Chapter Fourteen.
Alina is trying to sabotage Aliya.
How do I win? I need to win because I need Mama's love.
Alina was pacing in her room, trying to find a way to get her project to number one, but the main question was: how?
She will need a full-proof plan, and there shouldn't be any mistakes made in it.
"Alina, are you done with your project? I don't need a failure as a daughter; always remember that," Rukiya says to her daughter.
Rukiya didn't care about the project, but all she cared about was for Alina to crash Aliya's life, the project, and everything that was in her life.
"Mamma, I am almost done with it..."
"I want you to win. I don't care how you do it. Just win," Rukiya says to her daughter, and then she walks out of the room, leaving Alina distraught.
I have an idea. But I will need someone's help, and I know who will help me get to the top.
Alina quickly took her phone and started calling the one person who would help her take Aliya's project, and if they couldn't take it, they would sabotage it.
"We will need to do it at the end of the day because they will leave the file in Aliya's locker. And we need to make it quick and make sure that we don't get caught..."
Alina didn't know that someone was listening to her conversation with her friend.
"Is this what Rukiya has been teaching her? To sabotage her sister's life and project," they said, walking away, shaking their heads. "But this has to stop because I can't let her ruin another life," they added.
"Okay, we will meet tomorrow at her locker after everyone leaves home," Alina says, and then she hangs up the phone, smirking, knowing that she will win the project without any hurdles.
Meanwhile, Aliya, Red, Matthew, and Zayn are trying to find more information about their project. They had chosen to use the title family.
But Zayn knew that it would hurt Aliya because of her situation with her so-called father.
Aliya had assured him so many times that it would be fine if they used the title they first chose.
"I think I got it!"
Red says this while holding up one of Farha's diaries, where she explains how Zayn's father came into her life.
"This could work, but we need to ask for Aryan's permission to use it, and we can also change their names. And this could be our Ace to get the grade we want," Red tells them, making Zayn laugh because he knows that his father would be happy if they won the project.
"What's funny?" Matthew asks Zayn
"Well, dad won't care if you use it or not. He would want us to win, no matter what. But I do agree on changing the names of the people in the diary," Ahad explained to them. "Besides, my dad loves Aliya as his daughter, and I also consider her my sister. We can use it without his permission," he added, smiling.
"Zayn, don't tell me you are jealous." Muskaan teased him.
"Nope, how can I be jealous of my sister? I always wanted a sister," Zayn tells her, making Aliya smile.
"Thank you, brother, but now can we get back to the project? We need to make the final changes and then submit it tomorrow. Hopefully, we will finish before the deadline, which is tomorrow morning," Aliya says to them.
Matthew could see the sibling love between Aliya and Ahad.
If only Aliya and Alina were like them. She won't get jealous of everything that Aliya has.
"What's wrong? Thinking about her?" Aliya asks Matthew, who just shook his head.
"She doesn't deserve my thoughts, and I am not thinking about her," Matthew says sadly.
"Okay, guys, enough. We need to finish this, and I am hungry..."
Red tells them. But she couldn't even finish what she was saying when Aryan walked in with food in his hands.
"Your wish is my command, Princess Red," Aryan tells her, smirking at his son.
"Okay, guys. Would you stop calling me Red?" Muskaan says this while the others start laughing at her. "I do have a name, and it's Muskaan," she added, emphasizing her name.
"Okay, sure," Aryan says to her, and then he turns to face his son, who has a smug look on his face, knowing that his father had already approved of his relationship with Muskaan even before he knew about Zayn's feelings. "What do you need for me to approve?" He asked, looking at Aliya and Zayn.
Zayn started explaining to him that they would be using one of Farha's diaries in their project, but they would be omitting and renaming the names that were written there.
"You guys realize that you don't need my permission, but Aliya's?" He says it, surprising everyone in the room, including Matthew. "So you can use anything in the diaries, but with her permission and not mine. Because the diaries are hers and hers alone," he added, smiling and looking at Aliya smiling with tears in her eyes.
"Well, I guess we can use them, but we need to edit them. Zayn, you can do that, and Red will help you, while Matthew and I will do the remaining work, like making the banners and the family tree. Fiction one, of course," Aliya says, giving everyone their work. "And Uncle Aryan, we need..."
"My office is open for you to use whatever you will need except..."
"The drawer that is locked on the left side of your desk—yes, we know." Both Zayn and Aliya answered him and started laughing, knowing that this had always been Aryan's warning to them whenever they were in his office.
Aryan gave them a look, making them look away from him. Muskaan and Matthew knew that it must be something important that he was hiding from everyone.
Now isn't the time for anyone to know what happened to my sister, Farha. I am sorry that I am keeping something like this from you, Aliya. I hope and pray that you will forgive me when you find out the truth.
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