Chapter Six.
The Anonymous Letters.
Fahd was worried about both Armaan and Hanan as soon as she showed him the letters that she had been receiving from the anonymous person.
"Are you sure you don't know who sent these to you?" Fahd asks her hoping she would somehow recognize the handwriting.
"I wish I could but no. No one comes to mine except... No, it can't be. He is our of our lives and dad would throw him in jail if he ever came near us", Hanan tells him thinking of the person who almost ruined her entire life.
"How can you be sure that it isn't him? It had been almost three years since you last saw each other", Fahd says to her.
"Can we not talk about this in front of Armaan? I don't want her to ask questions which I am not ready to answer, for now", Hanan asks him. "I will tell her when she....well...I am ready for her to know who her father is", she added.
Fahd understood her and didn't want Hanan to feel obligated to tell him anything. He is just her boss and her friend. It doesn't mean that he didn't care about her.
The feelings that he buried about love, were somehow surfacing for Hanan and her daughter Armaan.
"Hey, this is what I came up with up for the next meeting", Mandy walks in with papers in her hands.
"Yes, I was waiting for those, Mandy. Thank you....."
"Excuse me, I will go to my office to get some work done, I will see you later, Mandy", Hanan says leaving Fahd's office to go to her own.
After she left, Mandy looked at him, and raise her eyebrow at Fahd.
"What happened?", Mandy asks him. "It is private, you don't have to tell me. But all I can say is that ever since Armaan and Hanan have been here, you have smiled and laughed. Everyone in the office was more shocked than surprised to see you. All I am saying is that, don't let what is going on affect your happiness even if its with her. Open your heart and let them in, Fahd. You need them as much as they need you", she added placing the papers on his desk.
Meanwhile, Hanan was in her office trying to figure out who sent the letters to threaten her and to make her feel insecure about the life she has now.
"Hey, there's a package for you. The receptionist gave it to me to bring it up for you", Freya tells her while she is holding a box in her hands.
Freya is one of the trusted employees that Fahd has in his company. She was one of the people that put her trust in him.
"Thank you, you can out it down, right here", Hanan asks her.
"Okay, don't work too hard and don't forget we stil have lunch. I will see you later", Freya tells her.
As soon as she walked out, Hanan took the box and put it on the couch, and started opening it. She was shocked to find pictures of Armaan and her. Some pictures were taken when they went to a picnic along with Azaan and Saira.
Who would have taken this?
She thought to herself as dig in the box, only to find more photos but this time they are for Armaan and Fahd.
"Hanan, are you done with photocopies that I asked for....?"
Before Fahd could say another word, he saw the pictures in her hand and a note in the other that she didn't have the time to open when he came in.
"What's all this?", Fahd asks her moving closer to her.
"I have no idea, Freya, just got it at the receptionist and she brought it up for me. I am as shocked as you are. I am more worried about Armaan more than anything else", Hanan says to him.
"But do you know who sent it?", Fahd asks pointing at the note that is in her hand.
"I haven't even opened it, yet. Would you please open it?", Hanan asks him while handing him the note.
"Are you sure?", Fahd asks her. She nods making him open the note.
"What does it say?", she asks hoping it wasn't who she thinks is.
"It says; I hope you haven't forgotten about me. I am irreplaceable to her. She is mine and so are you",
Signed R".
"Do you know who R is?", Fahd asks her.
"He is someone that I want to forget and wished that I never met. He is my ex-husband and Armaan....."
"No, he isn't her father. He has no right to call himself that. Especially after what he did to the both of you. Don't let him get to you. Always remember that Armaan is no one's but yours. Only yours", Fahd tells her. "As for this, I will make sure that everything that gets into the company gets to me first, okay? You don't need to worry about anything else. I would rather take care of that myself," he added taking the box away from her.
"No buts or ifs. I will take care of them. And I will look into this matter, trust me when I say I will take care of you and Armaan", he tells her smiling at her.
Hanan thanked him and they start work on the upcoming project that needed Fahd's attention.
Fahd turned to look at Hanan who had a worried look on her face, he knew that whatever it is happening in her mind, it needs to stop.
"Hanan, don't think about it. As I said I will take care of everything, I promised you. Remember?", Fahd reminded her of his promise but Hanan didn't want to burden him with her life problems. It is not up to him to solve whatever is happening to her.
She didn't want to seem helpless when everything that is happening is her fault.
Only hers and no one else.
She brought Riaz to her family, not thinking of what would happen.
But Hanan's great strength came from her daughter.
She is her strength, her courage, and also her happiness.
"I know that but this is something that I should do by myself. When I need help, I will definitely ask you, in shaa Allah. Thank you for offering. I really appreciate what help you are giving me. Plus your support", Hanan tells Fahd who was more than surprised to hear this from her.
"Okay, but promise me that you will ask for my help, okay?", he tells her.
"I promise you. Now, let's get to work, "she promises him.
A few days passed when Hanan became more and more agitated than usual.
Because the letters are now coming to her house and Armaan has accidentally seen one of them when it arrived.
Armaan has started to ask her mother questions that Hanan had no answers to.
All Hanan said to her daughter was that they were for her Superhero.
Alhamdullilah, Armaan didn't ask her any more questions.
But Hanan knew that Armaan would ask her Superhero about them. It's better that way than to tell her that the letters were from her father who never wanted her to be born.
A father who needed Hanan for the money she could bring to him. He never once loved her, and only used her for her money.
Being rich made Hanan hate money especially when she found out from her father that when Riaz divorced her, he wanted the house that they were living in.
Her parents advised her to let the house go and never look back. She did that but why does the past that Hanan wanted to forget to keep coming back?
Maybe this is my punishment for what I wanted, the love that wasn't real. The marriage was based on lies and betrayal.
"Mamma, Superhero is here", Armaan yelled at her mother who was in the kitchen preparing food for Armaan.
"Armaan, how many times did I tell you never to open the door, unless you are with me?", She tells her daughter as Hanan approached the living room where Armaan had led Fahd. "I am sorry, I didn't mean that she shouldn't open the door for you...."
"Hey, I understand. I would do the same thing", Fahd tells him and then turned to face Armaan. "You should always listen to you mamma. She knows what is best for you, okay?", he added.
"Okay, Superhero. I promise you and mamma that I will never open the door again, " Armaan tells them. Before anyone could say anything, Armaan went to her mother's room and then came back with the letters that Hanan has been receiving.
"Superhero, mamma says these are yours. Then why are they being delivered here at home and not at your place?", she asks while giving them to Fahd who looked at Hanan.
He wanted to ask her but couldn't as Armaan was right there with them.
"Yes, they are. I know but sometimes the postman confuses the numbers of the house with yours. I will tell the postman to deliver them to my house", he tells her smiling. "Now, go and play. Then mamma will bring you some snacks, okay?", he tells her.
Armaan nodded happily and walked to her room to play.
Fahd the turn to face Hanan who didn't know what to tell him except stay quiet.
"This is why I told you that I would take care of it, Hanan. And now look we have to lie to Aru because we can't see her get hurt. Tell one thing, when did this arrive?", he tells her as he started opening the letters in his hand.
The look on his face was shocked by what he read in the letters.
"It seems that this Riaz is someone that needs to stop doing this or else I will have to tell your family....."
"Fahd, no...Don't.."
"I have to because you are too stubborn for your own good . Think about Armaan, Hanan. She will be most affected from all of this. Think about her and not about yourself. Now will you let me help you or let Azaan help you?", he tells her giving her a choice.
"You both will have to help me, but you need to know the entire story about how we meet and until now. Then you will understand what I mean when I don't want anyone to help", Hanan tells him.
She starts to explain how Riaz charmed her and made her fall in love with him.
At the end of her explanation, Hanan felt a hand on her face wiping the fallen tears surprising her.
"It isn't your fault. Always remember that. You wanted to believe in love and wanted to make the love halaal. He wasn't meant for you. But always remember that you have Armaan, your family and me with you", he tells her as he moved his hands away from her face. "And you arent a burden to your family and your daughter. She is the best thing that has happened to you in the tragedy that happened in your life", he added smiling.
"But how will you help when all he does is threaten me by using Armaan? He wont stop until he breaks me again and again. I regret meeting him but I don't regret having my Aru....."
"Remember what your dad told you even he signed the papers? It means he cant go near you or Armaan. He has no rights over you two. Besides, he is not going to get her because she isn't his but yours", Fahd tries to assure her.
Hanan didn't think that Fahd would be someone who would always be there for her and her daughter.
As for Fahd, he knew that he needed Armaan and Hanan in his life for it to be complete.
"You are right. And thank you for being here and for everything you are doing for me", Hanan thanked him. "But now I have to go and give the princess her snacks or else she would come here and demand it", she added leaving for the kitchen.
Before she even walked toward Armaan's room Hanan came back to ask him if he wanted to stay for lunch as it was already time for lunch.
Fahd needed to go to the masjid for the Dhuhr prayers while Hanan prayed at home.
"I will be right back, okay?", Fahd tells Armaan who nods and then continues playing with her toys.
After Fahd leaves, Hanan couldn't help but smile knowing that her best friend would take care of them no matter what.
Help comes in many forms, either as a best friend, a lover, or even someone you least expected.
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