Chapter Three.
Three Years Later.
"Aru, where are you?" Hanan yells for her. But all she could hear was giggling and it was coming from her bedroom.
What now?
"Shh!! She is coming now. Keep quiet", a voice says while the other giggles.
Hanan just shook her head and walked towards the giggling is from.
Armaan's room.
"Okay, where is the princess?" she says while her daughter was listening to her uncle Azaan. "I guess I will have to eat the cookies I kept for her on the table", she added walking out of the room smiling knowing that both uncle and niece loved the chocolate chip cookies that Hanan has always baked for them.
"Mamma, here I am. Your princess is here", Armaan says coming out of her hiding place making Azaan huff knowing that Hanan knows their weakness, especially her daughter's.
Just like his mother Hayat used to tell him that a mother knows best for their children no matter how old they are.
"This is how you are going to win, my dear cousin", Azaan tells Hanan while Armaan was looking at him feeling confused as to why her uncle said that.
"Well, dear cousin. I know what your weakness is and now you have influenced my Aru with your chocolates," Hanan tells him grinning at him. "Plus you wanted to stay here with us, you have to know that I will end up winning in all of your games", she added taking her daughter's hand and walking out of the room leaving Azaan more shocked than surprised.
The competition between the two cousins especially when it comes to Armaan.
Everyone in the family loves, cares, and will do anything and everything for Armaan.
She is their princess.
Ever since she was born, her grandparents would do anything to make her smile, and laugh, and never shed a single tear.
Each one of them made Hanan happy that she forgets her troubles and the man who ruined her life.
The man who can't be mentioned especially in front of Armaan would ask a lot of unanswered questions.
She might be just a three-year-old girl, but she asks a lot of questions about anything and everything that she sees.
She took after her uncle Azaan and her mother in every character she had including guarding her heart against anyone.
"Mamma, what is Uncle Azuu talking about?", Armaan asks her mother who knew that her daughter would ask a question.
"Aru, come and eat your breakfast, before you ask for another type of food", she says whispering the last part to herself.
Armaan might be just a child but to her mother, she is more than that.
Hanan says she is an old person inside her young body.
"Okay, mamma. I will ask him...."
They were interrupted by Azaan's footsteps that were heading their way.
"Your Uncle Azuu will explain, okay?", she says looking at Azaan who was confused as to why Hanan was telling him that. "I will go and get your backpack ready", she added leaving the uncle and niece alone.
That will teach him to behave when he comes over to spend time with her.
Hanan inwardly smirked at Azaan who looked more confused than he is.
"Uncle Azuu, tell me what I ask mamma", Armaan asks him pouting while eating her favorite cereal.
Ya Allah, this isn't what I want to win against her. How do I answer a three-year-old kid who questions everything that anyone does? As well as being bossy. She has everyone wrapped around her pinky finger.
Azaan looked around to see if Hanan would help her but she wasn't even in the dining room.
"Okay, Aru. I will explain everything to you, okay?", he tells her. She nods and waits for him to explain what her mamma meant.
Azaan tried to explain to her in his version hoping that Armaan won't ask any more questions.
"Okay, Uncle Azuu. I understand".
Maybe I should ask Saira to come with me the next time Hanan calls me about Armaan crying for me. She would help more than I could. Now I know why mamma said we complete each other.
"Already done explaining, Uncle Azuu?", Hanan asks walking back into the room grinning and hoping that Azaan somehow failed to answer the curious little girl.
"Sometimes, I wonder who is the adult between you and her. Because she acts like an adult before her time for growing up has come", Azaan tells her cousin while looking at Armaan who was busy eating her breakfast.
"Now, you know why I don't want to take her to a day-care or even anywhere but...."
"Hey, cousin. Don't worry about that. Plus you have me, mamma, dad and everyone who loves that little girl as their own. Including my wife, who doesn't even call me to ask about me. She only asks about her", Azaan interrupts her.
"Let me guess you are jealous of her. But what if your wife gives birth then, will you be jealous of your own baby", Hanan asks her cousin. "Azaan, they are kids who will need care, love for you the both of you," she added before moving toward her daughter.
It was time for her to go for an interview in a different company, even though Azaan never wanted her to resign. Hanan had to so that the other workers won't think that she has more privilege than she does.
Azaan and everyone in the family tried to convince her that the best is to go back to work for him but when Hanan makes up her mind, it's final.
A few days ago, she received an email that she had gotten an interview with a company that needed a secretary even though that's not what she had applied for.
Hanan had to drop her at her grandparents' house for the day so that she could get to the interview and be back for her hopefully with good news.
"Azaan, are you alright?", she asks him when she saw that he wasn't listening to anything she was saying.
"Yeah, I am....."
"Azaan, don't lie. Even though you can't lie especially to me", she interrupts him. "Hey, she has forgiven you, that's all matters now. You and her complete each other. Because without the other, your relationship is incomplete. You two are meant for each other, Azaan", she added smiling at him.
"I know and I am thankful for that everyday of my life that I have her and our baby", he says.
Hanan looked at the time and stood up to go and get Armaan's backpack from her room as she never leaves without it.
"Come on, guys. Its time to go and see..."
"Nana and papa", the two kids cheered while Armaan just shook her head.
"Okay, lets go".
The three of them walked out of the house and got into Azaan's car to drive to Laila and Khalid's place.
"I will take you, if you want," Azaan tells her but Hanan shook her head denying his request.
"Theres no need. After the interview, I want to go to the supermarket to but a few things. And I wont want to keep you away from your wife for long", she answers him smiling.
"Okay. But call me if anything happens, okay?", he asks her.
"Okay, in shaa Allah, I will do that", she says then turns to face her daughter. "Aru, my baby. Mamma loves you and always remember to behave properly and nana and papa's house. Take care, my precious", she says kissing her daughter's forehead.
"Okay mamma. Uncle Azuu, can we go now, pwease?", she says to Azaan.
They couldn't help but laugh at Armaan's antics.
"Okay, take care".
They go their separate ways, while Azaan heads to take Armaan to Khalid and Laila's house while Hanan heads to her job interview.
Upon arriving at the address that was listed in the email, Hanan was shocked to see that the building looked run-down.
I don't think that this is the right place. Let me check the email once again just to be sure.
After checking her phone for the email, she got out of the car and then headed to the entrance of the building.
Hanan wasn't sure if she wanted to go in or not.
She then takes a few steps only to see that there were cameras in a room where she had just walked in.
"Hanan Muhsin?"
One of the men asks her as they approached her. She fidgeted and looked at the men before nodding.
"Yes, but this isn't what...."
"She is perfect, guys", she was interrupted by one of the men who walked in by pushing her inside the room.
"This is a mistake...."
Hanan started running away from the building only to discover that they were behind her following her.
The one bad thing she did was to park the car a little far from the building.
Hanan had no idea who was behind the email that led her to this building.
"Hanan, are you alright?", a husky voice asks her. She was hiding behind a wall of a company. Hanan looked up to find that it was Fahd that was calling her.
Fahd Zain was Azaan's best friend until a certain tragedy happened to the two of them making them separate because of a woman.
"Alhamdullilah, I found you", she says wiping tears off her face. Hanan started explaining to him what had just happened to her.
Fahd felt angry when he heard she was close to being attacked by someone. His heart started to beat but he didn't want it to beat because of her.
The cousin of his best friend who he hurt without even realizing it.
"Hey, hey. Its okay. Don't worry. Come with me so that you can calm down before going home, okay?", he suggested to her taking her hand and leading her inside the company that she was hiding.
"Before you ask, I own this company. Come on", he then led her to his private lift as he didn't want any rumors to spread in the office of him bringing a woman inside his office.
"Thank you", Hanan says to him as they enter his office.
"You are most welcome. Now take a seat while I get you some water...."
"Fahd you don't have to do any of that. I promise you that I am fine", she tells him.
But Fahd couldn't help himself from helping her and making her feel safe.
"Its okay. I want to help you in any way that I can. Can I ask you about your husband?", he asks her as he placed the glass of water in front of her.
"I am divorced now. He didn't want Armaan, my daughter to be born. So he asked me to chose between him and her. And I chose her. My Armaan. My world", Hanan explains to him trying to keep her emotions intact.
Fahd was beyond shocked to hear this. He didn't know as no one told him anything about Azaan's family.
They have been close while growing up but some of them grew apart because of uncertain circumstances.
"Don't say you are sorry. Because I am not. I know that I should have listened to my family about marrying but I guess love is blind and stupid", she says wiping the fallen tear from her cheek.
"I wasn't going to say sorry. I was going to say that you did the right thing. No one shouldn't be asked to chose between their spouse and their child. I would do the same thing", he says surprising her. "Are you stil looking for a job? I am looking for a personal assistant, if you are interested", he added smiling at her.
"Yeah, I am looking for a job. Sometimes, fate works in mysterious ways. I was going on a fake interview when you saved me and offered me a job", she answers. "Do I have to apply or go for an interview?", she asks him.
"No need for that. You are hired", he tells him. "And you can bring Armaan to work too. I would love to meet her, if that's okay with you?", he asks her.
Hanan was surprised at his request even though she wanted to ask if she could bring her to work a few times when her family was busy with their work.
"Okay, but I have to warn. She is mature than any other three-year-old girl. So be prepare for questions that she will ask you and need you to answer her", she says laughing.
Fahd joined her in laughing.
"Okay, I will prepare myself for that, in shaa Allah", he says still laughing.
Hanan knew that she doesn't have to tell anyone what happened when she went to the fake interview. All she needed to tell them was she had gotten the job.
None of them had any idea how life would change for both of them especially when you add a toddler into the mix.
But what Hanan didn't know was that the email was sent by someone who want to ruin everything she had worked hard for. They want her to lose everything including her Armaan.
Her precious daughter.
Only time will tell if they will succeed or not.
Allah knows best.
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