Chapter Seventeen.
Two Months Later.
Everything was going well for Ayat and Naeem as they were planning their wedding. But Ayat wanted to wait until Layla gives birth so that she could enjoy herself without any worries or problems.
Ayat was finally discharged from the hospital and was told not to exhaust herself by the doctor.
The twins were arguing about agreeing on something while Ayat watches them while sitting on the couch trying to relax but all she got was them bickering.
"Guys stop giving me a headache. What are you even doing here? If you aren't going to be quiet then I suggest you get out", Ayat tells the siblings who were fighting over the venue of the wedding.
"She/he started it".
"Well if you don't stop I will call Jason and your mother here to drag you out of here", Ayat tells them.
"But she started it...."
"No, he did..."
"I am not going to say anything now. All I am going to do is open the door", Ayat stood up from the couch opened the door, and let in Jason. "Come in, Jason", She opened the door wider to let him in.
"Ayat we are sisters. Don't do this, please", Layla tells Ayat while looking at Jason who was folding his hands on his chest just staring at Layla.
"Yes we are but now you two are acting are kids. So I called him here so that he can help me with you two while I go and get some ice cream for myself", She tells them taking her purse but when she saw Naeem trying to walk towards her. "Yeah, no. You are staying here and learning to be an adult. Bye Habiby", she added sending him a flying kiss as she headed out of the door.
Ayat walked to the ice cream parlor which was a few minutes walk from where she stayed with her uncle and aunt. She loved going to the parlor with them and having loads of fun.
As soon as she walked in the owner recognized her and waved at her as she was walking toward him.
"Asalam Aleikum Mr. Khalid. How are you doing?", she greeted him smiling.
"Waleikum Salaam, my dear. Alhamdulilah and fine, and what about you?".
"I am good. Could I have my favorite ice cream with extra chocolate chips? Thank you", she tells him.
"I know and take a seat while I tell my son to bring it to you", Mr. Khalid tells her.
She took a seat near the window waiting for her ice cream. The last time she has been here was before she went to university for her studies.
And now she has graduated before she quit working for Naeem. She then notices a young man walking towards her with her ice cream bowl.
This must be Mr. Khalid's son.
"Ayat, right?", the young man asks her setting the bowl down on the table.
"Yes that's me and you are?", she asks him.
"I am Yusuf. Mr. Khalid's son", he introduces himself to her but what they didn't notice was that Naeem was approaching them clenching his hand and walking toward them.
Ayat was laughing at something that Yusuf said when Naeem put his hand on his shoulder making her turn to face him.
"Who is he?", Yusuf asked Ayat looking at Naeem.
"I am her fiancée and you are?", Naeem answers him.
"I didn't know that she is engaged. I am sorry excuse me", Yusuf tells them getting up from the seat
"It's okay. I am Naeem and you are?", Naeem introduces himself to him giving him his hand.
"Yusuf. Excuse me I have to go back. Enjoy", He told them and then walked back to his father who was at the cashier.
Ayat raised her eyebrows at Naeem while he took a seat where Yusuf was sitting.
"You have to be a macho guy to scare him away. And don't tell me you didn't", Ayat tells him.
"I didn't do anything like that. I just introduced myself and that's it", Naeem explained while taking a spoon from her and eating her ice cream.
"Hey, that's mine. Order yours", she tries to snatch the spoon back but Naeem didn't give it to her.
"Sharing is caring. So let's just share", he tells her holding a spoonful of ice cream to her lips.
Ayat just let him feed her. After they were done Naeem cleared his throat wanting to say something but he didn't want to say the wrong thing to make Ayat angry enough to leave.
"Talk I know you want to tell something. Speak", Ayat tells him.
"I am sorry that I overwhelmed you with the planning of our wedding and letting this get out of control. Do you forgive me?", he explains to her.
"I will if you stop hovering over me and let go of your jealousy. And I do forgive you now can we go back home", she tells him getting up from her chair and walking towards Mr. Khalid smiling as she approaches.
"I have to go now. How much was the ice cream?", she asks as Naeem approached them.
"It's on the house, my dear. And who is this?", he asks pointing and Naeem.
"Asalam Aleikum. I am her fiancée and my name is Naeem", Naeem introduces himself to Khalid.
"Waleikum Salam. Nice to meet you my son", Mr. Khalid shakes his hand.
"You too".
"Thank you. But we have to go now. Take care", Ayat tells him as she took Naeem's hand pulling him towards the door before he said anything embarrassing to Mr. Khalid.
"Why are you pulling me?", Naeem asks her as they walk out of the door.
"Do you even have to ask?", Ayat asks him glaring at him. "Remember the time when you asked my aunt for baby pictures of me and then made fun of the way I dressed? And you were about to do the same in there", She added.
"All I wanted for a few pictures from her but she ended up giving me the album that had the most embarrassing pictures. Which looked good...."
"Keep that up. I will ask mama Nayla for your embarrassing pictures. Then I will have a collection of them. I know that because Layla told me about them", Ayat tells him walking away smiling.
"No, no, no. Don't do that...."
"Why not? You did it to me. So why shouldn't I do that?", Ayat asks him smiling mischievously.
"Well, I would do this", he moves closer to her making her take a step back while he takes a step forward until Ayat reached a wall. "I will", he whispers in her ears making her entire face turn red with a blush. He then planted a kiss near her lips.
Ayat pushed him away.
"We are in the street, Naeem, so stop", she tells him. He just shook his head and took her hand then they started walking towards Ayat's house.
"So when we reach home it's okay, right?", he asks her grinning.
"No", she answers him. "Don't you have work to do?", she asks him.
"You owe me a date, remember?", Naeem tells her.
"No, not really. When did you ask me out?", Ayat tells him pretends not to remember.
"The day that you got kidnapped. I said that we need to spend time together. So we are going on a date now? And no you can't say no", Naeem tells her taking her to his car which was parked at the entrance of her uncle and aunt.
"Fine but I have to let my uncle where I am going...."
"Done, and before you make another excuse I already told everyone. So can we go now?", he tells her opening the door for her.
"Okay, thank you", she gets in the car and then he closes the door and walked towards the driver's side. "Where are we going?", Ayat asks him.
"A surprise. And that's all you are going to get from me", he tells her zipping his mouth with his finger.
"Grumpy but fine", she whispers to herself.
Naeem started driving toward their destination. He had planned this for almost a month now but he needed a perfect time to take Ayat there so that she could rest and enjoy herself without any problems or anyone disturbing her.
It was almost 30 minutes that Naeem was driving without talking to Ayat. She was getting agitated as she wasn't used to just sitting without saying a word.
"Yes, we are almost there. And no, I won't tell you where we are going", Naeem replies to her unanswered questions.
"I didn't ask anything", Ayat tells him.
Naeem smiles and then parks the car meaning they have reached their destination.
"I know but I also know that those are the questions you wanted to ask. Let's go", he opens the door of the car for her.
Naeem started driving toward their destination. He had planned this for almost a month now but he needed a perfect time to take Ayat there so that she could rest and enjoy herself without any problems or anyone disturbing her.
It was almost 30 minutes that Naeem was driving without talking to Ayat. She was getting agitated as she wasn't used to just sitting without saying a word.
Naeem smiles and then parks the car meaning they have reached their destination.
"I know but I also know that those are the questions you wanted to ask. Let's go", he opens the door of the car for her.
Ayat gets out of the car and looked at Naeem with a confused look on her face.
"Where are we?", she asks him.
"We are at our future home. Come on, let's go in", he guided her through the door and held her hand, and led her inside the house.
It was decorated using candles and in the living room, there's a setting of a fort.
"This is beautiful, Ma shaa Allah", Ayat tells him. She looks around and saw that there was already food there along with desserts.
"I had help from Jason. Come on let's sit down and watch a movie", he led her inside the fort. He then got the food and placed it in front of them.
"Thank you for this Naeem", she smiled at him while he smiled back.
"No need to thank me. I will do it again and again just for you and our future kids In shaa Allah", he kissed her forehead and then switched on the projector to show the movie.
They started eating, drinking, and watching the movie that was showing.
As the movie continues playing Ayat moved closer to him putting her head on his shoulder as she started to fall asleep.
Naeem kissed her forehead and switched off the second movie and snuggled with her in his arms.
"I love you, Ayat", he closes his eyes smiling.
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