Chapter 25
Hey guys!
Sorry for the grammar and editing mistakes! I know there's a lot!
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Chapter 25
The sound of the apartment door banging open and three very loud voices laughing their butts off drew me from the dead sleep I had been in. Rex's deep baritone groan sounded right next to my ear before he nuzzled his face further into my neck. "I'm going to fucking kill them." He growled against my skin, and despite his harsh words a small smile breached my lips and I snuggled further into the arm that was strung across my torso.
"Be nice." My voice was thick from sleep, but he still grunted in response and cuddled me closer to him. The happiness inside my chest was sending warmth throughout my whole being.
"I never should have gave Trey a damn key." The arm that was slung lazily across my body wrapped around my back and pulled me nearly completely under his bare chest, not that I was complaining. I reached up with my free arm and wrapped it around him until I could run my fingers through his dark hair.
"Be nice." I said again except more clearly and tugged at the ends of his hair to get my point across. He grumbled darkly under his breath but didn't say anything else as he nuzzled further into the crook of my neck.
Just as I was about to suggest we get up the bedroom door slammed open and in walked none other than Denton Dimajio. "Buttercup! There you are! Why are you still sleeping? Can I join?" Without waiting for a response Denton jumped onto the bed and started to lay down behind me, started being the operative word. As soon as he was in reach the arm that was wrapped tightly around me let go and slammed Denton's heavy body off the bed.
"Don't you ever fucking dare get on my bed again, you idiot. And stop fucking trying to touch Rose." Rex growled, like he usually did when addressing Denton, before his arm wrapped back around me.
Denton's heavy body had hit the ground hard and he sat up with a loud groan. "Was that really necessary?" He grumbled at Rex who just grunted before burying his face back into my neck. I rolled my eyes. Denton knew the reaction he always got from Rex whenever he tried to do "Denton" things, but he still does it. Honestly, I think he like the attention he gets when he does.
Brett walked into the room next and cast a quick glance at us before his eyes landed on his brother's figure sprawled out on the floor. He sighed. "I told you, you idiot. Stop trying to be touchy with the kid before Rex actually does kill you." Denton glared up at his brother while I just let out a heavy sigh. Rex smirked against my neck.
"I'm not a kid, Brett." I grumbled up at him, but he just shot me a teasing wink and a smirk. When Trey finally walked in and busted out laughing at the sight of Denton on the ground I finally decided it was time to get up.
"Rex." I murmured up at him as his stone body still clung tightly to me.
"Yes, baby flower?" His voice was soft in my ear and the way its deep baritone called to me made me want to curl into his chest and never leave, but the boys were talking and laughing just at the edge of the bed and I knew we needed to get up.
"I think we should get up." I ran my fingers through his dark hair and traced his side with my other hand as his hot breath fanned across my skin.
"I don't." He grumbled against me and squeezed me tighter as the boys went back into the living room and started bickering.
"Come on T'." I urged softly and gently wiggled out of the thick arm that was wrapped around my waist. His dark eyes cracked open and he watched me as I crawled away from him and out of the bed. I stretched slowly as Rex's giant t-shirt, that I was wearing, rode up over my shorts, but the shirt covered them again when I dropped my arms.
"Roza." Rex called after me as I started to walk into his adjoining bathroom. I glanced back at him just as he threw a pair of his pajama pants at me. "Put those on." I frowned down at them before glancing back up at him, but the look he had on his face told me not to question it. "Please." Was all he said before he turned to slip a shirt over his head. My frown stayed but I went into the bathroom and pulled them on over my shorts anyway. They were too big, like all of his clothes on me, and I had to roll them a few times before they actually stayed on my hips.
Rex didn't care about my shorts before when I spent the weekend at his house... what's wrong with them now? After I went to the bathroom, washed my hands, and brushed my teeth and what not, I walked out of the restroom and followed the open door into the living room. The Dimajios were sitting on the couch and yelling about some football game on the TV while Rex's and Trey's voice reached me from the kitchen.
I rubbed the rest of the sleep from my eyes before walking sluggishly into the kitchen where Rex was making a pot of coffee and Trey stood at the stove. "Hey princess." The mountain of a boy smiled at me as he flipped two eggs in a pan that was simmering on the stove. My stomach growled at the sight and I licked my lips as I sat down at the table. Rex and I never did eat last night, after I slammed the door in the pizza guy's face and all, and I had been starving ever since.
"Hey Trey." I smiled up at him as he placed the eggs on a plate and set them in front of me.
"Rex said you didn't eat yesterday, so I figured you would be hungry." He answered my unspoken question before taking a seat across from me. I smiled up at him in thanks and started cutting into the eggs as Rex came over and placed a cup of coffee next to my plate. He pressed a very gentle kiss on the top of my head before sitting down next to me and slinging his arm across the back of my chair while sipping on a cup of his own coffee. If this was how every morning with him was going to be then I was never going to leave.
Trey watched the exchange between the two of us with amused and interested eyes. "What are you looking at?" Rex grumbled from next to me and narrowed his eyes at his best friend who only shrugged and glanced away from us with a smirk on his face. My stomach flipped. He knew how much I cared about Rex, and I constantly wondered what all he knew about us... whatever we were.
"I'm going to go watch the game with the Dimajios." Trey announced as he stood up from the table when I finished the last bit of my eggs and walked off after sending me a quick wink. I pushed the plate away from me and played with the fabric on my thighs as Rex stared into his coffee, deep in thought.
"Rex?" I asked softly as the thumb that was attached to the arm thrown across my chair rubbed gently into my arm.
I wasn't sure how open we were with each other now, but I knew it was a lot more because of yesterday. I wanted to ask him the thousands of questions swirling through my mind, but I wasn't sure if he would get mad at them or not even answer... but I was going to try anyway. "Why did you actually go to juvey?" I asked slowly. I knew the vague story, or at least the story everyone at school believes, but a part of me wasn't sure that was what actually happened.
He glanced down at me and the small frown that etched onto his lips was rather adorable. "I vandalized that guy's shop and he caught me. You know that."
"Yeah... but why?"
His frown deepened and he glanced at me curiously. "Why do you want to know all of a sudden, Roza? You've never really cared about it before." His hand reached away from my shoulder to gently tug on my hair and I relaxed under his gaze. He wasn't mad or upset at my questioning, just curious.
"I've always cared, I just figured you would get upset if I asked you about it..." His frown softened and he gave me a small smile before pulling me closer.
"I don't get upset about you asking questions. I just get upset when I keep things from you to keep you safe and you end up meddling into trouble anyway." He grumbled the last part and I laughed as he squeezed my shoulder. "But if you really want to know it had to do with the fights." Now it was my turn to frown and with the way his arm left the chair to wrap around my shoulder I could tell he knew it upset me.
"This was almost two years ago Rose. I haven't gone back to those fights. I promise." I eased up some as he pulled me closer to him and sipped on my own coffee while his thumb rubbed my shoulder gently. "The owner and I fought in the rink the night before and I won, but he didn't like that. He took the winnings before anyone had a chance to stop him, so I took them back... destroying his shop was just payback for screwing me over." He shrugged like it was no big deal, but an icy fist wrapped around my chest anyway.
I had forgotten how cruel the old Rex was... how he could still be. I didn't think he would ever be that way towards me again, but he even said last night that he still didn't care about what he did to others besides me... and I wasn't sure how I felt about that. But, all of that aside, a thought struck me and I turned to him quickly.
"Where were you yesterday?"
"What?" He raised an eyebrow at my sudden question but his hand didn't stop its gentle strokes on my arm.
"Yesterday, when you came to get me at my house and you were all grumpy. I know I told you I would drop the subject, but I really think you should tell me, Rex." His eyes hardened at my words and he glanced at the table so he wouldn't look in my eyes.
He sighed. "Rose, let's not talk about this right now-" He started to remove his arm from around me, but I narrowed my eyes and curled my fingers into his shirt.
"No, you gave me that big speech yesterday about me never telling you anything, but you do the same thing. Just tell me Rex." I blinked up at him with wide eyes and prayed the puppy dog look would make him cave. He glanced at me before looking out into the empty kitchen and letting out a heavy sigh.
"I... I got a call from my father, and it didn't go to well." I sat silently for a minute and rubbed his side softly as he stared at the blank wall.
"You told me you were asking someone questions about something..."
He sighed and looked down at me as I rested my hand against his chest. "I know, but I didn't really lie. I did ask him questions, but they weren't good and he didn't have good answers." I rubbed his hard chest softly and the frown on his face disappeared and he smiled down at me.
"I'm going to go take a shower, and then we can do whatever you want for the rest of the day... alright?" I nodded as he stood up and helped me up to.
"I'll take care of these." I took the dishes and he gave me a small smile before walking out of the kitchen. After I washed and dried the dishes I walked into his room to put actual clothes on. His bathroom door was closed and the sound of the shower reached my ears as I closed the bedroom door and shucked my (his) pajamas off to throw on a pair of jeans and a regular dark blue t-shirt. I put my hair into a quick high ponytail before pulling my moccasins on and walking back into the living room.
I was sitting down on the couch, squished between Brett and Trey, when the doorbell rang. Trey's head snapped up at the sound and a frown grew on his face as he looked at the door. "What's that look for?" I asked as he began to stand up.
"No one ever comes here, unless their delivering food, and I know none of us ordered anything." He walked casually to the door, but I just shrugged off his odd behavior and tuned into the brother's conversation as he answered the door.
"Uh princess?" I glanced up at Trey and dropped my smile when I saw the confused look on his face. "The guy at the door is asking for you..." I stood up slowly with a frown and walked up behind Trey to get a look at whoever was there. When the flash of blonde and bright blue eyes reached me from over Trey's giant shoulder I let out a small smile.
"It's alright Trey, I know him." I smiled at the giant mountain as he took a step back so I could squeeze around him.
"Hey Jax." I smiled at the blonde boy in front of us who wasn't as large as Trey, but had about the same amount of muscles.
"Rose..." He glanced between Trey and I and then looked at the other two boys on the couch before his eyes rested back on me. "I think we should talk." I gave him a small smile as his bright blue eyes stared holes into mine.
"Yeah, me to." I pushed Trey out of the way and stepped into the hall before grabbing ahold of the door knob. "Trey, tell Rex that I'm talking to Jax when he gets out. I'll be right back." I didn't wait for his response and ignored his raised eyebrow as I closed the door between us. I turned to Jax with a smile as he threw his arm around my shoulders.
"Come on, I'll show you my apartment."
Jax's apartment was nothing like Rex's. It was messy, chaotic, had posters and music equipment thrown everywhere and even had a work out bench pushed in the back corner of the living room. "Jax... How did you get all this stuff?" I asked awestruck as I strummed one of the three guitars that sat on their stands in the back of the room.
"I told you I got a job, Rosie."
"Yeah, but this is a lot of-"
"Junk? Yeah, I know. Isn't it great?" He gestured around his living room with a loving smile on his face before he sat down with a heavy plop on his faded leather couch.
"Yeah Jax, it's awesome." Which was the truth. Jax never had anything to call his own, ever, and I didn't blame him for splurging now that he's finally out. He gave me a giant smile that only Jax could give before his serious face set in.
"Alright Rose, spill. Who was that guy yesterday, and why were there three more this morning?" I cringed at his words. They weren't spiteful or anything, I just never really realized how it looked with four boys and one girl always hanging out... it was kind of awkward.
"Well, it's uh... were uh... complicated, kinda. I guess." I trailed off as he rested his elbows against his knees and put his chin in his palms. He smirked at me.
"Complicated? It didn't seem all that complicated yesterday when ole' lover boy looked like he was fixing to smash my face in." I felt the heavy blush creep up my cheeks and his smirk only grew.
"Rex just has really bad anger problems-"
"That was jealousy Rose, the anger only came because of it."
I let out a heavy groan and plopped down next to him before I buried my face in my hands. "I told you it was complicated." I grumbled as his arm flung across my shoulders and he pulled me tightly into him.
"Alright, I'll let that slide for now, but who were the other three?"
"They are Rex's friends, and my friends to I guess..." I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder and he held me loosely to his side.
"The big one, what was his name? Trey? He seemed pretty protective of you. He didn't like it when I asked about you." I rolled my eyes and pulled away from him as he raised an eye at me.
"They all act that way. I think it's because Rex tells them to, but either way I love them all like... Well, like family, and you know how foreign that feeling if for me." I turned and sat criss cross next to him as he leaned his head against his palm and stared up at me.
"Yeah bae, I know." I smiled and punched him playfully in the arm as he raised his eyebrows suggestively.
"I'm surprised lover boy, sorry Rex," He corrected at the look I shot him, "Is okay with you coming to talk to me. Not that he would keep me away from you or anything, he just seemed very possessive of you."
I sighed and rested my chin in my hands as I blinked up at him. "He is, but I might have told him you were uh..." I trailed off as a blush creeped up my cheeks, and his eyes narrowed like he knew what I was fixing to say.
"That I was what?" He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest as he waited expectantly.
"That you were gay..." I gave him a sheepish smile and he rolled his eyes before huffing at me.
"I'm bi, Rosalyn. There's a difference."
"Yes, but you said you lean more towards boys, so it wasn't exactly a lie!"
"Because girls stress me out! Exhibit A!" He gestured at me and I broke out laughing, which caused him to do the same. "Speaking of boys," He started and wiggled his eyebrows at me. I glared at him. "The big one was attractive."
"Trey is straight, Jax."
He pouted and I laughed as his eyes dropped away from me. "Pity." He grumbled, but I could tell he wasn't really upset. He knew Trey was straight, he just wanted to make me laugh. Jax wasn't afraid of who he was and what he liked. If someone asked he would tell them without any hesitation, but he doesn't let it run his life either. No one would even think he was bisexual unless you asked him, obviously. He kept his personal life just that, personal.
"But you're right, like usual. Girls just aren't cutting it for me lately. Except for that three some-"
"Ah ah, no, stop. I don't want to hear it." I cut him off and he began to laugh right before there was heavy pounding on his apartment door.
"Oh gee, I wonder who that could be." He rolled his eyes and hopped up off the couch like the energizer bunny and sauntered over to the door. I frowned at his statement, even though I had a feeling who was on the other side to.
"Well HELLO mister whatever your name is!" Jax sang happily from the door and I rolled my eyes before standing up and walking over to them.
"Where's Rosalyn?" I tried not to flinch at his harsh tone, and the use of my full name. I knew leaving the apartment would worry him, and even though he knew Jax was "mainly" into guys, he still voiced his dislike over him hugging me last night when we climbed back into his apartment.
"I'm right here." I ducked under Jax's arm that was propping the door open and smiled up at the boy who made my heart flutter just by looking at him. His hard eyes flickered away from Jax and down at me before he held his hand out. I took it like the obedient puppy I was and he intertwined our fingers before pulling me out of Jax's apartment.
Jax smirked.
"Uh oh, looks like I pissed lover boy off. I'll see you around Rosie, call me if you need me." He shot me a wink before he closed the door without a second thought. I swear, that boy-
"You left without telling me." Rex's dark voice grumbled and I sighed before leaning into his side in a comforting way.
"I told Trey to tell you I was talking to Jax."
"He did." Rex growled out through gritted teeth and I glanced up at him at the sound. He was staring darkly at the closed apartment door and I frowned as his hand tightened around mine.
"Rex, stop worrying about Jax. You know he's into guys-"
"That doesn't mean I have to like how touchy he is with you." I glanced up at him as he turned away from the door and tugged on my hand so I would follow him. I frowned. He's always so grumpy when it comes to other people touching me, but I can't even tell if he likes me-likes me. He's so frustrating.
"How did you know what apartment was his?" I asked curiously as we walked down the hall and turned the corner, my hand still held tightly in his.
"I didn't. I knocked on everyone's door in this hall."
"Rex!" I stared up at him with wide and shocked eyes, but he just glanced down at me as a small smirk danced across his lips.
"What? I was worried about you, and I wasn't going to let not knowing where you were stop me from finding you." He pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head as we pulled to a stop in front of his door. My heart melted into a puddle of goo at his feet. "Let's go face those idiots again." He grumbled before squeezing my hand tighter and opening his apartment door.
I should have asked to stay with Rex the day Luce and Tate left. It was awesome. I felt so free, warm, and at home with him that it made me never want to leave. It's been a week since the boys packed my suitcases and whisked me off to Rex's, and things couldn't have gone more smoothly. Rex and Jax are even getting along! If that's what you can call it... Jax has been at his door almost every day after I told him why exactly I was staying there for a while, and after a couple of days of grumbling Rex finally stopped complaining about it. Although, he doesn't really talk to Jax either. He only acknowledges him when Jax constantly fires questions and statements at him.
To tell you the truth I think Jax only bothers him because he knows it annoys him, and he finds it funny. In a lot of ways he reminds me exactly of Denton. Speaking of which, after I introduced Jax to the rest of the Big Four, and after an 'it's okay' nod from Rex, they instantly took to my longtime friend. Denton did especially, maybe it was because they were so much alike, but every time Jax came over and he was there they were almost inseparable.
The weird part was, was that they all knew he was "gay" and it didn't stop Denton from making a new best friend at all. Rex had told them after Trey grilled him about my childhood friend. They didn't understand why Rex was "okay" about our relationship, and I told him it was okay to tell them if it meant they would stop nagging him.
"I could barely handle it when there was only one of them." Rex growled from beside me. His head was resting in his hand as he rubbed his eyes and his other arm sat lazily across my shoulder. "Now there's fucking two. I'm going to kill them." His voice was a deep groan as the two blonde jocks threw a thick football across the living room.
I ignored his words and smiled at the two boys as they laughed and tossed the ball. I haven't seen Jax this happy in years. He never really got close to anyone while he was in the system, except me, and I was happy to see him making friends... good friends. Not the ones that gave him drugs, alcohol, and the cigarettes he used to smoke and take. He was getting clean, he promised me, and I believed him.
I turned to Rex a few minutes later and smiled up at his annoyed figure. "Do you think you could take me back to my house today? I want to grab some books and stuff." He leaned his temple against his fist and stared up at me as I blinked at him.
"Sure Roza, if you want to."
"Oo! I want to come!" Jax sang loudly as he launched over the back of the couch and plopped down next to us. Rex's face darkened and he growled.
"Why can't you ever have girls as your friends?" He grumbled quietly and I gave him a sheepish smile as Jax winked at me.
"I'm not really used to having friends, and you guys were the first who ever tried so..." I trailed off and his eyes softened as I shrugged.
"You didn't have to actually answer, Roza. I'm just being grumpy I'm sorry." He leaned over and kissed my cheek before standing up and stretching.
"Lover boy!" Jax cough/whispered into his fist from next to me and I shot him a glare as he laughed.
"Where are we going?" Denton asked excitedly as he emerged from Rex's room with the football he had ran after in his hands.
Rex picked up his car keys from the hook next to the door and glared at him as Jax and I stood up to follow him. "We aren't going anywhere. Rose and I are going to her house for a little bit." I raised my eyebrow at him as I reached his side and he sighed. "And Jax." He added with a dark growl and I smiled before slipping my hand into his.
"Hey! If Jax is going why can't I go?!" Denton whined and Rex snapped his hard chestnut eyes at him.
"Because him and Rose have their weird stupid relationship, not you!" He snapped at Denton who pouted and I frowned as he dragged me out of the apartment with a laughing Jax at my heels.
"Is he always this cranky?" He whispered next to me so said cranky head wouldn't hear. I shrugged in response. Rex was always cranky with the boys, but not with me... anymore. Again, "complicated".
"That's what I thought." He smirked and followed us down the steps before hopping into the back seat of Rex's car. The entire drive to my house Jax would not stop singing at the top of his lungs, and even after Rex turned the radio off in annoyance he still kept singing.
"How in the hell are you friends with him?" He groaned at a stop light with his head in his hands as Jax started shouting out the window at some cyclists.
"You know why."
"I know." He sighed before his hand reached over and entwined with mine. As Rex pulled into my driveway an eerie feeling settled over me. All of the lights were off, there were no cars in the driveway, and the dark silhouette of the house looked brooding. "You okay?" Rex asked softly as he turned the engine off and turned to face me.
"Y-yeah, I'm alright." I smiled up at him and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before climbing out of the car. He and Jax climbed out after me and followed me up the porch.
"Oo, I'm going to go exploring!" Jax announced as soon as I opened the door and ran into the dark house without a look back. I shook my head.
"He's very..." Rex mulled the words over in his head and cocked his head to the side as he watched Jax disappear into the kitchen.
"Denton-like?" I offered and Rex smiled down at me.
"Exactly. I'm going to go to the restroom. Go get what you need." He said as he placed his hand on my lower back and pushed me forward gently. I smiled at him and headed up the stairs as he disappeared down the hall.
None of the lights turned on whenever I flipped their switches, and the uneasy feeling in my stomach grew. The power must be out... The dark always bothered me, and despite Rex and Jax being just downstairs, it didn't help my nerves at all. My room was dark and cold when I entered, and the open window letting in the chill wasn't helping anything. I frowned and walked over to it before slamming it shut. "I thought I had closed you..." I murmured to the glass like it could understand me. I definitely wasn't expecting an answer.
"Baby doll."
I jumped at the sound of his voice and let out a gasp as I nearly toppled off the window seat. "Tate? W-What are you doing here? Why aren't you on the cruise?" The words stammered from my mouth as his large figure stepped away from the dark corner that my bookcase rested against.
"I missed you baby doll." His voice was stiff and... rough, like he hadn't used it in a few days. There was something wrong with him, with the way his fists were clenched at his sides. Something wasn't right. I pressed my fist into my stomach to stop the sickening twisting it was going through.
I took in a sharp breath of air as he stepped into the light from my window. Tate didn't look good. His skin had lost its tan glow and was replaced with a sickly pale, despite the cruise he was supposed to be on. His hair had grown since I last saw him and it looked like he hadn't washed it in days. His eyes were sunken into their sockets and their once bright glow was gone. They were bloodshot, and I did not have a good feeling about this. The sick thought crossed my mind that he had been home for days. That he had been in here for days. And that scared me.
"Why aren't you on the cruise Tate? Where's Luce?" His fists clenched tighter at the mention of my sister, but his face remained soft like he didn't want to scare me. It wasn't working.
"I told you Rosie, I missed you..." He took a step forward and I took a small one back. "Where were you baby? You weren't home when I got back. I was worried..." His voice was smooth and leathery and the way he called me baby was not sitting well in my ears.
"I-I've been staying with a friend while you guys were gone." I gulped as he took another step forward and I took another back.
"A friend? What friend?" He cocked his head to the side and the haunted look in his eyes made me feel sick to my stomach.
"J-just a friend. Where's Luce, Tate?" He ignore my question and stopped walking towards me, which I was thankful about.
"I hope you don't mean Rex, baby. Because that would make me very upset." His eyes narrowed as mine widened and he started walking towards me again. I brought my hands up to my chest in some form of reassurance, but it didn't help much. If he did anything all I had to do was scream, and then Rex and Jax would both be up here in an instant. I didn't answer though, which he took as a yes and the look that crossed his blood shot eyes was murderous.
"You're staying with him? I told you not to even have him over, and you're staying with him?!" His voice was a harsh snap and I flinched as he stepped closer.
"Tate... Tate where's Luce?" I asked softly. I wasn't sure if I was dreading the answer or not, but I needed to get his attention off of Rex and get the murderous glint out of his eyes.
"Enough about Luce!" He suddenly snapped and was right in front of me in a blink of an eye. "I don't give a flying fuck about her!" He was growling in my face now, spit flying from his lips as he did. I could only stand there in wide eyed shock, tears streaming down my face in fear as he shoved me against the wall and placed a heavy hand against my collar bone to pin me there.
"B-but she's your girlfriend-"
"I said shut the fuck up about her! I don't give a fuck where she is. I only care about you!" His hand reached up until it was on my throat and applied just enough pressure to scare me. I could feel the familiar grip of panic begin to settle in my chest.
"Tate... Tate stop. Somethings wrong, this isn't you. You love and care about Luce and-" I tried to bring the Tate I knew back, but the cold and evil look in his eyes wasn't leaving and I knew the Tate that was my best friend was gone.
"Luce means nothing to me. I love you. I have always only loved you." The panic in my chest was growing and the tears that were streaming down my face weren't ceasing anytime soon. That didn't stop him though, he actually started ranting instead. "The day I met you, Luce was there to. I saw you two at the mall, shopping like happy siblings. But I only saw you, I wanted you. But you were young and fragile, and I just knew that I couldn't have you yet. So I got close to Luce, and watched, and waited for you to grow up and realize you wanted me to. But then that fucking moron comes into the picture and tries to take you from me! You were mine!" My eyes widened in fear as the hand around my throat tightened. I gasped when air wouldn't reach my lungs.
"T-Tate! Stop!" I tried to choke out, but he just ignored me and squeezed harder.
"You are mine! And I'll be fucking damned before that boy thinks he can take you from me!" His hand grew tighter and tighter around my neck with each sentence that passed his lips and my vision started to go hazy because of it. I should have screamed when I could have. The only thing I was thankful about was that there wasn't enough air in my lungs for the panic to set in.
Suddenly his mouth was at my ear, his lips brushing over the soft spot right below it and I wanted nothing more than to scream for Rex and run, but I couldn't. His hand was still cutting off my air supply and the stars that were dancing across my vision didn't help anything. "It's okay though, baby." He cooed softly into my ear as his lips brushed against my skin. "I know he's just using his looks to get to you. I know you love me. I know you've always loved me. We can be together now, you know."
No, I didn't know, and I didn't want to know.
"Hey bae, you know your dad has this awesome stereo system in his-" Jax's enthusiastic and excited voice reached my ears despite the ringing the lack of oxygen was causing in them. His sentence was cut short however when he saw what was happening. The interruption caused Tate to snap his head away from me and glare at Jax, but his hand on my throat only tightened and I tried to gasp for the air that wasn't reaching my lungs. I could feel them beginning to crumble.
The confused look on Jax's face vanished and was replaced with one so calm it scared me. The happy, go-lucky, Denton-like Jax was gone and now stood the boy who stood between me and the horrors of my past. This was the dangerous Jax. "Let her go." His voice was a dark growl, one I knew was something to be afraid of.
Tate just sneered at him. "Who the fuck are you?"
"Let. Her. Go." Jax didn't answer his question and stepped further into the room as Tate's hand loosened just a smidge. I gasped loudly as the first breath of air I've felt in a few seconds reached my lungs. But it wasn't enough.
"Or what, pretty boy? You gonna take her from me?" His hand tightened again and I clawed at it with my own. He didn't even notice.
"This is your last chance, bud. Let her go." Jax stepped further into the room and pushed his sleeves up as Tate smirked.
"Make me."
There wasn't another moment of hesitation on Jax's part. He launched himself at Tate and tore him away from me before he threw him on the ground and fell on top of him. I dropped to floor with a gasp and gulped giant breaths of air into my lungs. My throat was sore and the stars in my eyes weren't going away. I held onto my sore throat and tried to scoot away from the two as they punched and rolled around on the floor. "Rex!" I tried to shout, but my throat was so sore and the only sound that came out was a hoarse and painful whisper.
I took another gulp of air and scooted back further before coughing and trying again. "Rex!" My scream was louder this time, but it was still hoarse and I didn't think I would be able to yell again. Thankfully, though, I heard heavy steps running up the stairs over the sounds of the grunts and punches and sighed in relief when Rex's form ran into the room.
"Rose? What's wrong-" His words fell short as his eyes scanned the room and landed on the two fighting on the floor, and then me huddled against the wall. "What in the hell is going on?" His words were dark, and frightening, and they caused the two fighting on the floor to stop... Well, at least it caused Tate to hesitate and Jax was able to pin him.
"I walked in while this fucker was strangling Rose." Jax growled through a locked jaw, and I knew whatever was fixing to happen next was not going to be good.
The room went silent, dead silent. I gulped, which actually hurt, as Rex walked over to the two. Something changed in his dark eyes. The beautiful glow of his chestnut orbs I loved so much was gone and replaced with a black so dark I could feel the change in my chest. His face was blank though, a scary blank that told me what was about to happen would not be pleasant. "Go take care of Rosalyn, Jax." His voice was calm, but monotone and I knew the old Rex was starting to breech the surface, and for once I was okay with that.
I actually thought Jax wouldn't listen to him, but one look at Rex had him letting Tate go and standing to walk over to me. He crouched down and I basically flung myself into his arms before he cradled me in his lap and dragged both of us away from the two brothers in the middle of my room. "Are you okay, Rose?" I nodded because I didn't trust my voice and turned to watch Rex and Tate.
Tate stood up on his feet almost lazily, despite the black eye he now supported, and smirked at Rex who was taking off his jacket. Rex's eyes never left Tate's and he threw his jacket to the side so his giant arms were on display. "I told you not to hurt her, Tate." His voice was a dark growl, one that pierced me right to my chest. I had never had this Rex directed at me, and I was honestly glad. It was terrifying.
"I would never hurt Rosie. I love her."
He was insane. Completely one hundred percent totally insane, and it terrified me. "You're a lying piece of shit. I never should have believed that you changed. I should have told her, I should have warned everyone about you, you psychotic prick." Despite the venom in his voice, Rex still remained completely calm, like he was waiting for Tate to make the first move. Which he probably was.
Tate laughed, but the sound was far from joyful. Jax slowly stood up with me in his arms and edged to the door as the two stood only feet apart. "Warned them about what? Falling in love isn't a crime." He sneered at Rex whose fists had started shaking at his sides. His calm demeanor was slipping.
"That fourteen year old in New York was not love."
Tate's face changed at Rex's words. The sneer that he once wore was gone and replaced with a rage so strong I'm surprised it didn't have a body of its own. "I did love her, she just needed help realizing it." He growled through clenched teeth.
"What about the thirteen year old in Vermont? And the other one in Pennsylvania? Those were never love. You stalked them, you blackmailed them. You even threatened one of their families! They never loved you. Rose will never love you. You pathetic piece of shit-" That was it, Tate launched himself at Rex, but Rex was waiting for it. He turned just in time to slam his shoulder into Tate's chest and the older brother fell to the floor in a heap. They began fighting, well I say they, but Rex was clearly winning.
"Go call the police, Rose." Jax had set me down on my feet and pushed me out of the room that had quickly became a fighting arena.
"What are you going to do?" It hurt to talk and my voice was very hoarse, but he understood me just fine.
"I'm going to stay here in case Rex needs my help. Seriously, go call the police Rose." I didn't need to be told twice. I turned on my heel and hurried down the stairs as the sound of crashing and breaking glass reached me ears.
I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the home phone from off the wall. Of course I would leave my cell phone in the car the one time I actually needed it. "911, what's your emergency?" The monotone voice of the women operator asked into the receiver and I gasped before forcing my hoarse voice to speak.
"Hello? Yes, there's this guy fighting my um friend in my room and they're breaking things, and I'm pretty sure the bad guy is insane and-"
"Ma'am? I need you to calm down. What's your name?"
"Rosalyn Summers, and my address is 498 Lexington Road. Please hurry."
"Help is on the way ma'am. Remain calm." The voice was calm, but no longer monotone and I clutched at the phone tightly as the sounds upstairs grew.
"Okay thank you so much." I didn't wait for a reply and hung up the phone quickly. I needed to make sure Rex and Jax were okay. I rushed back up the stairs and gasped at the chaos my poor room was in. Rex was on top of Tate, pounding his face in over and over again. I staggered backward at the sight, at the memories that came flashing back into my mind. Jason trying to hurt me, Rex coming to my rescue, Rex kicking his stomach in over and over again. I felt like I was going to be sick, and Tate... Tate the man who I thought was my best friend, lied there uselessly on the floor. My guess was that he went unconscious a while ago.
"Rex..." I croaked as the beautiful boy I cared so much about pounded in the face of the boy who was my only friend for a very long time. The face of the insane boy who had just tried to kill me. "Rex stop." I started to walk quickly over to him, but a strong grip on my arm stopped me and I turned to stare up at the angry bright blue eyes of Jax.
"Let him Rose. The fucker deserves what he's getting." His voice was soft, and gentle despite his hateful words, but I just shook my head and jerked my arm away from him as Tate's onslaught ensued.
"I'm not letting him go back to jail, Jax. I can't lose him." I hurried over to Rex who was still just beating Tate's face, but the sight made me want to vomit. His nose was broken, there was blood everywhere, and a few of his teeth had been knocked out. I thought I was going to faint.
"Rex... Rex stop." My voice was so small and insignificant, and he gave no sign of hearing. I crouched down behind his kneeled over form and gently touched his back. He flinched but didn't stop hitting Tate. "Rex stop. Rex please. If you don't stop you're going to kill him. And if you kill him you'll be locked up for good. Rex, stop please." I wrapped my arms around his waist and clung onto him like my life depended on it. Tears were streaming down my face so strongly I was surprised his shirt wasn't soaking wet.
I pulled him as hard as I could, which wasn't much, but he finally acknowledge me and slowly let go of the heavy body beneath him. "He deserves to die, Rosalyn." His voice was a dark growl and he didn't turn to look at me, but he rested his palms on his thighs and took in a few deep breaths to calm the rage surging through him.
"You don't deserve to go to jail. I can't lose you Rex. Who will protect me? Who's going to chase my nightmares away? I need you." I sobbed into the back of his shirt and clung onto him tightly as he shook gently under me. He sat up straight and I let go of him as he turned around. The look in his dark eyes was murderous, but his face softened as he saw the tears streaming down my face.
"Roza..." His hand came up, his bloody and beaten hand, but I didn't flinch away as he ran his knuckles gently across my cheek. I stared into his eyes as his hand traced my jaw line and then down my neck to the same spot Tate's hand had been not ten minutes before. His face hardened again. "He hurt you." That was all he said, but I knew when his hand started to shake against my skin that he was fixing to turn around and start hitting Tate again.
"He did, but I'm okay now." I said hurriedly and grabbed onto his arm so he couldn't turn around. "See? I'm okay, and he's already unconscious. He can't feel anything." His thumb rubbed against my neck and his dark eyes searched my face like he was looking for any other injuries. His hand dropped and he reached both up to me before picking me up and pulling me tight against his chest.
"You're okay." He murmured into my ear as his hand ran down my hair. I didn't care that he was covered in Tate's blood, or that that blood was probably all over my face and hair now. All I cared about was that he was holding me and he didn't kill Tate.
"I'm okay." I reassured him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as he sat back on his legs and pulled me away from the unconscious Tate.
"You're okay." He said again and sighed into my ear before he buried his face in my neck. I didn't bother saying anything else. The sound of sirens reached our ears a few minutes later and Jax left us to go let the cops in.
It was chaotic for a while after that. A stretcher was brought in for Tate, Rex was put into handcuffs and I was pulled screaming into the ambulance as well. Rex and Jax remained calm throughout the whole ordeal though. Rex complied with everything the cops said and only asked that they made sure I was taking care of. He didn't even fight them when they put him in the back of the cop car. I did though. It wasn't his fault and they all needed to know it. "He'll be fine, Rose. Stop fighting the paramedics." Jax grumbled at me from his seat in the ambulance, but I just sent him a glare.
"But Jax-"
"No buts, Rose. They're just going to keep him there for tonight until everything's figured out."
"But he didn't do anything-"
"I know. Just shut up and let the paramedics check you, stubborn girl." He grumbled next to me and rested his head in his hands. I did as he said and didn't fight the EMTs as they checked the bruises along my throat.
I had Jax grab my phone before we left the house and told him to call Trey, which he did and the three arrived at the hospital shortly after we got there. "Trey!" I yelled at the tall mountain as they wheel-chaired me into my very own hospital room. His head shot up and a relieved smile crossed his face as a nurse led him back into my room.
"Princess, are you okay?"
"Yes, but don't worry about me." I hurriedly cut him off as one of the paramedics tried to push me down onto the bed. I glared at them. "They took Rex to the police station. You have to go get him out Trey. Do whatever you did last time, but please get him out." Trey's face fell into a frown but he gave me a small smile anyway.
"I'll see what I can do." I let out a relieved sigh and finally laid back against the pillows as he left my room. Jax rolled his eyes from beside me.
"What?" I grumbled sleepily as whatever the nurse put into my i.v. quickly began to work its way into my system.
"The others say you and Rex don't see it, but I have no idea why not with how obvious you two are." He shook his head and gave me a goofy smile as he leaned back into the armchair beside my bed.
"See what?" I yawned as he stared over at me with bright and alert blue eyes. I could feel sleep crash over me like a tidal wave and I wasn't sure if I heard the next words that left his mouth correctly or not, but they made my heart pound in my chest right before sleep overcame me anyway.
"That you two are completely in love with each other."
Hope you enjoyed! This chapter is so long /(0 0)\
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