Minal's Pov
My heart skipped a beat the moment the gate man came out to see who's horning. The expression on his face when he saw me made we forget all what was going on in my mind and wish I had a camera to take at least a just two shots.
"Amina!!" he called and bent over in order to have a good look.
"Amina keh che?" (Are you the one Amina) he asked as tears started to stream down his cheeks.
"Alhamdulillahi Allah. Mun gode ma."
He wiped his eyes with both hands and rushed to open the gates. I've known Mallam Ado since I was 3 and we see him as part of our family because he has none and Mallam Ado is a very honest and trustworthy old man. I turned to look at Daddy who was also looking at me. I smiled at him and leaned back remembering how daddy broke the good news to me earlier today.
* Flashback *
I woke up as usual and after observing Salatul Subhi and reciting the Quran for up to an hour, I went to the kitchen and started to make breakfast when Daddy asked Amma to call me.
"Assalamu Alaikum" I said softly at the door to his room and waited patiently for his reply.
"Waalaikumus Salam. Bismillah Amina,come in" he answered cheerfully. I opened the door slowly and said the Salam before entering. He was on the phone when I entered so I had to wait for him.
"Haba Minal. Why are you sitting on the floor when the chair is just next to you " he said the moment he ended the call.
"It's alright daddy. I'm OK here" I said drawing circles on the rug.
"If you insist. " he said removing his glasses.
"Do you know the reason why I called you?" he asked and I simply shook my head.
"Wow! OK then. Guess" he said. I looked up surprised at his tone. I've never seen daddy sound so happy.
"I have no idea Daddy" I replied chuckling.
"OK then" he said picking his phone.
"I guess I have to call someone and tell her that, her daughter Amina Sagir Alkali doesn't want to see her" he added looking so serious.
I didn't know where my manners went to and I didn't know how it happened but all I could remember is that, I found Daddy's phone in my hand and he was laughing so hard.
"Wow! I never knew you could be this strong Minal " he said making me close my face with my Hijab.
"I'm sure you get the clue now. Right?" he asked and I nodded.
"Masha Allah. So get ready. We're leaving soon. Our flight is by 11:15 am" he said. I couldn't help but let the tears flow freely down my cheeks. After all these months, I'm finally going to see my mother.
"Thank you so much Daddy. Thank you for everything you've done for me. There's nothing I can do to pay back what you've done for me. The best thing I can do is to include you in my dua's. Jazakallah khairan. " I said in between sobs.
I froze when I saw him wiping his eyes. "Go get ready Minal. " he said
* End of flashback *
Mallam Ado came and opened the car for me and even insisted on carrying my hand bag. I felt so different the moment I got out of the car. I felt secured. I felt love once again. Happiness, excitement and so many things I can't express.
"Minal!!" James the gardener called running towards me. I turned and smiled at him looking at how much he has changed.
I looked up stared at the window of my room. The sight from that window is just so magnificent.
"I'm back home dear room. You'll come back to life" I said to my self as we made our way to the entrance. Mallam Ado and James were leading, followed by Amma and I, then Hajiya and daddy. I suddenly began to feel strange. Should I call it nervousness?
"Who's this I'm seeing" Maman Sadiya our cook said running towards me. She hugged me tightly and suddenly began to cry. I joined her and we continued until Daddy spoke.
"Haba Dan Allah. This isn't the right time for this." I pulled back and went to sit beside Amma. I know I should've ran upstairs to see my mum but it was as if there was a force pulling me.
We stayed in a comfortable silence for few minutes waiting for my mom to descend from the stairs but she didn't. I was so confused that I didn't know what to do so I texted Nana.
"Go to her" was her reply and I was about to stand up when Daddy stopped me. "Don't go Minal. This is a suprise" he said.
After additional ten minutes I felt I couldn't wait any longer and was about to leave when we heard footsteps. I suddenly felt a lump in my throat as I fixed my eyes on the stairs.
She appeared in a blue Lappaya which really matched her colour skin. I never imagined I would completely break down when I see her.
"Ummu!!" I called and ran to her even before she could descend from the stairs.
"She froze and watched me open mouthed with tears in her eyes.
"Minal?!" she said softly.
"Minal! " she repeated then she fainted...
"How's she doctor? " I asked the first doctor to come out of the ward. "She's better. She just needs some rest to recover from the shock. I wiped my eyes and went back to sit beside Amma who was busy chatting.
"Don't worry Minal. She'll be fine " I heard her say but didn't even spare her a glance. Maman Sadiya came and sat beside me rubbing my back. I was actually looking for a shoulder to cry own so I used that opportunity to cry my heart out.
"It's OK Minal. She'll be fine In SHA ALLAH " she said softly kissing my forehead.
"Haba Hajiya. You just can't leave. Not when they're in this condition.
" I heard Daddy say angrily.
"There's no difference whether we stay or not. Amma and I are tired so we'll probably come back tomorrow " she replied.
"Let's go Amma " she added. I watched as they left without saying a word to me and saw daddy shake his head.
*Third person's pov*
She woke up only to find herself in a hospital bed and not in her room with her treasure in her arms. It was then she realized it was a dream.
"What am I doing here then?" she asked herself as she looked around for a clue.
"Minal! " she called softly remembering what happened earlier before everything turned black. Her Minal. She definitely saw her but where is she? Who brought her here?
The doctor came in and after several checkups, she asked him
"Who brought me here doctor? "
"Your family Ma'am. They will be here shortly" he replied and exited the room. She adjusted her Lappaya and covered her Long Black hair.
"Ummu" Minal called and ran towards her mother dropping her scarf on the floor. Ummu Amina just couldn't believe her eyes. Her only treasure was back. The Minal who she thought she lost is back.
"Amina!" she called softly and embraced her daughter. They stayed in that position for a long period of time and broke the embrace not because they wanted to. Ummu Amina's face and eyes were all red as she continuously wiped her face.
"Amina" She called again and this time she was smiling wildly but the tears didn't stop streaming down her cheeks. She held her daughter's face with both hands, moved closer then planted a kiss on her forehead.
"I missed you Ummu" Minal said resting her head on her mother's shoulders.
"I missed you more Minal" Ummu Amina said pulling her into her arms again.
"Then why didn't you look for me Ummu" Minal said in between sobs.
"Why didn't you! " she asked again but this time around, she was no longer in her mother's arms. She was looking straight into her eyes waiting for her reply.
She used the hem of her Lappaya to wipe her tears. I'm sorry Minal. You know the condition I was in and when I regained consciousness and asked of you. They told me you were..." sob sounds took over.
"What did they tell you Ummu. Who were they? " she asked rubbing her mother's back.
"You're father's family Minal. They told me you were gone."
Minal was beyond shocked. She is aware of how her father's relatives despise her bother and she but never has she thought it has gotten to that level.
" I was a fool to believe them Minal. I went through a lot after then.... "
"Ummu please. Don't say anything more. Aren't you happy that I'm back "
"I can't be happier than I am. I've missed you a hell lot. "
"I missed seeing you in your beautiful Lappayas Ummu. I missed your cooking and how you'll force me to eat what I don't like. I missed everything Ummu "
Hello to you too. What do you think is going to be Ummu Minal's reply? Please do comment on your views and opinions.
Jzk khrn💗
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