I placed my phone on the counter after speaking with Umar. Life can be fair at times. If I was told I'll spend hours on the phone with Umar, I would have denied. But here we are today. Alhamdulillah.
I brought out the cakes from the oven and placed them on the counter to cool before I begin to ice when my phone started to ring again as I began to hope it was Umar. I hissed when I saw Nasir appear on the already broken screen. I picked the call but didn't say a word until he spoke.
"I've been trying to reach you since but you were on the phone? Who were you speaking to? " he asked. "I was speaking to Nana " I said. more of lied.
"So what are you doing? " he asked. "Nothing much. I'm just waiting for Amma to arrive " she replied.
"Wow! So what did you prepare for her? " he asked and I groaned.
"Nothing much. We'll talk later Nasir. I'm busy right now." I said scrunching my nose.
"Are you trying to avoid me Minal? " he asked making my temper rise. I've tried all I could to at least like this guy but I failed. He isn't also helping things. If only he could be like my Umar. What? Did I say my Umar? We'll, he's mine because he's my brother. If only he could be like Umar Faruk, then I would have fallen for him.
"I'm not avoiding you Nasir. I'm busy" I said calmly. "Okay then. Please baby call me when you're done" he said softly and I nodded before ending the call.
I first iced the cupcakes before icing the main cake were I wrote "Welcome Home Amma" as instructed by Hajiya. I checked the rice which was past done and reduced the heat. Thirty minutes later, I was already arranging the dining table when I heard Amma's voice.
"Home sweet home!!" she yelled. "Mummy!! Minal!!! Everyone!!!! I'm back!!!!!! " she called out. I hastened what I was doing before I went to welcome her. She was in the sitting room in Hajiya's arms. "How was your journey baby" I heard Hajiya asking her.
I abruptly stopped and grabbed my head with both hands. "Innalillahi WA Inna ilaihi raji'un " I said as I staggered to my room. Those images again. Ya Salam!
I sat on my bed and closed my eyes with both hands still grabbing the head.
"Mummy! I'm home" I said as I rushed towards an elderly woman. It's that same woman who I see every time."How was your journey baby " she asked as she wrapped her arms around me."
"Minal! Where are you? " I heard Amma call and instantly, the pain in my head worsened and everything became blank. No more flashbacks. I rushed to the bathroom and washed my face before going out to meet her.
"Baby girl. I've missed you so much " she said embracing me. "I missed you more Minal.I said hugging her back with a fake smile plastered on my face. To be sincere, I'm not happy on seeing her. You must be wondering why or some would say I'm heartless after Amma has done but it isn't like that. "I'm afraid she'll carry Umar along with her. Yes! She's getting married to him in less than a month and that, I'm not happy with.
"Lord! How gorgeous you look" she said excitedly. "come here" she said dragging me. "You must tell me the secret "
"Ya Salam! Minal for goodness sake there's no secret you need to know. And moreover, you are the one who looks breathtaking. Zaria's weather suits you " I replied sitting beside her.
"Now I know what you've been doing while I was away" she said rolling her eyes. "And what have I been doing?" I asked confused.
"Learning how to deceive people of course. " she replied. "For goodness sake Amma, I'm not deceiving you" I said hitting her with a pillow ". "No! You did. Bakisan ABU akwai Kura ba" (someone should help me translate please 😁 I'm not Hausa 😢 😢 ) .
"Like seriously?! You must be kidding me . Let's go and eat" I said attempting to stand when she stopped me. "Look" she said showing me something on her phone. It was a picture of a guy dressed in Black Kaftan with a red cap. He looks good Masha Allah.
"How does he look? " she asked grinning sheepishly. "Not too bad" I replied with the phone still in my hand. "Are you high? Comment on his looks and don't tell me he looks good or something " she said. I was about to reply when her stomach grumbled. "What did you prepare for me?" she asked grabbing my hand.
"Let's go. You'll see" We headed to the dining and Hajiya joined us before we started eating. "
"We were eating in peace not until Amma's phone started to ring. Mama was close to the phone so she was able to see the caller's ID . "Prince Charming? " she asked Amma immediately after she ended the call.
"Mama! It isn't what you think. He's just a friend and that's what basically everyone calls him because that's the opposite of what he is" she said laughing as Mama nodded continuously.
They began to talk about the upcoming wedding making me loose my appetite. I sat there staring at my fairly touched food.
" I don't want to marry now when I still haven't regained my memory. I don't want to marry Nasir. Ya Rabbi! Please help me" I said but only to myself.
"Come let's see what Mama bought for us. " Amma said grabbing my hand. I stood up slowly and followed her to a room where all the things Mama bought for the wedding from was stored. They were divided into two which meant a part was for Amma and the other for me.
"Wow! Let me call Mama and ask which is mine?" she said dialing Mama's number.
"Mama which is mine? She asked grinning sheepishly.
"The finer one and the part that has more " I heard Mama say and I instantly felt bad. Well, I shouldn't have expected everything to be equal.
"After spending hours going through everything, I finally retired to my room. I performed Wudhu (abulution ) observed my Salatul Maghrib and recited the Holy Quran till the time for Isha ignoring my ringing phone.
After observing Salatul Isha, I folded the prayer mat, hanged the Hijab I the wardrobe before laying down on my comfy bed.
My memory is all I could think of and Umar. I want to regain back my memory . I want to have some group I'll call my family. I want to hug and peck my parents every now and then and moreover, I don't want to get married without my parent's blessings. This is my everyday Dua.
"Minal! Minal! " Ummi called bringing me out of my trance. "Come upstairs quick" the frightened girl said and exited before I could question her.
Amma was on the bed wailing and Mama was on the bed beside her. "Assalamu alaikum " I said as I hurried to where Amma was.
"What happened Amma? " I asked holding her. She didn't answer but instead, she kept on wailing. "Is everything alright Hajiya? " I asked turning to look at Mama who sat still.
She didn't even spare me a glance talk less of answering my question. I sat still for sometime, trying to guess what happened.
"Has Umar decided not to get married to her? " I asked myself. "I pray so" the inner me said. I had no clue on what to do so I continued to console Amma who was crying her heart out.
I quietly stood up and exited the room heading to the kitchen. "What happened Ummi" I asked. "Wallahi I don't know. Amma received a phone call then all these started.
"You have no clue?" I asked and she shook her head. I shrugged and left returning to where I was coming from. "She was still in the position I left her, in fact it has gotten worse.
"Calm down Amma and have faith in Allah. Whatever happened has been destined to happen and in situations like this, prayer is the best thing for you to do."
The moment I shut my mouth, I regretted saying what I just said because it seems as if it triggered her.
"What must have happened?" I thought as I continued to rub her back.
A/N: Hello from the other
side 🎶 🎶
Namaste cupcakes 🙏 Aap kaise Ho?
What do you think must have happened? Please I want to hear from you. There won't be an update until I get a satisfiable amount of feedbacks. Oya leggo!!! Show me you can do it. Once again, Namaste🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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