Chapter Sixteen.
A Week Later.
It has been a week since the doctor explained to Ayat's family how her condition is. Her uncle and aunt haven't stopped praying for their niece's health.
Naeem has been spending every moment with her. Liam has taken over the company for the time that Naeem needs to be with Ayat.
It has been a week now since Ayat and Layla have been rescued by Naeem and Jason.
Ayat is still in a coma because she got shot by Sam while trying to protect Layla and her unborn baby.
"Wake up, please. Habibty, I promise not to be heartless if you just wake up. I was too late to come and save you", Naeem says holding her hand to his.
He was always there ever since the doctor told him the news about her being in a coma.
Ayat didn't look the way she used to look, and Naeem insisted on her hijab. He didn't want anyone to see her hair.
He put on the hijab himself and did not let anyone near her when she didn't have it on her head.
He put on the hijab himself and did not let anyone near her when she didn't have it on her head.
Layla was grateful to Ayat for saving her life. She walks in seeing her brother sitting beside Ayat holding her hand. Squeezing it to make sure she knows that she isn't alone.
" Naeem, go get some rest and take a shower..."
"I can't, what if she wakes up and then sees that am not here then?" Naeem asks his sister.
"I will be here until you get back...."
"No, Lay I can't let you do this. You are pregnant and you need to take care of yourself. Don't worry about me. What matters is her waking up", he tells her.
" Fine, I will ask mum to pack food for you and clean clothes. Because you stink and look like a homeless man", Layla tries to cheer him.
Layla walked out of the hospital room and called her mum to bring the things that Naeem would need.
Tears formed in her eyes, and she collapsed on the chair and started crying.
"Shh, it's okay. Let it out", Jason hugged and comfort his wife.
He knew that Layla was blaming herself for what happened to Ayat.
" It was my fault that this happened to her. I asked her to come with me to get something from the house. I did this. I hurt her and my brother", Layla cried in Jason's arms.
"Layla, listen to me. You didn't do anything wrong and Naeem and Ayat know that. It is your fault. Remember, what you used to tell me ' Jason if things happened they are meant to happen. We can't change them or even avoid them ", he quoted what she always told him.
"He is right, Lay. I don't blame you because it isn't your fault. Before you say anything else, I know that Ayat would tell you the same. It isn't your fault. You didn't plan for this to happen. Layla, you are my twin sister, and I know that whatever happened wasn't your fault. So stop crying and Jason take her home so that she could get some rest", Naeem tells them leaving no room for argument.
" Can I see her for one moment with you in there?", Layla requested Naeem who agreed.
Layla walked into the room when Ayat was laying down. She sat down beside her, took her hand, and squeezed it.
"I am sorry. Just wake up, please. How could you jump in front of Sam who was pointing a gun? How could you take a bullet for me? Ayat wakes up because the heartless man, my brother's walls are down. You can't leave him. He needs you, Ayat", she tells her.
Layla kissed her on the forehead and walked out of the room. She quickly wiped her face and walked toward her brother and her husband.
" Naeem, try and get some rest. I can take care of the company with dad's help", Jason tells him.
"Thank you, brother. I have to go now. I don't want to leave her alone for a long time. Layla takes care of yourself and rest", he kissed his sister's forehead and hugged his brother before walking back to Ayat's room.
Naeem took a seat on the same chair he has been sitting on for the week Ayat has been in a coma.
"I am sorry that I didn't reach you on time. It's somehow my fault that you are laying here...."
"It's not your fault. It is no one's fault", a reply came from Ayat.
Naeem looked down at the bed, he saw Ayat looking at him and smiling.
"Please Allah, don't let this be a dream", he says moving his hands toward her face.
"I am awake and I am real", she took his hands onto her own squeezing them.
"Let me go get the doctor to check you out", he tells her after kissing her forehead. He then walked out of the door smiling knowing that the life of his life is awake.
After a few minutes, he walked in with the doctor beside him.
"Hello, Ayat. How are you feeling?", the doctor asks her.
"I am fine Alhamdullilah but I am sore in my stomach", she explains to the doctor.
"Yeah that's normal because of the injury you sustained when you were shot", he explains to her. "You will have to stay in bed for a few weeks for the wound to properly heal and for you to get your strength back", he added.
"Thank you doctor for everything", Naeem tells him shaking his hand.
"You are welcome. See you later Ayat", he nodded at her and then left.
"Don't ever come back", Naeem says closing the door. On hearing this Ayat couldn't help but laugh at the way he is acting.
"You think that's funny? Well, it's not. You are engaged to me..."
Ayat continued laughing so hard at him almost making her wince in pain and clutching her stomach.
"Stop, you will open your stitches", he tells her moving closer to her. "Are you alright? Do you have any pain?", he asks her.
"I am fine thank you. Sit down", Ayat tells him pulling his hand towards her. "How did you find us?", she asked looking at his face.
"I...I tracked you", he stammered looking at their hands that are intertwined with each other.
"How? Layla or me?", Ayat asked him. If it makes you feel better I won't get angry", she added smiling and holding his hand.
"I tracked you, using the ring that I gave you. I modified one of the stones as a tracker because of the treats I have been receiving pictures and letters threatening your lives...."
"The pictures that you showed me. I remember that. Did you know who sent them?", she interrupted him.
"Yeah, Heather. She is involved in your and Layla's kidnapping. Mum dealt with her. So don't worry about it", Naeem assures her.
"Thank you for saving my life. I think it's time to call my aunt and uncle plus your parents and Layla. I want to see her, please", she asks him.
"Fine, but don't overdo it. You also need to rest...."
"How about you call them and I won't tell the nurse to let them in here, okay?", she glared at him.
"Okay, but don't do that. I will call them", he picks up his phone which was on the table dials her uncle and aunt first then calls his parents plus his sister, and Jason too.
"Okay, done now don't tell the nurse", he added putting the phone down and then sitting on the bed beside her.
"Fine but don't ever boss me around. Are you alright? Don't lie", she warned him.
"I thought I lost you when I saw you in Layla's arms. When I carried you in my arms rushing to the hospital. Then the doctor told us that you lost a lot of blood. And the bullet almost hit a major artery making you lose a lot of blood, " He explains to Ayat with tears forming in his eyes.
"Hey, it's okay. I am fine and am here. Alhamdullilah. Thanks to you and your amazing driving skills. I am fine except for the pain in my stomach but overall I want to go home", she wipes the tears that fell down his face.
Before he could even say anything Ayat's uncle and aunt walked into the room. Naeem moved away from Ayat withdrawing his hands from hers.
"Asalam Aleikum", Uncle Jamil greet Naeem while his wife went to sit by her niece's bed.
"Waleikum Salaam Uncle. I will let you talk to her. Excuse me", Naeem walked out of the room leaving Ayat with her uncle and aunt.
Naeem took a sit outside of Ayat's room then he felt a hand on his shoulder and when he looked up, it was Jason's hand.
"Here I thought you might need this", he tells him handing him a cup of hot coffee.
"Shukran, brother".
"Hey, she is awake and that's all that matters, right?", Jason tells him.
"Yeah but what about next time? What if we don't get there in time then", Naeem tells him.
"Stop that. Sam and his brother are dead while Dan and Heather are in police custody. They won't be out anytime soon. So just stop worrying about that and be by her side. She will always need you", Jason tells him.
"Yeah, you are right. Where's your better half? Is she in her room?", Naeem asks him.
"I am right here doofus", Layla answers him.
"Shouldn't you be in bed?", Naeem asks her.
"I am getting discharged today so I will be going home in a while. But first I came to see my sister and you of course", Layla tells them.
"Thanks. You can go in. She is in the room with her uncle and aunt", he tells her pointing at the door.
"Aren't you coming?", Layla asks him. Naeem just shakes his head.
"Okay, Naeem she still needs you and you still need her always. Don't ever forget that", Layla tells her as she walks into the room.
"She is right you know. Ayat is your calmness and you are hers. I don't want the heartless man back. She made you feel again. Don't think that it is your fault when it is not", Jason tells him.
"Yeah I know but she needs her family...."
"That involves you too," Uncle Jamil interrupts him. "You are part of my family as much as I am in yours", he added.
"Shukran, Uncle. But..."
"No buts. My son, you are part of her future and you are family too. So stop thinking that you aren't enough for her. You are more than enough. Ayat has been a cheerful and loving child but when her parents died, the child in her died too. So when she came to us, we were so happy to have her in our lives always told each other that in life we take one step at a time. Ayat is our gem and we know that you would never hurt her", Uncle Jamil tells him.
Sometimes we might think we aren't good enough for the people who love us but in reality, we are scared to hurt them because we love them too much so we have to protect them from anything even ourselves.
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