"Jiddah you are a grown up but you don't know what is good for you." Amma said. We are still on the Nasir's topic. Why does she want me to date him badly? I thought.
"For goodness sake Jiddah, we are in the 21st century and stop acting otherwise. I'm sure even Inna and her friends were far smarter than you ."
Ya rabb! She's comparing me to Inna her great grand mother. This is serious. Inna is one of the most caring person I have met. I got to know her when we traveled to Kano for abba's wedding and she actually cried when we were leaving.
"Are you too blind to see how madly in love with you Nasir is.?"I sighed. "I understand all what you are saying Amma but the truth is I don't want Nasir. " She kept quiet and we ate in silence. "You are getting on my nerves Jiddah." she said the moment she was done eating.
"OK fine. Since you don't want him why don't you give him a chance?. "
"And what's the use of that?" I asked .
"Just do as I say and you can thank me later." I watched her as she climbed the stairs trying to process what she said. "I give up" I said to my self letting out a frustrated sigh.
Later in the evening, Yasir came over and after talking with Amma for hours, we went out. I think this has become his daily routine. He comes after every Asr prayer , takes us out and then we come back after Isha. I'm really not comfortable with this arrangement but I have no choice. Although, they can be helpful at times. They sometimes drop me off in Nana's house and go to wherever they want to.
As usual, we got home after Isha and I rushed to my room after having our usual arguments with Amma. Nasir is always reporting me to her for not picking his calls blah blah blah. Amma asked him to come over tomorrow and that would be the second time we would be meeting. I'm looking forward to meeting him. Maybe he would understand when I talk to him in person and not over the phone where he cuts me off. I would punch him hard if he interrupts me.
"Jiddah! Jiddah!!" I heard Amma's voice. I slowly opened my eyes and there she was, standing with both hands on her waist. The day seems bright making me wonder what time it is. " A'udhu billahi mina ashaytani AR rajim" I said getting up from bed. It's already 7:12 am and I haven't observed my Subh prayers. How come I didn't hear my alarm ring. This is what I get for sleeping very late.
After observing Salatul Subh, I made breakfast and helped Ummi [the house maid] with some chores. We worked together while chatting and she told me all about her and her family. I listened attentively wishing I knew about my family. I know no one. Ya rabb!!
When we were done, I went my to my room and showered. Finding what to wear is really hard. I searched for almost ten minutes before picking a random top and a high waist skirt with a Black Veil.
With a pen in my hand, I looked down at the blank paper. I made up mind to compose a poem when Amma called.
* * *
It's already maghrib and Nasir would be here any moment from now. I was still on the prayer mat when Amma came in and left within ten seconds. After reciting the Holy Quran for thirty minutes, I stood up and made my way to the kitchen. I didn't feel like eating anything because I cooked it [that's how I am. Whenever I cook, eating it becomes a problem] but I wouldn't want my stomach to embarrass me with the funny sounds it has been making.
"Jiddah! " Amma yelled the moment we bumped into each other. "Didn't you see the clothes I kept on your bed? Don't you know you are meant to wear it?".
"I'm not going to change AmmA, I will just wear my hijab when he comes" .
"You better go and wear it then because he's already here. ". I looked at her and then studies the slice of cake in my hand. My heart was drumming in my chest as I ate the remaining piece on the plate, took a glass of milk and then after wearing a very long blue hijab, I set out to meet him with Amma who was all dressed ahead of me.
He was in his car when we came out and I expected him to come out but he didn't. I just pray he isn't expecting me to do what Amma did. She entered into Yasir's car but I wasn't going to do the same. I stood behind the car timing him. If he doesn't come out before his time gets exhausted, I would leave. As if he read my mind, he came out with a smile plastered on his face. Ewwwwwww! Not bad looking but Umar...... Shit! What brought Umar into this matter now.
After exchanging pleasantries, I was expecting him to say a word or two but if I were to write all he has been saying, an ocean of ink won't be enough. You know he really has a good sense of humour [note the sarcasm ].
I felt like strangling him when he kept asking me questions I considered to be irrelevant. Why does he want to know my best colour? Why should he be asking of my favorite food, drink , day of the week, month.... Blah blah blah blah. Some guys can be so lame.
I noticed a car coming towards us and I wondered who it would be. Maybe it's going to the next house because Hajiya isn't expecting any visitor tonight.
I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. Ya rabb! Umar is somewhere around . That's his scent . "Assalamu alaikum " I heard someone say and I looked up to see who it was. I guess right. Dressed in white caftan, he looked extremely hot. Ya salam. I watched as they shook hands with Nasir and after exchanging pleasantries, he left without even glancing at me talk less of saying hi.
I watched Amma leave and I looked at Nasir hoping he would also leave but he didn't. I waited for thirty minutes but no intention of leaving at that moment.
10 more minutes but he still wasn't ready to leave. What am I going to do now? Ya salam!
I placed both hands on my head and groaned. "Subhana Allah! Jidda are you alright?! " he asked.
"I'm fine. It's just that my head hurts? " I lied groaning.
"I'm so sorry about that. I guess I should better leave you now so you can go and have some rest. We will talk later OK? " he said looking so worried .
I made some snoopy dance in my head "Thank you " I muttered and left.
I got into the sitting room smiling until our gazes met. I froze and stared at him. He looked away and stood up.
"Good evening Yaya Faruk " I managed to say but it seemed as if someone has turned deaf. I rushed to my room and sat on the floor. Why did he have to come back? I thought.
" Stop talking as if you own this house Jidda" I warned myself. This is his uncle's house as well as that of his in-laws. He's welcomed at anytime.
I woke up very early the next day as usual and after making breakfast, Hajiya ordered me to take Faruk's to his room.
Ya Rabb! Must I do this now. I arranged the dishes on the tray and guess what I did. I went to my room and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Nah nah. I wasn't satisfied with what I saw. I grabbed an eyeliner and mascara. I just need to work on my eyes.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror once again and was satisfied with what I saw. Wait! Did I just do this? I mean for a 'guy'?. Anyways I just lined my eyes and applied some mascara. Nothing much.
I didn't realize what I was doing until I started to cough. Jiddah you just sprayed. I stared at the perfume in my hand which was already choking me. Ya Rabb! When did I turn into Amma. Grabbing my hijab, I ran out of the room muttering silent prayers. I just pray he doesn't give me a cold treatment.
I've been knocking on the door for over 5 minutes but no response and no movements. "Maybe he isn't in"i said shrugging. I opened the door with the food tray in my hand, I made my way to the table which was at the extreme end of the room when I saw him. He was coming out of the bathroom with a towel in his hand which he used to wipe his face. He was shirtless! No! half naked . You know shirtless and thank God for the towel he tied around his waist.
I gasped and that was when he noticed my presence. You can do this Jiddah. Just pretend you didn't see him and keep the tray on the table and get the hell out of his room.
I stumbled over something and then boom! I was on the floor together with the tray of food. I felt tears running down my cheeks and I quickly wiped it before he could notice. I was hurt and at the same time embarrassed.
What would he think? I tripped over because I was staring at him?
He stood there watching me as I got up and looked at the mess I made. I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand. "Next time, remember to knock. And don't bother getting me another food. I will eat these" he said pointing at the dishes on the floor. Thank God they just fell and didn't pour.
I was already at the door when he spoke. "Jiddah! " I stopped dead on my tracks. He came over to where I was and held the door "You like what you see? " and before I could even process what he said, he closed the door.
Innalillahi WA Inna ilaihi raji'un. I rushed to my room gasping for air .Words can't describe how embarrassed I was.
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