Chapter 38
Hey guys!
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There's prob gonna be quite a few mistakes guys cause' I didn't edit it that well. HELLA TIRED.
Chapter 38
Ten years ago.
I clutched tightly onto the eleven year old Luce's hand as we stood staring at the entrance of the elementary school. I gulped. "I don't want to go Luce." I muttered quietly as her eyes darted around the parents dropping their children off.
"Do you feel sick?" She asked softly as we watched the kids file into the school.
No, I didn't. Not really, but every time I looked at the small group leaning against the inside entrance, my stomach twisted painfully.
I shook my head.
"Then you have to go, just like me."
"No buts, Rose. Dad's busy so I have to make sure you go. No matter what."
Dad had been busy for as long as I could remember. So busy that he hardly ever talked to me... He didn't even look at me. I squeezed my big sister's hand tighter. She sighed.
"Come on, we'll be late."
I tried to avoid them in class and at lunch, just like every day. But just like every day, I couldn't hide from them long enough at recess. "Hey Rose, nice cookies." My stomach flipped uneasily at the boy's voice, and the Ziploc baggie I held in my hand cringed together as my grip tightened.
"Would you like one?" I asked softly and held my cookie up to him and his two friends, like the offer was enough to make them leave me alone.
"Yeah I do." He snatched the cookie from my hand and shoved it into his mouth with a laugh. I frowned but didn't say anything. After all, I did offer. "Actually, I want all of them." He ripped the entire baggie from my hand and chucked it at his friends. They all laughed and shoved their grubby little hands into it.
Tears stung my eyes.
"Awe, look guys. Big baby Rosalyn is gonna cry again." He rubbed under his eyes and made baby crying noises. It just made mine water more. "Why do you even have these? It's not like you need them." He chucked the now empty baggie at me and his friends laughed louder as I felt my shoulders slump.
I-I guess he was right... I was always eating something. It's not like I was hungry. I just wanted them. I pressed my hands against my stomach, tears falling onto my cheeks. Maybe I shouldn't-
"Stop Jason."
The three boy's laughter died almost instantly as the new voice popped their happy little bubble. I tried to wipe my eyes and push the tears down as I blinked over at the boy standing on the other side of Jason and his friends.
I had seen him around the school at lunch time and recesses, but he was always alone. He never hung out with anyone, never even really talked. It was like he didn't have any friends.
Like me...
"What do you want, weirdo?" Ty, one of Jason's closest friends asked as all the boys turned to face the lone one.
"Leave her alone." The boy had his hands clenched into fists at his sides, his dark eyes shown as cold as ice, and his hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in weeks. I felt a blush creep onto my tear stained cheeks.
He was kinda cute.
And he was sticking up for me.
"Or what?" Jason let out a harsh laugh, but unease had started to pool in his eyes. No one bothered or went against Rex Turner, even at eight years old, it was just a social fact. The dark haired, dark eyed boy's jaw clenched and he took a step forward. The boys ran off without even waiting for his answer.
My shoulders sagged in relief.
"You shouldn't listen to them."
My eyes snapped away from the ground to stare up at him disbelief. "W-What?" I fumbled my words around until they sounded just like the nervous scared little girl I was.
He turned his eyes away from me and stuck his tiny hands into his pockets. "You shouldn't listen to them when they say things like that to you. It's not true."
Silence enveloped around us as the other kids ran around screaming through the playground. I couldn't tear my eyes off of the boy who was now my sole hero, but he wouldn't even look at me again.
"Thank you." I whispered softly and clutched the empty baggie to my chest as he shrugged his shoulders and started to turn away. "W-wait," I tried to call after him as he walked away. "Do you want to sit with me?" He didn't even glance over his shoulder. He just kept walking until he was out of earshot and around the corner.
My insides deflated as I watched him leave. There went my only hope of having a friend. But even that didn't deflate my mood. Rex Turner had just become the world's greatest hero in my eyes, and I would just have to try harder Monday to get him to be my friend.
I never did get that chance.
"Hey you." Rex's voice was gruff as his tired body plopped onto the couch besides me, his arm automatically going around my shoulders to pull me into his side. I tried to hide the disappointment ringing through me at the shirt he threw on before leaving the room, but I pushed that aside as I cuddled up against him. I closed my tired eyes and buried my face into his neck.
"Good morning." I murmured as he pressed his lips against the top of my head.
"Why are you out here, my Roza?" He mumbled in response as his hand ran up and down my side soothingly.
"I couldn't sleep." There was no use in denying it to him, he would know anyway.
I felt his lips frown as his hand started to smooth down my hair. "Did you have a bad dream?" He asked softly as I curled further into his side.
I nodded and the arm he had wrapped around me tightened. "Tell me about it." It wasn't a request, but for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to talk about them right now.
"Tell me about yours." I countered instead, he stilled beside me.
I had woken in the middle of the night again from the death grip he had had on my waist. When I looked up into his beautiful face it was in the same agony as the other night, and it broke my heart. All I could do was smooth my hand across his chest and whisper reassuring words into his ear until that look faded.
I watched as his jaw clenched, and those eyes that I loved so much turned icy as they stared daggers at the coffee table. He stayed like that for a good five seconds, before his grip around me loosened and his features softened. "It was nothing, Roza. Just a silly nightmare."
I frowned and tried to edge away from him, but his grip tightened once again and kept me pinned to his side. "Silly nightmares don't make you that scared Rex." His chestnut eyes snapped down to me. His jaw clicked, his grip tightened, and he leaned down till his nose nearly touched mine.
"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine."
"Tell me yours first." We stayed in that stare down for a good minute, neither one of us really blinking, are noses barely touching. I could feel his hot breath against my lips, and despite the tension in the air I wanted to lean forward the five centimeters it would take to kiss him.
He beat me to it.
My eyes immediately closed as his lips pressed against mine and I curled my fingers into his shirt as he pulled me closer. The kiss barely lasted five seconds and it made me want to frown, and pout, and act like a spoiled kid until he kissed me again, but his heavy sigh told me now wasn't a good time.
He pulled me into his chest and cradled me against him as I curled my fingers into his shirt like I usually did. "My dad got out and took you away from me... permanently." That one simple sentence was enough to make fear shoot up my spine.
Yes, it was just a dream, but that sure as heck would be a scary one. Especially if I was the one having it about him. I leaned up and pressed my lips firmly against his jaw. "It was just a dream T'." I murmured softly as his face dropped down to my neck, his arms tightening around me.
"I know, but even the possibility of that happening makes me... makes me sick." He admitted softly as he held me a little higher on his chest. I rubbed around his collar bone, his shoulders, along his arm, and back again. I tried to let him know as best as I could that I was there, with him, and I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
"Now tell me about yours." He grumbled a moment later once the tension finally left his shoulders. I let my fingers trace his jaw and into the ends of his hair as he pulled away from my neck to give me questioning eyes.
I glanced away from the haunting chestnut as the images from the night flashed across my mind. I let out a little sigh. "I've just been dreaming a lot about the homes lately." I admitted softly as his big hand ran soothingly along my back.
"What about them?"
I felt my chest shake as I closed my eyes against the images, but they only seemed to shine brighter in the darkness. "About the one's where Jax wasn't there yet. How they treated us... How they treated me." I felt my chest start to clench shut, and Rex pressed my face into the safety and warmth of his neck like he had noticed.
"You don't have to worry about those places anymore baby. You're not there, you will never go back there." He growled against the top of my head, and I felt my chest ease as he cuddled my deeper into him. My big, mean, angry teddy bear always made me feel better.
"I know, but I can't control the dreams."
He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Believe me baby, I know."
"Kiss please." I heard myself asking before I realized it. I blushed at Rex's chuckle, but he gave me what I asked for anyways. I smiled into the soft touch of our lips, and he growled.
"What have I said about that?" He grumbled as I gave him another smile.
"That you love it."
He rolled his eyes, but I saw the smile creep onto his face before I kissed him again. He tried to kiss me like that one night two other times, but each time I had the same reaction. His taste just overrode my senses, and my legs would give out.
He would chuckle, catch me, and then cradle me against his chest for a few minutes each time that happened. That was the only consolation I got that I wasn't annoying him. I just honestly could not stop my body from reacting so strongly towards him.
A soft knock on the door had me reluctantly pulling my lips from his. He shot whoever was on the other side with invisible daggers before kissing me on the cheek. "This better be fucking important." He growled as he gently lifted me off his lap and back onto the couch. I let out a tired yawn as he walked towards the door.
Rex grunted when he looked through the peep hole and his jaw clenched tightly. I guess he wasn't happy to see whoever was on the other side. "Hey lover boy." Jax's voice greeted as Rex swung the door open with a look of murder plastered on his face.
Guess that would be why.
"What the fuck are you doing here Jax?"
"I heard Rosie is living here again, and I dropped by to say hi!" I groaned at the enthusiasm in his voice and rubbed my palms into my eyes. Was he trying to get himself killed?
Rex's grip on the door tightened before he glanced back at me, his dark chestnut eyes icy. "I'm going to go take a shower Roza. Don't let him eat our food." He grumbled the last part and left the door open before coming over and pressing one last firm kiss against my lips. Like he was trying to prove a point. He gave me a small smile, and with one last glare at the blonde jock who walked into the living room, he stalked off into the bedroom.
I sighed.
"It's like you purposely try to make him want to kill you."
Jax laughed before he took Rex's vacant spot on the couch. "That's cause I do, bae."
My eyes widened and I smacked his arms as I glanced at the bedroom door nervously. "What have I told you about that?!" I hissed as he rubbed his arm with a pout.
"Not to call you that around angry lover boy, I know. Trust me Rosie, I might like getting the guy angry, but I don't actually want him to punch my face in." He gave me a little chuckle and wink that I just rolled my eyes at.
"Then be careful where you call me that! He could hear you!"
"No he can't, the showers on and I barely even whispered it. You're the one making all the fuss." He stuck his tongue out at me and I went to hit him again, but he held his hands up in surrender.
"I promise bae, I don't want a repeat of the gym fiasco. That was bad enough."
I frowned as he thumped my chin and leaned back against the couch with his signature smirk. "He didn't hurt you though... did he?"
"No, and even if he did I wouldn't tell you."
"What? Why?!" His sneaky electric blue eyes flashed deviously and it took all I had in me not to hit him again.
"I actually like the guy Rose, and if you found out he did hurt me it would make you upset at him."
I crossed my arms over my chest with a huff and pouted, my eyes narrowed at his stupid dark blue shirt.
"Awe, don't be like that Rosie. I'm not a snitch, not even if it's my sister asking me to be." He teased and started poking my sides until I caved and giggled along with him.
It wasn't long before there was another knock on the door, but the new person didn't even bother waiting before barging into the living room. Denton didn't slow down his momentum as he came barreling straight into the room and launching himself directly at me.
I let out a small screech as his bear like arms wrapped around my waist and he pressed his head into my stomach. "Buttercup! Oh have I missed you!" His voice rang so loudly through the apartment I was sure that Rex could hear it over the shower.
I tried to smile down at him, but he was gripping my waist so tightly, most of my breath escaped my lungs. "M-missed you too, Den." I patted his back since he was in too much of an awkward position for a hug.
He finally pulled away from me and shot a smile to Jax who was watching us with an amused look. "I'm hungry." And without another word he bonded into the kitchen.
Well, Rex never said anything about keeping Denton away from the food...
He looked a lot better than the last time I saw him. He seemed to gain that never ending hyper-ness back, and I really had missed him too. It was a relief he wasn't on bed rest anymore. He and Brett got to hang out more.
Speaking of the older Dimajio, he walked into the apartment next with a chuckling Trey at his heels. Trey shot me and Jax a smile, but I couldn't help noticing Brett's eyes harden as they fell on the blonde buff boy besides me. I frowned.
"I'll stop him from eating all your food princess." Trey winked at me before following after Denton. Jax wasn't far behind him.
"Think I'll help him too." I glared up at him, but he just sent me a sly smirk as he disappeared into the kitchen behind Trey.
I criss-crossed my legs on the couch as Brett came and sat beside me. I glanced over at him as his heavy body leaned against the back of the couch, his thick arm hanging across the top. It was quiet between us for a few moments as we listened to the other's bickering and the shower finally turning off. I could tell he was trying to look relaxed, but he couldn't hide the tension in his shoulders.
"Hey kid." He gave me a soft smile which I returned, but the tension in his shoulders didn't ease. I was just about to ask him what was wrong when the door to Rex's bedroom opened and he came out with nothing but a towel hung low across his hips and one clutched in his hand as he rubbed it over his hair.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach as my heart faltered.
His beautiful chestnut eyes glanced at Brett before falling back on me. "Where's the other morons?" He grumbled as he chucked the towel in his hand towards the laundry room.
"Um... The kitchen?" I smiled uncertainly at him, and he let out a dark groan before rolling his eyes and stomping his beautiful body into the kitchen. Brett chuckled as the words "STOP EATING MY FUCKING FOOD!" rang out through the whole apartment.
It was going to be a long day.
"Hey buttercup, guess what?" Denton asked beside me the next Monday as I grabbed my books from my locker.
He was leaning against the locker beside mine, a sneaky, but happy-go-lucky, smile on his face. It was his first day back at school since the incident and he had been already promoted to the 'escort Rosalyn everywhere' duty by his brother while my boyfriend was stuck in detention. Rex didn't even know about my new puppy-guard, and I wasn't in any hurry to tell him. I didn't want a repeat of Saturday.
Things had gotten messy.
"What?" I asked with a smile as he held my backpack open so I could shove my books into it.
"Guess who I saw in the front office today."
I raised an eyebrow at him as he handed back my bag, but he just stuck his hands in his pockets and nodded with big puppy eyes until I actually guessed. "Um... Trey?"
He shook his head and gestured with his hand to guess again. My eyes narrowed. "I don't know, Den. You tell me."
He pouted a little, but I guess the excitement ringing through him was too much to hold back much longer. "Jax! He's going to school here now!" And like the little kid he was, he bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet.
I smiled back at him, but didn't let him know I knew Jax was going to do that for a while now. I didn't want to ruin his good mood. I can at least try to keep one of the Big Four happy today.
Rex had gotten into a fight this morning, hence the whole detention thing. It was over something rather stupid really, but he had been on edge all weekend. That guy accidentally bumping into his shoulder was just enough to push him off that angry cliff he was teetering on. I think the only reason he didn't get expelled was because Trey pulled him off the guy before Rex did any real damage.
Denton and Brett had shoved me behind them the second Rex launched himself at the kid, acting like one giant Dimajio wall. Everything had happened so fast that all I could do was stand there in shock and watch. But I had a feeling Brett and Denton wouldn't have let me get between the two even if I had tried.
Rex told me he never wanted a repeat of what happened at the rink, or when Tate had punched me instead of him, and I guess he told the boys that as well.
I didn't even get a chance to talk to Rex before the teachers came and tore him away from Trey and the other kid. He was escorted promptly to the principal's office and then the detention hall. I had no idea when they would let him out.
"Do you want to go find him before lunch?" Denton asked excitedly as we headed towards the cafeteria, my backpack heavy from the afternoon classes textbooks.
"I'm sure we can find him in the cafeteria if he's gonna start classes this afternoon."
And sure enough, people-lover Jax was hopping around the whole cafeteria with a giant smile on his face. He was already making friends by the looks of it, and I heard a few people shout at him to sit with them.
It made me smile.
"Found him!" Denton bellowed and started heading towards Jax's direction before waving over at our table where his brother and Trey were sitting.
"Trey has your lunch by the way. I think Rex gave it to him before he got locked up."
I frowned as he smiled and waved at a bunch of people who called out to him, just like Jax, until he made his wave to our very social friend.
Rex was not locked up. It was just detention...
"Hey princess." Trey smiled at me as I took a seat next to him and across from Brett.
"Hey Trey." I smiled back as he passed me the brown paper sack holding my hastily made lunch. "Do you know when he gets to leave?" I tried to sound casual, but I couldn't hide the worry I was feeling from myself.
He gave me a soft, reassuring smile. "Probably not till the end of the day. They're pretty strict when it comes to fights."
I just frowned. This was the most time we've spent away from each other in a really long time, and I didn't like it. But I had to shake myself of those thoughts. I would have to get used to the fact that we couldn't be together twenty-four seven sooner or later.
"Hey guys and bae." Jax's happy voice interrupted my depressed bubble. I smiled up at him as he plopped down into the seat beside me, with Denton sliding into the seat next to his. I saw Brett shift uncomfortably from the corner of my eye, and I watched as Trey's ever-knowing gaze followed the movement too.
"Hey Jax." I greeted back as his arm slung across the back of my chair. "Do you like the school so far?" I asked instead of thinking too hard about the tension surrounding the older Dimajio.
"I love it Rosie! The place is huge and everyone's so nice!"
Well, at least he thought so.
"That's great Jax." I smiled up at him which he returned before stealing my bag of Doritos right out of my hand. I narrowed my eyes at him, but didn't try to steal them back.
I ended up sharing half of my entire lunch with him since he didn't bring any lunch money or a lunch of his own. I knew Rex wouldn't have even let him smell my food much less eat it if he was here, but none of the others said anything.
The rest of the day was long and tedious, but I just wrote that off as not being able to see Rex. He was waiting for me at his car when school ended, and even though he gave me small smile, I could feel the anger radiating off of him.
As soon as I was close enough I eased my arms around his waist and rested my chin against his chest so my head was angled up enough to stare at him. His hands ran the expanse of my back, but his jaw remained clenched shut and his hard-chestnut eyes were icy.
"Are you okay?" I asked softly as he gazed out at the emptying parking lot, his arms wrapping around me until I was cocooned against him.
"I will be." Was all his gruff voice gave away. I pressed my face into his chest in response.
"Why did you attack that guy, Rex?" He let out a heavy sigh like he had been waiting for that question.
"He slammed into me. I would have done it to anyone." His tone was flat and hard, like he was tired of giving the same answer over and over again. I pulled away from him with a frown.
"Don't give me a generic answer. You had been in a bad mood all weekend, and then you attacked someone because they accidentally bumped into you." He let me step away from him and his eyes dropped down to the space between us. "Somethings wrong and I want to know what it is." I all but demanded, but he just licked his lips and avoided my gaze.
We stood there for a few minutes, silence passing between us. I let out an internal sigh when I knew he wasn't going to answer. "Fine. Let's just go then." I let gave an angry huff and turned on my heels, ready to stalk to the other side of the car. If he wasn't going to tell me what was bothering him, then I was just going to let him stew in his own anger.
"Baby wait." His thick arm wrapped around the back of my neck and spun me around till I was pinned tightly to his chest. "I'm sorry. Don't be upset with me." He pleaded into my ear and cuddled me against him till there was no space between us.
"Then tell me what's been bothering you." I pushed as he let of a soft sigh. His lips traced the shell of my ear and onto my cheek before pressing them firmly there in a hard kiss.
"It's just been a really long weekend, and I haven't had a chance to work it off at the gym. You know how bad my anger gets if I don't get to fight for a while, baby." He mumbled against my skin. I let my head rest silently against his shoulder for a while before I decided to let the issue slide. He really hadn't been to the gym in a while and I did know how bad his anger could get...
"I'm sorry, my Roza." He pressed his lips against the edge of my jaw before letting them barely trace over mine. My insides turned to liquid goo. "Love me?" He whispered softly, his lips barely a hairsbreadth away from mine. How could I ever deny this boy anything?
"You know I do." I grumbled and felt his lips smile against my own.
"Do I?" He teased softly as the arm that wasn't wrapped around my neck eased its way around my waist. I nodded as he snuggled me further into his stone like chest before he finally pressed his deliciously intoxicating lips to mine in the kiss I had been craving all day.
"Alright you too, that's enough PDA for one day."
Rex growled and pulled away from the kiss as Trey's voice interrupted our now-happy little bubble. I giggled as heat rushed to my face in an embarrassing blush. That's two times now someone caught us kissing...
"Go away." Rex grumbled, but tucked me tighter against him like he could hide me from the rest of the Big Four's sight.
"Not gonna' happen buddy. I scheduled a practice for you this afternoon. I figured you needed one after that little stunt you pulled. We need to head on over there."
Rex growled some more under his breath for a minute, but eased his arms from around me anyway. "Fine." He grunted before escorting to the passenger side of his car and holding the door open for me. I climbed in silently and buckled my seat belt as he shut the door and came around to his side.
He didn't start the car automatically when he climbed in. Instead he watched the others pile into Trey's SUV and pull out of the parking lot before he turned on the engine. I raised my eyebrow at him, but he just leaned over and pressed his lips against mine one more time. I smiled against them and let my hand press against his cheek.
"Never leave me, kay?" He whispered when he eventually tore his lips away.
Hope you all enjoy!
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