Chapter Seven.
Three Years Later.
Happy Birthday To Armaan Muhsin.
It is now three years since Hanan started working for Fahd and she had the best time working for him.
Armaan's birthday is fast approaching in a week. Hanan has been planning it but she needs it to be perfect for her princess.
Her world ever since she was born. Armaan has been the apple of everyone's eyes ever since she was born.
"Here, this is for Armaan. An early birthday present just for her", Fahd interrupts her while working. "And you can't say no. I won't let you say no", he added putting the gift bags on her desk.
Hanan looked at the gifts in front of her in awe. She couldn't help but think about what did she do to deserve this, especially from him.
Fahd has done everything that a father was supposed to do for her child including enrolling her in school.
He even took the liberty to go with Hanan on the first day of school.
"What's all this? Her birthday isn't until next week and you are spoiling her now", Hanan tells him pointing at the gift bags on her desk.
For three years, this is what he has been doing for Armaan, especially on her birthday.
A week before her birthday.
"Because I don't her to feel like she is missing something in her life. I know that I will never fill what she is missing but I would do my best to be there for her as her Superhero. And that's it", Fahd explains to her.
The missing thing is her father. Armaan has always had Azaan as her father figure and now, Fahd is trying to do the same. But why do I feel in my heart that what he is doing is more than what he says? But Allah knows best.
"Thank you for everything that you are doing for us. For Armaan and for me too", Hanan thanked him with a smile. "Even though, you don't need to do it. Thank you. But can I get back to work and you need to get back to work, now", she added laughing knowing that he won't leave until she kicks him out of her office.
"Okay, I am going before you call Mandy to kick me out like the last time", Fahd chuckles and leaves her office.
As he was about to walk into his office when Mandy stopped him and then grabbed his hand and pulled him into his office.
"What's the matter?" he asked her.
Mandy folded her arms on her chest and glared at him.
"You know what, Mr. Zain. Why can you accept that you have fallen in love with her and that cutie?" Mandy tells him. "Don't you dare deny it. It had been three years since she appeared in your life. Since they appeared in your dark moment. You need them as much as they need you, Fahd", she added.
"I have not fallen in love....."
"Fahd, stop denying it and just accept it. Before I kick you where it hurts most", Mandy threatened him.
"You are right but I can't be with her...."
"Why? Because of your past or her past? Who cares? It's the past, Fahd. The past that should have been forgotten but you and Azaan", Mandy tell him more like interrupts him.
"That's true but I should talk to him before deciding anything. Before moving forward, to pursue her. I would love to have her and Armaan as my family but Allah knows best", he tells her. "But now we need to get back to work and then make Armaan have the best birthday she ever had", he added smiling at her.
Each year, Fahd, Mandy, Freya, and Hanan try to make Armaan's birthday the best she ever had because Hanan didn't want her to ask about her father.
How can you tell your daughter that her father never wanted or even loved her? He only wanted money from her mother.
Hanan was waiting for the right moment to tell Armaan the truth about her father. She is now six years old and her mother needed to tell her about her father.
But Hanan needed support from her family including Fahd. She will need all the support she gets from them.
Armaan's Birthday Week.
The day of the birthday girl finally arrived, and everyone was invited. Her best friends, Inaya, Adeel, Farha and Yusuf.
The four never did anything without each other including joining the school.
Yusuf is Faryal and Faiz's son who was born a month before Armaan.
"Armaan, Happy Birthday!!!!"
Everyone wished her hugs and kisses.
Armaan looked around to find that the one person she wanted there wasn't there.
Her Superhero.
She rushed to her mother's side so that she could ask Hanan where he was.
"Mamma, where is Superhero? He promised that he will be here today for my birthday party. Where is he, mamma?" Armaan asks her mother pouting.
Hanan didn't know what to tell her except that she will try to call him to see where he was.
"I will call him, okay? Now go and play with your friends and I will let you know when he answers", Hanan assures her daughter who then happily skipped to go and play with her friends and classmates.
Hanan turned to see where Armaan went, only to find her in the arms of her superhero.
Alhamdullilah, she breathe a sigh of relief when Hanan saw Armaan smiling while being held by Fahd.
"Are you alright?" Saira asks her as she approached her with her one-year-old daughter Zainab.
"Now, I am. I don't know why but whenever he is around Armaan tends to forget me and I think that she thinks of him as a father-figure. And to be honest I am afraid of what might happen when she finds out the real truth about her father?" Hanan explains to her.
Both Saira and Hanan turned to face Armaan who was now playing with Fahd and the other kids while Azaan is glaring at them, especially at him.
"All I can say is that, when the time comes to tell her. You have our unconditional support including that big buffoon over there who is pouting", Saira answers pointing at Azaan who was glaring and pouting at both Armaan and Fahd.
"Jealousy doesn't look good on him. Put Zainab down so she can rescue her father", Hanan suggested to Saira who happily put Zainab down, and then she ran toward her father and gave him a big sloppy kiss.
"Now that solves a small tiny problem, right?" Saira tells her while they are looking at Azaan who was still glaring at Fahd while holding Zainab.
"I don't think we should do anything, because I think someone has taken matters into her own hands," Hannan tells her pointing at Armaan who was reprimanding her Uncle Azuu.
"I talking a video", Saira takes out her phone and started taking the video. "For payback for what he did", she added grinning at Hanan who couldn't help but laugh.
Meanwhile, someone was watching Armaan playing with both Fahd and her Uncle Azuu. They had hatred in their eyes for what he is witnessing.
"I will get them back one way or the other. She is mine, always and forever. I don't care if I am not allowed near them. They are mine", they say walking away.
But no one noticed how the person who was watching them and taking pictures of Armaan while planning to get her away.
"Why can't you let them go? You made your bed and now lie on it", they were advised by someone close to them.
"Because she wasn't supposed to leave me. She was supposed to stay with me even if that only thing I wanted from her was her money", Riaz says revealing himself to his friend Marco.
"I am not going to give you my support for something stupid as whatever you are planning. Especially, when it comes to hurting your own blood. You daughter", Marco tells him walking away leaving Riaz still taking pictures of Armaan and her Superhero as she lovingly calls him.
"I know exactly what to do.....", Riaz says while taking the last picture before leaving. "I will kidnap her and then accuse her Superhero and her Uncle Azuu as she calls them", he added chuckling.
Hanan knew that it was time for her daughter to know her father but there was something in her heart preventing that from happening.
She looked at her playing with Fahd and smiling without any hurdles, pain, or even hurt. Hanan has always been overprotective of her.
She knew that Fahd would rather hurt himself than any of them and now both of their families know about the friendship even though they grew up together.
Hanan, Saira, Shyra plus Hannah grew up with the guys who are Azaan, Sameer, Azhar, and Fahd. But no one would think that Saira and Azaan would end up together and happily married with a one-year-old daughter Zainab.
Meanwhile, Shyra and Sameer were solving their problems by helping Shyra with her family.
Sameer is and will always be Shyra's Soul Healer.
"Hey, are you alright?" Fahd asked as he approached her. "And don't say you are because I can tell from where I was you arent", he added.
Hanan couldn't help but shake her head at how much Fahd knows about her.
"I am thinking of telling Armaan about Riaz...."
"Are you sure? If you are, then I can be with you when you tell her", he added interrupting her."Or not?".
"I will be happy for you to be there but for now I want to do it alone, I will let you know how it will go", she tells him.
Fahd smiles at her and gave her a nod.
It was time for the birthday girl to cut her cake. A princess Ariel cake. It was all that Armaan ever talked about.
She dragged her Uncle Azuu and her Superhero to her cake so that they could be there to cut it with her.
"I guess we will get our wish, right Hanan?" Saira asks her while looking at the two grown men holding Armaan's hand while cutting the cake.
"If anyone can do it, she can. I am proud of her, Saira. Even though, I am trying to make everything better just for her. I feel like something is missing in her life. A father. That's who she needs and I can't give her that", she tells Saira with tears in her eyes. "Excuse me, I will be right back", she added walking away from the birthday party and going into her parents' home.
When Fahd and Azaan saw how Hanan ran to the house, they looked at each other and complimented who should follow her.
"You go"
"You go"
They both said it at the same time but Azaan ended up letting Fahd go after his cousin.
"She needs you, but if you hurt her. I will break your bones and this time I won't hold back", Azaan tells him giving Fahd a smirk.
"I promise you that I will hurt Armaan and Hanan. They mean so much to me", he retorted and then walked into the house to look for Hanan.
As soon as he entered the house, Fahd could hear sobs coming from Hanan's bedroom. He slowly walked toward it and knocked on it hoping that she would let him in or even come out.
"Hanan, are you alright? Please talk to me", Fahd says to her through the door but all Hanan did was cry even more and this makes Fahd walk in without knocking for the second time.
He found her on the floor, hugging herself while crying her eyes out. Fahd moved closer to her and then kneeled in front of her.
He slowly put his arms around her bringing her into his arms. Hana couldn't help but cry more in his arms.
"Shh, it is okay. I am here", he says to her trying to calm her down. He then puts his hands on both sides of her face wiping her tears away. "What's wrong? I don't want Azaan to think that I have hurt you in any way", he added making her break into a small smile.
"This past three years, I have been thinking a lot about Armaan, her father and how would she react to know the real truth? I don't want her to hate me...."
"Shhh, I know and I promise that she would never hate you. You are her best friend and she would understand how much you care, love her and most importantly how much you have sacrificed for her. I can't promise that she won't be angry at you but she will understand you", he tells her.
"Thank you, but we should go back...."
"Yes, we should. And you are most welcome," he tells her giving her one last hug. Fahd didn't want to let her go but he had to so that Azaan didn't have to punch him.
Kiss her, you fool.
You have opened your heart to her, kiss her.
Both his mind and heart were competing on what he should do next.
He put her hands on both sides of her face, as he leaned closer to her.
As their breath intertwine, as their lips were about to touch, they were interrupted by Armaan calling out to them.
"Mamma, are you in here?" she asked them as she approached the room they were in.
"I am here, Aru", Hanan called out to her as soon as she pulled herself out of Fahd's arms.
It feels so empty now. But I can't do this especially when Armaan will need me by her side when she learns the truth about her father.
Fahd looked at her with a huge smile on his face but he also knew that it would take time for Hanan to let him into her heart.
I will wait as long as it takes for you to let me in your heart as you and Armaan moved into mine. I will promise to protect you from anyone.
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