Chapter Twenty-one
A Few Months Later.
Everything was going great for Ayat and her pregnancy except for Naeem's overprotectiveness towards her.
"Don't eat that, eat this. It is healthier and it's good for the baby", Naeem tells his wife while taking her bowl of chocolate ice cream that had crackers in them. He then gave me a bowl of freshly cut fruits.
"I am not hungry anymore. I am going to bed but my habiby you are sleeping in the guest room with your fruits", she got up and walked into their bedroom leaving Naeem on the couch holding both bowls.
He remembered what Jason told him about not being overprotective and letting Ayat have her own time and space.
Naeem knocked on the door hoping to see Jason and not his sister who would only make fun of him.
"Alhamdullilah", he said when he saw Jason opening the door. "Is she here?", Naeem asked about his sister.
"No, she went to see Ayat with Maya", Jason tells him opening the door further for him to go into the house.
"Can I get some advice from you? You seem to have been an expert in hormonal pregnancy", Naeem says to his brother-in-law.
"Well, I learned not to keep food away from her even if it is gross. And to give her space and most importantly to apologize even if it's their fault and not yours. Pregnant women are in a fragile state. They shouldn't be overwhelmed by anything or anyone", Jason explained to him.
"I needed that brother. Thank you".
"She kicked you out didn't she?", Jason asked knowing the answer.
"Yeah, because I took her favorite food and gave her a healthy one", Naeem explained making Jason laugh.
"I used to coat veggies with chocolate and trust Layla never knew the difference", Jason tells him.
End Of Flashback.
That's it.
Naeem quickly melted some chocolate and pour it on the already-boiled veggies and walked toward their room. He found his wife coming out of the bathroom and making her way to bed.
"I am sorry, Amore. I promise you that I would try not to interfere with your eating habits. I made you these", He tells her showing the food.
"Chocolate. Who are you and what have you done to my husband who wants me to eat healthy food every day", Ayat teased him while eyeing the bowl he is holding.
"I am sorry Ayat. Here take it", he gave her the bowl and walked out of the room leaving Ayat dumbfounded.
After she finished eating, Ayat walked out of the room to look for her husband.
First, she went to place the dirty bowl in the kitchen and wash her hands.
"I told him to sleep in the guest room maybe he is there", Ayat says to herself walking in the direction of the guest room. She slowly opened the door finding her husband in bed holding a pillow.
Ayat slowly walked towards him and took out the pillow and then place herself in his arms.
"You know I can't fall asleep without you," she tells him and then kissed his cheek making him smile.
Naeem pulled her closer to him making her smile.
"Don't leave me alone like that. I am sorry it is just I am emotional and sometimes I make you angry but don't be angry", she tells him.
"I am not angry at you. I just want you to eat healthy food and for our babies to be healthy. That's all I care about", he tells her hovering over her. "Besides, you are the only one who tamed my heartless heart", he tells her placing his lips on hers.
"Will you love me when I become fat?", Ayat asks him.
"Always and forever. I will love you because you are the one for me. Thank you for being My Intern, Habibty. You are mine and only mine", Naeem tells her deepening the kiss.
They made love like it was the first time for them. Naeem was gentle and loving towards his wife.
"I love you", she said to him snuggling in his arms.
"I love you too," Naeem tells her kissing her forehead.
A few weeks ago, they found out that they were having twins but didn't want to know the gender of their two babies.
As time passed, Naeem tried to stop being overprotective of her and their babies. It was the day of her baby shower that was planned by Layla at their parents' home.
Everything was going smoothly until Ayat was feeling the Braxton hicks but she knew that she was in great hands of her sister-in-law, mother-in-law- and aunt.
"Are you alright?", Layla asked her when she saw Ayat holding her stomach.
"Yeah I am fine, Alhamdullilah. Just Braxton hicks that's all", Ayat answers her taking a sit.
They knew from Nayla that twins don't come on the date that the doctor gives them.
"Have some juice and sit back and relax. It's your baby shower", Layla hands her a glass of orange juice.
"Shukran", Ayat says taking the glass from her. She drank the juice while watching her niece play with the boy who came to her birthday party a few months ago.
If Jason was here that would have never happened.
She thought to herself knowing how Jason is overprotective of their little princess.
It was time to open the present that Naeem's grandparents brought for their great-grandchildren.
"This is for you", Grandma Ayla handed her an envelope. Even though she wasn't feeling well Ayla had to be there for Ayat.
The woman who made her grandson open his heart.
"Shukran", Ayat tells her opening the envelope inside was a housekey. "Grandma thank you so much", She got up and hugged Ayla.
The keys to the house that Ayla and Hussein bought for their great-grandchildren including Maya.
"You are most welcome my child", Ayla tells her.
Ayla and Hussein knew that Ayla doesn't have much time, so they decided to make memories for their kids, grandkids, and also their great-grandkids.
"I am not sure if I can top that but here", Layla tells her making them laugh. She handed her a box.
Ayat slowly unwrapped the box. Inside she found everything that her babies will need. Including onesies that said; ' I am older and you are not '.
"This is amazing. Thank you".
As she continued opening the gifts, Ayat felt that the Braxton hicks are worse than before. The contractions have started and she was feeling them.
I guess Mamma was right about twins. I am only eight months.
Layla looked at Ayat who was squirming in her seat trying to get comfortable.
"I think we should take a break", she tells them. Layla shared a look with her mother who immediately understood what was happening.
Layla immediately sent a message to her brother to meet them at the hospital. As Ayat stood up from her seat, her water broke making her clench her stomach.
"Breath in and out", Layla calms her down as Nayla and her aunt gathered what they needed for the hospital. "Come on hold on to me...."
Before Ayat could give her hand to Layla, Naeem had arrived at the house.
"I am here Amore", he tells her lifting her in his arms and walking towards his car. He slowly put her in the backseat with his sister and Aunt Husna.
"I thought you were in a meeting?", Ayat asked her husband.
"I was but when I received the message I left the meeting. I left dad to handle it", he answered her.
After what seemed like minutes, they arrived at the hospital. Naeem carried his wife inside and put her in the wheelchair that the nurse brought.
As soon as she was wheeled into the delivery room, Nayla arrived with Grandma Ayla leaving Maya with her great-grandpa Hussein.
A few hours passed when Naeem came out with Ayat's aunt with smiles on their faces.
"Alhamdullilah, it's a boy and a girl", Naeem tells his mother, sister, and grandma while grinning.
"Congratulations", everyone tells him while smiling.
Ayla looked at how her family is now complete.
Alhamdullilah, for everything that you have given and shown me.
She says to herself while Naeem got closer to her and hugged her.
"Come and meet Ayla and Hamza", he whispered in her ears, making her smile.
Naeem wheeled her inside the room while the others followed behind them.
When they walked into the room, Ayat was holding both of the babies in her arms. Naeem walked up to her and took their baby girl and hand her over to her grandma.
"The first to carry Ayla is grandma Ayla", he tells everyone who was in the room.
"You named her after me. Shukran my child", Ayla answers him smiling at her grandson.
"Are we late?", Jason, Liam, Ayat's uncle, and Hussein walked in with Maya.
"No, come and see", Ayla tells them.
"Meet Ayla and Hamza", Naeem introduces his children to their family.
"Ma shaa Allah they are very beautiful. Now my brother how will you handle two Ayats'?", Layla teased him making him glare at her. "I am only telling the truth", she added pouting.
"Enough teasing", their mother tells them.
"Mamma can I see the babies?", Maya asked her mother who then carried her in her arms. Layla sat her down on Ayat's bed and the Naeem brought the twins to meet their cousin.
"Khala, he looks like you", Maya tells Ayat pointing at Hamza.
"Shukran princess", Ayat kisses her forehead.
"Okay, I think we should let Ayat rest. We will come back later, In shaa Allah", Nayla tells them.
Ayat's aunt and uncle kissed her on the forehead and left. Liam and Nayla did the same to her.
"Thank you for making my son happy. You are his light", Nayla tells her.
"Let's go, no more teasing, Habibty", Jason tells his wife.
"Fine, am happy for you brother. Ayat thank you for coming into his life and making him smile again. And thank you for being my sister", Layla tells them. She and Maya walked out with Jason.
"Are you happy?", Ayat asks her husband.
"Yes very happy. Always and forever", Naeem answers her while putting their son in his crib alongside his daughter.
Ayat moved to make space for him to lie down.
"I can't lay with you....."
"Fine, then go away and don't come back", Ayat tells him turning the other way.
Naeem laid down with her pulling her closer into his arms and making her smile.
"Happy? he asked.
"Very happy", she answered smiling.
"I love you My Ayat", Naeem tells her kissing her forehead and closing his eyes.
"I love you too", she answered closing her eyes and falling asleep.
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