Chapter 9
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UPDATED/EDITED: Again I have edited this, but there still might be some errors or funky sounding sentences. If you see anything wrong, don't be shy! Please point it out so I can fix it.
Chapter 9
Dad was in his office and on the phone when I slipped my shoes on and walked quietly down the stairs. He would probably be busy for most of the night, and I didn't bother telling him I was leaving.
I would be back before he was done. Believe it or not, my dad was the CEO at his very own company. They did something with cars- I think, but I never paid enough attention to notice, and that was mainly because he never talked about it.
At home, it was 'family' time, or at least that's what he liked to say. But sometimes, he would be stuck in his office for hours and barely came out to see the light of day. Dad had a lot of money, there was no denying that, but we never really used it.
As a matter of fact, our house was a modern two story that held four bedrooms in a middle-class neighborhood. All the money he made went to Luce's current, and my waiting, college fund. He didn't believe in greed, or over-spending and hardly ever used his income for personal reasons. I respected that about him.
I closed the front door softly behind me and hurried down the porches steps. It was a short walk to Trey's house, and I enjoyed the cool afternoon breeze as it blew pass me. I smiled, it was mid-October and winter was just around the corner. I was excited. I loved the cold, and the snow. The white on the ground and trees cast a pure haze over corrupt things, like a slate wiping itself clean. I wished that were true.
I squeezed Rex's jacket to my chest, like I could memorize his scent with that simple gesture. I liked Tate's hoodies, but they never smelled anywhere as good as Rex's. I never wanted to let the worn-down leather go, but I knew I couldn't keep it. It wasn't mine, Rex wasn't mine. No matter how badly I wished he was.
I paused at the end of Trey's driveway, my eyes wide as they gazed up at the two-story home. Never in my entire life did I ever think I would be at the Trey Maguire's house, much less his friend. I could feel the blood drain from my face. I was friends with Trey Maguire, with the Big Four- with Rex. How in the h-e-double hockey sticks did that happen?
I clutched his jacket tighter to my chest and took in a heavy breath before walking up his driveway and onto the porch. It was cute, really. There was a sofa-swing and a couple of cushioned chairs that made me smile. But I was just stalling. I shook my head and let out a defeated sigh before ringing the doorbell.
At this point, I honestly wanted one of Trey's parents or siblings to answer the door. I could just give them the jacket and tell them I borrowed it from Trey's friend and then leave without a problem. I didn't want to see that worry on his face, or explain everything that happened. I just wanted to forget about it, not relive it.
"I got it!"
My breath hitched as that familiar voice shouted from behind the door, but before I could drop the jacket and make a run for it the door opened. I froze. "Hey, look man, I'm sorry we did that to your car. It won't happen again- Roza?"
I stared in wide eyed horror at Rex who stood in the door way with a shocked expression on his face, one that probably matched my own. All I could think of was our conversation in the car and the kiss I pressed to his cheek. I dropped my gaze to the floor as heat suddenly enveloped my entire face. So much for avoiding him.
"What are you doing here?" His voice was surprised, but not angry as it reached me through the blood pumping widely in my ears. I swallowed nervously.
"I-I uh... I forgot to give you your jacket." I stammered nervously as my eyes stayed glued to the door mat. I wasn't sure what look would be flashing through those dark chestnut eyes of his, and I didn't think I wanted to know. Oh God, I could only imagine what he was thinking.
I kissed Rex Turner on the cheek, the Rex Turner. I don't think anyone has ever done that before, no one would have even dared. B-but we were friends now, right? He couldn't want to necessarily kill me... Right?
"Okay, well uh-" He paused uncertainly, and he reached up to rub the back of his neck awkwardly- like I showed up at the wrong time. Like he didn't want me there.
"Here. Sorry, I didn't mean to keep it." I quickly shoved the jacket into his hands and turned on my heel. I had screwed up whatever friendship we had just built, and now he seemed just as awkward as I did. I was off the porch and walking hurriedly home before either of us could blink.
"Hey! Rose wait!"
I didn't want to wait, I wanted to forget this ever happened. I wanted to go home, crawl under my covers, and never come out. I wanted to do that very much.
I barely had time to scream before his thick arm wrapped around my waist and jerked me off the street- right out of the way of a car clearly going over the speed limit that I hadn't even noticed. I gulped. Oh, my God.
"Damn it, Rosalyn! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Rex had pulled me tight against his firm chest and glared down at me with hard chestnut eyes. My legs felt like jelly as he held me to him, and not because of the way his touch made me feel.
I shook my head viciously and, just like the weak-willed girl I was, tears pricked the corner of my eyes. Today has been very stressful, and as I have explained before, I don't do well with stress. I needed my medicine.
Before I realized what he was doing, Rex wrapped his other arm around my waist and hugged me tightly to his chest, his chin resting on my shoulder. "It's okay Roza, you're okay. Nothing's going to hurt you with me around. I promise." His voice was that soft murmur he gave me in the bathroom, and just like that, I curled up into his chest and held tightly to him.
I hadn't realized he was still clutching his jacket in his hand until he draped it back over my shoulders. "You didn't have to return this. I was letting you keep it." I shivered as his strong fingers reached up and tugged gently on the ends of my now clean and soft hair, before curling my own into his plain black t-shirt.
"But it's the only one I see you wear and I-"
"I want you to keep it, okay?"
I blinked up at him, my eyes wide in complete adoration. He wanted me to keep his jacket. My heart fluttered in my chest. I gave him a slow nod. That dark chuckle of his echoed in my ears and brought goosebumps to my arms as he pulled back to stare down at me.
He's been a lot huggier since last night. I kind of loved it. I hadn't realized how close we were standing until a wolf whistle reached my ears, and Rex's head snapped up- the somewhat happy expression he wore instantly vanished.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" He snapped at who I was sure was one of the boys.
"Oh nothing, just you know, our own cold-hearted Rex hugging the girl from down the street." Trey's voice teased behind me, and I instantly cringed. I knew he was only joking, and his and the others teasing always made me blush, but it also pissed Rex off. And that was when he usually stopped talking to me.
"I-I should probably go home-" I muttered softly as I moved to step out of Rex's arms. I wanted to get away while he still wasn't mad. Even though he said earlier that it was never me he was mad at, I couldn't help but feel like it was. And he was fixing to turn at any moment.
"No, don't." I instantly froze when Rex's hand wrapped around my upper arm and pulled me gently back towards him. My heart pounded in my chest and the butterflies in my stomach came to life. He didn't want me to go. "I'm stuck here all night with these idiots, stay a while and keep me sane?"
I could only stare wide-eyed like a gaping fish and nod as another 'almost there' smile reached the corner of his full lips. His dark chestnut eyes flashed down at me before his gentle grip led me back to Trey's porch.
"There's my Princess!" Trey opened his arms to crush me into a giant hug, but Rex was in front of me before I could blink. I couldn't see the look on his face, but if Trey's expression was anything to go by- I could tell Rex wasn't smiling.
"Sheesh, I was just going to give her a hug." The giant mountain held his hands up in surrender, but shot me a sneaky wink anyway. I smiled.
"Just don't." Rex snapped before tugging me up the porches steps and pushing me into Trey's house. My smile faltered. So much for being okay with me being friends with the others.
Trey's house was slightly bigger than mine, but that was only because of the music room he told me they had upstairs- and it was a lot homier too. The minute I walked in I felt like I had stepped into a cocoon of warmth and love that I never wanted to leave.
My house never felt like this.
"And he calls her Roza, it's so-o-o cute." We heard Denton chuckle from the living room just off the entrance, and I felt a blush quickly rise to my cheeks. What is that supposed to mean? They all had their own nicknames for me, why is Rex's any different?
"That little fucker-" Rex growled next to me, his dark eyes glowing in anger.
"I mean, come on, did you see the way he threw me this morning? All because I wanted to hug his girl-"
"Denton!" Rex's voice boomed across the lower half of the house and fire shot from his eyes as he burst into the living room, his hold on my arm gone as he launched himself at the unprepared twin.
"Holy fuck! Brett! Help me!" Denton practically screamed, which was actually pretty funny. I couldn't help the small bubble of laughter that escaped my lips when he jumped over the couch to avoid a furious Rex.
"You got yourself into that shit bro, don't look at me. You're fucked." Brett chuckled and hopped off the couch to avoid any bloodshed.
When his bright blue eyes cast a look over at Trey and I, he shot me a smile and sauntered right over. "There you are kid. You had us worried sick at lunch. You're alright now though, right?" I nodded and rolled my eyes when he reached up to ruffle my hair like I actually was a kid.
"Don't hug her, man. Rex has eyes like a hawk." Trey grumbled behind me and I frowned. I didn't want Rex hurting them just because they wanted to hug me. He was so fudging confusing and it made my head spin.
"Rex, man, I swear on my life I didn't know she was here-"
"Shut the fuck up!" Rex's voice was practically a growl before he jumped at the very frightened Denton again.
I turned around and tugged gently on Trey's sleeve who was watching the two fighting with blatant amusement shining in his bright green eyes. "What's up, Princess?" He asked softly when he finally tore his gaze away from the struggling boys.
"Can you stop them? I don't want Rex hurting him." He blinked down at me, his eyes soft as they slowly washed over me. A small smile pulled at his lips before he let out a small sigh.
"Okay, but just remember that you're the party-pooper here."
I smiled a 'thank you' at him as he rolled his shoulders a few times, braced himself and launched into the fight. Rex had finally pinned Denton to the floor, and had his fist raised to punch his lights out when Trey finally shoved him off and sat on his chest like the big boulder he was.
"What the fuck, Trey!"
The big mountain leaned down and whispered something so quietly to Rex I don't even think Denton heard- who was sitting on the floor and glaring at the two like they just broke his favorite toy. Rex's eyes snapped to mine and he gave Trey a slow nod before shoving him off with little effort.
Rex stood up, brushed himself off, and gave Denton one last glare before walking back towards me. I smiled up at him as he stopped in front of Brett and I, his hard expression slowly softening until that small smile touched his lips. I wanted to melt in those tummy turning chestnut eyes of his and never come out.
"Holy shit-" I barely heard Brett's voice behind me, and when I turned to look back at him curiously he was staring at Rex in shock.
"Brett? What's wrong?" I asked softly when his face suddenly paled. His blue eyes shot down to mine before quickly looking back at the living room.
"The living room is trashed!" He groaned and ran a heavy hand down his face, like the fact that the screwed-up room would get him in serious trouble- even though it wasn't his house.
I turned back to look at Rex with a raised eyebrow, but whatever Brett had seen was obviously gone. Rex's face was still soft and his dark eyes had started to brighten. I had to force my gaze away from his- I was too afraid he would see right through me. See how much I completely adored him.
Brett was right, the living room was trashed. Cushions were thrown all over the floor, feathers from the decorative pillows floated uselessly in the air, there was a coffee table turned over, and even a broken lamp sitting on the floor.
When did all of this happen?
"You guys clean this up. I'm going to show Rose the music room." Rex's face fell into that hard mask of his, and his voice wasn't any softer- but when he reached over and grabbed my arm, his touch was gentle.
"Come on Rex! You're the one that-"
"Just do it!" He snapped at the pouting Dimajio who was still sitting on the floor before dragging me out of the living room.
"We should help T'." I mumbled as we made our way up the stairs.
He stopped and turned to face me, his eyes hard once again "They can do it Roza, they're used to cleaning up our messes." I still shook my head and glanced back down into the messy room that the other boys had already started to clean.
"I want to help. Can we, please?" I blinked up at him pleadingly, and even though he clenched his jaw and his eyes flashed in anger- he nodded.
"Don't be mad at me. I just don't want to make them do it on their own." I grumbled when he let go of my arm and started walking back down the steps.
He sighed, and before I knew it he had wrapped his hand loosely around my wrist and was pulling me along with him. "I'm not mad. I just don't like cleaning." His dark voice came out as a gruff grumble that made me laugh. Rex turned away to try and hide that 'barely there' smile, but I saw it anyway. My heart fluttered.
All three of the boy's eyes widened when they saw us walk back into the living room and start putting the cushions back on the couch. I shot them a smile, but Rex only glared and cursed under his breath as he began picking up the broken lamp.
"Come on." He finally growled once the living room had finally been put back together. I couldn't help the smile that lit my face as he grabbed onto my wrist and started dragging me back towards the stairs.
When we reached the top of the staircase and started down the hall, Rex's hand slid gently down my wrist until he was grabbing the palm of mine. Sparks shot up and down my spine. I tried not to gape in awe at the sight of his large hand basically wrapped around my smaller one. Even though we weren't technically holding hands, the warmth that radiated from his palm on the back of my hand made my knees weak.
I wonder what it would be like to actually hold his hand. I'm sure it would feel like something close to heaven. Just being next to him without him angry or shouting put me in a sort of heavenly trance. I wouldn't mind if this never ended.
"This is the music room, Roza." His voice was soft, gentle even, as he pulled me through an open threshold.
I was stunned by the room, but not enough to miss the disappointment and sudden lonely feeling surging through me when he dropped his hand from mine. The music room was fairly big, and had more stereos than I thought existed. C.D. racks lined one wall and a giant TV sat proudly on the other.
Stereos hung in each corner of the room with their wires all connecting to the biggest sound system I had ever seen. The giant radio-like-thing reached from floor to ceiling and held more CD, AUX, and CPU ports than I could count.
"Whoa." My voice was breathless and rather airy as it left my lips in an awe-filled whisper.
"Do you like it?" I nearly jumped when Rex's voice murmured in my ear, the soft tone almost seemed worried- like he really cared what I thought about the place.
"It's amazing." Was all my silly brain could come up with- but it was the truth. The room truly was amazing. I felt like I could sit in there for hours and sort through all the music without ever getting bored.
"We all pitched in the money to set it up, but Rex thought of the idea and designed it all." The deep, happy voice of Trey announced as he walked in behind us.
I turned to Rex with my eyes wide in awe and admiration, but his gaze was pointedly avoiding mine. I felt a smile pull at my lips. "It's amazing, Rex." I told him truthfully, the awe and amazement I felt filling my voice. His only response was a grunt, and a very small smile.
I loved his smile.
All five of us spent the rest of the afternoon in the music room- picking random CDs to listen to, or watching Denton make a fool of himself on their Just Dance mat. I totally forgot about my father, and how I was supposed to be back at home sleeping until my phone rang two hours later.
"Rosalyn? Where are you? Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"
I bolted straight up into a rigid sitting position as his worried voice filtered through the phone. I had been lying on the floor and trying not to laugh as Denton tried to keep up with the moves the game kept throwing at him. It was insanely funny to watch.
"I'm so sorry! I forgot to tell you that I started feeling better after my nap and I went to a friend's house."
Rex, who had been sitting on the couch right above me glanced down at me with those beautiful eyes of his and a raised eyebrow. I mouthed 'dad' at him, and he nodded before looking away, but I'm sure he was still listening.
"You went to a friend's house? I- I didn't even realized that you had..." His voice trailed off quietly like he didn't want to finish his sentence, but I already knew what he was going to say. The painful lurch it put in my chest made me frown. I knew I didn't really have friends, but hearing my own father say that was painful nonetheless.
"I'll be home in a little bit, love you."
"Love you too." I hung up the phone and let my hands fall back into my lap, my eyes locked on the small device's black screen. He was probably jumping ecstatically in the living room right now. He always said I needed to start making friends.
"Roza? Are you okay?" I blinked up at Rex as he rose from the couch and came to sit beside me on the floor, his dark chestnut eyes gazing curiously down at me. I nodded, despite the hollow emptiness that took place in my chest, and smiled up at him.
It was no secret that I didn't have any friends. People just generally didn't like me no matter what I did, and I had no idea why. I know it's my fault, I just didn't know what I was doing wrong. Ever since I left my closest friend all those years ago, it only grew harder making new ones. Rex and the boys were probably the first real friends I have ever had, besides Tate- but he was more like an annoying, lovable brother than a friend.
"Is this your hoodie?" He asked randomly a moment later as his eyes locked on the old logo that was missing a few letters. I hesitated and kept my eyes pointed to the floor when I shook my head. This was Tate's hoodies, and Rex is quite open about his dislike for his half-brother. I didn't want to see the anger in his eyes that would appear when he figured that out.
"Who's is it?" His tone was suddenly on edge, like he already had a pretty good idea. I didn't say anything, but that was enough of an answer for him.
His face darkened into that furious expression he seemed to save just for me before he reached over to take his jacket off my shoulders. My breathing caught in my throat. For a second there I was terrified that he was going to take his jacket back and start spewing hateful words at me again- but he didn't.
"Take it off." Those three words held such an underlying fury that they had me complying instantly- despite the sadness that took place when I was forced to part with the beloved hoodie. It wasn't that it used to belong to Tate, but I just loved the large size and how it was all warm and snugly.
I pulled Tate's hoodie up and over my head before Rex snatched it out of my hands and threw it across the room. I flinched as the old and comfortable piece of clothing slumped on the floor in a messy heap. His eyes were still dark in anger, but his hands were gentle as they lifted his jacket back up and threw it over my shoulders.
"Don't wear his fucking clothes again."
I couldn't stop the small flinch his harsh tone caused. Tate was my friend, and ever since I've known him he has always been there for me when I needed someone. He was my only friend for the longest time, and Rex's hatred for him only threw me for another confusing loop.
There was a moment of silence before Rex let out a heavy sigh and leaned closer to me. "Rose, I just- I don't trust him, and I don't want you to trust him so easily either." His voice was soft and surprisingly apologetic. I felt the tension in my shoulder ease slightly.
His eyes flashed in irritation as he ran a heavy hand through his hair. "I just don't. He's not the guy he wants you to believe."
"You aren't either." His face snapped over to mine, his dark eyes hard, but unlike usual- I didn't back away.
"What the hell does that mean?"
I shrugged softly and let my gaze roam over the perfectness that was his sculpted face before resting back on his eyes. "You act like a total jerk all the time and give off that 'I don't give a crap about anything' vibe, but you apologize when you hurt my feelings, you helped me during lunch today, and you promised that you will never let anything hurt me. That doesn't sound like someone who doesn't care about anything."
My eyes traveled over to the Denton who had stopped trying to keep up with the game and was now arguing with Brett over some band. Rex's dark eyes stared holes into the side of my head before he turned his gaze towards the twins.
"Just because I'm like that with you, doesn't mean that's who I am. I told you the truth when I said I wasn't good enough. Don't forget that, because no matter how hard I'll try, I'm the one that's going to end up hurting you." He wouldn't look at me as he spoke, like he was afraid to see the change in my eyes. The change from this complete and total adoration I had for him to fear and disgust.
"I told you last night that I know you're not bad, and you're wrong when you say you're not good enough. I think you're amazing." I wasn't really sure what happened, or why my brain allowed me to say that out loud, but I did. And I almost instantly regretted it.
His head snapped to mine faster than a jack rabbit running away from a dog when I mumbled the last part, and his eyes stared wide in disbelief. Heat suddenly flamed my cheeks and I resisted the urge to run as fast as I could as I dropped my eyes from his. I couldn't look at him- I was too embarrassed to face the fact that I just called him amazing out loud.
"Princess! Come here!" I was saved from what I was sure would be Rex's harsh denial to everything I had just said, and his immediate rejection to our friendship, by Trey's exasperated tone. I jumped off the floor before Rex could stop me and hurried over to the three huddled around the C.D. racks.
"Don't drag the kid into this!" Brett snapped at the angry mountain who gently grabbed onto my arm, and pulled me in front of him until I was facing the first twin.
"She's probably the only one with a brain here!" Trey snapped back at him before he turned those bright green eyes on me. "Who's better Princess, Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson?"
"Um, I don't know who they are-"
"Magic Johnson's better, don't be a dumb ass." I tensed when Rex suddenly leaned against the door next to us and rolled his beautiful chestnut eyes. I gulped when they landed on mine and held my gaze. The heat returned to my face in full force
"Ha! I fucking told you!" Trey shouted in victory and fist pumped the air like he just won some great argument.
Well, okay-
"I think it's time Rose went home."
Trey's happy dance quickly ended, along with my smile and my heart dropped to my stomach. Rex wanted me to go home. He didn't want me there anymore. I knew I shouldn't have said he was amazing. I knew he would freak out and not want to be my friend anymore. This was all my fault, and suddenly I felt all the pain from today rest on my shoulders double-fold. I felt like puking, or like curling up in a ball and never coming out of my room. That seemed like the best option.
"It is getting late. I'll take you home, Princess." Trey's bright eyes twinkled down at me and he gave me a warm smile as I wrapped my arms tightly around myself, like that could send the pain that blossomed in my chest away.
"I'm taking her." Rex's voice caused my heart to skip as he took a step closer to me, the warmth that radiated from his body warmed my aching one.
Trey's gaze snapped over to Rex and darkened when his warm hand wrapped around my upper arm. "Okay, but we're hanging out tomorrow, alright?" A smile lit my face and I nodded.
"Okay, that sounds like fun." Rex and mine's friendship might be over, but that didn't mean I couldn't be friends with the others.
"Come on, Roza." Rex's voice whispered softly in my ear before he pulled me gently from the room. It only made a frown pull at my lips. Why was he being so gentle? Why was he being sweet? Did he still want to be friends? I'm so flippin' confused I wanted to scream. I let him pull me down the stairs and out the front door, his grip loose and warm as he led me to the sidewalk.
Rex let go of my arm as we started walking down the street, the silence that came with the night was not as creepy with him walking beside me. Even if he was freaked out by what I said, I felt safe around him- like I knew he would always keep his promise to protect me.
I couldn't handle the silence between us anymore- couldn't stand the fact that I had no idea what he was thinking, or if he was trying to figure out what to say to end our friendship. "Are you okay?" I asked quietly as we walked down the deserted sidewalk, a good two feet of nothing between us.
Rex, who had been staring straight ahead, glanced over to me with his butterfly bringing eyes. "I'm fine. Just thinking."
I glanced down nervously and played with the button on the end of the jacket's sleeve. The 'just thinking' part only made my stomach flip even more. "I-I'm... Uh, I'm sorry if I freaked you out- or something." I mumbled down to the ground as we walked further down the street.
He raised his eyebrow at me before glancing away once again. "You didn't freak me out, you just- I'm just surprised that's how you see me. Even my own friends don't think too highly of me." He let out a heavy sigh and shook his head like he was trying to rid his mind of his thoughts. I wanted to reach over and run my fingers through his hair, or cradle his face between my hands- anything to make him feel better. But I didn't, I kept my distance.
"I see you like that because that's how you are. And that won't ever change." I admitted slowly- softly. I felt like if I put as much emotion as I could into my words he would see himself the way I did. See how truly great I thought he was.
"You're something else, little Roza." That dark chuckle of his rose from his chest and made my heart flutter in my chest. I blushed and dropped my eyes back to the floor when he suddenly took a step closer and draped his arm over my shoulders.
"I'm sorry about the whole hoodie thing, I didn't mean to get so upset." He admitted a moment later when we finally stopped in front of my driveway, his dark eyes seemed genuinely sorry as he gazed over at me. I gave him a shrug and a soft smile.
"It's okay, the sweater was just really comfy and I loved wearing it as pajamas."
His lips pulled into a frown and I wanted to pout when those chestnut eyes flickered away from me. "You can, um- You can have some of mine." I blinked up at him, at the beautiful sculpted jaw barely a few inches away from me. My breathing hitched. Did he just say I could have some of his hoodies? Holy moley- "If you want them." He mumbled a moment later when I didn't answer, his dark gaze focused anywhere but at me.
"Yes!" I squealed and clapped my hands together excitedly. "I-I mean, if you don't mind giving me one..." The heat that rose to my cheeks was worse than a scorching sunburn. He raised an amused eyebrow at me as a small smile pulled on his lips.
"You already have my jacket, what's a few hoodies?" My blush only grew as his arms squeezed tightly around my shoulders and began leading up the drive.
"I don't like it when Trey holds you like this." He muttered a moment later when stopped in front of my porch, his amused tone completely gone. I frowned up at him.
"I just don't." His tone was short and held no room for argument as he clenched his jaw together. I kept my mouth shut, he already seemed to be treading on thin ice.
He dropped his arm when we climbed the front steps, and I tried not to let my disappointment show. But when I turned at my front door to say 'bye' his beautiful chestnut eyes were staring down at me in something close to wonder. "You know, you really do amaze me, Rose. I've never met someone like you." I blushed when he reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, a small smile tracing his lips.
"I'm sure that's not true."
"It is. You- you're not afraid to give your opinion, despite the fact that you get hurt so easily at harsh words. You flinch every time I cuss, and you still want to be friends with me every time I'm an ass to you. I don't know why you want to be close to me, but I-I'm happy you are."
My eyes were wide as saucers as I stared up at him in awe. He- he was happy I wanted to be close to him? I amazed him? My heart felt like it was fixing to explode in my chest, and it was the best feeling I think I had ever felt. I licked my lips nervously and tore my gaze from his to look at my front door.
Luce and Tate weren't home yet. Tate was working and Luce had some night classes she usually attended. That only left my father, who was probably waiting on the couch for me. But, I didn't want to go inside yet. I didn't want to leave Rex.
"Do you- Um, do you want to come in for a little bit?" My voice was soft, shy even, as I glanced back up at him, both fearing and yearning for his answer.
"Sure, I can stay for a few minutes." He shrugged but didn't smile, even though I didn't need him to. My smile was enough for both of us.
Luckily dad left the door unlocked and we slipped inside easily. "Dad, I'm home!" I called into the living room where the glow from the TV was the only source of light in the dark hall.
I heard his yawn before his mumbled, sleepy voice called back to me. "Okay Rose. Good night." There was a moment of silence before the sound of his snoring filled the air. I let a quiet laugh escape my lips before grabbing onto Rex's wrist and leading him towards the stairs. The butterflies in my stomach erupted in happiness when he gave me a smile so small it was barely there, but it was good enough for me. My heart fluttered.
"Does he always sleep on the couch?" Rex asked as soon as my bedroom door closed behind us.
I shrugged and shot him a smile before dragging him over to the steps leading up to my bed. "Sometimes, he's usually always away on business trips and never really home." I let go of his wrist and plopped down on the platform before pulling my legs up under me. He hesitated a moment, his dark eyes roaming over my room before he finally sat down beside me.
It was silent between us for a while, but it didn't really bother me. Just hanging out with him when he was angry or shouting put me on cloud nine. "I'm sorry for earlier." He apologized quietly as his chestnut eyes stared at my closet, his hand inches from mine. My heart skipped up beat, he actually said sorry again- This boy was full of surprises.
"For what?" I asked softly and blinked up at him with questioning eyes, but he was too busy staring at the mess of my clothes with a glint of amusement dancing in his dark eyes.
"For what I said back in Trey's car when I took you home. I judged you before I knew anything about you, and I could tell it made you upset. I'm sorry."
My heart melted into a pool of liquid gold when his hand closed around mine and gave it a soft squeeze. I didn't know how he could try to convince me that he wasn't good when he apologized nearly every time he upset me. It only made me like him more- made me want him more.
"You don't have to apologize, T'. It's natural to judge." I shrugged softly as he sighed and ran that heavy hand down his face.
"But I was wrong, wasn't I?" I could feel his dark eyes on me, staring questioningly as I kept mine glued to the window. Yeah, he was wrong. But I couldn't tell him that. He couldn't know how defective I was. That was a secret I never wanted him to know.
I was saved from answering when a sudden knock sounded loudly on my door. "Rose! I'm home!" Luce's voice shouted as an embarrassed blush rose to my cheeks. I would never be able to live this down if she told Tate I had a boy in my room, especially when Rex was that the boy.
I shot Rex an apologetic look as I climbed to my feet, but he just shot me a small smile. I opened the door enough to stick my head out, but not enough for my older sister to see Rex. "Hey Luce." I shot her a large smile to try and hide the guilty look on my face, but Luce noticed everything. Her blue eyes eyed me and then my mostly closed door suspiciously.
"Whatcha' got going on in there?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and a dark glint in her eyes. I never hid anything from her before. I never had a reason to, and obviously I had no idea how to be sneaky.
"Nothing." I replied a little too quickly and shrugged my shoulders. I never realized working a lie made you this anxious.
"Who are you hiding, Rose?" Her tone held that no-nonsense 'I'm always in charge' ring to it, and I tried not to cringe as her dark eyes glared icy daggers at me. I always got off the hook with her, but that didn't mean I wanted to purposely be on her bad side.
I gave her the best innocent, baffled look I could muster and blinked up at her with wide eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about-"
"Don't even try to pull that shit with me Rosalyn Marie Summers. I snuck boys in my room all the time in high school- I know the tricks. Who is it?" Her voice was that authoritative demand like usual, and that icy warning her eyes shot me didn't go unnoticed.
I sighed in defeat and shot a glance back at Rex before stepping away from the door. She pushed it open, but didn't storm in and start yelling like I thought she would. He was still sitting where I had left him, but that emotionless mask he usually wore was back in full force. It made me frown.
"Who are you?" Luce dead panned as her dangerous eyes narrowed into angry slits.
"Who are you?" He shot right back, his eyes just as dark and threatening as hers.
"I'm Rose's sister, and she never has friends over. Who the fuck are you?"
I tried not to flinch at the f-bomb that left her mouth, but it was hard. With Rex it was one thing- he cussed all the time, and I expected it from him. But she was so careful with her words around me that hearing her cuss was a shock. I glanced between them nervously. This was embarrassing.
"Rex." He grunted before his dark eyes shot back over to me.
"I'm so sorry." I mouthed behind Luce's back as heat engulfed my neck and face. I highly doubted he wanted to be interrogated by my family anytime soon. The mask he wore didn't change, but his hard eyes slowly softened.
"And what are you doing with my sister?"
"Luce stop! Leave him alone, we're only talking." I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest like a child. I just wanted her to go away already and leave Rex and I alone. I hardly ever got to talk to him when he was being sweet, and I didn't want her ruining it. Besides this was so freaking embarrassing I was sure he wanted to be anywhere, but there. I did too, honestly.
There was a tense pause as her and Rex stared each other down, neither of them making a move. It made me want to scream. "Just don't let him stay late." She finally sighed before turning her hard eyes back on me. "And I got your meds."
My eyes widened in horror as I snatched the prescription bag from her hand and hid it at my side- away from Rex's view. So much for trying to hide that from him. She raised her eyebrow at me, but I only gave her a quick goodnight before slamming the door in her face. She couldn't have waited to give them to me in the morning? I felt Rex's eyes on me as I hurried quickly to my dresser and tossed the medication into the top drawer.
Please tell me you didn't see that.
"What are those, Roza?" His voice was curious as I tried to rub reassuring warmth into my arms and walked back to the platform.
"I don't know what you're talking about-"
I paused beside him and glanced at my door instead of his dark, tummy-turning eyes. I could lie and say it was Advil, or Benadryl or something, but he saw the prescription bag. Then again, it could be a personal medication that he had no right to know about. Honestly, nobody needed to know about medicine prescribed just for them. It was private.
But I-I don't think I wanted to lie to him. Lunch might have been awful, but the rest of the day was pretty awesome. Rex was opening up to me, showing me a side of him I didn't know existed. If I threw up walls between us now, all that progress would be lost. He didn't need to nothing everything anyway, just the short and sweet version. He might not run away if I did that. Besides, it wasn't like I was completely insane- or at least, I thought I wasn't.
"I used to have panic attacks when I was younger- bad ones, and the medicine helps to keep them from happening." I shrugged like it was no big deal, but I couldn't shrug the feeling of his dark chestnut eyes staring holes into the side of my head. I couldn't look at him, couldn't bring myself to see the look in his eyes. I wasn't even sure I wanted to know what he was thinking.
He didn't say anything for a few, long, tension filled seconds, and I could feel the unease rear its ugly head. Great, I could only imagine what he thought of me now. "I'm supposed to take medicine that helps my anger." I was surprised at the statement that filled the quiet room, and I blinked up at him in surprise.
"I don't think they're working very well." I mumbled against my knees as the faintest hint of a smile tugged on the corners of his lips.
"I did say I'm supposed to take them."
I let out a small laugh and rolled my eyes at the smirk flashing across his face. "You don't take them?"
"No, they made me feel too happy."
My laugh was louder that time and I couldn't hide the amused smile it put on my face. This boy was something else. "I think that's what they're supposed to do." I chuckled when the hysterical laughter slowly died down. Rex was staring down at me with an amused glint lighting his dark eyes, like he found my hysterical laughter funny in itself. I was still giggling when he shrugged and glanced back at my closet.
"I didn't like it."
"I can tell."
He shot me a small smile, his dark eyes flashing before they drew away again. "I don't need some pill to make me happy." I hadn't noticed he was leaning closer until his side was pressed firmly against mine. I tried to ignore the electricity that shot through me, but his proximity only made it twice as hard.
"I beg to differ." I mumbled around the knot that formed in my throat, and the heat rushing to my face in a treacherous blush was helping anything. I had to rethink my definition of perfect again when his dark chuckle shook through my chest and into my stomach, causing those butterflies to work on over drive. Now that was perfect.
"Who needs a pill when I have you?"
"What?" My head snapped towards his as his soft voice rolled over my shoulders, his words warm like he genuinely meant them.
His lips pulled gently at the corner and he cast his dark eyes down at me before shrugging. "I'm happy when I'm with you."
My breath caught in my throat and I blinked up at him like a frozen dummy as he leaned casually against the platform. "T-that's a lie." I could barely get the words out around the tight knot in my throat, and the heat that pounded through my face. God, I was starting to get a head ache. I couldn't believe he just said that. I-I couldn't believe it was true. If his actions were anything to go by, happiness was the last thing he felt when he was around me.
What exactly was he trying to do? Make me fall for him more than I already did? Or confuse me until my head exploded?
"It's not." His breath fanned the side of my face as his beautiful feather like lips brushed against my ear. My heart pounded in my ears. He was so close, so fudge-ing close. Breathe Rosalyn, breathe. Do not faint- I repeat, do not faint.
"I don't- express things very well, and I don't really know how to handle myself around you. Besides, when you're around I'm only angry when those fucking idiots think they can touch you. Then I really am pissed." I didn't know what to make of that, or how to handle it- but I did know he was telling the truth. I highly doubted Rex Turner lied, he never cared enough to bother.
I squeezed my arms tightly around my knees and leaned into his hard side. His body let off such an amazing warmth that it chased away the depressing, cold, loneliness that always seemed to crush my shoulders- but then he pulled away.
"I still don't understand why I can't hug them." I stared up at him as he ran his hand through his gorgeously dark hair and flickered his gaze around the dark room. The Big Four were my friends now, my only friends really- Tate didn't necessarily count. And I didn't understand why he seemed so against that.
"Because I- It's hard to explain." He mumbled a moment later and dropped his gaze down to the carpeted floor.
"I'm a good listener T', you can explain it in any way you want." I shot him a large, reassuring smile, but that dark look crossing his face let me know it hadn't worked.
"Ugh, that's not what I meant-" He paused and let out a heavy sigh before bringing those chestnut eyes back to me. "I- I don't like the fact that they can just hug you whenever they feel like, and I can't." He growled through gritted teeth like the very thought alone angered him to no extent.
I had to admit, his words shocked me. Rex Turner hated people, any type of people, even girls. The fact that he wants to be my friend alone is insane, but now that I knew he wanted to hug me like the others was a whole new level of insanity.
"I- You can hug me whenever you want Rex." I wasn't really sure what to say, and I hoped my answer didn't sound as lame to him as it did to me.
"It's not that simple, Roza."
"Why not?"
"It just isn't, okay? I'm done with this conversation." He grumbled through gritted teeth before climbing to his feet. I frowned at the action. Well, okay then. "It's getting late, and I have to get back to Trey's house before he throws a fit." Even though his voice was deep and smooth, I could sense the hurried tone he used- like he couldn't wait to get away.
No! I-I didn't want him to go. I felt so care-free and safe around him, a feeling I definitely wasn't used to. Before I realized what I was doing, I had leaned forward on my knees and wrapped my hand around his wrist faster than I could blink.
"Wait! You don't have to go so soon-"
His body had completely stiffened as soon as my hand touched his skin, but he kept his hard eyes pointed towards the door. Please tell me he wasn't acting like this because of me. I had enough stress to deal with that day.
"I don't think your sister would appreciate me staying any longer-"
"She'll get over it." I interrupted him as he started to tug gently away from me.
"I- I have to go, Rose." The tone in his voice was almost regretful, and it made my heart lurch as he tore his wrist from my grip. What upset him so fast? He headed straight for the door without a backwards glance.
I tried hard to resist the sudden hurt that blossomed in my chest as he walked away from me, away from all the progress we had done today. And I hated myself for feeling like this. He was Rex, no one knew what went through his head. I should count myself lucky he was even here to begin with. He was supposed to be at Trey's- not here. He probably just got tired and wanted to go to sleep. It was rude of me to try and keep him here.
But as I watched him turn the knob and step out into the hallway, I couldn't help the feeling that he was leaving to get away from me. It made my heart clench in my chest. I always did something or said something that caused him to act like that. This was probably no different- But what did I say?
I shook my head as the door started to close behind him, and I brought my knees to my chest. It was a sorry excuse for the comfort and warmth being near him gave me. He didn't want to stay, and it was wrong for me to ask him too. I knew that, but why did it hurt so bad?
When the door finally closed and his footsteps began to fade away, I sucked in a strangled breath. I felt like crying, I wanted to cry- but there was no real reason to. Today had just been one big stressful ball of misery, and I just had to remind myself that tomorrow would be better.
Hope you enjoyed it!
For all my #RR's out there, tell me what yall think of the new versions!
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