Chapter Forty.
Getting Aliya & Nanny Lea Out Of The House Using Zayd's Help.
After discussing how to get Aliya and Nanny Lea out of the house. They knew they needed Zayd's help as Rukiya still trusted him.
"Do you think it's a good idea to trust someone like him especially after he disowned his daughter from the day she was born?" Zayn says to his father and Red. "We already included Hamza even though Aliya would get angry at us for doing that. Dad, you know better than to include someone like him especially after the way he treated Aunt Farha..."
"I know that I have a lot to make up for and I will start with rescuing my daughter and Nanny Lea from the clutches of my evil wife. I know how protective you are of Aliya and I am grateful that she found people who would do anything and everything for her. Just give me this chance to prove that I have changed and I am willing to do anything for my daughter's," Zayd says, interrupting him. "After this, I promise not to bother any of you again. Please let me save my daughter from the fire she is living in. I need to do this for her and for the love of my life, Farha," he added, tears falling from his face.
He wiped them with his hands and looked at Aryan to help him make his son understand what he wanted to do for his daughter.
"Fine, you can help but remember if anything else happens to her, I will personally see that you are brought to jail where you belong. And not even my father can stop me from doing that. Aliya is and has always been important to me. My sister, my best friend and my cousin," Zayn says, trying to calm down. He then turns to face Hamza who is standing there waiting for more instructions. "And as for you, did it even occur to you that I will always consider Aliya as my sister? You believed lies from someone you met a few months instead of believing a decade friendship. I will tell you the same thing as Mr. Zayd. After this, forget that you ever knew Aliya in your life. If she wants to forgive you, then she will do it herself. You will not force her to do it, okay?" He asked.
"I understand," Hamza nodded.
I will do everything in my power to get her to forgive me and then maybe get her back in my life. I lost someone special just because of the lies that were told. I was stupid to believe that she would like her cousin and betray her best friend.
"This is the plan and I will send you a group message telling you where you met after I get them out," Zayd says as he explains the plan to the group.
In the coming days, Zayd would report Rukiya's daily routine to the group chat. Finally, the day came when it was time for Rukiya to go somewhere for an entire day.
Zayd knew that she might be going to see Alina wherever she might be.
I hope that my other daughter is safe too. I pray that I can save both of them instead of just one.
After Rukiya's departure, Zayd had asked one of the maids to prepare food for the guards who were on duty that day. After preparing the food, Zayd asked her to go and buy a few things that he needed for the day.
As soon as the maid left, he took out a small pouch of sleeping powder and added it to the food before serving it to the guards.
The effect of the medicine started after they were done eating.
Zayd was thankful that the other maids were supporting Aliya and wanted her to be saved.
He slowly walked towards Aliya and Nanny Lea's room and knocked. After a few minutes, Nanny Lea opened the door letting him inside.
"We don't have much time, we need to leave now," he says to her. "Everything is set and there are people waiting for you in the next destination," he added, helping Nanny Lea pack the important things that she and Aliya would need.
"Where are we going?..."
"I don't have time to explain everything but I promise that you will be safe after all of this. Forgive me, my daughter for not seeing the truth as I was too blind by wanting a child that I forgot the most important thing in my life. Your mother. She was there whenever the business was bad. Come on, let's go before anyone notices anything," he says, carrying Aliya's bag while opening the door to see who was there.
"Sir, this way. Aliya, I hope you will be happy now," one of the maids said as she directed them to the back entrance where Zayn, Red, Aryan and Hamza were waiting for them.
Aliya turned to face the maid and hugged her.
"Thank you and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to look for me."
As soon as the three of them walked out of the house, Hamza rushed towards Aliya who didn't even bother to look at him and walked toward her best friends.
She hugged them while crying.
"We can do all of this later. Come on, before she comes back," Uncle Aryan said as he led everyone in the car.
"I can't leave just yet..."
"I know where Alina is. Come with us," Zayn says, interrupting him. "You don't need to stay here anymore," he added, opening the passenger door.
"Okay, let's go".
Meanwhile, Rukiya was at a house with her mother-in-law checking up on Alina who was currently sleeping. They would instruct the doctors to make sure that Alina was always asleep no matter what happened.
"I think your son knows about this place..."
"How does he know? Did he have you followed? I know my son, Rukiya and I can tell you that he is just like his father. Clueless and pathetic. I married him because of the wealth that came with the marriage. But now, I need to do what I planned and live my life to the fullest without anyone bothering me. Well, except you my dear", her mother-in-law says, smirking knowing that taking Rukiya out of her life would be easy for her to do.
I don't need you anymore. I just need my granddaughters. You have done your part now, it is time to dispose of you once and for all.
"I think it is time for Alina to come home, don't you think so?" Rukiya asks. "For the final part of the plan of course," she added.
"Of course dear daughter".
While they were discussing how to get Alina back home, Matthew was trying to break into the house to see Aliya and get answers he had been asking for from Zayn and Red.
As soon as Matthew arrived, he found the guards asleep while the maids were gone. No one was at home.
He wanted to look for more clues inside, and that's when he received a message from Zayn telling him to come to the address he had sent.
"The things I do for the woman I love and the same woman who promised that she will run away with me. But now, she is missing. Where could you be Alina?"
Matthew quickly got into his car and drove to the address that Zayn sent him.
It was a farmhouse on the outskirts of town.
What is going on here? Could it be Alina?
He parked the car walked towards the entrance and knocked.
After a few minutes, Red opened the door and let him inside.
"They are in the living room, this way," she says, leading him to the living room.
As he walked inside, Matthew found Aliya holding Nanny Lea and she looked tired.
"Take a seat Matthew. This will take a while to explain everything and for you to tell us the truth about your relationship with Alina," Zayn said. "There's no need to lie about it. I have proof of everything that happened between you and her before the accident," he added.
"Okay, I will explain but could you tell me where Alina is? I tried finding her after I left university and took mum and my sister to our hometown."
"First explain your relationship and then I will tell you everything that you need to know about what happened to Alina and where she is now".
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