Umar was in the living room with his mum and Al-Amin when his phone rang."Adda!!" he said excitedly ending the call to call her back. "I've warned you severally not to end my call and call me back Umar Faruk " his sister started to nag causing him to roll his eyes endlessly which she spoke. "My husband's monthly income is enough to feed us for six months and hey! Don't forget the fact that I'm a blogger. " she added.
"Adda! Don't blame me OK! I was just so excited you called. I didn't know when I ended the call" he said in between chuckles. Al-Amin's attention was on the TV while his mother's was on him. "These two will never grow up"she muttered shaking her head.
"Stop sounding as if I hardly call you Mister" his sister huffed. "Adda! You know, you calling me is a once in a while something. You call me only when you have something to tell me or when your husband needs serious beating from you from ...."
"Arrrgh!" She groaned. "You see, I don't have your time because my kiddies will be back soon and hey! I'm not going to inform you what I intended." She sounded serious this time which made Umar also serious. "I'm sorry Adda. What is it. Your husband? " he asked.
"No! Baby brother. It's about Amina Sagir Alkali " The mention of that name alone changed his mood totally. "What happened to her Adda. She's getting married today. I guess, the deal has already been done. It's 3:26 now " he said now attracting everyone's attention.
Al-Amin is already aware of what's happening but he didn't tell his best friend. Nana called him the day it happened and accused him of ruining the marriage plan. After hours of pleasing and explanations, she still didn't believe him and ended the call with "Mark my words Al-Amin. You'll pay for this"
He wasn't bothered because he isn't responsible for anything and he didn't find it necessary to inform Umar. He might also accuse him.
"Innalillahi WA Inna ilaihi rajiu " he heard Umar say. "When did this happen? " he asked his sister who has begun to regret why she broke the news to her brother. She expected him to be happy and not to be so confused and sad. "It happened a day before yesterday. That's two days to the wedding. " she said. "You see Umar, I see no reason why you should be upset. I'm sure Allah made this to happen for a reason. You are Minal's husband and no one else. "Nasir was never destined to be hers. My kiddies are back. Well talk later baby boy. I hate you more" she added. Umar stared at the phone unable to utter a word.
"What happened Umar?" mummy asked sitting beside him. "It's Minal mummy." he said softly. Tears were already in his eyes making Al-Amin begin to wonder the type of person he calls his best friend. "That idiot whom I never liked called off the wedding!!" he said but this time around, louder.
"Calm down baby. " mummy said giving him a glass of water. "It was never meant to happen Umar. Let's just pray for the best for her OK. " she said rubbing his back.
"For goodness sake Umar. Believe me. I know nothing about this and I have no hand in it. Why do you guys keep accusing me. Minal and her friend are also thinking I'm behind it." he huffed and walked towards the door. "I never expected this from you Umar. At least if everyone would point their fingers at me, you should be the only person left who isn't doing same because you know what I'm capable of doing and not. I also have a heart and I wouldn't want same to happen to my sister." he added and closed the door noisily.
"Then what is the reason behind this? " Umar continued to ask himself. He picked up his phone and dialed Minal's number.
Ummu was discharged two day after the incident and since then, it hasn't been going well for Minal. Her father's relatives were on her neck. "Had it been you accepted my offer, this wouldn't have happened. Shane to you and your daughter." Anty Bara said and walked angrily out of the house banging the door. "I thank God my brother isn't alive to witness this shameful thing. What has never happened in the history of the Alkali's" Her father's elder brother added.
She ran to her mother the moment they all left and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry Ummu for causing this. I've caused you so much pain Ummu. I'm sorry!" she cried. Ummu was also crying which made it very hard for her to utter a word to her daughter.
"It's OK Minal. You are making Ummu cry. You know she's not too strong and remember what the doctor said. Please Minal." Nana pleaded. "It OK Minal." Ummu's said softly. "You've done nothing. Let's just keep praying. Allah will bring an end to all these.
Minal was folding her hijab when her phone rang and she didn't even bother to look at who it was. "Pick the call Minal and don't give people the impression that you're avoiding them although, that's what you're doing."
"I believe no one has something important to say to me Nana. Most of them are probably calling to feed their ears." Nana rolled her eyes and moved forward to take the phone. A frown appeared on her face and she quickly cut the call going back to what she was doing.
"Who was that? " Minal asked. "No one important " Nana replied shutting down the system. "My fingers ache" she said breaking her knuckles. "May I have my phone please?" Minal asked stretching her hand. "I told you it's no one important Minal. Why should you talk to him after all the pains he has put us through. He's the cause for the sudden rise in Ummu's BP. " Nana replied angrily.
"Is it Nasir? " Minal asked calmly sitting beside Nana. "I would have answered the call if he was the one? " Nana replied. She was now biting her nails wishing it was Nasir that called. "I would have skinned him alive over the phone" she muttered.
The phone rang again and that was when Minal got to see who it was. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. It seemed as if she was waiting for his call. Maybe she was since all she could do is to think of him all day and wish he were somewhere close. She made an attempt to get the phone when Nana shoved her.
"I can see you're insane Minal. Don't tell me you want to pick this call? " she asked looking so irritated. "why shouldn't I pick the call Nana. Why don't you believe that this marriage didn't work out because it wasn't meant to or something it's not the right time. Why can't you just stop blaming these innocent souls."
Nana was so shocked that she picked the call before it ended and gave Minal the phone. " Umar Faruk must have charmed this girl " she hissed and turned around pretending to sleep.
Minal picked the call but was unable to say a word. "Minal!" he called sounding so unsure. It was as if he wanted to believe she was the one he's actually speaking with. "Na'am" she replied calmly making him close his eyes involuntarily and unconsciously. He spent some seconds in that position before he finally spoke."I'm sorry things..." he started.
"...oh please Umar. It's the past. Allah yasa alkhairi neh" she said. Her words have him hope. Her words gave him another reason to live. "I'll be visiting soon Minal. Hope I'm welcomed? " he asked hopefully. The sharp pain in his leg brought him back to reality. His leg. He can't just give himself false hopes. Minal would reject him just the way Amma did. No lady would like to push her husband on a wheelchair. Including Minal. He was about to end the call and not to call her again and also not to visit when she replied.
"Uhm why not?! Just remember to inform me. " she said and without another word, she ended the call. "We just have to forget each other Minal" he muttered.
Does Minal know what "Jan aji" is? I bet she doesn't. It isn't a really good thing anyway
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