Chapter Five.
Anonymous Letters.
Two Months Later.
It has been two months now, and Armaan and Fahd have been getting closer than ever. He is the first person she asks for whenever they go to the office but sometimes, Hanan doesn't bring her as there's a time when she would stay late at the office because of work and she didn't want Armaan to get bored and suffer from just staying put and not getting any time or place to play.
"Aru, you have to stay with you nana and papa today as I will have to stay late at the office for work..."
"But mamma I can stay with Superhero. He is my friend, and he won't..."
"Aru, he and I will be busy with an important meeting that will need both our attention and I promise you that I will take you to get your favorite ice cream and to the park to play with Inaya, Yusuf and Adeel and Farha. You can have a playdate for the entire day", Hanan tries to assure her daughter but Armaan was adamant to go with her.
She looked over to her parents to seek help from them but the only one who could in a way tame her was her Uncle Azuu. But he was busy with his wife Saira, she needed him.
"Aru, come here and have some chocolate chip cookies that I made just for you", Laila tells her granddaughter.
As soon as Armaan heard those words, she immediately run toward her nana who winked at her daughter and husband who just looked at her with their eyes wide.
"I guess that works too", Hanan says as she looked at her daughter who was walking to the kitchen with her grandmother. "Anyways, dad I have to now. If theres anything that you guys will need, just call me. And about...."
"Yes, I know. I will let you know if she needs you or not. Now, go before you get late. Salams to Fahd. And tell him that everything will go well with the deal he is doing", her father tells her.
"Okay, bye dad and I will see you later", she tells her father who smiled at her. Hanan then walked out of her parent's home with a smile on her face.
As she was heading toward the car, she couldn't help but feel that someone was watching her. She just shook her head and got into the car driving to her destination.
"I just hope everything will be fine with today," she tries to assure herself as today will be a nerve-wracking day for both Fahd and her.
It was what Fahd has been hoping to get, a big contract that will his company well-known in the business world.
Fahd didn't want any competition between him and Azaan as they were once best friends who were supposed to emerge their companies as one but that didn't happen when a girl came between them.
Faryal Ahmed.
The woman ruined both of their lives with the stupid revenge she had to do because of a misunderstanding that Azaan and Fahd's fathers ruined her lover's company and life.
Fahd was pacing in his office thinking of how nervous he is especially when the investor was brought by Hanan's father Khalid who knew that he needed this.
Fahd and Hanan prepared everything that was needed to represent the investor but when Fahd looked at the time, he saw it was time for the investors to arrive but Hanan isn't there to welcome them.
"Asalam Aleikum. I am sorry, that I am late today. Its just that I had to drop Armaan off to my parents' house but she didn't want to stay, she wanted to come with me...."
"Hanan, breath and take a seat", he interrupts her. "Here have a glass of water", he then gave her some water.
"Thank you. But I ....."
"Don't say that you are sorry. It's okay, you aren't late. Besides, they are about to arrive, Mandy just told me," he tells her smiling at her.
"Armaan wanted to come but I couldn't bring her as we would be busy with the meeting. I had to bribe her by having all her best friends over one day at home. And mum had to say that she had chocolate chip cookies that's how she stayed," he explained to Fahd.
"I would love to see her, if that's okay with you. Take her to have ice cream, with your permission of course", Fahd tells her.
This surprised Hanan more than anything but she also didn't want Armaan to get attached to Fahd as he will one day get married and have his own family.
In shaa Allah.
"Take your time to answer me. But for now, we have to go to the conference room as they are already there waiting", Fahd tells her while showing her a message from Mandy telling them about the investors.
"Okay, let's go", she says as they walked out of the door together. "Don't worry, everything will be okay. Always remember that Allah is always with us. So now lets go and show them what this company can do for them if they are willing to invest", she adds smiling at him.
He couldn't help but smile along with her.
Hanan, I wish and pray that you find happiness but why do I feel jealous when I say this, especially to you? I came to love, adore and care for Armaan as if she was my daughter.
"Asalam Aleikum, welcome everyone", Fahd says when he enters the conference room with Hanan by his side.
"Waleikum Salaam, Fahd. How are you?" one of the investors says to him.
"I am good Alhamdullilah. Can we get on with the meeting?", Fahd says taking a sit beside Hanan who looked nervous.
She and Mandy were the only women in the room full of men. So it was up to Fahd to protect them from them.
The meeting took about an hour due to the discussion of the contract before signing them.
One of the men looked at Hanan with lust in his eyes even though she was wearing a hijab that covers her head.
She was fidgeting in her seat when Fahd started to notice her. He then took her hand with his and then squeezed it making the man look away as if he was caught by him.
"Anything else gentlemen....."
Fahd asks Mr. Yunus who was the main investor as the others were there as his supporters.
"No, nothing else. We can go and celebrate...."
"I am sorry, but we need to go somewhere. We can do that another time, okay?", Fahd says as he shakes hands with the men in the room.
As everyone walked out, Fahd, Hanan, and Mandy looked at each other and cheered for themselves as they made it.
"Let's go and celebrate....."
Fahd wanted to say anything more when Mandy put her hand up and said; "I am busy and I don't need to celebrate. Why don't you two go and celebrate and take Armaan with you?".
"I still have work, and I need to finish it....."
"Go before I kick you out of the office. I will do it and in front of everyone here. Go now", Mandy tells them.
She then push them out of the conference room and told them to go and take their things and leave before she doesn't do what she promised.
"Okay, fine. We are leaving", Fahd tells her while Mandy was trying not to laugh.
As soon as they got out of the door, a figure ran passing them. He looked suspicious to Fahd but he didn't want to alarm Hanan.
But what they don't know is that something was waiting for them in Hanan's car.
"Why don't we take both cars, and then you will go and take your car home while me following you and then we will go together to your parents home to get Armaan, okay?" Fahd asks as they approached the parking lot.
"That's a good idea. She will love to see you", Hanan agrees and then they both get into their cars.
Hanan started driving to her parent's home but before that, she couldn't help but notice that someone was following her.
It's just your imagination, Hanan. Take a deep breath and go and get Aru. She will be more excited to see him than her mother.
She then arrived and parked the car outside her parents' house.
Hanan went into the house to find her daughter telling her grandparents a story.
"Nana, Superhero is tall and handsome too. He gives me colors and crayons", she says to them making both Laila and Khalid laugh.
The little girl looked up to see her mother who had just entered the door and was looking at them.
"Mamma, I was just telling nana and papa about Superhero", Armaan says running toward her mother.
"I heard. Mum, dad I am here to take her. The meeting went great than we all expected. Alhamdullilah, and now I am taking the princess out for ice cream", she explained to her parents.
"Okay, I will go and get her backpack", Laila says going to the room to get Armaan's bag.
In a few minutes, she comes back with it.
"Here you go, love. Now, go with mamma and have loads of fun", Both Khalid and Laila tell their granddaughter.
"Okay, bye nana, papa. Love you", she says walking out of the door.
They replied to her and waved at her.
As they reached the car, Hanan saw an envelope attached to the windshield of her car. She immediately removed it so that Armaan won't ask about it.
She put it in her purse and decided to open it when she is alone.
"Where does the princess want to go?", Hanan asks her daughter as she settles her in the car seat.
"Can we see Superhero, mamma? I promise to behave myself", she tells her mother pouting.
"Hmmm, lets go home and then see from there, okay?", Hanan tells her daughter without revealing that they were going to see Superhero.
"Okay, mamma", she says pouting.
Hanan smiled at her daughter but she couldn't help but think of the envelope that was in her purse.
Everything will be according to Allah. His plan over ours anytime.
As they arrived home, they were met by Fahd who was in his care waiting for the two ladies to arrive so that they could have fun.
Hanan parked her car in her garage and then helped Armaan get out of the car. As soon as she saw Fahd coming out of his car, she run toward him calling him.
Fahd smiled at her and carried Armaan in his arms.
"I missed you, Superhero", Armaan tells him kissing him on his cheek.
"I missed you too, love".
"And this why I get easily forgotten by daughter whenever she sees her Superhero. Aru, come here", Hanan tries to get Armaan from Fahd but she didn't want to go to her.
"Let her be, Hanan. Come and get in the car, "Fahd says to them putting Armaan in the backseat and then turning to Hanan who looked nervous.
"Whats wrong Hanan? You seem in deep thought", Fahd says to her.
Hanan didn't want him to get worried about her life. Fahd didn't want to let go as Armaan would notice everything and will ask questions that no one has the answers to.
"Hanan, we are friends. You can tell me anything that is bothering you. Please for the sake of Armaan", Fahd says to her insisting.
Hanan had no choice but to tell him what has been happening for the past few days. And the letters she has been receiving from someone.
"I will show you but for now, let's go and take Armaan so that she can have fun and then will talk more. Okay?" Hanan suggests to him.
He nods and opens the door for her to get into the car.
"Where are we going?" Armaan asks them.
"Park, ice cream parlour and then the mall to watch a movie for kids", Fahd says smiling.
"Okay, superhero. You are the best", Armaan tells him.
"Seriously, Aru? What about me?" Hanan asks her daughter.
Armaan just shrugged and smiled.
"Hanan, you are the best mother that any kid would have. She is lucky to have you in her life", Fahd says to her smiling.
"I am the lucky one. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me", Hanan replies to him.
Why do I wish that Armaan is mine and you are my wife? I don't want to be selfish but I can't let you or even Armaan go. Especially when she has become my entire world.
My Aru.
But Allah knows best for us, our future, our spouses, and our kids. I just hope and pray that everything works out the way He planned.
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