Chapter Twenty-One.
Happiness Doesn't Last Long For Hanan And Fahd.
Hanan was happy because she gave herself a chance to love and be happy again after what had happened to her in the past. The honeymoon helped both of them come closer than they were before.
Fahd's love for her and Armaan was something that she never thought she would get after what happened to her past.
The past that she didn't want to go back to. But the same past that gave her Armaan.
Her beautiful and precious daughter who she would do anything for.
It was time for them to return home but what they don't know is that Azaan had an encounter with Kareem who had planned to kidnap Armaan. But unfortunately for him, he wasn't successful as Azaan was the one with Armaan when they were in the car.
Azaan knew that if Fahd found out, he would be angry as to why Azaan let Kareem go.
It wasn't by choice, Azaan needed to protect Armaan more than chase after Kareem.
Armaan is his priority and she is what matters to him including his family.
"Are you alright? You seem to be miles away?", Fahd asks his wife as they were driving back home after spending three weeks at the beach house.
"I have this feeling that something's about to happen to......"
"Armaan", Fahd completed her sentence surprising her. "Before you ask, I have had the same feeling since we left the beach house. But in shaa Allah everything will be okay", he added trying to reassure her.
Because if it isn't, I will have to do what I planned for both Riaz and Kareem. No matter what Azaan or anyone else says. My wife and daughter don't deserve to live like this. In fear of him attacking us.
"Whatever you are thinking, don't do it", Hanan tells him. "Allah knows best. Besides, I don't think Armaan would like to see her father in prison....."
"I would do anything to protect you and her. Even if go to prison but you are right. We need to trust in Allah as He will help us", Fahd answers her making her smile.
Meanwhile, Kareem was searching everywhere for Riaz but he couldn't find him. He even asked at the brothel, where he used to spend time but no one had seen him for months.
"This has to do with both Azaan and Fahd. They think they can stop my plans, well I have more plans to make so that I can make them suffer for everything they did to me. Taking the girl that I wanted away from me. Not Faryal but Saira. She was innocent to fool but Azaan stepped in as a hero. He married her to save his sister's marriage. I knew that sending Faryal to do the dirty work was something that I had planned. Including blackmailing her into pushing Saira down the stairs when she was pregnant. But unfortunately, Faryal couldn't help me anymore because of my brother. I always wanted Saira and now Azaan, Fahd, and their entire family need to pay for what they took from me", Kareem says to one of his men. "I need to make their lives miserable as they made mine", he added taking his gun out of his pocket.
The men in front of him were more than scared of him. They had no idea who they were working for until now.
The man in front of them was even capable of killing an innocent baby to get what he wants.
But what they didn't know was that one of the men was a spy for Fahd. He had recorded everything and sent it to him before he threw away his phone.
"I need the two of you to go and kidnap Armaan. And I need no mistakes, if you make them, you will end up like your friend", Kareem says pointing at the guy he just killed. "I want things to be done my way, and my will they will happen", he added shooting at the dead body.
How will I convince both Azaan and Fahd to make me kidnap her and then proceed with the original plan? It will take more than one explanation to get them to agree. I hope they do for the sake of their families.
The man thought as he watched Kareem give orders to the other men for the plan to kidnap Armaan.
"Sir, we will need to take out the bodyguards before taking her......"
"I know and I have the perfect plan for that", Kareem tells him smirking. And then he explained what he needed to do for the guards that were always with Armaan.
This man has to be stopped before he ends up hurting anyone else. I hope that Azaan and Fahd would do the plan that I had come up with even though it involves using Armaan as bait to catch Kareem.
Kane knew that he needed to get this man once and for all. He took this job to know what happen to his brother who was friends with Riaz and Kareem.
"You and you go and see what you can find out about the guards that are always with Armaan. I will need an update as soon as possible", Kareem says pointing at Kane and another guy. "And no setbacks this time", he added dismissing all of the other men.
"I hate that guy...."
"Why?", Kane asks him trying to get some more information out of him.
"He is blackmailing almost everyone who was in that room with us. He has our family held captive and makes us do things that we don't even want", he explains to Kane.
"Then why just go to the police.....?"
"Someone tried and ended up dead with bullet holes in his body", he tells Kane making him question why that happened.
He needed to find out more of the information that he just found out.
But for now, Kane needed to help Armaan first then see to the other men that were helping Kareem with his plan.
After sending the video to Fahd and Azaan, Kane then sends another message using codes explaining the plan that he has to get Kareem once and for all.
As soon as Fahd and Hanan reached home, he knew that he had to get to Azaan first and discuss what Kane had sent them.
But he didn't want Hanan to be worried about what they will be doing to get Kareem out of hiding even though they know where he is.
"I have to go and see Azaan. I will be back soon in shaa Allah and then we will go out for dinner", Fahd tells his wife.
"Go and take care yourselves. And be safe", she tells him smiling knowing that it has to do with finding Kareem and what his motives are.
"Okay and lock all the doors. I will be back soon", he tells his wife kissing her on the forehead. "And I love you", he added making her smile.
"I love you too".
Fahd walked out of the door praying that everything will work out. And they would be able to be a peace.
But unfortunately, he didn't realize that someone was watching him leave his wife alone at home without any security.
"It is time to get my revenge and I will start with kidnapping Hanan to get what I want. For them to suffer just like I did when Saira married Azaan", Kareem tells the men who were with him.
They walked to the front door and knocked. Unfortunately for Hanan who thought that Fahd had forgotten something, she went and opened the door.
"Hello there, come with us without getting hurt or I will drag you and it won't be graceful", Kareem tells Hanan who wanted to run and shout but couldn't know that he had people all over the house.
"Why are you doing this?", Hanan asks as Kareem drags her to the car.
"Because your family ruined my life and I need to do my revenge..." he says to her while closing the car door.
But what Kareem didn't know was that Hanan had sent Fahd a message saying that she was kidnapped and then she turned on her location for him to track her.
"Now we will have fun when we get there. And Azaan will have to do what I want or else you die", Kareem tells her.
Don't be so sure of something that might end up not being what you want to be. Allah knows best. And I trust Him and my family more than anyone else.
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