Chapter one: The kiss
Third pov
Beep Beep ~ Beep Beep ~ Beep Beep
¨ugh¨ Marinette groaned and slammed her hand on the stop button on her phone.
¨Oh my gosh, it's 9:30am I am going to miss my first period class.¨
She got up and got dressed as fast as she could, then she ran down the stairs and yelled bye and was out the door.
Sabine laughed at her daughter being late AGAIN and looked at Tom ¨she gets that from you, you know.¨
Tom rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and let out a little chuckle.
----------------------------------------At School-----------------------------------------
¨Girl where have you been class is about to start.¨ Alya said and laughed at Mari.
¨I woke up late and you know m-...¨
Adrien ran into the classroom yelling ¨I am so sorry that i'm late.¨ ¨Again.¨ he let out a chuckle.
¨Dude do you and Marinette have the same schule that we don't know of yet.¨
Alya giggled at what Nino said and whacked him on the head with her pencil.
¨What do you mean?¨ Adrien tilted his head and asked confusedly.
¨Well...¨ Alya started to explain why Nino said that, and Marinette turned away with her bright red face and her mind flustered. When Alya was done explaining what had just happened, Adrien turned to look at Mari and smiled.
¨Sorry children for being late, I just got out of a meeting on what we have to learn this unit.¨ said Miss Bustier
Now the kids are freaking out screaming and wondering where the akuma is located.
¨Miss I need to go to the office.¨ Alya said, and ran out of the class to go straight to the akuma scene to get all the deets for her ladyblog. Miss Bustier rolled her eyes. ¨Ok class head to the back of the room and sit down calmly.¨
When Miss Bustier turned her back, Marinette ran out of the classroom and Adrien watched her leave.
¨Hey Mari wait up.¨
She froze hearing the familiar voice of Adrien Agrest, so she slowly turned around.
¨Marinette, where are you going, you should go back to the class to be safe.¨
¨Um... I-I ..uh I think it is safer if I hide away from everybody so.... Um, yea bye.¨ she did an awkward wave and ran to the girls bathroom.
Adrien was really curious and he thought ( maybe I should follow her in ,but that would be weird right. I mean I always wanted to see the girls bathroom.)
He ran to the boys bathroom to transform but first made sure that nobody was in there.
¨Ok Plagg i'm ready to transform.¨
¨Wait adrien what about my chee--¨ ¨ Nope, Plagg claws OUT.¨
Before going to the akuma scene he ran sneakily to the girls bathroom out of curiosity.
A girl just walked out but it wasn't Marinette, so he opened the door slightly and saw Marinette walk out of one of the stalls and said.
¨Ok Tikki the coast is now clear so are you ready for me to transform.¨
¨Of course Marinette, ready when you are.¨
¨Ok then, Tikki spots ON.¨
A flash of a pinkish red light blinded Chat Noir's eyes for a second, and he let out a silent gasp.
(Marinette i-i-is LADYBUG) he thought.
¨Hopefully Chat is already at the scene.¨ Ladybug said as she swung her yoyo out the window and swooped out to the akuma fight.
After she left Chat walked into the bathroom in shocked
¨Oh my goodness Marinette is Ladybug, I can't believe it.¨
Still in shock he stood there staring at the window she left from.
"Oh my gosh get out of the girls bathroom you weirdo! that's ridiculous utterly ridiculous." Cholé yelled.
¨Oh yea sorry, I got to go anyways.¨ he used the button on his stick to launch himself out the same window that Ladybug left from.
At the Akuma fight
The akumatized person was a runner who lost a race and now his power is to run superfast he is called ZoomX.
¨ZoomX you can not defeat me, cause purrsonally i'm feline pretty fast today.¨ Chat Noir said as Ladybug rolled her eyes and snickered.
¨Chat now is not the time to say puns.¨
¨Why M'lady, is it because it's bugging you my bugaboo.¨
.....~ 3 hours later ~.....
¨Bye bye little butterfly.¨
¨Pound it ¨ they both said.
¨well I gotta go, Bug out.¨
They both detransformed and headed back to school.
After School
Marinette's pov
I ran up to my room right after I greeted my parents and I laid down on my bed.
¨Tikki I am going to take a little nap PLEASE wake me up in an hour.¨
Tikki nods at Marinette's request. (The time right now is 2:30pm)
-TAP - TAP - TAP - TAP -
¨What's that noise.¨ I look up to see bright green eyes in my window.
Third pov
¨Oh my gosh, Chat Noir, what are you doing here this early?¨ Marinette said while gesturing to him to come into her room.
¨Early my purrrincess, it is 9:45 I think it is the opposite of that.¨ he chuckled at her.
¨What, I set a timer for an hour, not more than 7 hours!¨ She exclaimed as she glared at where Tikki was hiding.
¨Well what are you doing here?¨
¨Um well actually I don't know I guess I am feline kinda bored.¨
¨You came here to say puns.¨
¨Well my purrrincess, I guess I did because you face was hiss-sterical.¨
He started to laugh but immediately stopped after seeing her reaction.
¨Now kitty what was really your reason to come here.¨ she said as she giggled
Chat noir's pov
I stared deep in her eyes, her beautiful bluebell eyes and I don't know what came up in me but I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to me.
¨Um Chat, what are yo-¨
I cut her off with a kiss. Her eyes wide open as it was in shock. Why did I kiss her? I don't know. I froze as she backed away.
Marinette's pov
He kissed me but why. I thought as my brain was flustered with crazy thoughts , but I like the feline of that kiss. Wait, did I just make a cat pun in my head, but don't like Adrien right, not Chat. Definitely not Chat Noir, right? plus he likes Ladybug.
¨Um Chat why did you do that?
He sighed and said ¨I-I-I don't know.¨
I decided to break the silence. ¨ Well I gotta do my homework um so I guess make yourself at h-home.¨ I stuttered. I thought I only stuttered to Adrien. Why is this happening to me?
Third pov
It has been 30 minutes since the kiss happened. Marinette couldn't focus on her work, and she looked like a hot mess with her face scrunched up and red from the kiss. That was all she could possibly think about. Chat saw that she was struggling and he tried to help her. ¨So my purrincess what do you need help with.¨ he asked with his famous cheshire grin on his face. She blinked twice and finally said something.
¨It this geometry, it just really complicated.¨
¨Well let see what the question is asking first purrrincess. A right triangle with the one leg that equals to 3 squared and the hypotenuse equals 5 squared, find the other leg.¨
¨Now how do you find the other leg? What is a leg?¨
¨Purrincess, pawlease it's easy let me show you.¨
Marinette nodded for him to show her how to do it.
¨Ok look to find the other leg all you have to do is L2+L2=H2
¨Ok so basically its 32+L2=52 to find the other leg?¨
¨Purrrrfecto, purrincess.¨
After awhile they finally completed the homework.
¨Thanks kitty, it makes so much more sense now.¨Marinette said as she flicked his bell. Marinette forgot what happened just hours ago. ¨Hey, Do you wanna play Ultimate Mecha Strike III?¨
¨I would have loved to play Mari, but I have to go. ¨ He shows her his ring and it was left with the last green dot beeping. ¨But you wanna know what I would also love.¨ He she with a flirtatious smirk, ¨A goodnight kiss. Are you up with that my purrrincess?¨
Comment A if they should kiss or comment B for Chat to leave:
Either or both have good and bad consequences.
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