Chapter nine: Couple?
Third pov
Adrien ran to the car and told Gorilla to go to the bakery that Marinette lives in. Within 15 minutes Gorilla parked the car right in front of the bakery. As soon as Adrien opened the car door he felt a million butterflies in his stomach. He closed the car door behind him and started to walk to the bakery's door. He gulped as he stretched his hand forward to open the door. As he pulled the door toward him, he looked up to a small sound of a little bell jingle. Adrien walked in the room and saw a woman and walked up to her. "Um ... Mrs.Dupain-Cheng?" he asked and
she turned to her name being called.
"Why hello," she then saw the tall young teen a soon recognize who he was.
"Well isn't that special, the famous Adrien Agreste in my bakery." Sabine said with a wink, then asked "So, honey what are you here for?" she gestured to all the sweet goodies arounder her. Adrien looked around and started to mentaly drool. Then he grew a wild grin. "I did come here for a snack, but not that type of snack." he started to walk to the door that led upstairs leaving a speechless baker behind. He suddenly stopped before he touched the knob and slowly turned around realizing what he just said.
"Ma'am,... I didn't mean to say that out loud! . . I-I mean at all!" He shouted louder than attended. Sabine just chuckled at his sudden burst. The blond sigh then turned around back to the door, but instead of getting to open the door he was headed for, he ended up crashing into the raven haired teen.
Mari's pov
As I fell, I swear that I saw my whole life pass and saw a light. "Uh-h" I sat up and rubbed my head. Then I slowly opened my eyes to see bright gorgeous electric green eyes staring back at me with their hand out. I reached for his hand and stood.
"Thanks" I said with blood rising to my cheeks.
"No problem Mari, I was gonna go get you anyway, well let's go."
I was still holding his hand while he led us to the front door. I turn to face my mom and wave bye. Adrien used his other hand to open the car door for me. I got in the car and scooted all the way down to the other side, so he can get in without our hands letting go. We soon got to the park and he let go of me and got out the car. I immediately felt the cold air in my hand put both my hands in my pocket. Adrien opened my car and helped me out of the car and led me to the photoshoot.
Halfway there I saw the photographer sitting on a chair. Adrien cleared his throat and I looked his way. He looked like he wanted to tell me something, so I decided to start the conversion.
"So are you modeling a new set?"
"I- Um actually I don't know."
"Oh ok"
"Mari...." He says and I look back at him to show that I am listening.
"I was wondering if you know. Um if you are going to Kim's party tomorrow?"
"I was planning on it, yes, are you?" I replied to his question.
"I am hoping my dad would let me go, so probably not." He frowned.
"Anyways, do you wanna join the photoshoot today or just watch. Either way it would be fun, and maybe we could go to the café after?"
As I was about to say something, an Italian man pushed me to the side and grabbed Adrien.
Adrien's pov
"Adrien, finally you are here." I heard a voice say, then shortly realized that it is my photographer.
"Hey, I was wondering if-," I looked at Marinette to get a comphermastion if she wanted to take a photo session with me, but she shook her head no and mouth 'it is fine'.
"What Adrien? Ah nevermind that come on we don't have much time." the man said. As I was modeling a new outfit I glanced at Mari and saw her head was down. I guess she felt like someone was looking at her, because moments later she looked up and we locked eyes. I wanted to show off so I flexed my biceps and gave her a wink. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a sweet soft smile.
"She's perfect," I mumbled.
"O la la la, looks like the famous Adrien Agreste got himself a little crush" whispered the voice of the italian man. He winked at me and I just blushed.
Soon after the photoshoot was done I started to walk the girl I brought with me.
"So you know I've been really quiet and good lately I deserve some cheese."
I looked down to the floating kwami in my shirt. "Later Plagg." I brushed him off quickly to not look suspicious. As I walked closer I saw that she was talking in her bag, I just figured it was her kwami because she just quickly closed her bag when she saw me.
"Hey so I just finished the shoot. Do you wanna start heading to the café, or wanna walk around the park?"
Third pov
The raven haired girl looked at him and smiled. "A walk seems nice."
They both got up and started to walk towards the car.
"I am going to tell Gorilla and get my phone and I'll be back." Adrien said as he walked farther away from Mari. Soon later the blond teen was walking back to Mari, but he saw another guy next to her. He walked a little faster and glared at the guy, to then notice it is someone he knows. 'LUKA' he thought. Mari was laughing at him and she seemed to have a good time. She then noticed her secret not so secret crush in the corner of her eye. The smaller teen waved bye to the musician teen and walked up to Adrien.
"So, are you ready for the walk?" the blue eyed girl asked. Adrien just responded by grabbing her hand and starting to walk. By their second lap Adrien couldn't wait any longer, but he wanted to ask in the café.
"So Mari, um is there- um.. By any chance-" He couldn't form a proper sentence and gave up. " Do you like any one?" he suddenly asked, as the other teen froze at the question. "Um well," she looked up at Adrien. "Well there is this one guy, but-"
'But' Adrien thought 'but what'. Mari looked away and sighed. "But I think i'm falling for a certain alley cat." she mumbled really low so Adrien won't hear.
Adrien got the message that she didn't want to continue talking so he started to guide her to the café.
They sat at a free table for two. Adrien got up " What do you want to eat?" he asked. "I would just have a brown sugar Boba tea please that's all." she replied that she reached for her wallet and the green eyed teen stopped her.
A couple of minutes later the blond boy came back to the table and sat down.
"I got you cookies too, I didn't know you might be hungry too." He said then rubbed the back of his neck. Mari let a small giggle "That was sweet of you."
After eating in comfortable silence Adrien wanted to make Mari laugh, so he said some jokes.
*here come some corny jokes for ya* 😂
"Mari, why don't ants get sick?"
"Um- why?" she raised her eyebrow.
"Because they have little anty bodies" they both started to laugh lowly
"ok, ok Mari, what kind of sugar Lady Gaga puts in her coffee?" he asked, already chuckling from the answer.
"I don't know, what?"
"Raw raw, raw raw raw" He said in the beat of bad romance.
They both started to die of laughter.
"Ok last one but it's not really a joke" He said and Mari nods.
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"To get to the gorgeous girl's house"
Mari gave him a confused look on her face saying that she doesn't get it.
"Knock knock" the blond boy said.
"Um- who is it?"
"The chicken." he said and looked at her hoping she'll get it.
Next thing you know some guy next to him said "Smooth one imma used that on my girl."
That's when Mari realized and blush redder than Tikki.
Adrien grabbed Mari's hand and told her "Mari you are the happiest thing that happened in my life. You're talented, kind, awesome in so many ways, and beautiful inside and out."
Mari started to tear up from all the compliments. "So, do you wanna be my girlfriend." he whispered shyly, and waited for her answer.
Aye a cliffhanger isn't that nice. No sorry 😔
I hope you like it. School is keeping me busy, but I hope I can get a new chapter by next week. Honestly can't wait for that one because it's Kim's B-day party and you know there is going to be a pool.
Anyways till next time ✌🏽
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