Chapter Fourteen.
Babyshower Planning Part Two.
As the two were shopping, they didn't know that they are being followed by a man wearing a mask.
"Layla, I think we should go now. There's someone following us and I don't want to alarm you but I don't think he is a nice person," Ayat explains to her without withdrawing attention from them.
"Great now we have a stalker and if Jason or even Naeem found out, they wouldn't let us go out. Let's go am done", Layla tells Ayat as they gathered their shopping bags and head to the car.
"Are you sure that he is following us?", Layla asked her.
"Yes, I am sure. I saw him taking pictures of us", Ayat explained to Layla while getting into the car and starting it.
"Call them, Layla," Ayat added when she saw someone following them in a black van.
"Okay, let me call him, but I am putting it on speaker", Layla tells her while dialing Jason's number. A few minutes, passed when he wasn't picking up the call.
"He isn't picking up. Call your brother now", Ayat tells her trying to avoid the car that was following them.
"Okay", she dialed Naeem's number which was switched off. "Now what?", she asked Ayat.
"Now, hold on. We will go to your parents' house okay?", Ayat explains to her.
"Okay", Layla tells her while trying to contact Jason again but he wasn't picking up.
."Come on, pick up", Layla says over and over again.
"Ah", Ayat shouts when the car that was following them hits her from behind. "Hold on", she tries to overtake the car that was in front of them but failed.
Unfortunately for them, the car hit them again making their car swirl around until it hit a tree. Thankfully, both of them were alright but the guys that were following them came out and started walking toward them.
"Layla, are you alright?", Ayat asks her as she tries to turn around to face her friend.
"I am fine, what about you? You are bleeding", Layla pointed at Ayat's forehead which had a cut.
"I am fine...."
They were interrupted by the men approaching them. One of the men opened the door and looked at Layla and smirked at her.
"Who are you?", she asked him as he forcefully removed her from the car while his friend does the same to Ayat.
"You don't remember me, princess. Don't worry there will be plenty of time to remember", he tells her after putting her in the van. He then tie her hands and legs so that she could escape.
"Who are you people? ", Ayat asks them. All she got was a slap from one of the men.
"Don't hurt her..."
"Dont worry about that sweetheart. You will be next too", the man told Layla. They close the van door and drove off before people started gathering around to see what was going on.
Both of the girls were blindfolded and bound. They couldn't see anything until the van stopped and the men pulled them out of it and pushed them into a room.
"The boss would want to see you as soon as he comes back. Let's get you comfy", One of the men removes their blindfolds. When he left, Ayat tried to see where they were or even see a way out but all she was met was darkness and a window.
"Layla, are you alright?", Ayat asks her knowing that Layla is pregnant and it is important for her to be safe and healthy.
"I am fine, Ayat. How are you? Are you in pain from your head?", Layla asks her moving closer to Ayat.
"I am fine. Sit down, you shouldn't move a lot...."
They heard the door open and three men walked into the room.
"Well, what do we have here?", one of the men says to them.
That voice sounded familiar. No, it can't be.
"Sam", Layla whispers to herself. Sam walks towards Layla making Ayat stand in front of her protecting her.
"Don't you dare come near her", Ayat tells him protecting Layla.
"What are you going to do?", Sam asks her while moving closer and closer to them.
Layla is holding onto Ayat's arm shaking from the way Sam looked at her.
Taking those karate lessons when I was young might work now. Hopefully, In shaa Allah until I help Layla escape so that she might go and find help.
Ayat thought as Sam tried to push her away to get to Layla. Ayat kneaded him on his crouch and punch him in the face almost breaking his jaw.
She then turned to the other two who were hiding in the darkness of the room.
"Who's next?", she says smiling at them. Layla was shocked to see what Ayat did. "Stay back, or I would do worse to you", she quickly moved towards Layla protecting her.
"Don't worry, I won't dare hurt my daughter-in-law and my grandchild", one of the men came forward to them.
"Who are you?", Layla asks him.
"Well, I am your husband's father. The father he abandoned because of you and your entire family", Dan spits on them.
"But you are supposed to be in jail...."
"Yeah, well I got out. 'Good Behavior '. That's how I got out...."
"You escaped from jail", Ayat says to Layla.
"Your friend is too smart for her good and that will get you in trouble", Dan says chuckling at Ayat.
"You stoop too low just to kidnap two innocent girls, for what purpose? Layla has nothing to do with whatever happened to you. That's all you, it's your fault for what happened in your life...."
Dan slapped her before she could even finish what she was saying. Ayat held her cheek that has a cut near the lip.
Dan was wearing on his forefinger which cut Ayat's cheek. A bruise was starting to form on her cheek.
"Learn how to keep your mouth shut or you won't like the consequences of your actions. I will do more than slap you, understand?", Dan tells her holding her chin harshly.
While this was happening both Naeem and Jason were looking at a house that Jason wanted to surprise his wife after she has given birth.
Both of their phones were on the table and the real estate agent took them and switched them off.
"What do you think?", she asks them. Jason didn't trust her by the way she was acting.
"Excuse me, could give me and my brother five minutes?", Jason asks her not waiting for her to reply taking Naeem's hand and taking him outside.
"What's wrong?", Naeem asks him. Before answering Jason looks behind them.
"I don't trust her and I don't like her", Jason explains to Naeem what was feeling. "She has strange vibes coming out of her. I don't know about you but why would a real estate agent put our phones on the kitchen table?", he added.
"No, hold on, let me get our phones. Stay here", Naeem rushes back to the house but what he heard was suspicious.
"They are getting suspicious, Dan. I don't know, I did everything that you told me to but your son has his suspicion about me", Martha tells the person on the phone. "Fine, but if I get caught, it is on you. I will tell them everything", she added.
The man on the phone said something else to her.
"I know that he will be mine, Jason is mine", she smirked at herself.
Dan is Jason's father. Is he out of prison? How come Kate didn't say anything?
Naeem thought as he walked back to where Jason is taking their phones with him.
"She knows your father and something is happening right now. She is stalling. No, Ayat....", He took his phone and dialed her number. "She isn't answering, try and call my sister", he added.
Jason quickly dialed his wife's number but he wasn't getting an answer for it either.
"Crap, she isn't answering either. What do you think?", Jason asks him.
"Let's go and have a little chat with her, "Naeem tells him walking towards the house.
"Are you talking about the house?", she tells them smiling.
"No, we are not, Heather", Jason tells her making her smile drop.
"I don't know what you are talking about. My name is Martha...."
"Okay, Heather. Am giving you one last chance to tell us where our wives are or I will let mum deal with you", Naeem tells her.
Naeem then remembered the ring he gave Ayat. He had it modified and added a stone that was a tracker. He opened his app to see where she was.
"Jason, bring her with us. Mum will have a chat with her", He tells him showing him the phone that had Ayat's location.
"Come with me", Jason dragged her to the car and pushed her into the back.
"Let's drop her off to mum and then gear up to go", Naeem tells him while starting the car.
"I am not this Heather. Stop this nonsense...."
"If you aren't Heather, how did you know my name when we first walked in? I never told the real estate company my name, I told them Naeem's name", Jason tells her surprising Naeem. "I just needed confirmation from you and I got it thanks to my brother here", he added.
"You have no proof that I am this Heather..."
"True but mum will. So I will just have to ask her", Naeem tells her while he parks his car outside his mother's house.
"So you, my douche of a father and some others, kidnapped our wives. Why?", Jason asks as they got out of the car.
"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't even know them..."
"Okay, well. Dad will love to take care of you", Naeem tells her knocking at the door.
"Asalam Aleikum, what are you doing here?", Nayla asks them but she saw who they were with.
"Waleikum Salaam, mum. Can we talk, inside?", Jason asks her.
"Sure, I will get your father. I know this is his specialty", Nayla goes to the bedroom to get Liam.
"What is this I hear about someone kidnapping my daughter?", Liam walks into the living room smirking.
"I didn't kidnap anyone..."
"Dad, could we talk to you while mum stays with Not Heather", Naeem tells his father.
"Okay, come with me to the study", Liam led them to his study.
"I know where Ayat and Layla are. Before you say anything, when I proposed to Ayat I modified the ring. One of the gems is a tracking device. And no she doesn't know", Naeem explained to his father.
"Then we should call the police and a few friends we have to go rescue my daughters. And if they are hurt anyway, I think your mother wouldn't think twice to either kill Heather or even send her to jail", Liam explains to the boys.
Liam called his friends and the police. He explained the situation about Ayat and Layla while Nayla is itching to know who is she.
"Got it, thank you. Yeah, I will", Liam told the police then he hung up the call."He said you two shouldn't go..."
"No way, dad we are going", Naeem tells his father while Jason agrees.
"I know that but they don't have to know that, do they?", Liam asks them grinning.
As they were getting ready to go and rescue their girls. Ayat tried her best to protect Layla the best she could. But she ends up getting hurt.
Ayat gets slapped by Dan because he knew that he couldn't hurt Layla. After all, she is pregnant with his grandchild.
"Stop, you are hurting her", Layla shouts at him while she was held by Sam's brother.
"For now, I will stop. Let's go", he gestured for Sam and his brother to follow him leaving Ayat bloodied and laying on the floor.
Layla quickly rushed to her friend's side holding her close to her chest.
"Why did you do that? They will kill you", Layla wiped her friend's face using her hijab. She carefully wiped the blood that was coming out of her head.
"I am okay as long as you are. Because you two are important...."
"Stop, Naeem will be worried if he sees you like this. He will kill everyone. I know how my brother is, Ayat. I have seen the way he looks at you like you are his entire world. You are his world", Layla tells her while hugging her.
As Layla was trying to calm Ayat down when Sam walked in holding a gun at them.
"What are you doing, Sam?", Layla asks him as Sam moved closer and closer to them.
The girls could hear the commotion outside.
"You have to die today. I can't let you leave here alive....", Sam pulled the trigger planning to shoot Layla but Ayat pushed her out and took the bullet.
Ayat fell clutching her stomach, and Layla rushed to her side.
"No, no, stay away, Ayat. Help is on the way", she tells her.
While Layla was trying to keep Ayat awake when she saw Sam fall in a thud. Behind him, Naeem stood there holding a gun while looking at Ayat who was in pain.
Naeem moved closer to her kneeling and carried her outside where his family was waiting for them.
When they saw Ayat unconscious, Naeem rushed her to the car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital leaving his sister and Jason there alongside their father.
"Let's get you to the hospital to get checked out", Jason leads his wife to the car. Liam gets in knowing that Dan, Sam, and his brother are no longer a problem.
"Hurry up dad. I need to be with her", Layla tells her father who was driving as fast as he can.
"Calm down, Habibty...."
"Don't tell me to calm down. She saved my life. She saved our lives. She took the beatings because she protected me from that. Jason, I owe her my life and our baby's life", Layla explains what happened to them when they were kidnapped.
Liam felt angry as he clenched his hand on the steering wheel.
When they reached the hospital, they saw Naeem pacing in the corridor with his shirt drenched in blood.
"Naeem", his sister called out to him making him turn to her with tears on both of their faces. Layla slowly approached him. "I am sorry Naeem. What happened was my fault. Mine..."
Naeem pulled her into his arms hugging her.
"Shh, It is not your fault. Never say that", he tells her.
While they were waiting for news about Ayat, they insisted on Layla getting a checkup to see if she is fine and so is her baby.
"Everything is good but we need you to be on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy", the doctor tells her and Jason who was in the room with her.
"I will make sure she does that. Thank you, doctor", Jason tells the doctor.
When they went back to the waiting room, they saw the doctor talking to Naeem.
"I am sorry we did everything we could but.......",
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