Chapter Eighteen.
Engagement/Maya A Hassan.
It has been almost one month and everything was set up for Ayat and Naeem's engagement. Layla was already eight almost nine months pregnant.
The day of the engagement arrived and everything was going according to plan when Layla felt contractions but didn't want anyone to know as they were almost halfway through the engagement party. But Ayat began to notice how Layla was holding her stomach trying to breathe in and out.
"Layla, Is it time? And don't lie", Ayat tells her. As she was about to deny what Ayat was saying when her water broke.
"Surprise. I can wait for Naeem and you...."
"No, we are heading to the hospital. Sit and I will go and get Jason", Ayat placed her on one of the chairs that were set up for the family.
Ayat and Naeem wanted a quiet family affair for their engagement.
Ayat went to find Jason who was talking to his mother Kate. She tried to call him but all she could do was get closer to him.
"Excuse me, Jason could talk to you? It is Layla, her water broke...."
She couldn't even finish what she was telling him when they both heard a cry coming from the table Ayat was at.
Ayat rushed to her side while Jason was getting her things ready.
"I am sorry for this Ayat...."
"No, don't even dare to apologize. Now let's get you to the hospital", She tried to lift her when Naeem went in and coped his sister into his arms and then walked towards the car where Jason was waiting for them.
Naeem put his sister into the car and then got in the passenger seat leaving Ayat with Layla by her side.
"Layla, try and breath in and out" Ayat starts to help Layla with her breathing.
"Naeem and Ayat I am sorry that this happened...."
"Stop, that doesn't matter. What matters is you and the baby. Nothing more," Ayat tells her.
"Lay, she is right. You are what matters. Now the engagement can wait besides we don't even need it", Naeem explains to her.
Jason smiled at how Ayat and Naeem were handling what was happening. He looked at his wife who was calm by Ayat.
"How long until we reach the hospital?", Ayat asks Jason.
"Ten to fifteen minutes", he replies to her. She just nodded.
"Could you drive a bit faster, please?", Layla asks him making him speed up.
At last, Jason reached the hospital and parked the car. Naeem carried his sister in his arms and walked into the hospital.
Jason gave the bag to Ayat while he rushed to his wife's side. Naeem put Layla in the wheelchair that the nurse came with.
Then the nurse lead Layla and Jason to the delivery room as Layla wanted.
The nurse helped her change into the hospital gown and gave Jason some scrubs to wear during the delivery.
Soon after Nayla and Liam arrived at the hospital along with Kate.
Only Jason was inside the delivery room with Layla while the others are outside in the waiting room.
Ayat and Naeem sat down waiting for news.
"It is supposed to be your engagement....."
Naeem interrupted his mother by saying; "Mum, Layla's health and the baby is what is important besides we don't need an engagement party. Thank you mum Ayat and I never wanted the engagement party but we didn't want you to be upset. That's why we let you do whatever you want. But Alhamdullilah for Layla we didn't have to go through that anymore. Sorry, mum".
In what seemed like a few hours Jason came out with great news. They didn't want to know their baby's gender until she gives birth.
"It's a baby girl, Alhamdullilah", Jason tells them smiling with happy tears falling down his face.
"Well, brother good luck. Because you are going to need it. Now you have two Laylas to take care of", Naeem teased him.
Ayat smacked him while his mother started laughing.
"Well, son I think you shouldn't have said that especially when your fiancée is here", his father laughs.
"Excuse me. Are you the family of Mrs. Layla?", the nurse asks them.
Nayla replied and the nurse told them that she was being shifted to the normal room.
"Thank you".
"Who is ready to meet my angel?", Jason asks them. They all raised their hands making each other laugh.
They all went into the room leaving Ayat and Naeem behind.
"What's the matter?", Ayat asks him as he was holding her hand.
"Can't I just spend time with my fiancée?", he tells her pulling her into his arms.
"You can but now I want to see the baby", Ayat tells him.
"I could give you...."
"Stop right there mister before I smack you again. Let's get married but now I want to see the baby", she tells him pulling his hand towards Layla's room.
"The things I do for love", he murmured but he knew that she heard him.
"Well, I love you, my heartless CEO. Now move".
As the two walked in all eyes were on them.
"Don't look at me. He wanted....."
"She did"
"He did"
Ayat and Naeem were interrupted by the baby crying making Layla glare at them.
"Sorry", Ayat said smacking Naeem's head.
"It is okay. I can't wait for you two to start your own family then maybe I will shout so that your baby will wake up as mine did", Layla glares at them, especially her brother.
"Hey, why are you glaring at me? She is involved too..."
"Well, I like her, you not so much", Layla replied to him making him pout.
"Ayat, here hold her. And don't worry you won't drop her and yes everyone has carried her already", Layla tells her answering every question that was on Ayat's face.
Ayat took the baby and held her in her arms.
"Sorry Layla but she has Jase's eyes and Jason she has everything that's Layla's", Naeem tells them.
"Well, I better get my shotgun to keep all the guys away, right dad?", Jason answered looking t Liam.
"Yeah, that's true".
Liam took his phone and took a picture of the couple without anyone noticing except his wife who smiled.
"I think we should let Layla rest for now. We will be going now because we still have to clean up the house. Jason, you stay with your wife", Liam explains to them.
Nayla kissed her daughter on the forehead and then her granddaughter. And so did Liam leaving Kate, Ayat, and Naeem in the room.
"Rest now, Lay. I will get going too", Kate hugged her son and kissed her daughter-in-law's forehead.
"Thanks, mum", Layla answers yawning. Kate walks out of the room.
"Well, aren't you guys leaving?", Jason asks Ayat and Naeem.
"Well, I don't want to clean so I will just stay here....."
"No way. Get out", Layla tells her brother. "I need sleep and if you don't I will gladly share an embarrassing story or even two with my sister", she added.
Naeem gave the baby to Jason and grabbed Ayat's hand and then left the room.
"Hey I wanted to know about the stories", Ayat told him.
"We can make our own stories. But we can't go home, please", he tells her.
"Fine, where do you want to go", Ayat asks him making him grin.
"Our house to watch movies and just talk. I won't do anything that you aren't comfortable with", he tells her pecking her forehead.
"I know and I trust you but they will expect us to be at the house..."
"Don't worry I sent a text to dad and he will take care of it. Plus he sent me a picture, do you want to see it? ", Naeem removed his phone and then showed her the picture.
It was a picture of them carrying the baby while Naeem was looking at her and not the baby.
This made Ayat smile.
"Thank you", she said to him with tears in her eyes.
"For what?", he asks wiping the tears that had fallen down her face.
"For hiring me and for making me happy", she answers him.
"Well, Amore you are most welcome. Now let's go before mum calls us back home", he guides her to the car.
"Instead of an engagement party, we got a niece that will be a princess in our lives. That's better than any type of party. And I will take that any day", Ayat tells Naeem.
"Me too, hayaty".
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