so catch me when i land
Silent laughter marched the air of a hidden portion of the palace.
You and Mitsuya have been talking on and on for hours now, you were supposed to be asleep by now, but here you are, laughing with a low rank.
It was nice, it was fun.
Until you heard a low voice, "Hey, do you hear that?"
Mitsuya sweatdropped and motioned for you to run back to the ladder, you quickly caught on and ran silently as he started to clean up the mess, leaving no trace behind.
"I think it's a thief! Let's check."
The lilac haired male quickly threw the basket and blanket on a random bush, also soundlessly running with you to the ladder.
You noticed a guard nearing your way so you pulled Mitsuya to a random wall where you wouldn't be seen.
Adrenaline fueled your body when the guard walked past you and the lower rank, waiting a minute before quickly running to your bedroom once more since the guard went the other way.
However this time, your footsteps weren't as silent.
Thankfully, the guards were far from your bedroom, so even if they started to chase you now, you'd still have time to reach the ladder.
And so you did, carefully yet quickly climbing to your bedroom window before you could get caught.
Mitsuya started to hide the ladder as you watched with a grin on your face, you mumbled a small 'goodnight' even if he couldn't hear it.
You closed the window and went to sleep.
- ღ -
The morning came quickly, even if you were tired as hell, your heart pounded on the memories from last night.
It was the first time you've ever felt adrenaline and excitement rushing through your veins, it wasn't like your everyday princess life, it actually felt like you were human.
And of course, you were grateful for Mitsuya Takashi, who made your heart pound like crazy from the thrill.
Even if you were grateful, it didn't mean you didn't want to experience it again. However, you knew it was just a one time thing, and he's probably been caught by the guards.
You got up from your bed, did your morning routine and went out of your royal room.
To your surprise, Mitsuya was in front of your room.
He turned to you once he heard the door open, grinning as you stared at him in surprise. You nodded at him and started to walk to your classes, him following behind you.
"So you didn't get caught? Thought you'd be dead by now." your words sent shivers down his spine.
Mitsuya sighed, "Alive and well, however I almost did get caught."
In the corner of the room, there was a king and queen watching on the duo's conversation from afar.
"They're suddenly getting along! Akito! Do you see this?! Mitsuya was perfect for this job!" Misa shook her husband in success.
"But unfortunately, it's a lower rank. How disappointing." Akito sighed.
- ღ -
You left your window open in case it wasn't actually a one time thing.
As you waited, you couldn't help but think about the memories from the night before, not that you missed it, but you missed it.
The thrill, the loud pounding of your heart, it repeated like a short film in your head.
Couple minutes have passed and it was past your bedtime, but you wanted to wait, you were desperate, you were in denial, you didn't want it to be a one time thing.
Even if you expected it to be once in a lifetime, you still wanted to believe it wasn't.
But as time passed, there was still no sign of your lilac haired servant, not a single sound of a footstep.
You were about to close your window, deciding it was how the night was ending, just like every other night.
Until you felt a stone hit your wrist, out of instinct you looked down, seeing Mitsuya waving at you to come down.
He was the one you were waiting for the whole night, and you were delighted to see he actually came. Unlike before, you were always disgusted at the mere sight of him.
About to go down, you realized he didn't prepare a ladder nor was he holding one.
Looking at him once more, he was signaling for you to get down. You thought for a moment, you considered he forgot to bring a ladder but he just didn't realize.
That was what you thought, until he posed his arms, the pose you'd make if you were carrying someone bridal style.
"No way.." you gasped lightly.
"He doesn't mean.." you looked at him, clearing your eyes, maybe you didn't get much sleep?
But no, he was actually posing that way.
"You're saying he wants me to jump there?" you looked at how far the ground was from your bedroom window.
There was a fifty fifty chance you'd either die or you'd fall into Mitsuya's arms.
This was gonna take so much trust, and why would you even trust him? He was a lower rank, a mere servant, and someone who made you a troublemaker.
But he was also someone who introduced you to the feelings of thrill.
So you jumped, a princess like you, jumped out of her bedroom window entrusting her whole life to a commoner.
As the fall was ongoing, your life flashed before your eyes.
Suddenly, a feeling of anxiety washed within you. Why did you even trust him that much? He wasn't gonna catch you.
He wasn't gonna catch you.
You were gonna die.
"I shouldn't have trusted that commoner."
Preparing for your end, you took a deep breath, waiting for the feeling of your back hitting the ground.
But it didn't come.
You felt strong arms on your back, you opened your eyes to see the commoner you were cursing in your head as you were falling.
"Shouldn't have trusted that commoner, huh?" he smirked at your wide eyed gaze.
He put you down, you fixed your dress and coughed, "Enough, now what do you have planned tonight?"
Mitsuya hooked an arm around you, "Why? You're looking forward to it?"
"No, and get your filthy arm off me. No one should touch a princess so casually."
Although, most of your words were a lie. You were genuinely looking forward to the night ahead of you, and you didn't mind his arm around you.
"What kind of princess sneaks out late at night with a commoner though?" he stared at you right in the eye.
Noticing the shift in your facial expression, he chuckled as he ruffled your hair.
Smiling at you softly, he said, "As long as you keep meeting with me, you're no princess."
Your eyes widened, at time like these, you'd get offended. But somehow the words he said didn't give you a single feeling of offense.
In fact, you were happy. You didn't like your princess life, you hated being a princess, and if Mitsuya was the key of escaping from that life, you were gonna take it.
"Alright." you giggled elegantly as Mitsuya stared at you, a rare calm aura radiated your body, he noticed it.
You stopped your laughter and looked at him again, "So, what did you have planned?"
Mitsuya looked somewhere, "I saw an apple tree around the palace, shall we take a stroll?"
- ღ -
"Did you get it?!" the lilac haired male yelled as his shoulders started to get stiff.
"Not yet! Get on your tip toes!"
The reason why you both were so free at yelling, was because the palace was far from your location as of the moment.
Your location, in other words, the apple tree.
Of course, you followed along Mitsuya's plans of going apple picking, I mean what else were you gonna do?
What Mitsuya didn't know, was that whenever you had a goal, it was gonna be a big one.
And the big goal you had as of the moment, was to pick the highest apple there was on the tree.
"Okay! I almost got it!" you decided to get on your tip toes, knowing damn well you were gonna lose balance and fall on your back.
But after the incident in your bedroom window, you trusted Mitsuya.
"Oi! You're gonna fall!"
"I got it- woAH!"
And you did fall, but of course, he caught you before you could get injured.
A moment of silence entered, but it was over when you started laughing joyfully. Mitsuya only looked at you silently, letting you break the quiet atmosphere.
"D-Did you see that?! That was awesome!" you stuttered out your sentences as you laughed, "You were so cool! You caught me just like that!"
Mitsuya stared at your figure as he started to laugh too.
And with that, the night continued with both of you picking apples from the tree.
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