Chapter 31
Hey guys!
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Chapter 31
I frowned as I opened my locker and grabbed my lunch bag. Rex didn't have a lot of food at his house so we had to stop by mine an hour before school to grab something for lunch. Luce was actually home, and kind of flipped when she saw us. Apparently she had been calling my phone constantly and freaked when I didn't answer. I hadn't even noticed it was gone, to be honest. Turns out, it had been in my dad's jeep since the warehouse thing.
It's been two days since the whole "incident", and even though Rex didn't want to, I insisted that we go back to school.
Speaking of Rex...
"Hey you."
I smiled as his big figured plopped against the lockers next to mine and his hand instantly reached for my own. "Hey." I smiled up at him as I closed my locker and he pulled me into his side.
"So Denton is going to be fine. Brett took him to the doctor's this morning." He announced as his arm went around my waist and pulled me closer.
"Really? That's great!" He shot me a small smile before he pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head. My frown came back.
He hadn't kissed me again since that night back in the apartment, on the mouth at least, and I was more confused than ever. We hadn't even talked about it. I didn't know what we were, where we stood, or what the heck was going on. Rex never brought it up either, but it wasn't like he was acting like it never happened. As a matter of fact, he's become more touchy than ever. He barely lets go of me.
Not that I'm complaining.
"Whatcha' thinking about, Roza?" His breath tickled my skin as he pressed his lips against my temple. Even though he hasn't kissed me on the lips since that day, he has no hesitation with pressing small kisses against every other inch of my face.
He's such a tease.
"Hm, nothing." I gave him a big smile as he pulled me into his chest and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"That's not your 'thinking about nothing' face."
"Glad to know I have one of those." I grumbled, but he just chuckled and went back to pressing his lips to various parts of my face. We were leaning against the lockers with one of his arms wrapped tightly around me and the other wrapped lightly in my hair.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a laugh as his hand cupped my cheek and he started dragging his lips across my forehead.
"Kissing you." His sneaky voice mumbled against my skin before he went back to pecking my forehead and temples. I couldn't help the bubble of laughter that breeched my lips as his arms tightened around me and his lips began tickling my skin.
"Rex stop! That tickles!" I couldn't help the giggles that enveloped my chest as he started gently biting the skin on my jaw. He chuckled and rubbed his lips against my cheek one more time before he rested his forehead against mine.
"I like kissing you, Roza."
My eyes widened at his words, and for a moment I thought he was actually going to lean in and kiss me again... but he didn't. He pulled away and chuckled at my frown before he wrapped his thick arm around my shoulders and drew me into his side.
"Let's go eat."
I kept my quiet protests to myself as he led me down the school's staircase and into the main hall. He's such a tease, and I didn't like it. Not one bit. I couldn't tell if he purposefully wouldn't kiss me again just because he knew how badly I wanted him to, or if he was oblivious to how I was feeling and just enjoyed making my nerves stand on edge.
"Rex wait." I gripped onto his forearm as he reached for the lunch room's doors. I couldn't keep doing this, skirting around what happened between us. I needed to know where we stood, or at least where I stood with him. He stopped instantly and turned to me with a flash of worry in his eyes.
"What's wrong?"
I let out a small smile at the worry in his tone and entwined my fingers with his as he clutched at my hand. "We need to talk... about what happened." I didn't know where this confidence came from. This sudden desire in me to figure out why he kissed me again, what we were now. But not knowing was eating me alive.
"About what?" He frowned and his beautiful eyes darkened with confusion. "About what happened at the warehouse? I already told you everything-"
"No, no T', not about that."
"Then what, Rose?" His frown deepened and I dropped my eyes to his shirt nervously as I gathered about the courage to say the words I needed to.
"About the uh... th-the kiss..." My voice did not sound confident at all, and as the look of confusion on his face deepened, mine heat up in embarrassment.
"The goodbye kiss? We already talked about that to-"
"No, not that one." I grumbled and let out a harsh breath as he stared down at me with narrowed eyes. Why is he making this so darn hard?
"The one the other night, in the apartment." I finally got the guts to blurt out, and the confusion on his face quickly disappeared. He nodded slowly as his hand tightened around mine and he gently pulled me off to the side so no one coming in or out of the cafeteria could hear us.
"Okay, what about it?" I took a deep breath as his eyes stared down at me patiently and I closed my own before I began.
"I just want to know why... I guess."
"Why?" He raised an eyebrow at me and tilted his head to the side like he was studying my face. I twisted my hands nervously together.
"Yeah, why. Why did you kiss me again, what does it mean, what are we, why am I so freaking confused all the time. I can't tell what the fudge we are anymore and I don't even know if you like me-like me and I just-" My nervous rambling was interrupted by his palm being placed flat against my lips, his dark eyes flashing dangerously.
"Rose, calm down, breathe." He commanded as I stared up at him with wide, nervous eyes. His beautiful chestnut ones were shining darkly down at me, and I couldn't decipher the emotion flashing through them anymore. I breathed in deeply when he removed his palm from my mouth and instead wrapped his hand in my hair.
"I kissed you because I wanted to, because I like kissing you." Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as his gaze dropped to my lips before they flickered back to my own. His grip in my hair tightened. "And you know I don't think you're stupid baby, but your fucking insanely oblivious if you can't tell that I like you by now." My heart jumped in my chest at his words, and I couldn't help the swell of emotion that built up inside of me. Did he just... just admit he liked me?
"I mean, seriously Rose, you know me. Do you honestly think I'd go around kissing someone that I just like as a friend?" A smug kind of laughter sparked in his dark eyes and I couldn't help the pout that formed on my lips. But he had a point there. I did know him. He barely even talks to other people much less touch them... in any way.
"No." I grumbled honestly and his eyes flashed with laughter.
I rolled my eyes as he chuckled and rested his forehead against mine. There was a small smile on his face that turned my stomach to goo and I found myself leaning closer into his warmth. "I like your smile." I whispered up at him as his deep, endless chestnut eyes seemed to stare into my heart.
"I like yours." He murmured back, his lips not even an inch away from my own. I tried not to moan in longing as he pressed his mouth gently onto mine. It was a touch, just a touch, before he quickly pulled back once again. But my stomach was buzzing with butterflies and my heart was beating a thousand miles a minute.
"I like kissing you too, did I mention that?" His lips were so close to mine I could feel them lift into a small smirk, and I tried not to giggle as his hands reached up and cupped my neck.
"Once or twice." I teased softly as his smirk turned into a small smile.
He kissed me again, but this time it wasn't just a touch. It was like the goodbye kiss from before, and even better than the one in the apartment. His lips pressing softly against mine felt so good that it caused my toes to curl in my shoes and left me feeling like I was on cloud nine.
It probably didn't look like anything special really. It wasn't one of those long, lust full kisses you read about or saw on TV, and it didn't feel rushed or hard. It was sweet and simple. Just our lips pressing together.
But it was the best feeling in the world.
Rex pulled back all too soon, and I tried not to groan in disappointment. He rested his forehead back against mine and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, his eyes still closed. "Roza..." He breathed softly, his mouth just an inch away from my own. "Can I..."
He paused, and I could heard the hard gulp he forced down his throat before his arms tightened around me. He seemed nervous. "Can I do that more often?" His eyes blinked open as he spoke and he pulled away from me just enough so I could gaze up at the dark chestnut I loved so much.
Was he seriously asking permission to kiss me more?
The entire time I have known him, have become friends with him, more than friends even, I have been pushing down the never ending urge to kiss him... the never ending urge, and now he was nervous about asking if he could kiss me more often?
I had to be dreaming. I had to have died or something that night in the warehouse because there was no way this could be happening. No way the Rex Turner, the boy who never cared about anyone or anything, wanted to frequently kiss me.
I nodded slowly as my eyes stay locked on his, on the ones that helped ease my nightmares and caused such strong feelings to bloom in heart. He let out a small sigh in what I could only describe as relief as he pulled me closer and kissed the tip of my nose. "Good, because I would probably go insane if I couldn't kiss you again." I laughed as he squished me into his chest and nuzzled his face into my neck.
"You ready to eat?" He asked a second later as he reached down and picked up my discarded lunch.
"Mhm." I smiled up at him, almost as if I were in a trance as he grabbed onto my hand and shot me a smile of his own.
"Then let's go."
Lunch was interesting to say the least.
Brett and Denton were arguing, like always, Trey was on the phone with a complicated scowl set on his face the whole time, and Rex sat with his arm lightly against the back of my chair with his hard eyes on Trey. We didn't speak again about the kissing situation, nor did we act like anything of the sort had happened between us.
Honestly I think he wanted it that way. Not because he was ashamed of us kissing or anything, at least I hoped not, but because he was always so... closed off when it came to our "friendship" and the others knowing about it. I really just thought it was because he didn't want them seeing any soft side of his.
I tried to keep my attention on my food, but I could tell by the dark look on Trey's face and Rex's clenched jaw that whatever conversation was happening on the phone wasn't good. It was ten minutes before lunch ended and Trey finally ended the call and turned his bright green eyes on Rex.
"Well?" Rex's voice was dark, hard even as it carried across the table. The Dimajio brothers paid us no attention as Trey's eyes glanced between Rex then me and back again. Rex drew me closer to his side.
"Dad says that downtown has him on lockup."
Rex relaxed softly at his words and cast me a small smile before he grabbed his own phone out of his pocket. "Rex, what's he talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows as Rex started typing away at his phone screen, his eyes narrowed in the process.
He seemed to pause for a minute and cast me a quick, almost hard, glance before his eyes softened. "Anthony's in jail. The cops caught him and his boss."
Relief swelled inside of me at his words. I never wanted to kill anyone, or even hurt anyone, but Rex's life was in danger and I would have done whatever to keep him alive. But I did want his cruel dad locked up for an eternity.
"That's good!" I gave him a big smile which he chuckled lightly at before he pocketed his phone once again.
"I have to go down there soon and talk to him."
My smile faded at his words and I didn't bother trying to hide the frown that breached my lips. "Don't worry, Roza. He's behind bars, I'm not. He won't hurt me." That eased the nerves slightly in my chest, but my frown remained.
"Then I'm coming to."
"But you said it was safe!"
"That doesn't fucking mean I want you anywhere near him again."
I sent him my best glare, but his jaw remained clenched and his icy eyes were hard. "Rex that's not fair."
"And I care why?"
My frown grew and I slouched in my seat away from him like a child. He obviously doesn't care about what happens to him, he proved that much by going to the warehouse in the first place, and even though it's perfectly "safe" to go talk to the very man who wanted to kill him in the first, he wouldn't bring me. I don't care if he was worried about my "safety", and he obviously didn't care that I worried about his. So why bother arguing.
"Rose, look-"
"I have to use the restroom." I cut off what I was sure would be some explanation about why he would never bring me anywhere dangerous and stood quickly from my chair. His dark eyes widened as I grabbed my back pack and lifted it over my shoulders.
"But you didn't finish your lunch-"
"I'm not hungry." I tightened the grip on my strap before heading away from the table and straight towards the lunch room doors. I didn't want to hear his explanation about how and why it wouldn't be safe for me to go, or an apology for upsetting me. It wasn't safe for him to go, and he obviously wasn't going to listen to me.
I didn't bother going to the restroom and instead headed straight for the only solace I had ever had at this school before I became friends with the boys; the back table in the stacks of the library. Typical, I know, but it was the quietest place in the whole school, and right now that was exactly what I needed.
I placed my stuff on the sleek wooden tabletop and dropped my heavy head into my hands. It's been weeks, if not months, that I've been able to think properly. Rex was always floating through my mind and thoughts, and usually I would never have it any other way.
The more alone time I had with deeper thoughts, the more the panic built in my chest. I wouldn't think about that now. I needed to push that down and clear my mind of all stressful things.
My heart jumped in my chest when a heavy body slumped down into the seat across from me. I peeked slowly through the gaps in my fingers and let out a small smile as my hands fell down to the table.
"You okay princess?"
"Yeah, Trey. I'm okay."
His lips didn't lift into a smile like I hoped they would and his bright eyes stared across at me in something close to worry. "He's... upset." His eyes glanced away from me as he tried to pick the right word to say, and even though they tore at my heart, I couldn't find myself to feel guilty...
I dropped my own eyes down to my twiddling thumbs and frowned as his turned back to stare at me. "I'm upset." I murmured softly as his hard gaze stared holes into my head. He let out a heavy sigh.
"I know, and he knows, which is why he's upset."
I gritted my teeth and glared holes into the table. Well too darn bad.
"Rose, you know he only does and says stuff to protect you-"
"I know Trey."
I'm pretty sure that was the first time I ever cut him off, and as he snapped his mouth shut and dropped his eyes I knew he noticed that to. "You always stick up for him, which I understand. He's your best friend, but neither you or him ever get the fact that I care about what happens to him, and I'm tired of him getting upset every time I try to make sure he will be safe."
It was quiet between us for a good moment, the only noise surrounding the area was the gentle turning of pages. Trey's eyes stared down hard at the table with his jaw clenched shut. I sighed as the bell rang and I slowly reached for my bag before standing up. "I'm sorry I cut you off." I said softly and leaned down to wrap my arm around his neck in a brief hug.
"He cares about you princess." He whispered softly as I stood back up and pulled my bag onto my shoulders.
"I know."
I couldn't pay attention in either fifth or sixth period, and I didn't wait for Rex to come walk me to my class like I always did. As soon as the bell rang I was up and walking quickly down the hall. I wasn't sure if the uneasy, unpleasant, feeling in my stomach was guilt or just from knowing I was purposely avoiding him.
I didn't know what to expect when school was finally over. Rex would probably be beyond angry when he finally did see me and either yell at me again, or give me the silent treatment. But what I really didn't expect to see was Brett waiting for me outside of seventh period. I walked over to him with a frown as students quickly filled the hallway.
"What are you doing here?" My frown deepened as his blue eyes stared at me over the top of his dark sunglasses. He was leaning casually against a wall of lockers, his arms folded across his chest, and his head tilted down to look at me.
"I don't have an eighth period and I promised Rex I would come walk you to class."
The guilt that I had suppressed from before quickly reached the surface and hit me like an avalanche. "Oh..." Was all my genius mind could think of and I held my textbooks to my chest tightly as he gave a curt nod and began walking down the hall.
We walked together in silence and I couldn't help the growing feeling of guilt and regret that continued to fill my chest. Maybe I was just acting like a spoiled child. Even if I didn't like it, Rex always did what he thought would protect me... though it usually always left him alone and in danger.
"Is he... is he still upset?" I asked softly as we descended the stair case and into the main hall. Brett's eyes glanced over to me before he stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets and stared ahead once again.
"I would say more worried than upset." He muttered as we turned down the English hall.
"Stop worrying so much kid. I'm sure whatever is going on will blow over soon." His words didn't really reassure me and my frown grew as we came to a stop in front of my classroom. He noticed.
"Seriously Rosie, you got him by the short and curlies'... but don't tell him I said that." One of his bright blue eyes winked at me and I blushed as a smile pulled at the corners of my lips.
"Good girl." He teased at my smile and I couldn't help the bigger one that broke across my face as he rubbed the top of my hair like I really was much younger than him. "I'll see you later kid. Don't get into too much trouble." He gave me another wink and a chin thump before he turned around and sauntered off down the hall. I shook my head and let out a small laugh. My life really would be boring without them.
I was nervous as I walked to the parking lot. I really didn't know what to expect. Brett said he was worried more than upset, but I didn't know if he would yell at me for avoiding him or just ignore me completely. Either way, it was going to be a long ride home.
He didn't see me as I walked slowly into the parking lot, especially cause' I chickened out and hid behind one of the faculties SUVs, but I couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in my stomach at the sight of his perfect everything leaning against the passenger side of his car.
His sunglass-covered eyes stared down at the small phone he held in his hand and his beautiful lips were drawn down in a frown that caused me to frown. Someone so beautiful should never frown.
Come on Rose, it's just Rex. It's ridiculous that I wasn't even this nervous confronting him about our kiss! Then again, I've never really avoided him before. I let out one final big breath and gripped my bag tighter before I left the safety of the vehicles shadow and headed for Rex's car.
I kept my eyes cast down at the ground as I walked slowly towards him. It wasn't until I was half way there that I felt his eyes on me. I gulped. I looked around nervously for the others as I pulled to a stop in front of him, but Trey's SUV was nowhere in sight and neither was either of the Dimajio's vehicles.
"Hi." His deep voice that was usually like a soft caress to my ears caused my nerves to jump and had my eyes snapping up to his face. I couldn't see his chestnut eyes through the dark black lenses of his sunglasses and that fact unnerved me.
"Hi." I muttered back as I dropped my own gaze to his dark t-shirt.
"You're out here later than usual... I was getting worried."
The guilt in my stomach twisted painfully and I had to close my eyes and clench my hands into fists to prevent from doing something that would just embarrass us both.
"Yeah, sorry. I had to stay after and ask my teacher a few questions." The fib slipped past my lips easily and the guilt only grew, but how pathetic would it be if I told him that I was just too nervous to face him?
"You could have texted me..."
Stop making me feel so darn bad, you jerk.
"It slipped my mind. I'm sorry."
He knew I was lying to him. I could feel it in his stare, and I dropped my gaze to our feet in shame. He let out a heavy sigh, pushed his glasses to the top of his head, then rubbed his fists into his eyes. I could tell he was tired, we both were, and the tension in the air between us wasn't helping anything.
"Alright, I guess I'll take you home then."
I wrapped my arms against my waist almost protectively as he turned around and opened the door for me. "Thanks." I mumbled almost under my breath as I slipped into the seat and buckled my seat belt.
We sat in silence as he climbed into the driver's seat and started the car. The only noise heard for the whole ride was the soft music coming from the car's speakers. He wasn't giving me the silent treatment, not really. I knew if I asked or gave any sign that I wanted to talk, he would.
I sat in the car for a solid three seconds after he pulled into my driveway and parked before I reached for the door handle and began to step out. "Roza wait," His hand shot out and gripped onto my wrist tightly before tugging me gently back into the car. I didn't want to talk about lunch, or me avoiding him. I just wanted to go inside and lay down.
"I think it's time I went back to my apartment."
My heart stopped at his words, and my breath caught in my throat. I knew it was only a matter of time before he wanted to go back to his own home, but if my avoiding him all day was the turning point of his decision I wouldn't be able to breathe for days.
"Alright." Was all I could bring myself to say. His grip on my wrist loosened and I climbed out of the car before he could see the tears forming in my eyes. In one day we had went from teasing kisses, to him asking me to kiss me more, and now to me turning into the crying mess I usually was.
My heart ached as I clutched my bag tightly and walked quickly up the driveway and onto the porch. I could hear him climb out of the car and follow slowly behind me. I tried to calm down the excited spark that flared in my chest. He was only coming in to get his stuff anyway.
I left the door open for him, told Luce--who was cooking in the kitchen—that I was home before I dropped my bag, walked straight to the downstairs bathroom, and locked myself in. I pressed my back to the door firmly and slid down until my butt was resting against the cool bathroom floor, and I cried.
I should just go out there and tell him I'm sorry. Sorry for avoiding him, for storming off at lunch, for acting like child, but I couldn't. I cared about him more than... more than anything really, but he never lets me help him, or go with him, or take care of him, and it drives me mad. He knows I can't sleep without him, and he says he can't sleep without me, and yet he was still leaving.
Then again, I didn't really give him the incentive to stay.
"Rose?" His soft voice reached me through the door and I shoved my fist into my mouth to hold back a sob. "I, uh, I got my stuff..." I gulped down the tears chocking my throat and sucked in a heavy breath as I slumped my head against the door.
"Okay." I muttered hopefully loud enough for him to hear and wiped the rest of the tears off my cheeks.
"I guess I'll just leave then." His dark voice murmured a moment later. I felt the iron grip on my heart grow at his words, at the image of him leaving, at the prospect of him never kissing me again, of sleepless nights, of panic.
I sat there for what seemed like forever, my butt hurting from staying too long on the cold tile floor, but I couldn't bring myself to unlock the door and face Luce. The house would feel empty now without him... I would be empty now without him.
"Roza..." My heart jumped and I gasped as his voice fluttered through the door once more, the tears from before quickly filling my eyes once again.
He hadn't left, and his voice was close to the floor so I could only assume he had been sitting against the other side of the door for as long as I had been. "Come on baby, open the door. Let me in."
I wanted to. I wanted to so badly. I wanted him to wrap me in his arms, tell me not to worry and he wouldn't do anything stupid ever again, but I knew the ladder would never happen. My breath shuttered in my chest and I stayed stock still against the cool wood as another minute passed.
"Roza please."
That broke me, of course it would. Of course he knew it would. I reached up and unlocked the door before scooting over and pressing my back against the wall. It didn't even take him a second to quickly open the door and slide in. He closed it behind him and locked it once again before sliding down the door into the spot I had just been in. The lights still off.
We sat silently for a few minutes in the dark, our bodies close together, but not touching, and our hands only centimeters apart. "Why are you mad at me?" Even though his voice was soft, the dark contrast of it sounded harsh in the silence that surrounded us.
"I think you know why." I murmured softly as I heard his head rest heavily against the wood of the door.
"Because I won't let you go with me to see the guy who tried to kill us both?"
I groaned and rubbed my fists into my eyes as his body tensed angrily. "It's not only that Rex, and you know that. You won't let me go anywhere with you, and honestly I wouldn't care if you didn't constantly do potentially dangerous things."
"That's exactly why I won't let you go Rosalyn! I just want to protect you and keep you safe! I don't understand why you can't fucking see that!" His voice was starting to rise in anger now, and I had to almost viciously remind myself that I was supposed to be the calm one.
"I do see that Rex! And it only makes me care about you more and more each day! But you refuse to see that if something happens to you then I would... I would... Ugh! You keep jumping into dangerous situations without even thinking about how it affects me, and I just want to keep you safe..." I chocked on a sob I hadn't realized was building in my chest and his big arm was wrapped around me not a second later.
"Don't cry Roza, please don't cry. I hate it when I make you cry."
He let out a heavy sigh before he placed his lips firmly against the side of my head and drew my face into his neck. "This whole liking someone thing is a lot harder than Trey made it out to be." He growled into my hair, and despite the water on my cheeks I laughed.
"You're telling me." I mumbled into his neck as his arm wrapped tighter around me and his other reached over to basically pull me onto his lap.
"Alright, so apparently we have the same problem." He grunted and held me tighter as I curled my hand into his shirt and pressed my forehead further into his neck. "So, let's make a deal." I raised my eyebrow at that, which he couldn't see, and he carried on like what he was suggesting was completely normal.
"Okay, shoot." I mumbled against his skin as his fingers wrapped in my hair.
"I promise not to purposely put myself into "potentially dangerous" situations anymore, if you promise to stop trying to come with me, or follow me, to potentially dangerous situations." I knew he could feel me smile against his neck, but I let his "deal" hang in the air for a few seconds before I answered.
"Okay, but on one condition." I pulled away from him and re-positioned myself on his lap as his head thumped back against the door.
"Which is?" He drawled out as his arms circled loosely around my waist.
"Anymore "potentially dangerous situations" that you just so happen to be "forced" into you have to promise me you will bring the others... all three of them... no matter what."
He growled at that and his hands on my hips tightened before they went slack once again. He voiced some very choice words under his breath before he mumbled, "Fine." My smile was so wide and bright I'm surprised it didn't shine through the darkness of the room.
"Thank you T'." I sang almost gleefully. He just grumbled in response, but the dark noise caused the butterflies to erupt in my stomach once again. Before he knew what was happening, and before I could stop myself, I lifted my hands to his cheeks and squished my lips to his. It wasn't really a kiss, but more of a firm press of mouth to mouth, but it caused my heart to stop nonetheless. Especially because I was the one who kissed him this time.
He sat frozen beneath me, his arms hanging loosely around my waist, but he didn't push me away either. I pulled back quickly, too afraid I was doing something wrong. He was the only boy I had ever kissed in my entire life, and even though we've kissed about four times now, I still had no idea what to do.
We were quiet for a solid five seconds, the only noise echoing around the bathroom was our heavy breathing. Worry started to blossom in my chest. "Rex, I-"
"Shut up." His voice was a growl, but it wasn't angry or dark either. Actually it was more like a groan, but it effectively had my mouth snapping shutting nonetheless. That is, until his arms tightened around me and he pulled my face back to his in the type of kiss only he could give. I giggled against his lips.
"Stop laughing." He grumbled against my mouth, but my giggles only grew.
He chuckled against me and pecked my lips softly one more time before letting me pull away from him. "Come home with me." He said not a minute later, and I couldn't help the laugh that breached my lips.
"I can't T', Luce I'm sure wants to spend time with me and I don't think she will be okay with just us at your apartment again."
"And I care why?"
"Okay, okay, can I stay here again then?"
"Of course, I never wanted you to leave to begin with."
"Thank God." He growled and then hugged me to his chest tightly and buried his face in my neck. I laughed again. "It drove me crazy not seeing you after lunch today, and knowing it was because you were mad at me only it made it worse." He murmured against my skin a few minutes later as we continued to sit in the dark.
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled into the silence surrounding us and his arms tightened around me once more.
"It's okay, just please... don't ignore me again. At least, not without one of the others with you at all times."
I smiled and let another laugh escape my lips, but nodded quickly as I felt him scowl against my neck. "Okay I promise. I didn't like not seeing you either." I looped my arms around his neck as he tilted his head to place his cheek against mine.
"Alright Roza, my fucking ass is starting to hurt. Let's get out of here."
I nodded against his cheek as he lifted me onto my feet before climbing up after me and unlocking the door. "Took you two long enough." Luce growled from the hall when we finally emerged into the light of the house. I blinked and Rex yawned, but Luce just sent us a glare as she started making her way up the stairs.
"There's food on the counter if you want something to eat. I have to go study." She announced casually as she stomped her way up the steps and onto the second floor. So much for spending time together... "Oh and dad called Rose, he's coming home from his trip in a few days."
My heart leapt excitedly at that, but I only frowned when I glanced up at Rex who had looped his arm around my waist. After everything that has happened with Tate, there was no way dad would ever let another boy stay here ever again.
"It will be okay, Roza." His soft voice murmured into my ear when he saw my shoulders tense. "We'll figure something out."
"Promise?" I asked shakily as I turned around and wrapped my fingers tightly into his shirt.
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!
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