The Bar
Max p.o.v
I walked into a bar after a fight with Barry exhausted and hungry i sat at a table and just stared at the wall in front of me thinking "was it really worth it to fight with him about that, i know he just wants to protect me, but to say those things to bring back those memories." as i was thinking a woman approached the table "what can i get you" she said "can i have a lemonade and a burger and fries" I replied. After she left a man came to sit across from me "what is a girl like you doing in a place like this" he said in a funny voice "what's it to you mister" i replied in an equally funny voice "nothing its just you looked a little sad cant have a pretty girl like looking so sad." i was shocked he came over because i looked sad he talked in a funny voice because i looked SAD. "my brother said something and it brought back some bad memories that's all" i said to him "my names leonard" "im max" we looked at each other and smiled just as he was about to say something else my food came and as i looked back from thanking the lady who brought it leonard was gone. I finished my meal and ias i was going t pay i was told it was already paid for and they gave me a note. "pretty ladies shouldn't look so sad have a good night max" there was no name at the bottom but I knew who had done it leonard the man who sat with me. When i left my phone rang with a text it was from barry "sorry for yelling and bringing that night up please come back im worried" "on my way be there soon" all i could think about was leonard why did he pay for my food, why did he sit with me, why did i care i suddenly thought i just met him and i can't stop thinking about him was he thinking about me to i wondered? No, he couldn't be im just some strange girl he met at a bar. I started to walk home i didn't want to worry barry any more i also don't want him going to Joe saying how im missing. When i get home Barry comes up to me and before he can say anything i hug him he says nothing and just hugs back after our hug i go upstairs to my room as i close the door i lean against it sighing as i thought of today's events. When i fall asleep all i can think of is i hope leonard is at the bar tomorrow so i can talk to him.
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