Chapter 32
Hey guys!
Ugh so, I read this book that was amazing but it made my heart hurt because now I want a cute relationship like that soooo freaking bad and I know (sigh) that I will never have one. So now I am sad... BUT that's good news for y'all because when I'm sad and depressed and want a cutesie relationship His Flower chapters come flying out of my head!
Sorry for any grammar and editing mistakes!
Please comment, vote, and follow!
Chapter 32
Rex was sleeping peacefully under me. His bare chest radiating the heat that my body so desperately craved. I laid with my face pressed onto his hard peck, my hand continuously clenching and unclenching into a fist above his naval.
It was three in the morning and I couldn't sleep, which was weird. I was always able to fall asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow when I was with him.
Despite making up and everything from earlier, it had been a very stressful day, and as I have said many times before I don't do well with stress. It actually took Rex awhile to fall asleep too. Well, normally I fell asleep first so I had no idea when he usually did, but I'm sure he wasn't up much later than I was.
We hadn't kissed or anything, just laid there quietly for what felt like hours before I finally felt his breathing even and looked up to see his beautiful eyes closed. His arm had wrapped around me the moment we had laid down and his giant hand rested protectively against my waist. Like he could keep all our demons away just with that simple action.
I unconsciously alternated my hand between clenching anxiously and rubbing over his smooth skin for the past hour. A couple of times I even found myself tracing the light scar of that stab wound that seemed to have happened years ago.
My movements would freeze every time Rex's body shifted or he groaned. He seemed to do that a lot and every once in a while I would look up worriedly and see his face scrunched up almost painfully.
My stomach would drop. I hated thinking he was having a bad dream, but I could tell he hadn't been sleeping much lately, despite telling me he was, and I didn't want to risk waking him.
When the little red number on the clock flicked to four I let out a heavy sigh. I didn't think I was going to get any sleep that night, and despite how much I loved Rex's arms around me I had to get out of bed for a little bit.
I rubbed my face against his chest before I leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. I still didn't know what we were, or where we stood, but honestly I didn't feel like asking anytime soon. Rex said he liked me, like liked me-liked me, and for right now that was more than I could have ever hoped for. Well, that and he said he liked kissing me...
I gently ran my hand over his before easing it off my waist. He grunted and mumbled something in his sleep, but then went still once again. I let out a quiet huff. I needed him to sleep. It was one thing for me not to, but Rex didn't deserve to be exhausted 24/7.
I slowly rolled out of the bed, careful not to wake him, and pulled the covers up to his waist once I had found my balance. The cold air hit my almost bare shoulders immediately and I shuddered as I walked towards the door. Winter had finally arrived, and despite the tell-tale of snow on the ground, my sister still hadn't turned on the central heat.
Usually I wouldn't have been complaining. I always slept curled up against Rex's side, or on his chest, and he burned as hot as any heater so I almost always slept in shorts and a tank top. I didn't bother grabbing a sweater or jacket as I stepped into the hallway and headed for the stairs.
I stopped at my door, right before the steps, and turned towards the white wood. A chill ran down my spine. I hadn't been in there in weeks, and I didn't know if the fear eating at me was childish or not. Luce had begun sleeping in the master bedroom since dad wasn't home and my room creeped her out too.
But now that he was coming back, and Rex more than likely wouldn't be allowed to stay here, I would probably have to get used to my room once again. Which is honestly the real reason why I couldn't sleep.
I loved my dad, extremely so, but just the thought of him sending Rex away, of trying to keep him away from me, made me sick to my stomach. I didn't know if he knew about Tate, but I knew when he did he would be furious, and Rex being Tate's half-brother would only make things worse.
I don't think he would understand how much I needed Rex. How I needed him to sleep, to chase away the dreams. I couldn't even eat when I think something bad has happened to him, and I get panicky when I haven't seen him for more than two days. Rex had told me not to worry about it before we went to bed. That he would handle everything, but he didn't know my dad. He didn't know how losing me affected him.
I let out a heavy sigh as I reached for my door knob and slowly turned the cold metal. Goosebumps rose to my flesh as the wooden door swung open and the dark expanse of the room hit me. The only light was the small strip illuminating through my window. It was a cloudy night, a snow storm was breaching the town and almost all moonlight had been hidden.
I wrapped my arms tightly around my waist and let out a shaky breath as I stepped into the room. It was cold, colder than Luce's room, especially because Rex wasn't there to radiate his warmth. Visions from that night flashed across my mind quickly, and I gulped.
That was weeks ago, and Tate wasn't here. The room was empty, it was dark, but it was empty. Tate wasn't here. I had loved him, obviously not as he wanted me to, but I did. He was like my best friend, my brother, I would have trusted him with my life...
I shook my head of those thoughts as I stepped into the small light coming through the window. I don't know why I didn't turn the light on, but it just didn't feel right to. I watched the clouds swirl almost viciously in the sky as the cold from my room creeped around me. I wanted to cry, I could feel the urge to, but the tears never came... for once.
I wanted to leave the room, to run back into Rex's arms and let him hold me forever, but I couldn't make my feet move. I couldn't find it in me to leave the light from the window.
But I didn't have to.
"Baby..." I didn't even jump when his thick arms wrapped around my waist. His warmth immediately wrapped around me and I melted into his chest as he cradled me against him. I would never get used to the fluttering in my stomach every time he called me that.
"I couldn't sleep." I answered his unspoken question as he curled his arms tighter around me.
"You should have woken me up."
"You were finally sleeping, I wasn't going to ruin that." He had rested his chin in the crook of my neck and stared out the window with me as I reached my hand up and gently trailed my fingers through his hair.
"Stop worrying so much about me." He murmured quietly before he rubbed his face into my shoulder.
"Stop worrying so much about me." I countered which he actually chuckled at.
"That's impossible." He grumbled and I let out a small smile.
"Why are we in here Roza?" He asked after a moment of complete silence and I closed my eyes as he held me closer to him.
"I-I don't know... I just... needed to come in here."
"You should have woken me up." He said again, and this time I let out a heavy sigh.
"I know." I turned in his arms and wrapped mine around his waist as he rested his head on the top of mine.
"Do you want to sleep in here again?" He asked softly as his warm hands roamed the expanse of my back.
"No." I shook my head almost viciously and his arms only tightened in response.
"Okay, do you want to leave?" I nodded and without another thought his giant arms lifted me off the ground and wrapped me around his waist.
He was carrying me like a child, but honestly I kind of liked it. He was able to keep me pinned against him with one arm and close my door with the other. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and buried my face into his shoulder as he carried me down the hall.
I didn't want my dad to make him leave. I needed to make him understand how much I need Rex, and if he wouldn't... I didn't know what I would do. Honestly, if Rex was okay with it I would probably just go stay with him, but that would just open up a whole new can of trouble.
"Rosalyn." He groaned when he finally sat down on the bed and pulled my face away from his shoulder. "Baby stop stressing. Stop worrying. I told you I will handle everything. You have to believe me." I was sitting on his lap with my legs still wrapped around him as his hands cupped my cheeks and his thumbs rubbed soothing circles under my eyes.
"I-I do believe you, but you don't know my dad and-"
"I know him enough. We have an understanding when it comes to you."
I frowned at that and cupped my hands over his as his dark eyes stared over at me in worry. "At Halloween, when you were in the hospital, we talked. We... understand each other, I guess you can say." My frown grew at that, but his hands hardened and he pulled my face closer to his until he could kiss my forehead.
"Roza please, stop worrying. You're not going to be able to sleep, and I won't knowing you won't." I grumbled under my breath as he kissed my forehead one more time before releasing my face.
I sighed as his hands dropped to my shoulders and I rubbed mine under his collar bone. "Do we have to go to school tomorrow?" I groaned as his thumbs rubbed soothing circles into the hollows of my shoulders. I still hadn't gotten off his lap, and I could tell by the way his eyes kept darting to my mouth that he wanted a kiss.
He raised his eyebrow and his dark eyes shot up to mine. "Is Miss Goody Two Shoes asking me to skip school with her?" I blushed and dropped my gaze as his dark chestnut eyes turned wicked.
"I mean, we don't have to if you don't want to-"
His dark chuckle cut me off more effectively than anything else could. "I would do anything you asked Roza, you know that." My blush deepened as his arms dropped to my waist and pulled me closer.
No, no I didn't know that.
"But if I recall," He murmured as I wrapped my arms around his neck once again, "You were the one who made us go the other day."
"That was the other day." I whined as his delicious lips kissed my chin.
"Well, since you're one tough convincer," He chuckled as he raised his lips to mine, "I guess we can skip."
"Yay!" I giggled as his mouth lifted into that beautiful smile I loved so much.
"Yay. Now kiss me." My stomach flipped at the demand in his voice, and honestly, who was I to deny him? I squished my lips to his in that awkward way I do, but he apparently likes, and I couldn't help my giant smile as his arms tightened around me.
"Rosalyn, I can't fucking kiss you when you keep smiling like that." His voice was a dark growl, but his lips were still close to mine and the butterflies in my stomach were on fire power mode. Honestly I would never get used to kissing him.
"I'm sorry." I murmured against him and then tried to keep from smiling so he could get the kiss he wanted.
"Don't fucking apologize for smiling."
I rolled my eyes, but let my smile take over as his hands rubbed along my back. "You should make up your mind mister." I teased as my fingers started to wander into his hair.
"You know I love your smile, baby flower."
"Hm." I murmured as I gently brushed my lips over his.
"But I also love kissing you." He murmured back. I tried not to let the satisfied smile breech my lips that so desperately wanted to.
"I know."
The kiss we shared next was... different than the ones we shared before. It wasn't just a touch, or a press of our lips together, this time it was... better. It wasn't opened mouth or anything, but I was definitely sucking on his upper lip and he was definitely sucking on my bottom. It was different in a good way... a very good way.
Then it was weird, a good weird, but weird. We switched and his fingers had twirled into my hair so he could tilt my head, and when he did... well, the easiest way I could describe it was fireworks, as cliché as that sounds, but it was true.
My fingers tightened in his hair, my arms tightened around his neck, and I scooted further up his lap like I could get more of his lips if I did. "Roza..." My nickname was barely a husky whisper leaving his mouth as I gasped for air. It drove me crazy.
I gulped, my hands were like iron in his hair, and the grip he had on my waist, and my own hair, was more like steel. "Rex..." My voice was no more than a hoarse gasp and I could feel my nerves standing on edge as he pulled back just enough to press his forehead against mine.
I didn't want to stop though, I didn't want to sleep. I wanted him to keep kissing me, kissing me like that. It still hadn't been opened mouth, but it was... it was amazing. It left me hot, and irritable, and annoyed, and more in love with him than ever.
"That was..." He started roughly, his voice hoarse and his breathing hard.
"Pretty amazing." I finished for him, but my voice and breathing was not any better.
His closed eyes snapped open and the dark chestnut stared up at me in something close to amazement. "Pretty amazing." He agreed softly.
"Can we do that again?" I asked curiously as he ran his lips along my cheek.
He chuckled.
"Not tonight baby." I frowned and pouted as his chuckle grew and his dark eyes flashed. "It's late, and kisses like that lead to uncomfortable situations."
My eyebrows furrowed and I pulled back as his fingers gently untangled from my hair. "Uncomfortable situations?" My hands fell to my lap as he gently eased me onto the bed and stood.
Did... did I make him uncomfortable? Did he not like that as much as I did? But he said it was pretty amazing too... Did he just say that to make me feel better? I could feel the pain start to swirl in my stomach and up my chest, and tried as hard as I could to push it down. I didn't want him to feel like he had to kiss me just to make me feel better, especially not if I made him uncomfortable.
"Another time, Roza." He leaned down and kissed me on top of my head before he pulled down the covers and helped me under them.
"I don't understand Rex..." I admitted softly as he climbed in after me and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.
"I know." Was all he said and he chuckled, chuckled, but the pain in my chest grew.
"Rex seriously."
"Get some sleep."
"You can't honestly expect me to go to sleep right now!"
"No, tell me what's putting you in uncomfortable situations and I'll stop it. If you didn't like the kiss I won't kiss you like that again. In fact! If you want we don't have to kiss at all-" The thought just caused the pain in my chest to explode and surge through my whole body, but I had to push that aside. I would do anything for him, and if not kissing him again made him happy then so be it.
"Rosalyn no! No I don't want to fucking stop kissing you!" His hands were like stone as they cupped my face and his dark chestnut eyes blazed darkly. "I love kissing you, I've already told you that crazy girl." His voice softened as he rubbed his forehead against mine and pulled me closer.
"And that's the problem." He added a moment later, a small smile tugging on his lips.
"What is?" I grumbled as I placed my palms flat against his stomach.
"I liked that kiss a lot."
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I did to." I mumbled, but we already established that.
"I know, my Roza."
"Rex, I'm still confused."
"Just trust me Rose. Kisses like that are dangerous, but I promise I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I promise we will kiss like that again." He placed a kiss on the top of my head to prove his point and drew me into the warmth of his chest like that was the end to the conversation.
"Okay..." I murmured into his chest as he cradled me to him. He wrapped his arms around my back and tucked my head under his chin. It only took me about five minutes wrapped in his arms, that kiss still on my mind, before I finally fell asleep.
We actually did end up skipping school the next day. Luce had already left for her classes that day and Rex and I slept in till noon. His phone would go off every once in a while, but by the fifth phone call he growled, grabbed it off the charger, and threw it across the room. It didn't ring again, and there was no doubt in my mind that it had broken.
"Was this really necessary?" I mumbled as he emerged from the bathroom with jeans on and a towel in his hand to dry his hair. There wasn't a shirt insight... but I wasn't complaining. I held the broken phone in my hand. The screen had shattered and the back was nowhere to be seen.
"It wouldn't fucking shut up." He growled as he dragged the towel through his hair once more before throwing it into the hamper in the corner of the room.
"What if it was important?" I tried not to let out a discontent sigh as he grabbed his shirt off the bed and tugged it on.
"Then they would have come found me." He answered like that was the most obvious answer on the planet as he walked up behind me and grabbed the phone from my hand.
I raised my eyebrow at him, but he just shot me a wink before he tucked the useless phone into his pocket. "Besides," He began as he grabbed my (his) jacket off the bed and helped me into it, "I knew it was Trey. I looked at the caller ID before I threw it."
"What if he needed something?!"
"He knew where to find me."
I quietly, and kind of angrily, stomped into my shoes and tied the laces before I stood up and zipped the jacket. "Do you want to go see what he wants?" He murmured into my ear as his arms wrapped around my waist from behind a moment later.
I nodded and turned in his arms to smile up at him before they dropped from around me. My meager amount of anger nowhere in sight. "We'll have to wait till schools out then." He grumbled but reached for my hand anyway and began pulling me down the stairs.
I glanced over at the clock hanging in the room before we walked out and frowned at the one flashing across it. "Then where are we going?" I asked curiously as I followed him down the hall and stairs, my hand held securely in his.
He shrugged his shoulders like he had no idea, but he was already twirling his keys in his empty hand. "I don't know, to get something to eat?" He didn't really let me answer and kind of just ushered me into his passenger seat.
Well, alright.
We did get something to eat, and we went to a movie, which he just grumbled about for the whole time. We drove around for like an hour before stopping by the gym to pick up his check. Before I knew it, it was already four and we were heading back towards the school.
We were kind of just leaning against the side of his car, one of his arms around my waist and the other running through his hair, when Trey came sauntering over. He didn't look angry per say', but he didn't look necessarily happy either. He gave me a small smile when he came to a stop in front of us, Brett following closely behind him, but his normal bright green eyes were dark and they turned their hard gaze on Rex.
"You didn't answer."
"I was sleeping."
"I called you like five times."
"I was sleeping."
"It was important." Trey's dark eyes flashed and his hard gaze turned into an angry glare.
"I told you." I mumbled under my breath, but kept my head down as Rex's arm tightened around my waist in warning.
"Then you would have gotten me." Rex's voice was hard and snarky, like I hadn't said anything at all.
"I couldn't just get up and leave class, I'm still on watch from last time."
My eyebrow raised at that, but he wasn't paying any attention to me and I trailed my eyes over to the oldest Dimajio. Brett was rolling his eyes and trying to hide a small smile, so I knew that whatever was going on couldn't be that bad.
"Then it obviously wasn't that important." Rex's voice was snarky, and despite the glare I shot up at him a small smile was tugging at his lips.
Trey's jaw clenched, his eyes blazed and his hands curled into fists. He obviously had really not liked being ignored... "It was about the visitation." That sobered Rex right up. The small smile on his lips fell and his arm tightened around me.
"Alright, what about it?"
Trey's eyes shot down to me and seemed to soften before they looked back up at Rex. "Dad says if you want to talk to him it has to be this weekend." Rex's jaw clenched and he reached up with his free hand to mess with his hair.
"Probably Saturday, around noon."
"That's tomorrow."
"Yeah, I know."
My stomach was in knots as Rex rubbed his clenched jaw and stared up into the tree a few yards in front of us. "Alright, I guess I'll go down there-"
I shoved my elbow into his side and sent him a harsh glare before he couldn't even finish his sentence. He didn't even wince as his dark eyes snapped down to mine and hardened. I tried to make my face stony as he glared down at me, but being strict was really hard. I know he did not forget about our deal yesterday that easily.
"Fine." He growled after a moment of our intense stare off and snapped his eyes back up to Trey who was watching us with a curious eyebrow raised. "We will go down there Saturday then." I smiled in triumph and curled into his side to let him know I was satisfied. He just grunted, but his arms wrapped tighter around me anyway.
"You're taking Rose? Are you sure that's a good idea-" Poor Trey didn't even get to finish his sentence before grumpy Rex surfaced again.
"No I'm not taking Rose, you fucking idiot." He snapped, and ignored Trey's raised eyebrow (who didn't even seem affected by the insult) as he curled me more into him. "We are going, as in you and the Dimajios." He growled.
Trey watched us suspiciously for a moment before his now bright eyes locked onto Rex's dark ones. "You sure you want us to go?" Rex's jaw clenched, but gave him a curt nod anyways. I had to hide my smile by pressing my face into his side.
"Well alright then. I guess we'll all be down there with you tomorrow."
"Thanks for volunteering us, but Denton can't go. He's not supposed to leave his bed for at least another week. The big fucking baby." Brett grumbled as he came to stand behind Trey, his hands buried in his pockets. Despite the intended insult, he couldn't hide the flash of worry that crossed his face when he spoke about his younger brother.
Crap, I forgot about that... but he was right. Denton needed rest, and Rex should be fine with just those two... right? He tugged on the end of my hair and I glanced up at the questioning look he gave me. My heart blossomed at the notion that he was actually asking me if it was okay for him to go with just those two. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him with a smile.
"That's fine. I guess I'll see you two there tomorrow." He grumbled from above me.
Trey's lips twitched in a smile that wanted to break free and his bright eyes twinkled as they flicked between us. "I guess you will."
Hope you enjoyed!
So, I was really iffy about writing this chapter mainly because of the whole kiss thing. This book was made to be PG-13 so basically anyone can read it, and I'll try to keep it at that as best as I could but in all reality Rex and Rose are teenagers, like 17 and 18 teenagers...
Guys, this story (my baby) is probably going to end in like four or five more chapter, I don't know for sure, but I'm kind of dying inside. I love writing this story, I love writing Rose and Rex their literally like a part of me and I feel like I'm dying knowing that I might be close to finishing...
REX'S POV: I know I promised y'all I would do a chapter in his POV but I'm having a really hard time thinking of anything I could do. I just loved the whole suspenseful and mysterious thing when it comes to him you know? Like half the time I don't even freaking know what he's thinking and I created him! But, alas, I will try my hardest. I'm just letting ya'll know it probably won't be that great.
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