Dedicated to miz_bukar her extraordinarily amazing comments keep me going. Thank you Teemerh am💞💞
After exchanging pleasantries with the gate man Mallam Ado, he headed to his mother's apartments after spending some time with her, he went to Ummu's. She was on the couch in the living room when he entered. Seeing her in that Red Lufaya and surprisingly with a red lipstick made him chuckle. "All thanks to Minal. Our Ummu is gradually turning into a slay queen" he thought.
"How was work Umar? " she asked. "Alhamdulillahi fa. I can see you are all set for the book launch. " he said.
She smiled shyly at him. "We have over two hours left. You should go have shower and have some rest before then" she suggested. "Where's Minal? " she asked.
"She's in the house o suppose. I haven't gone there. I went directly to Mummy's "
"Is she still asleep. I was there some while ago and she was complaining of headache."
"No. She was in her room when I went but she wasn't asleep. "
"OK then. Let me go and check on her " she searched on the floor for her phone. "I'll go and have some rest Ummu" she watched him leave with a wild smile plastered on her face. She has never seen someone like him. Never in her life. Within a year, his mother, Minal and him became his priority and no one could treat them better. He built three houses in a large compound where the middle one belonged to him, the one on the right belonged to his mother while the one on the left belonged to Ummu. He showed no preference as he treated both woman equally. The house structure was the same and every one has a car and a driver.
"This boy is pampering us too much" his mother said when he gave them the keys to their brand new cars.
Ummu badly wanted to go back to Sudan and live with her mother both she stayed because of her one and only daughter. She pleaded with her not to go and she had to make that promise she'll never go for so long. The last time she went was with Umar's mother and it's so surprising how the two got very close in a short period of time. He takes them out every Sunday and would always attempt to drive like a maniac just to scare them.
They was no one in the living room and the house as usual was quiet. He dropped him bag on the couch and sat, removing his sock. The book lunching is on less than two hours and he needs to get some rest before then.
He caught a whiff of her perfume and inhaled deeply waiting as she descended from the stairs. His Minal looked as beautiful as ever.
She ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Welcome home Daddy! " she said pulling out of the warm embrace. "And how is my little princess?l he asked rubbing her cheeks.
"I'm fine. I'm just anxious? We have little time left Daddy and you aren't dressed." he smiled down at the six year old as she spoke.
"Oh! Just a minute. I'll take long OK? " she nodded . "Daddy my nanny said I should always be wearing a scarf in my head but I don't want to. I want to show off my long hair. You also like it daddy. You are always touching it. "
"Call her Maman Sadiya Minal and hey! She knows what's the best for you. It's only guys that are meant to expose their hair." she paused for a while trying to process what he just said. "Fine. I won't expose my hair after today. "
"Why don't you start from now? " he asked. "Daddy I made this hair purposely for the book launchPlease Daddy! " she begged. "Fine. After today OK!"
Maman Sadiya came in and after they exchanged pleasantries, he left to go get ready wondering how close him and Minal have gotten in just a year. He adopted her exactly a year after Minal's death because he vowed not to get married only when God performs his miracle on him. With each breath he takes, he remembers her. He remembers seeing her in rags at his uncle's house, how frightened she gets whenever she sees him, how she totally changed after going back to her parent's house and lastly, he could clearly remember when she said the words he has been dying to hear. I love you Umar. He lay down on his bed grabbing her diary which has now become his.
26th JUNE he read aloud smiling sadly. It's the darkest day in his life and a day he will live to remember every detail.
Minal passes away two weeks after her family got to find out about her health condition. So many things happened in just that two weeks which seemed like seconds because if hoe fast it went.
She started reacting to her treatments well and everyone began to hope she'll be alright not until it worsened in just a night.
He wiped his tears remembering how happy and excited he was when he learnt of the improvement in her health. Not him alone but everyone. "I know it Minal. You'll live to see the color of my hair turn to grey In SHA ALLAH " he said that evening.
She smiled sadly at him shaking her head. "I hope so Umar. What if Allah doesn't spare my life to see the day I'll become yours talk less of the day... "
"Shhh! " he pressed his pointing finger to his lips. "Let's pray and have faith in him Minal. Please" she smiled and looked away.
"Can you please do me a favor? " she asked after some moments of comfortable silence. She thought this was the best time for them to talk since they were alone. He watched as she attempted to sit up biting her lips. He quickly stood up and helped her before going back to his sit.
"I'll do anything in my power for you Minal." he watched as her cute brown lips moved muttering a THANK YOU. She brought out an old big book from somewhere he has no idea of. He was busy admiring her pale face not to have noticed her take it from under the pillow. She looked at the diary for a while while he kept watching her before she gave him.
"This is my DIARY Umar." she said in a shaky voice. "I had it since when I was thirteen so be expecting to see some childish stupid stuffs inside" she let out soft chuckles before a cough took over.
"Here" he said giving her a glass a water. "I never thought there would be a day I would be giving out my diary to anyone." she said after draining the glass. "I'm very secretive Umar and that's why I never had a best friend apart from Nana. She's my first and it's not as if I tell her really everything. I planned on burning it when I feel I no longer need it because it's my only true best friend and basically everything is on it."
She was feeling too weak that she couldn't endure sitting any longer so she lay back and he moved his seat closer.
"what's the favor you want Minal?" he asked softly. She was getting so emotional and he wouldn't want to break down in her presence. He promised her that.
She took a deep breath before she spoke. It was so obvious she was in pains as she couldn't help buying her bottom lip or sucking in her breath.
"There are specific thing I do for my father on special day and it's all written in my diary. I was wondering if you could help me with just that. Please "
"Why won't you stop talking like this Minal. I've told you you'll live long and I don't have to do anything, we'll do it together."
"Let's face reality Umar. I'm the only one who know how I feel Umar. And one thing please." he nodded waiting for her to speak.
She couldn't spend because her breath began to seize and he didn't hesitate to press the emergency bottom. The doctors came rushing in immediately and he was forced to leave. He sat down with his fave in his palms. He was crying really hard.
"Umar! " someone called softly. He raised his head and saw Nana Minal's best friend. She was also in tears. "Let's pray for her Umar. she'll be fine In SHA ALLAH. " he simply nodded and buried his face in his palms again suddenly remembering the diary she entrusted him with. The fact that she trusts him enough to give him her diary made him love her more.
He was forced to go home that night because he was already looking like a patient as a Doctor said. He couldn't sleep because him and sleep have gone through ways. He can't remember the last time he has a good sleep. As usual, he stayed up all night praying and slept for just 45 minutes before Subhi. He set off to the hospital immediately after Subhi forgetting what BREAKFAST is.
Ummu was still on the prayer mat when he came in. He sat down on the chair facing the pale sleeping figure on the bed surprisingly with an oxygen mask. He switched on his phone and surprisingly, there was a text from her.
I still have lit to say Umar. Hope we'll find sometime to talk.
"How are we going to talk when you are in this condition Minal?" he asked totally forgetting Ummu's presence. Tears were already formed in his eyes and he knew he would definitely loose the war of holding them back so he quickly left.
They weren't able to talk till the next two days. Her health was a little bit better although I not encouraging.
"My health is getting worse everyday Umar. I might be leaving any time soon and I want to be with both you and Amma till my last breath." she stopped breathing heavily before she continued.
"Ummu! Umar! Can you guys do me a favor of always been by my side? Please. " Umar was in tears and so was Ummu. They both nodded unable to utter a word.
"You didn't go along with my Diary the other day Umar!" she said pouting. "And hey! You all promised not to cry." she added rolling her eyes dramatically. Umar stopped crying immediately and looked at Minal wondering how someone could be so strong to endure so much pain. "She's always trying to give the "I'm fine" expression.
He collected the diary as she smiled gratefully at him.
"Umar Ummu promised not to either go back to Sudan , stop wearing Laffaya or make up. Can you do me a favor of making sure she keeps to her words. Please! "
He glanced at Umma who was crying and smiling at the same time. "Sure Minal. You have my word."
"I have one more favor to ask but that would be tomorrow." she said loudly. He can't remember the last time he heard her speak loudly. That's a sign she's recovering he thought.
The next day, he was at the hospital immediately after Subhi. He was able to see her for just few minutes before he was forced out of the ward.
After Maghrib, they were all in the waiting room when a nurse asked for him. He quickly stood up and rushed towards her. "Yes MA. I'm Umar. ? He said with a pounding heart. The patient requested to see you" she replied and walked away. He glanced at Nana who gave him a hopeful look.
"Umar!" she called. She was looking so different today. He rushed towards where she lay holding her crying mother's hand firmly. "My last last wish Umar. I have little time left." her words pierced him as he winced in pain.
"I want you to get over me Umar. Please! Life has a lot to offer. Look for someone more beautiful and marry then name your first female child after me. Name her Amina Umar Faruk. " she said smiling. "Oh Allah! The name I've been wanting to bear. Call her Minal and pleases take care of my Ummu and my diary. She stopped talking was just smiling.
"Oh Minal! " he went on his knees and attempted holding her hand but his hands shook. "I can't love any other lady apart from you. Remember you promised to share the same roof with me and be the mother of my kids. Please Minal.... "
"Shhh! I love you Umar. " He froze the moment those words came out of his mother. Only Allah knows for how long he has been wanting to hear her say them.
Ummu's voice brought him out of his shock. "Innalillahi WA Inna ilaihi rajiun" she said crying so hard. He looked at the lifeless body on the bed and wanted to speak but the word were not coming out.
His vision became blurry before everything became blank.
He woke up and looked around trying to remember what happened and where he was. "Mummuy! " he cried jumping out of the hospital bed . "Mummy where's Minal! Please don't tell me she's gone. Please Mummuy! " he cried rushing to the door.
His mother wasn't able to move as she watched her son almost go out of his mind. She doesn't know where to start from. The pain is too much for him to endure. She was glad when Al-Amin came in and began to calm his friend.
"She loves me Al-Amin. She loves me so very much. Why did she have to leave so soon" he kept on ranting and the fear in his mother grew worse.
"Ya Allah. Don't let him go out of his mind " she muttered. "She said it Al-Amin. She said I love you Umar. He continued to rant continuously.
Kullu Nafsin Za'ikatul maut
(Every soul shall taste the agony of death)
Oh Allah forgive us our sins cool our graves and grant us Aljannatu Firdaus.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I couldn't help but shed tears .
This is the longest chapters I've written so far. 2378 words. I deserve a gold medal. As usual, it's a night thingy so have a wonderful night Cupcakes.
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