha feeling confused as to why her friend changed.
It was now time for graduation, where Farha graduated at the top of her class alongside Zayd. This made Rukiya angry at Farha.
She needed to get Zayd at any cost, even if it meant ruining Farha's life. She will do it.
Zayd was ready to propose to Farha, but he had to see her parents to ask for their blessings.
"This is it, Zayd. You love her, and maybe she loves you too. I just hope they will accept it," he says, giving himself a pep talk that he needed to hear.
He had already told his parents about getting married to Farha because he loved her.
They agreed to give him their blessing to go and see Farha's parents ask for their daughter's hand in marriage. But they wanted someone else, not her.
As they arrived at Farha's home, they were warmly welcomed by her parents. But a mother's intuition has never failed Farha's mother.
She immediately knew that Zayd would end up hurting her daughter, but this is also Farha's happiness.
"We agree to give you our daughter. To love and cherish her," Ahmed tells them, smiling, but deep inside his wife knew that Zayd might end up hurting and breaking their daughter's heart.
So she came up with a plan to get one of their friends to help Farha handle their companies so that Zayd wouldn't know that she was working and had her own companies and resorts.
After their marriage, everything was going well, but when the second year passed, her mother-in-law started taunting her because she wasn't pregnant.
Even though Farha kept telling me that when Allah wants it, it will happen, as it is His will, not hers, that didn't stop when her husband started going on long business trips for almost two to three months. She asked him if she could join him, but Zayd would give the excuse that she didn't know anything about business.
Farha has been working at her parents' company ever since she started high school and all through college.
No one knew about it, not even her ex-best friend and her husband.
These were her parents' wishes, and Farha had to fulfill them.
It has now been eight years since they were married, and Farha decided to go and see a doctor as she hadn't been feeling well when she discovered that she was almost three months pregnant.
But her happiness was short-lived as her husband brought the woman who almost destroyed her life into their home and their lives.
End Of Flashback.
"You are completely useless!" Rukiya shouted at her while throwing the juice at her. "You put too much water in this juice. Are you trying to drown me?"
Farha wanted to laugh at her, but she held her tongue, knowing that all of this would go to Zayd and his parents, and they would bring more trouble to her.
"Ma'am, I made that juice..."
"I don't care who made it. You clean it up, and don't you dare help her", Rukiya tells Farha before warning the maid not to help her.
This was just the beginning of Rukiya's mistreatment of Farha. As she will never stop until Farha is out of Zayd's life.
The hate that Rukiya had will not stop at Farha; it will also continue with the innocent baby she is carrying in her womb.
I will get what I want, even if I have to hurt that filth that's inside her. I will destroy her too.
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