Chapter Twenty.
"Come on guys. You need to go on a honeymoon..."
Both Hanan and Fahd tell their friends who have been trying to make them go on their pending honeymoon but unfortunately, it wasn't on their agenda as they are trying to get Kareem out of hiding.
"You owe me, Fahd. Remember in high school where you said....."
"Geez, you don't have to say it out loud. Fine we will go on the honeymoon but its upto Hanan where we would go", Fahd interrupts Azaan who couldn't help but laugh at his friend.
"I want to know so does Hanan, right?", Saira asks them while looking at Hanan.
"Yes, you do", Saira says.
The two men looked at each other complementing what to say to their wives who were staring back at them.
"Azaan, look what you started", Fahd tells his friend and then turns to his wife. "I promised him that I would do anything he asks when I get married to someone that I love and now he wants that...."
"Fahd, tell her the truth or I will", Azaan interrupts him.
"Don't listen to them. You don't have to tell me anything and sure we will go to the that they would stop talking about it", she tells her husband whispering the last statement to herself.
"Okay, there. Now can we talk about something else, please?", Fahd asks them.
Hanan smiled at Fahd for trying to change the topic of their honeymoon.
If this is love, then love is what I feel for him. Alhamdullilah, for bringing him into my and Armaan's life.
After a day passed, they were ready to go on their honeymoon. Hanan wanted Armaan to join them but she was adamant about staying with her aunt Saira and her uncle Azaan.
"What are you doing?", Fahd asks them when he finds Armaan packing her clothes.
"Dad, I will be staying with aunt Saira and Uncle Azuu for the time that you and mamma will be doing to your honeymoon....but mamma wanted me to come with you guys", she explains to them making Fahd look at his wife who was looking anywhere but at him.
"Its your choice, habibty. If you want to come with us or stay with your aunt and uncle that will be your choice", Fahd tells her.
"See mamma. So can I stay with aunt and uncle, please?", she asks her mother.
"Okay, habibty. You can stay with but....."
"Don't make a mess. Don't break things...I know all that mamma. So please help me pack my favourite blankie and pajamas", she tells her making Fahd laugh.
Hanan gave him a glare making him stop laughing but when she turned around, he chuckled but covered it with a cough.
"Okay, we are done with your packing....." Hanan tells her daughter who made her pack two of her small suitcases.
"Now we wait for your uncle Azuu to come and get you and Aru remember don't make your aunt feel tired and help her in anything she needs help with", Hanan tells her daughter nodding while looking at her dad who was trying to hold his smile.
"Okay, I think that's enough. Aru, have fun but not too much fun", Fahd tells her. "Now, I will help you take your suitcases to the living room", he added taking them and leaving Hanan and Armaan alone in her room.
"Armaan, I love you....."
"I know and I love you and dad very much. But can I have a baby brother to play with or even a baby sister?", she asks her mother whose eyes widen at her daughter's question.
"Mamma, even Zay is having a sibling. Why can't I have one too? Please, I promise I will be more helpful and....."
"Okay. But Allah knows best. And He knows when it will happen and...."
"You will get your wish about having a baby brother or sister. In shaa Allah.", Fahd interrupts her while walking in.
"Okay dad".
This is the work of Azaan and Saira. I don't think I will ever be ready for another baby even though I have Fahd now. The fear is still there no matter what I do. In shaa Allah, everything will be okay.
Azaan arrived to pick up Armaan and left before Hanan could tell him anything. It was as if he knew he was in trouble for what he was teaching Armaan.
"Are you alright? It is okay, if you don't want to go to the honeymoon", Fahd tells Hanan while they were in the car on their way to the beach house that she had always wanted to show her husband but unfortunately, Riaz wasn't a husband to be taken anywhere as he used to degrade her and her family.
"Yes, I am fine, alhamdulilah. I am just....."
"Worried about what Armaan said, right? I know but all I can say is that when you are ready that's when I will be. I will wait for you as long as you want", Fahd assures her giving a smile.
"Thank you but I want to be the wife that you deserve to have and to be there for you like you are always there for me", Hanan explains to her husband who immediately understood what she was talking about. She didn't want people to talk about her not giving him his child.
His blood.
"I understand but always remember that you and Armaan mean everything to me. I don't care about what people are saying about our relationship. Allah knows best for us, for our future and our lives. We should trust in Him and only Him", Fahd tells her making her mind feel at ease.
"Thank you for this. I always wanted to go to the beach house especially during rainy seasons. The breeze and the tranquillity that comes with it, it is something that calms our soul...."
Fahd listened as his wife describes the beach house. He promised himself that he won't make her or Armaan cry for anything.
"What? Am I boring you with my talk?", Hanan asks him when she realizes he wasn't saying anything.
"I was listening to you describing your favorite season. To be honest rainy season has always been my favorite especially when you just stand in the rain and close your eyes and feel the rain drops over your face. Feeling all the sadness inside you gone and the peace comes in....."
"We should try that....with Armaan of course", she says to him.
"How about we do it when we arrive and then when we get home we will do it with Armaan, okay?", Fahd suggests to his wife who smiled at him.
"Okay, that's a great idea".
After an hour, they arrived at their destination. Fahd parked the car and open the door for Hanan to get out of the car.
"I can help with the bags...."
"No, you stay here and I will get them. You can carry this only", he tells her giving her a small bag that contained a camera.
She looked at him and started shaking her head.
"You do realize that I can also help......"
"no, just go and open the door, okay?", he tells giving her the keys that she had given him before they left their house so that she didn't leave them.
"Okay, I am going...."
Hanan opened the door and walked into the living room. Fahd followed her after carrying their bags. He then moved them into their room which was Hanan's favorite room ever since she was a kid.
"Now I know why you love this place so much. Its has the feeling of calmness, tranquilty, and the peace that people need in their lives", He tells her looking out the window that was facing the beach.
The sun was already setting and it looked beautiful.
Ma shaa Allah.
"Yes, the feeling of inner peace and the view of the sun setting. Sometimes I feel like staying here for good and never going back to our reality that's waiting for us. But that's no possible, right?", Hanan says giving him a small smile.
"In shaa Allah, one day we will live in a place where we will have peace, tranquilty just like this place", Fahd promises her.
In the coming days, Fahd has been treating her with care, love, and the respect she deserves and this made Hanan decide to give herself a chance to be happy with Fahd and to be happy with him and Armaan.
It is time for me to be happy with him. He deserves that especially when he has helped me and Armaan when we needed it. I love him so much.
He became my healer and I became his. Giving myself to him, my heart, my soul, and everything in me.
Hanan prepared the best dinner for her and Fahd for a new chance at a new life with him.
"What's all this?" Fahd asks her.
"This is the start of our relationship with each other. I want to be your wife if you let me?" Hanan asks him.
"You don't have to try anything to be my wife. And the answer to your question is yes. I love you, my wife".
That night became the first night that Hanan felt the love she needed from her husband. This made her love him even more.
"Thank you for giving us a chance", Fahd tells her kissing her forehead and putting his arms around her.
Hanan smiled in his arms feeling more than happy.
Aunt Hayat was right. Allah knows best. He gave me the best husband that I could ever need in my life. And the best father for our Armaan.
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