Chapter Twelve.
Do You Love Her?
It has been almost a week since Fahd asked Hanan to marry him in front of Armaan. Hanan had to say yes for the sake will not ask her again.
But she couldn't help herself when she told him to go and ask her parents for her hand in marriage. Hanan couldn't believe that he is canceling his two meetings to go and meet her parents for her marriage.
Ya, Allah! What have I done? I don't want to get hurt and I don't want my Aru to have high expectations in this marriage. I don't want her to be hurt because of my choices and the decisions that I want to make for our future.
I pray that everything will be the way that Allah wants for us. Because it's the best thing that I...we need.
Armaan and me plus Fahd.
"Hanan, are you alright?", Mandy asks her when she wasn't answering the questions that she was asked by her.
"Sorry but I was thinking about...."
"I know, Fahd, right?", Freya interrupts while grinning at her.
"Guys, stop. No I am not thinking about him. I am thinking about Armaan. About how to tell her everything that includes Riaz who he is to her. I don't know if I can do it alone...."
"You don't have to do it alone. I am here", she was interrupted by someone.
When they all turned around to see who it was, they weren't shocked because Mandy and Freya knew who it was.
He started moving closer to them making Freya and Mandy leave them alone.
"Its okay. We will do this as soon as I return, okay? Together as a family. And I have a few requests for you before we tell her anything. I have to go now but I will be back, in shaa Allah. I will always be here for you and for Aru", he tells her winking at her.
For Fahd, he couldn't believe that he was heading to Hanan's parents to ask them for her hand-in-marriage for Hanan.
He fell in love without ever realizing it but he had his reservations about love. But first, he needed to know who was responsible for the accident that almost took his life.
The brakes of his car were cut by someone who knew what they were doing. Fahd didn't want Armaan and Hanan to get involved in what almost killed him.
"But remember that marriage isn't...."
"A game, or even easy. I know all that Hanan. Plus I have a great teacher in the name of Aunt Hayat. She taught me that patience is the key to everything in life. Sabr is the best feeling because in the end you will get more than what you prayed for. So listen to me, Amore. I promise....Not promise. I will do what he failed to do. To be a great father, husband and the best friend that both of you will need", he explains to her. "You and Armaan and the most important people apart from my parents. You are my life, the moment that she walked in", he added before kissing her forehead and then smiling before leaving her baffled.
Hanan couldn't believe what he told her before leaving to go to her parents.
She thought that Fahd just said it to make Armaan not ask questions about it again but she didn't expect him to cancel the meetings that he needed for the company.
"He loves you and Armaan more than this company, Hanan", her thoughts were interrupted by none other than Mandy.
Hanan looked at her feeling confused at what Mandy just told her.
"Because he was planning to ask you to marry him for months. But then that incident happened and it was on hold but now he is willing to do anything for you two to stay in his life. He loves the both of you as his family", she explained to her making her more surprised than she has ever been. "Give him a chance, Hanan. And I can grantee that you will be happy", she added hugging her.
"Thank you. I will do that for...."
"No, not for her but the both of you", Mandy interrupts her knowing that Hanan would include Armaan in this conversation.
"Okay, now can we get back to work, please?".
"Okay, fine. But remember I would love to be your bridesmaid when the wedding happens".
In shaa Allah.
Fahd knew that he was doing the right thing by going to see Khalid before anything else. He is meeting him because Fahd will be discussing his accident along with the proposal for Hanan.
He was serious when he told her that he wants to marry her and be with her for the rest of their lives. And also to be a father to Armaan.
His daughter.
He didn't care what people said because, in his heart and mind, Armaan is his daughter and only his.
It was time to make this true by marrying Hannan and adopting Armaan as his daughter.
"Okay, this is, Fahd. Its not that hard. All you need is to tell him what you feel for them and that's it", he says to himself as he parks the car.
He then walks out of the car and locks it. Fahd then walks toward her parents' home hoping that the talks would go as he planned if not then he will have to try again and again.
He then knocks on the door and waited for someone to open it.
In a few minutes, Laila opens the door and smiles at him.
"Asalam aleikum, come in. How are you doing?", she greets him as she welcomed him inside the house.
"Waleikum salaam. Good alhamdullilah. And thank you", he answers smiling back at her.
"Come in, we are waiting for you inside. You know the way, I will join you in a bit", she tells him.
Fahd walks inside the living room where Khalid was waiting for him.
"Asalaam Aleikum, Uncle. How are you doing?", he greets him.
Khalid gets up from the chair and walks over to Fahd to give him a hug and a handshake.
"Waleikum salaam, alhamdullilah I am good. I am here to....."
"I know why you are here, son. And don't worry Laila and I know why you are here. Don't worry we wont disagree with your question. All we need is to fix a date so that we can meet up with your parents to finalize everything that is needed...."
"Khalid, you forgot to ask the main question that you need to know...."
"You mean YOU need to know, right habibty?", he asks her grinning.
All Laila did was glare at him making him keep quiet.
"Okay, all I want to know is that do you love her?", Khalid asks him.
"Yes, I do love her very much. I love the way she smiles when Armaan runs toward her to give her a hug that she needed. I love the way her eyes sparkle when she gets her way in the office. I love the way she smiles when no one sees her. Most importantly I love her because of how she raised Armaan with both the love of a father and a mother", he tells them.
Both Laila and Khalid were awed when they heard this from him. They never knew how much love Fahd had for their daughter and granddaughter.
"I would do anything for them....."
"How about in two days you and your parents come here so that we can discuss your engagement with Hanan? And also Armaan and Hanan will be here too", Khalid interrupts him making his wife hit him on the back of his head.
"What? All I am saying is what we talked about", he added smiling at her.
Laila just shook her head and turn to face Fahd who had a smile on his face.
"Just like he said. Don't worry everything will work out for the three of you. And now I have to go and see someone. I will leave you two to discuss whatever business you have", she tells them.
Laila knew that both men need to talk about Riaz and what to do about him. As he hasn't stopped pestering Hanan but due to Fahd being around them, the letters he kept sending were received by him.
They need to put a stop to this because if Riaz couldn't be stopped he would do much worse than what he did to his daughter Armaan.
They began discussing what to do before Fahd and Hanan's wedding. Khalid needed to get Riaz out of his family's life but the main question is how?
Including Fahd, Azaan, and everyone willing to help in keeping Hannan and Armaan safe from Riaz and everyone who will hurt them.
"Are you sure you want to marry her?....."
"More than anything in my life. She made me realize that getting hurt its part of life. She healed me when I didn't even realise it. And she brought Armaan in my life when I needed someone to show me that its okay to love and move on from the past", he tells Khalid. "I love your daughter and granddaughter, uncle more than anything and I am willing to sacrifice everything for them", he added.
Khalid immediately knew that Fahd is the one for Hanan and for his granddaughter Armaan who has been calling him dad.
No one stopped her from doing that as it felt right for all of them.
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