Chapter 6
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Updated/Edited- let me know if there are still any mistakes
Chapter 6
"Do you want me to make you lunch, Rose?" Luce asked from the kitchen as I shoved my history textbook into my backpack. It's been two days since Trey had come over, two days that I haven't gone to school. I know it was silly of me, weak even, but I just couldn't face the crowds- or them.
"Yes please."
Dad had finally come back from one of his many business trips the night before, and freaked when Tate told him about picking me up from school and that he was 'worried' about me. I got a two-hour question seminar on whether-or-not I was being bullied at school. It made the stress squishing my brain ten times worse. The whole time my father nagged on and on about 'who did he need to report', and Tate demanded who he needed to beat the "fuck" up- as he says.
It was finally Friday, and instead of deciding to just skip again and enjoy a somewhat stress-free weekend- I decided to make the not-so-brave decision and go back to school. Or, at least to get away from a smothering Tate. He was so annoying sometimes, no matter how much I loved him. He hardly let me breathe. I wish I could be strong and sassy like Luce and tell him off, but that just wasn't me.
"Do you want me to give you a ride, or do you wanna walk?"
I gave her a small smile as she handed me the brown paper bag with my lunch and one eyebrow raised in question. "I think I'll just walk. Could use the exercise." I gave a little laugh as I shoved the lunch in with my textbook. In all honestly, I just wanted to prolong the inevitable for as long as possible.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it's nice out." I mumbled and stood from the couch as I tossed my backpack over my shoulder. She followed behind me with her signature messy bun and cold blue eyes as I walked towards the front door, my feet heavy underneath me.
"Be careful, and please try to make it through the whole day this time, Rose. I don't need another night filled with Tate's nagging." I laughed at her words, but honestly felt like cringing and running back up to the safety of my room. I was a baby- I was weak. And I felt bad, I really did. I hated making them go out of their way for me, especially for something as stupid as having no friends. I would just have to suck it up and stop calling Tate to come get me.
"I will, I promise." I shot her a smile and waved over my shoulder as I bounded down the porch steps and headed down the street. I would just have to suck it up, not that there would really be anything to upset me. Whatever happened between the Big Four and I was done and over with, no matter how happy it made me for those two short days.
School was a good fifteen-minute walk from mine and Trey' neighborhood- fifteen blissful stress free minutes. Except for the fact that I saw Trey climb into his SUV as I walked through the neighborhood park. I was surprised at how my heart clenched at the simple sight of him- it wasn't like we had been friends for years. I let out a tired sighed and huddled further under my jacket. He didn't see me, which I was grateful for, though I'm sure it wouldn't have mattered if he had.
I tried to avoid the crowds of students surrounding the parking lot as I headed for the school's entrance. I kept my head down, my bag slung tightly over my shoulders, and tried harder than I should have not to look for any of the Big Four. So, of course I knew exactly where they were. At the back of the lot was Trey's ginormous black SUV, and four beautiful, giant boys standing beside it.
I tore my eyes from them and hurried into the school before I looked like any more of a fool than I already was. As school started it was easy avoiding the boys in the hallway, mainly because they weren't looking for me. I'll admit though, when third period came around and Rex was nowhere to be seen, I was slightly disappointed.
I tried not to let it bother me too much and I pushed him out of my head. I needed to focus on school- not boys, especially not Rex Turner. Those were Tate's exact words the other day, and I tried to cling to them like a motto. Rex didn't show up at all for class, even though he was at lunch, making a scene.
I was sitting down at the same table Rex had talked me at the other day- trying to nonchalantly eat my lunch and ignore the fact that I was eating alone like a loser- when a 'bang' echoed throughout the entire lunchroom. I thought it was the security-guard's gun going off at first, but when I glanced over at Rex's table I saw that it was flipped completely over with a very angry Rex and Trey yelling at each other.
The entire cafeteria was shocked into silence, and not because there was a fight going on, but because it was Trey and Rex fighting. Even though Rex openly dislikes everyone, he and Trey have never had so much as a public argument before. I think everyone was terrified. "It's not your fucking choice to make!" I jumped when Rex's beyond furious voice suddenly rang throughout the silent cafeteria.
"It's not yours' either! You can't tell us what to fucking do!" Trey shouted right back, and he didn't even flinch as Rex's dark eyes narrowed and he took a threatening step forward.
What are they even fighting about?
I slowly stood out of my seat- ready to run across the cafeteria and separate them if need be- when Rex dropped his voice to a dangerous whisper so only Trey could hear. But what he heard, he obviously didn't like.
"Bull fucking shit! I don't believe you give a flying fuck! If you did you wouldn't be sitting over here like a pansy bitch-" Trey's icy hard voice cut off instantly when Rex's hand shot out of nowhere and punched him square in the nose. I gasped when his heavy mountain of a body fell to the floor in a heavy heap.
Oh my god.
I was running through the tables without a second thought as I went into instant 'help' mood. It was a natural response whenever I saw someone in pain, especially someone I wanted to desperately consider my friend. Denton and Brett were already crouched next to Trey handing him napkins when I came screeching to a stop beside them. My eyes instantly started to water when I saw the blanket of blood coating the bottom half of Trey's face- and the odd angle his nose seemed to be stuck in.
His eyes snapped up to mine and the bright furious green shining there slowly softened as the hot tears trickled down my cheeks. "I'm okay Princess, don't worry. My nose has been broken more times than I can count." His voice was slightly wobbly, but he still managed to send me a wink and a shaky smile.
I tried to give him one of my own as I wiped the water from my face, but I just didn't do well with violence. I glanced behind us for Rex, but he was nowhere to be seen. I frowned and turned back over to a still bleeding Trey. "Why would he punch you?" I whispered softly as he tipped his head back and pressed a handful of napkins to his nose.
He sighed and used one of the napkins to wipe the blood away from his mouth. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have antagonized him like that. He's only doing what he thinks is right."
"What do you mean?"
He tipped his head back down to stare at me as I fidgeted uncomfortably. "I think you should go talk to him. Calm him down, you know?" My eyes widened and I immediately shook my head. I guess he completely forgot about the last time he asked me to do that, but I hadn't. I didn't want that angry voice of Rex's directed at me ever again.
"Last time I did that it didn't end so well." I mumbled as I wrapped my arms tightly around my knees- like I could protect all my emotions and feelings that way.
"That was last time, and he needs someone to stop him from doing something stupid now. That's obviously not me and these idiots."
"Hey!" Both of the Dimajio brothers said at the same time, but Trey just rolled his eyes and flinched when he accidentally pinched his nose too hard.
"Please Princess?" The warm, pleading tone in his voice had me nodding my head in agreement before I realized what was happening. Even if we weren't friends anymore, I wasn't going to act like a selfish jerk. Besides, Trey was calling me Princess again- it was enough to make my heart feel all warm and fluttery.
"We'll take care of him, Buttercup." Denton winked, but his usual bright eyes were dark as he and his brother hauled Trey to his feet.
I stood shakily to my feet as the twins helped Trey towards the nurse's office. I let out a heavy sigh and walked back over to my bag. I could already feel the impending heartache I was fixing to go through. I didn't even know why I was going to do this- why I really even cared. But I did. I took a deep breath, cleared that ever-tragic swirl of thoughts and emotions running through my head, before heading for the hallway.
I knew I should have stayed home today.
The minute I waked into the main hall I heard the distinct sound of something being hit over-and-over again. I clutched my binder tighter to my chest and followed the vicious sound up a flight of stairs and down the math hall. There was this strange feeling inside my stomach that told me who exactly was making that noise.
I paused when I rounded the corner and stared in wide eyed shock at the sight of Rex punching a metal locker repeatedly until a giant dent broke the locker open. I could see the blood trickle from his beat-up knuckles all the way over here. When the anger on his face had slightly subsided- he leaned his head against the now destroyed locker and let out a heavy sigh.
I took in a deep breath, gathered up my quickly fading courage and walked slowly towards him- my heart pounding like a heavy drum in my chest. "Rex..." I started softly, but with the way his body stiffened like he had just been electrocuted- I knew not to continue.
"This is all your fault."
My eyes widened in surprise as his hoarse voice reached my ears, but his chestnut orbs stayed shut. "None of this would be happening if you didn't want to be their friend." He hissed through gritted teeth, and just like the other day I felt my heart slowly drop to my stomach.
"I-I wanted to be your friend too-"
"Like that makes it fucking better." He snapped and finally opened his eyes just to roll them and glare at the floor. "If you didn't need to get to your fucking locker-" He snarled in a higher voice, like he was trying to imitate a squeaky girl. "-Then I wouldn't be having these fucking problems."
Then something so completely out of the ordinary happened. I got angry. Me angry. It wasn't something I was used to, or proud of. "They're the ones that talked to me first! Maybe if you weren't such an ass all the time you wouldn't be having any problems!"
I slapped my hand over my mouth as soon as the words left my lips, and tears quickly filled my eyes when I realized what I had just said. An ass... I had just called someone an ass! T-That's terrible! I'm a horrible person. Who calls someone an ass out of spite and anger? Not me! Oh my God. Oh God. Rex's head snapped to mine and his eyes narrowed into slits as the water started to spill from mine.
That caught him off guard.
"I'm so sorry. I-I don't know why I just said that... I'm sorry!" And before he could reply I turned on my heel and was running in the opposite direction as fast as my un-athletic legs could carry me. I don't handle angry situations well, or stressed ones- or any type of tension really. So, the minute I broke down like the cry baby I was it was my natural instinct to run and hide.
"Roza wait!" Rex's voice actually sounded worried as he called after me, but not even the fact that he had called me Roza would get me to stop. I just called him an ass. I just cussed at someone like they were nothing!
How could I?!
"Roza!" His firm voice grew distant as I burst through the back doors of the school and didn't stop until I was hidden safely in the vacant little alley between the gym and the sport's equipment shed.
I dropped my bag off my shoulder and slid to the ground with my back pressed against the cold metal wall as a hard sob left my chest. I wasn't going to call Tate, not again. I promised Luce, and I didn't want to worry them any more than they already were.
I wasn't sitting there long before someone popped my personal depressing little bubble. And not a good someone. "Look what I found, Ty. Little Rosie all crying and upset." That voice had haunted my nightmares all week long, and I did not want to hear it ever again.
My breath caught in my throat as I lifted my head from where I placed it between my knees, and my heart dropped to my stomach. Jason was standing there with a dark glint in his dangerous eyes, and a sneaky smirk plastered on his face- and he wasn't alone. Ty Lucas was standing just at the entrance of the little alley looking bored as ever.
"What are you doing here Jason?" My voice came out as a shaky whisper.
"Well, we were just going to the shed to get some footballs when suddenly I run into the pretty and depressed little Rosie." I cringed at the way he said my name, and wrapped my arms tighter around my knees- Like I could draw some sort of protection from the warmth of my jacket. There wasn't a Trey or Dimajio twin to save me this time.
"W-What do you want?" I don't know why I bothered asking that question anymore. When it came to Jason, he only ever wanted one thing. One thing that would completely destroy anyone. He sighed and propped himself lazily against the wall beside my head as I gulped and his eyes stared down at me in a dangerous fire. I slowly scooted myself away from him. I wonder if I could run fast enough to get away from him- but there was only one way out of this narrow little space, and that was blocked by Ty.
"What I always want whenever you ask me that question." His teasing tone turned hard as he rolled his eyes and leaned off the wall.
My watery eyes stayed locked on his as I pressed my shaking body flat against the cold wall. There wasn't a way out of this- I couldn't find one. And I was terrified of what was fixing to happen. I could feel the panic start rise in my chest- could feel in clutch around my heart and stop any air from entering my lungs.
"Stay away from me, Jason. I'm serious."
"Or what? You gonna shoot me with glitter lasers?" He scoffed and rolled those fear bringing eyes as I gulped for air against the metal shed.
Oh God.
I wasn't going to get out of this. There was no one here to help me, to save me. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to hide my hard sob as he leaned his head closer towards me. "That big freak of a mountain and his minions aren't here to save you anymore- and it's about fucking time I get this over with. You're mine." He sneered and took that final lethal step towards me.
I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to fight, and what wrist maneuvers I did know wouldn't have done me any good. M-Maybe I could scream. Yeah! That's a good idea! I'll scream! I opened my mouth, ready to scream my lungs out- when something ripped Jason so hard away from me his gasp still echoed in the air. My own gasp filled the tense atmosphere when I saw the unconscious Ty slumped on the hard ground, and a dark figure pounding the tar out of Jason.
"And what makes you fucking think she's yours'?" The stranger hissed in Jason's already bruised face before letting go of his collar and letting him fall to the floor- but he didn't stop there. When he started kicking Jason in the stomach over-and-over again with more force than I knew a person's leg alone could hold- I knew who was in front of me.
"Rex..." My tear strained voice was barely a whisper- one that didn't reach his ears as the blood pumped through them in fury. "Rex stop." I was able to speak louder, but he still didn't quit. As a matter of fact, he only seemed to kick him harder. The panic only grew worse when a nearly unconscious Jason began puking up blood. "Rex stop! You're going to get in trouble-" My panicked words were cut off by the shrill sound of a whistle being blown.
"Hey! What's going on over there?!" The male voice of Mr. Anders the gym teacher shouted as he hurried toward us.
"Rex stop! The teachers coming! What if you get arrested again?!" I begged as fresh tears fell down my face while I tugged uselessly on his arm.
"This motherfucker deserves to die." He spit out through clenched teeth and kicked the unconscious Jason even harder.
"He was going to rape you, Rosalyn!"
My heart jumped in my chest as his voice rang out like a sharp bell in the narrow passage, and the look he shot me was so nerve wracking that I felt my stomach clench into the size of a pea. All I could do was gape up at him and cry as the teacher came running over. When he reached us, I had already attached myself onto Rex's arm like a vine and kept sobbing for him to stop.
"What the fu-" Coach Anders stopped before he could finish the "F" word and stared over at us with wide eyes. "What the hell is going on?!" He asked uselessly since half of the company was unconscious and the other half was clearly losing their minds. "Turner! What do you think you're doing?!" He shouted when it was clear Rex wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. I gasped as Mr. Anders pushed me out of the way and pulled Rex off the badly beaten Jason.
"Don't fucking push her!" Rex roared at the coach and nearly lunged at him before thinking better of it and taking a few cautious steps back.
"You think I give a fuck about that at the moment?! You'll be fucking lucky if you don't end up in prison again for this!" His voice was a furious snarl before he spat something into his walkie-talkie, and crouched down beside Jason- checking for any permanent damage to his 'precious' football player. I didn't pay much attention to our school's sports team, but I would have bet money that Brett and Denton were ten times better than him.
"Are you okay, Roza?" Rex's voice was suddenly soft as his dark eyes stared down at me, but mine were glued to the horrific sight of my attacker. How could he go from hitting his best friend, to yelling at me, and then beating up the guy trying to hurt me, and now acting all sweet? His mood swings gave me such a bad headache, and the sight in front of me was making me want to vomit.
"I-I think I'm going to be sick."
His eyes quickly went from furious to worried, and that only made my head spin more. But before he could so much as reach a hand out to me, teachers were suddenly surrounding all of us- including the school's security guard as he shoved Rex's beautiful face into the brick wall and cuffed his wrists hard. "Don't hurt him!" I almost screamed when Rex grunted in pain- but I was doubling over and puking before I could see if anyone had listened to me.
"Someone help her!" Rex shouted at the people who were just standing around aimlessly and looking like a bunch of fish out of water. The guard literally had to drag him away as he fought to get out of his grip.
Was he doing that for me?
"Brett! Denton! One of you idiots help Rose!" He shouted out into the quickly growing crowd of gawking students, but I doubled over in pain again before I could see if they were really coming.
I wanted to cry in relief when a giant, warm, hand reached out and rub my back soothingly as another pulled the mess of hair out of my face. "It's okay Buttercup, we got you." Denton whispered soothingly as I clutched at my stomach and threw up the rest of its contents.
A pair of strong arms caught me when I finally had nothing left in my stomach to throw up, and began falling to the ground. I couldn't tell which Dimajio brother it was as they gently picked me off the ground and cradled me to their massive chest, but I wasn't complaining. The arms were warm, strong, and cradled me in them protectively.
"It's going to be okay, kid. I'm going to take you to the nurse and then we'll take you home, alright?" Brett didn't wait for my answer as he started to push us past the on-growing crowd. The wide-eyed, gawking students parted like the Red Sea for the twins, and a spark of fear shot through me when I realized I couldn't see Rex anymore.
"Rex-" My voice was hoarse from crying, my mouth tasted like crud, and I was suddenly exhausted. I needed to brush my teeth, and take a nap, and find Rex...
"He's going to be fine. We already told Trey and he's going to go down to the station later and sort everything out. Rex should be out by tomorrow morning at the latest."
"Trey wasn't there." I groaned and gave up on holding up my head as I plopped it against Brett's strong shoulder.
"He can piece together what happened pretty easily, Buttercup. Stop worrying about Rex and focus on yourself." Denton scolded, but that always playful twinkle in his eyes sparkled down at me. At least he wasn't looking all sad like he did at lunch.
"Nothing's wrong with me." I gave him a weak thumbs-up and a small smile, but he just rolled his eyes and let out a soft scoff.
"You just threw up like three times, and you're going to sit there and tell us nothing's wrong?" Brett raised his eyebrow at me, but I just shrugged and glanced away.
"I have a weak stomach." I admitted sheepishly, and felt a small smile tug at my lips as they both sighed. I wish I was a twin. "Why would Trey even bother if Rex broke his nose?"
"They're still best friends, Rose- even if they are fighting. They're like brothers. They would never leave one to rot in a jail cell on purpose." Brett sighed, and I didn't miss the grateful smile he shot me when I finally relaxed against his hard chest.
"Does... Does this mean we get to be friends again?" I asked quietly as he carried me back into the school and down the hall. This would be the twins second trip to the nurse's office in one day. Not that that was important or anything. I just didn't want to put too much attention into the question- I was slightly terrified of their answer.
"We never stopped being your friend." The look Brett shot me made my brows furrow in confusion. "We just couldn't talk to you while Rex was around, unless we wanted to get socked in the face like Trey." He smiled down at me sadly as my mood slowly darkened.
"If he hates me so much why did he bother saving me?" I grumbled as he carried me around a corner and stopped in front of the glass door that read Nurse. I turned narrowed eyes up at Brett as both he and his brother started laughing.
"Oh, I promise you. He does not hate you, kid."
I stared up at Brett with confused, furrowed eyebrows, and pouted as his chuckle filled the hall around us. "You'll find out soon enough, Buttercup." Denton whispered down at me when they finally carried me into the office. All I could do was sit there and frown for the next hour as the nurse fussed over me.
What in the world did that mean?
Hope you guys enjoyed!
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