Chapter 40
So this chapter doesn't really have any part in the plot at all, but I felt like yall deserve a fun little bonus chapter after the long ass wait I've put yall through. :D
Thank you AmicaMeaa for the awesome cover!
Comment, vote, follow, but most of all ENOY!
TRIGGER WARNING: There will be drinking in this bonus chapter so if alcohol or alcohol consumption bothers you DO NOT READ.
I'm sorry for any editing and grammar errors!
Fun Fact: Did you know that the actual definition of the word possessive is demanding someone's total attention and love?
Chapter 40
"Look what I got!" Trey sang as he burst into Rex's living room with what looked like a six pack in his hands. All heads whipped in his direction, even Rex angled his towards the door.
"Fuck yeah!" Denton hollered in excitement as he jumped up from his spot on the floor and ran full blast at the mountain that was Trey.
"That's not all." Brett grumbled behind his friend as he came into the living room with a cardboard box clenched in his hands. I felt a frown pull at my lips.
"What's that?" Jax's head snuck around the corner from his usual spot in the kitchen. Rex narrowed his dark chestnut eyes at my old friend and grunted, but refrained from saying anything else.
"A lot of alcohol." Brett's voice held amusement and I watched in surprise as his lips slowly curled into a sneaky smile. I've never seen that look on him before, and I wasn't sure if it was a good one or not. Rex's arm wrapped gently around the back of my neck and curled me into him as Trey placed the beer on the coffee table.
"What's the occasion?" Jax piped in as he stalked back into the living room with a bag of Doritos in his hand. I felt Rex start to thrum in disapproval, his hard eyes on the bag of chips in Jax's hand, but he only watched as the buff blonde waltzed around the living room. He really hated that they were always eating his food.
"I think we deserve a fun night after the month we've had." Trey gave us all a smile as Brett put the cardboard box that was apparently filled with a lot of alcohol on the floor.
Rex grunted in agreement and leaned away from me to grab a beer bottle off the table. A frown grew on my lips as he popped the top off with the edge of the glass counter top. I've never seen them drink before, and I've never had the urge to. What were they like when they were drunk? Were they completely different people?
Was Rex?
I watched him lift the bottle to his beautiful lips and take a few gulps. His eyes flickered down to mine and I quickly dropped my gaze as his narrowed. He brought the bottle back down and held it on the arm rest as his arm pulled me closer against him.
"It's just a beer Rose. It won't kill me." He murmured softly into my ear, like it was some big secret he had to keep from the others.
"Here you go Buttercup. Drink up!" Denton thrusted a beer bottle into my hands before I could respond, and I blinked at it like it was a mutant ninja turtle.
"I don't think so." Rex grumbled from next to me and started to take the bottle from my hand, but I gripped it tightly and sent him a little glare.
Oh, nuh uh mister. If you get to drink it, I do to.
"It's just a beer Rex. It won't kill me."
His eyes narrowed dangerously at that, but he sat back and watched as Denton popped the lid off for me and handed it back. I could feel his hard-chestnut eyes glaring at the back of my head as I brought the bottle to my lips. It smelled funny... Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
"Drink Buttercup! Drink up, drink up!" Denton sang happily and I watched in rapt fascination as he downed one beer and started on the next.
"Yeah baby, drink up."
My back stiffened at Rex's tone and I looked over my shoulder to send him a tiny glare. He only raised an eyebrow and downed the last of his beer. Well, now I just had to prove a point.
I lifted the bottle once again and took a quick sip before I could convince myself not to. I chocked slightly as a liquid that tasted what I assumed pee would taste like hit my tongue. Now that was disgusting. I coughed and blushed like the embarrassed idiot I was as Rex's dark chuckle reached my ears.
"That's what I thought." His voice grumbled from behind me as his big hand went to reach for the bottle once again. I quickly held it out of his reach and his dark eyes shot over to mine.
"I didn't say I didn't like it."
I didn't have to say it. The words were clearly written all over my face. But he didn't need to know that. He raised his eyebrow again and reached for another beer off the table instead of mine.
"Alright. You go ahead and drink that whole bottle then." There was a wicked glint dancing around his eyes, like he knew I couldn't drink it all, but was daring me to anyway.
"I will." I announced firmly as he popped the top off his second bottle. I watched as he starting drinking again, watched as his giant corded throat moved with each swallow. God, he was so beautiful.
"How did they even get alcohol anyway?" I grumbled as he lowered his beer and tapped his fingers against the barrel of the bottle.
"Trey has connections everywhere." He grumbled before bringing the bottle back to his lips.
I glanced nervously down at my own and ran my thumb over the label. I frowned at the 5% alcohol content printed across the bottom. "This won't... this won't get me drunk, right?" I asked softly as the other boys drank and laughed loudly in front of us. Rex, Denton, and I were the only ones drinking the beer. Jax, Trey, and Brett had gone straight for the alcohol in the cardboard box. I saw the word Vodka flash across the giant bottle they were all passing between them, and frowned.
Jax used to talk about drinking with the other foster kids all the time, and Vodka was a common word he liked to use. He said it could get someone hammered in four shots, but that didn't seem like a lot to me. It was only four sips after all... Right?
Rex's once hard, humorless eyes softened and slowly eased his arm back around my waist. "It's just one beer, it shouldn't. But I've seen lightweights get drunk on less." His arm gently eased my back into the couch and against his side, and I let it as I curled into his warmth once again. I thumbed the opening of the bottle nervously.
"A lightweight..." I mumbled as my eyes followed the four laughing boys all sprawled out on the floor. I had no idea what they were talking about, but it made me happy that they all seemed to be having so much fun.
"It's someone who has a really low alcohol tolerance." Rex answered before taking another gulp or two from his bottle. He was almost done with his second one already.
"I knew that." I mumbled and dropped my eyes once again to my own bottle. I did know that. Jax would talk about lightweights all the time when we were younger, but I wasn't sure if I was one or not. He used to say if I ever did drink I would be.
Rex finished his second beer and placed it on the floor by his first before wrapping his arms back around me and dropping his mouth to my ear. "You don't have to prove anything baby. Don't drink it if you don't want to." He murmured before placing a soft kiss behind the shell of my ear. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the simple gesture and I curled into him with a small goofy smile on my lips.
"But I kind of want to." I mumbled and clenched the neck of the bottle tightly in my fist. And I kind of did want to. I've never drank even one drop of alcohol before in my entire life, and I wanted to know what it would be like. Would I get drunk off of one beer?
Rex shrugged in a kind of 'if-you-say-so' gesture and unwrapped his arms from around me. "I'm going to go make a drink, Roza. I'll be right back." He pressed a firm kiss to my temple before standing to his feet and grabbing another large bottle out of the box on the floor. "You want anything?" He called over his shoulder, and I shook my head before he slipped into the kitchen.
Why would he need to make a drink if he had the bottle in his hands already? I rubbed my palm against my forehead before raising the bear to my lips once again. Too much thinking, maybe if I just don't think about anything it won't taste as bad. I closed my eyes and took two giant gulps of the foul-tasting liquid before I could chicken out. And then I nearly sputtered it all over the table. It tasted absolutely horrible the second time around.
"That-a-girl, Buttercup. The more you drink, the better it tastes." Denton winked and grabbed the bottle his brother held up to him. The younger twin had been long done with his beer and had started drinking the Vodka with the others.
"Really?" I asked softly as the bottle rolled between my two hands. I wasn't even half way through and the others were already half way to being drunk. If they weren't already.
"Absolutely." Jax pipped in from the other side of Trey, an unopened large bottle of liquor in his hand. He shot me a giant smirk before turning his eyes towards the boys.
"Don't listen to those idiots, Princess. Beer's fucking disgusting. No matter how hammered you are." Trey laughed from the floor and tore the bottle of Vodka from Denton's greedy hands.
"Trey's right kid." Brett added in before reaching over Trey and snatching the unopened bottle from Jax's his hand. The buff blonde jock pouted, but didn't say anything after the glare Brett shot him. The older Dimajio broke the seal off the bottle and twisted it open before handing it over to me, an almost sneaky glint flashing in his eyes.
"Try this. It's ten times better than beer."
I perked up at that and slowly grabbed the dark blue bottle from him. The name SKYY sat proudly on the label and I frowned at the 40% alcohol content warning on the bottom. "This seems like it has a lot of alcohol Brett."
"Cause it does! The more alcohol something has the tastier it is!"
"Really?" I asked softly as I lifted the bottle to my nose. Hm, well it didn't smell bad... Actually it didn't have a smell at all. That seemed like a good sign.
"Yes really! Now drink it!" He laughed before grabbing the other bottle of vodka from Trey.
I gave a soft shrug and lifted the bottle to my lips, but a large angry being stopped me before I could even taste it. "That's a big fuck no." Rex's hand shot out of nowhere and jerked the bottle from my grasp. I turned to glare up at him, but the furious look on his face had me dropping mine instantly. "You don't drink this stuff from the fucking bottle, baby. It will kill you."
"Awe lay off man! We're all drinking from the bottle. Rose will be fin-n-e-e." Brett's sentenced suddenly slurred and he leaned back onto the floor with a happily drunk smile on his lips.
"Rose has never drank before you fucking dick." He growled before slamming the dark blue bottle on the table. My eyes widened as some of its contents spewed up and onto the glass top.
"But they're drinking it just fine, T'." I mumbled softly as he sat back down between me and the couch's armrest, a blue plastic cup clutched firmly in his hands.
His chestnut eyes narrowed and glanced over at me. "You see those idiots Rose?" He asked and nodded towards the four boys all laying on the floor of the living room, laughing their butts off. I nodded as his arm went around the back of my neck once again. "That's what happens from a few sips of that stuff. And they've been drinking since we were thirteen."
"So, I would be like them with just a sip?"
His eyes lit up in what appeared to be humor before he took a sip out of his plastic cup. "Roza, I don't think you would be able to even swallow a sip. That shit is absolutely disgusting without being in something else."
"Oh... Then why would Brett ask me to try it?" I once again sat curled into his side, thumbing the rim of my beer bottle. His eyes darkened and he turned to glare at the four boys all laughing loudly on the floor.
"Because Brett's a fucking dick."
I frowned at that, but didn't bother saying anything else as Rex raised his cup once again. "Seriously Rose," He said softly once he set the cup back down on the armrest, "You don't have to drink with us. Don't let them pressure you." I smiled at the worry in his voice and leaned up to press a soft kiss to his jaw.
"I actually kind of want to T', but beer is disgusting."
He chuckled at that and pressed a kiss to my temple before gently easing the bottle out of my hand. "Try this baby. You might like it." He handed me his plastic cup and I scrunched my nose at the fruity smell.
"What is it?"
"Vodka and fruit punch. I only put a shot in cause' I figured you would want some."
I was iffy trying anything now after the whole nasty beer, and Brett giving me straight up Vodka thingy. But if Rex said I would probably like it better than beer then I honestly believed him.
I took a careful sip, then another, and smiled when all I tasted was fruit punch with a tangy after taste. "I can barely taste any alcohol at all!" I exclaimed excitedly, and Rex chuckled as he took the cup back from me.
"That's the tricky thing when you put vodka in something else. It sneaks up on you." I frowned at that and watched as he downed the rest of the cup.
"What does that mean?"
His eyes glanced over at me before he gave me a slow smile. "It means, if you're not careful you can get very drunk very fast."
"Right..." I mumbled as he sunk back into the couch and rested his head against the back of it, his beautiful eyes closed. "Hey T'?" I asked softly as his arm curled tighter around me and held me to his side.
"What baby?"
"Can I have full one?"
He slowly opened his eyes and gave me a soft glare-like look. "You think you can handle a full one?" I nodded my head viciously as he rolled his shoulders. "Alright Roza. I'll go make you one."
The rest of my beer and two cups later and I was gone. Or at least that's what I kept hearing Denton say about me. "Piggy back ride now Mountain!" I demanded Trey for the third time. He shot whom I assumed was Rex a look before he finally chuckled and got down on his knees.
"Climb on Princess."
I squealed in delight and hopped onto his back like a bunny. He stood up to his full height, made a few piggy noises then started carrying me around the whole apartment.
"If you drop her Trey I'll kill you."
"Yeah, yeah. I know." Mountain grumbled as he started giving me a piggy bag ride around the living room.
"I guess she is a lightweight." Mountain chuckled when we passed the front of the couch, but I pushed his face forward again so we wouldn't crash. He can't take his eyes off the road! That's dangerous!
"A really big lightweight. I only put half a shot in her first cup and nothing in the second." I heard the most beautiful voice in the whole wide world grumble.
"Rex!" I yelled happily as the love of my life's presences reached my clouded mind.
"I'm right here, baby." I heard his dark voice grumble, and then suddenly my ride stopped moving and there was a heavy, warm hand on my back.
I immediately let go of Mountain and launched myself at my unsuspecting boyfriend. "Holy shit Rose! Warn me next time." He grumbled as his thick arms caught me just before I hit the floor. I hurriedly wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and did the same with my legs around his waist until I was clinging onto him like an overgrown weed.
I slammed my lips onto his and put all the energy I had into the unexpected kiss. Trey completely forgotten. Before Rex had time to react I pulled back and shot him a-hundred-watt smile. "Hi." I giggled as he stared up at me with wide chestnut eyes.
He let out a heavy breath and closed those beautiful orbs in what appeared to be concentration before opening them once again. "Hi baby." I gave him another smile before squishing my lips against his a second time.
"I like when you call me that." I giggled again as he let out a rugged sigh. "And I really like your eyes. Do you know that? They're so dark, chestnut-like, and so beautiful." I cooed and pressed my forehead firmly against his.
He let out a dark chuckle. "Chestnut-like huh?"
"Mh-h-m-m." His eyes shot open wide in surprise as I bit the tip of his nose.
"I just love you so much Rex. Like so much you don't even know!" I wrapped my fingers into his hair tightly and slammed my lips against his one more time in a mouth bruising kiss. I didn't give him a chance to react before I was wiggling out of his arms and running after a laughing Jax.
"She's going to be the fucking death of me." Rex grumbled somewhere behind me, but I ignored him as I ran after my best friend.
"Jax wait up!" I squealed as he started running around the apartment with a football clenched tightly in his hands.
"Not right now bae. We're in the middle of a game. Duck!" He suddenly shouted and used his giant hand to push my head down so he could throw the ball at a waiting Denton. The younger Dimajio totally didn't catch it like he was supposed to, and the ball slammed sickenly into his stomach. Den groaned and fell to the floor with his arms wrapped protectively around his tummy.
My hands shout over my mouth and my eyes widened in surprise as Jax hurriedly ran towards his wounded friend. "Uh oh..." I heard myself mumble as most of the Big Four went to check on him. Most of them.
"I think its bed time for you, baby." Rex's tummy turning voice suddenly appeared in my ear and I giggled at the butterflies that flew in my stomach when he placed his hand there.
"But I'm not tired T'!" I turned around and looped my arms around his neck as those beautiful eyes stared softly down at me.
"It's three in the morning, beautiful. And we have plans tomorrow."
"We do?!" I screeched excitedly as Rex slowly crouched down enough to lift me into his ridiculously strong arms. "Whoa... you're strong." I giggled as he pinned me to his chest. He gave me a slow, and rather sexy smile, before wrapping his thick arms more firmly around me.
"We do have plans, and if we don't go to bed right now we won't be able to make them."
"Oh... Then let's go to bed!"
He chuckled and I watched as his throat gently vibrated at the movement. Hm, I really like this throat. I lowered my head into the crook of his neck as he started carrying me towards his room. He stumbled though when I latched my mouth onto the soft skin of his throat, stumbled so much he actually had to reach out and grip onto the door frame.
"Whoa, Roza." He grumbled before gaining his footing again. I let out a small giggle before latching my mouth more firmly onto his throat. I heard his breath catch, but I didn't linger on it for too long as he slammed his door shut behind us and carried me to the bed.
"You are dangerous, girl." He growled before successfully tearing my mouth off his throat to set me down on the bed. I frowned as he untangled his arms from around me, but I refused to unwrap mine from around his neck.
"Where are you going?" I pouted as he tried to untangle my arms from around him.
"I have to change, and get some clothes for you to wear."
"But I'm wearing clothes now-w-w-w." I whined, but he only chuckled and leaned on his knee against the bed since I wouldn't let go of him.
"You can't wear jeans to bed, my Roza."
"Why not?"
"You'll be uncomfortable."
"Then I'll just take them off and you won't leave." I shot him a cheesy smile, but his eyes just flashed and he shook his head.
"I'm not leaving you, crazy girl. And you have to wear something."
My pout only grew as he finally tore my hands from around his neck. I crossed my arms over my chest dramatically. "Why? You only wear shorts to bed!"
"That's different." He grumbled as he shucked his shirt off and started digging through his dresser drawers.
"How is it different?" I demanded when he finally came back over with one of his t-shirts and a pair of my p.j. shorts in his hands.
"Because." He muttered as he set the clothes down next to me. I didn't touch them.
"Because why?"
He let out a heavy sigh and leaned down slowly until both of his arms were on either side of me and I was caged against him. A ridiculously happy smile crossed my lips at the gestured. His beautifully dark eyes gazed down at me as I grabbed onto both of his pants pockets and refused to let him go.
"Because I have very little control when it comes to you, Rosalyn."
I frowned as he pressed a soft kiss to my lips and then eased away from me. "What does that mean?" I grumbled as he picked the clothes up once again and placed them on my lap.
"It means that I'm going to turn around and put some shorts on, and you're going to put those pajamas on." He turned around without another word, just like he said and started taking his pants off. I pouted, but watched him very carefully, like I would be able to see this 'difference' between us. But all I saw was the two globes of his perfect butt before he pulled the basketball shorts over them.
I frowned.
I still hadn't moved when he finally turned back around, a dark scowl forming on his gorgeous face. "Alright Rose. I'm going to the bathroom, and those better be on when I get back." He growled before turning back around and heading for his restroom.
"Rex wait!"
"What?" He grumbled, but turned around anyway and headed back towards me.
"Kiss please?" I batted my eyelashes at him and tried to give him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster like that was all I needed to get his undivided attention. He rolled his eyes, but leaned down and brushed his lips against mine anyways. I let out a giggle as he slowly pulled away.
"Change, Rosalyn." Was all he grumbled before he stood back up and headed into the bathroom.
As soon as the door was closed I stood up and started shucking my clothes off. Maybe, if I got changed fast enough, Rex would kiss me more! The thought was all I needed before I threw my jeans and t-shirt into the corner with his dirty laundry, and put on the clothes he gave me instead.
His shirt was way too big for me, but they all were, and I breathed in his scent deeply before crawling back into the bed. He came out a moment later, a tired yawn on his beautiful lips and a heavy hand running through his dark hair. He smiled when he glanced over at me.
"Good girl." He murmured before pressing a soft kiss to my cheek and crawling over me to get to his side of the bed.
A loud crash from the living room had us both wiping our heads to the door, but instead of reacting like I thought he would, Rex just let out a heavy sigh and fell onto his back. "I'll kick their ass tomorrow." He grumbled as he propped his arms behind his head and closed his eyes. His beautiful torso taunted me mercilessly and I couldn't stop my hand from tracing the abs on his stomach.
One of Rex's dark chestnut eyes cracked open. "Lay down baby. It's bed time."
"No more kisses?" I asked softly as I laid my hand flat against his stomach with a pout.
"Not until tomorrow." He grumbled as his hand came down to cover mine.
"But... but I want more now-w-w." I whined and poked at his cheek with my free hand until he grew so annoyed his other hand came up and snatched mine. I giggled at the quick movement.
"You're fast T'."
"Good God, Roza." He groaned and let go of my hand that was on his stomach to rub down his face in exhaustion. He took his other hand away from me and scooted up on his arms until he was sitting and we were facing each other.
Yay!! Maybe I do get more kisses!
"You want me to kiss you?" His dark eyes flashed over at me in warning, but I ignored it and nodded eagerly with a giant smile on my face.
Before I realized what was happening he had a tight grip in the back of my hair with one hand and another tight grip in the front of my shirt with his other. I gasped at the action, but my brain was still far too clouded to comprehend that dark look in his eyes.
He crashed his mouth onto mine in the next second, his hands like iron as the gripped me tightly to him, but I didn't object. He didn't try to shove his tongue in my mouth like I wanted him to, but the way he was putting almost all of his energy into the kiss made my head spin anyway.
My hands were gripping his biceps tightly as the grip he held in my hair angled my head in whatever direction he wanted. I found myself gently feeling up the muscles of his shoulders and chest as he slowly eased the intensity of the kiss.
It felt like hours had passed before he pulled his lips from mine, both of our breaths coming out hard. He rested his forehead against mine, his hands gently easing out of the tight grip they were just in. I blinked up at him, but his eyes were closed and his head was slowly dropping until it landed on my shoulder. I smiled as his upper body seemed to cuddle into mine until it felt like I was actually holding him for once.
"Kiss again?" I asked with a giggle, but he just let out a dark chuckle.
"I don't think so baby. Not tonight." I shrugged as he lifted himself off me and started to lay back down, his breathing still heavy. I got the kiss I wanted, for now. I guess I can wait till tomorrow, or the morning at least.
He pulled the covers back and laid his arm out across my pillow in open invitation. I laid down next to him and cuddled into his side as his arm wrapped around my shoulder and held me basically on top of him. "I love you Rex." I mumbled up at him as my eyes started to close sleepily.
He let out a heavy sigh and wrapped his other arm tightly around me, his warm chest acting as the perfect pillow. "I love you, Rosalyn. Now please go to sleep." I giggled at the desperation and exhaustion lacing his voice, but finally let the sleep dancing on the side of my mind take over.
I hope you enjoyed!
I just want to let yall know, well I basically want to beg you, if you have never drank before, or if you do, please only drink around people you 100% trust. I have drinking experience and if I wasn't with some good friends bad things could have happened. SO please if you ever drink to the point where you can no longer be aware of your surroundings make sure you are with people you trust. OKAY MOM RANT OVER. (not a mom, but my friends all say i'm like one).
For everyone hating my baby Rex at the moment, please read the note below.
Okay guys, so I've been reading all of y'alls comments and some are not what I was expecting. None of you seem to really like how Rex is treating Rose, but there's some stuff that you all need to understand. Rose has been growing through out the book, yes, BUT she does not, nor is she anywhere near, the 100% mental compacity of a teenage girl her age. She doesn't think like she should and she doesn't act like she should. Rex is domineering, possessive, and controlling because Rose constantly puts him in that position. He has to be all those things for her because that is what she needs. That is also how Rex is.
All of Rosalyn's life she has believed, besides Jax, that no one would ever want her or care for her in anyway, and when her dad finally came to get her from the homes the only people she was truly exposed to were her father, her sister, and Tate. Different people are affected in different ways, but for Rose her mind instantly reverted itself to the child she never truly got to be. And it didn't help that until recently her sister and father kept her on a rather tight leash because of what has happened to her, and Tate always treated her like a little girl.
No one ever gave her the opportunity to fully grow like she needed to. So thrusting her into this situation where she can suddenly be independent and think for herself like a legitimate adult just won't happen. Rex sees this in her and its one of the reasons why he gets upset whenever she does go off and do stuff on her own, cause the past has shown it usually never ends well. I understand that some may see the way he is treating her as 'unhealthy' but this is what Rose needs.
Also, Rex sees the danger that is literally at their backs. He knows what Rosalyn's grandparents did her when she was a child and that phone call is pulling him in a thousand different ways. He's beyond worried that something will happen, so being upset when Rose goes off without tell him or without him is going to upset him. It would upset me.
However, with that being said Rosalyn IS growing, slowly but surely. With each chapter you see that and she will continue to grow through out the other books. So please be patient with my babies.
With that all being said, I love you all very much and thank you for always reading! I probably would have stopped writing this book a long time ago if it wasn't for all of you! Thank you for commenting and voting. You don't understand how much it means to me.
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