Chapter 22
Hey guys, so this is the first time I've used the new "writing" style wattpad has so I have no idea if it corrected the spelling mistakes and what not but I seriously hope it did! If not I'm sooo sorry for any spelling and grammar errors! I barely proof read this whole thing so I can't promise that it will be anywhere close to perfection.
But anyways! I hope ya'll enjoy it! And please comment and vote and what not! P.s. This chapter played out a lot better in my head.
Chapter 22
I was huffing loudly and folding laundry in my empty house while the kitchen's stereo played at full blast three days later. It was the Tuesday before our school was officially out for Thanksgiving break and the silence was starting to get to me.
I stayed with Rex Saturday and all day Sunday. Heck, I was even considering staying Sunday night and just riding with him to school, but I didn't want to seem too clingy... and he didn't ask me to stay either. As a matter of fact, he kept asking me when I had to be home.
Even though that kind of made my chest ache it was a good thing that I came home early, really. I was starting to run out of excuses of why it didn't matter what time I went home. However, he did pick me up for school and took me home both yesterday and today.
I was sooo close to asking him to stay with me for a while, but as soon as I opened my mouth to speak, he beat me to it. He had things to do, and he wouldn't tell me what. I even asked him if it was a boxing match and I wouldn't be upset if he was going to one, but he just shook his head, smiled, and said, "It's not that type of thing, Roza."
I scoffed grumpily and set aside the pair of pants I was folding.
Roza. That jerk always knew what to say to make me crumble into a pile of goo at his feet. But, in all reality, I was happy he didn't give me the chance to ask him to stay. Luce or Tate wouldn't have been busy today and knowing Rex, he probably would have realized they were gone.
I wasn't sure what he would do if he found out no one was home, but I wasn't going to put him in that position. I didn't want him or any of the others thinking they needed to babysit me. I was a big girl, I could take care of myself.
For two weeks at least...
I sighed gently this time before closing the dryer and bending down to pick up my basket of laundry. The radio in the kitchen was pumping out Talk Dirty To Me, and even though nothing in me could dance, this song always had my body moving in an awkward little jump. Kind of like it was trying to dance, but failing miserably.
The only reason I even had the radio on was because the deafening silence in the house tore at my sensitive ear drums. I always had to have some type of noise, always. If I was sleeping I needed a fan on, like needed it. The silence always brought back bad memories, despite how hard I tried to block it out.
I climbed the stairs carefully so I wouldn't drop the heavy hamper in my arms and shouldered my way into my room. My heart ached at the emptiness in the house, and I wanted more than anything to talk to Jax.
I was use to not talking to him for months on end, but I was worried about our last meeting. Gerald's abusive behavior wasn't unknown among the foster kids. It was more common than anything, and I was worried as all get out. Jax was my life for so long, we always protected each other, and now I wasn't there for him. It made my stomach twist in worry.
I just wanted to talk to him.
He had bought a pre-paid phone when my dad came for me, and I had the phone number committed to memory before we were even separated, but that was years ago, and I don't even know if he still had it.
We made a deal to only call if it was absolutely necessary. Gerald couldn't find out Jax had bought the phone, he couldn't. Otherwise something terrible was going to happen to Jax and I wasn't sure if I was willing to take that risk.
But he might not even have the phone...
I let out a heavy sigh and picked up my cell before I could think better of it. If I'm lucky he wouldn't even be near Gerald. It was five in the afternoon, and he usual hangs out in the alley till dark. Maybe, just maybe, he still has the phone.
He picked up on the second ring.
"Who the fuck is this?"
I wasn't expecting the venom in his voice, or the F-bomb he dropped either. For a moment I wasn't even sure if it was Jax... but I knew his voice.
"Jax?" My voice was hesitant and uncertain as if I was deciding whether or not to swim into heavy waters. Angry Jax was never directed towards me, ever, so it was a shock when it actually was.
"Rose?" His tone immediately lost all anger and venom, but was quickly replaced with worry. "Are you okay? Did something happen? Are you hurt?" His breathing increased with each word and I tried to hold back a laugh as I pictured him running his hand repeatedly in his short blonde hair, his blue eyes wide in concern.
"I'm okay I promise." I sighed, not so softly either, happily as his voice flitted through the phone. I never realize how much I miss him until I talk to him, but somehow that just makes it harder.
"Okay, okay." His voice was a mumbled warble like he was trying to convince himself more than me. "What's up my Rosie girl? You've never called me before."
"You said only call when absolutely necessary and I didn't want to risk... well you know." I mumbled the last part and fell onto my bed with a plop as he sighed.
"Yeah I know, which is why I'm confused." I let my eyes travel the ridges in the ceiling as his voice trailed off. He grew silent like he was waiting for my answer, but I honestly just wanted to hear him talk.
"I was worried about you. I never checked up on you after I left and I've been worried sick and-"
"Rosalyn, just stop it. I told you not to come back, so you better freaking not." He let out a heavy huff of air as I bit back the word vomit that wanted to leave my mouth. "I'm fine, my Rosie. I'm always fine, you know that."
"That always Jax, isn't going to last forever."
"I know bae, but I don't have to worry about that any longer, neither of us do." I smiled at his words, and his stupid acronyms, and closed my eyes as the familiar feeling of safety that Jax always made me feel enveloped me.
"What are you up to kiddo? You miss me?" He changed the topic, thankfully, and I smiled as his voice got cocky.
"You know I always miss you, jerk, and I'm doing absolutely nothing. What are you doing?" Anybody who didn't know us would think that we were having a normal, everyday, type of conversation. But we weren't normal teenagers, and our conversations always took a drastic turn somehow.
"Well, at the moment I'm lugging all my shit down Third Street." As the words passed his lips I could hear his heavy breathing through the phone like he just jogged two miles, or lugged a bunch of boxes down one.
My back instantly went rigid and I shot up so straight in my bed it felt like a pole jammed down my spine. "Why are you doing that?" My voice sounded calm enough, but my head was spinning sixty miles per minute.
Something heavy made a 'plop' sound on the other end of the line and Jax let out a heavy sigh before answering. "Gerald and I... had a falling out..." The words left his lips uncertainly like he wasn't sure how to phrase his problem.
"What type of falling out?" My heart rate started to increasing as he took forever to think of what to say, and I could feel the panic trying to breech me from around that dark corner.
'Falling outs' with Gerald were never good. He was both verbally and physically abusive, and when he was drunk no one was safe. It wasn't a secret that he didn't like Jax, he didn't like any of us really, but he especially hated Jax, and I didn't want to think about how bad he hurt him for their falling out.
"Stop worrying Rosie, I'm fine. Honestly, I promise. He just said something that pushed me over the edge, I snapped back at him, and now he kicked me out. He's using some "he's too old to be in my care" excuse to CPS so they're not going to do anything about it."
There was a few moments of silence on my part as he huffed and puffed and picked his boxes up again. "What did he say?" I finally asked a moment later, my voice soft and rather hesitant.
"What did he say that pushed you over the edge?"
Jax let out another sigh and I could just picture him running his hand through his shaggy hair. "Don't worry about it Rose. I handled the situation." His voice was firm and held that 'no-nonsense' tone to it, which always meant he wanted me to drop the subject... so I did.
"Where are you going to go?" My heart instantly sped up as the thought entered my head. Jax didn't have any money that I knew of, he didn't have any family, except if you counted me, and he didn't have anywhere to go. What if he ended up on the street living in a card board box like most of New Haven?
The thought made panic start to rise in my chest, but the soft laugh he gave me eased my over imaginative fears. "I'll be fine, bae, I promise. I got a part time job on weekends at an auto-shop and started saving up for an apartment. As a matter of fact, I already have the down payment on one and I'm on my way there right now."
I let out the relieved sigh I didn't realize I was holding. "Do you... do you want help moving in?" I kicked my legs lazily against the steps leading up to my bed. I didn't have anything to do and I missed Jax immensely. Besides I needed something to get my mind off of Rex's absence.
"Nah, my friend Jack is picking me up as we speak, so I gotta go, but I love you Rose and I'll call you when I get the chance."
"I love you too Jax."
He hung up after that and I was left with that lonely feeling settling in my chest again. God, I hated being home alone. I sighed, well at least when I was home alone I got into the cleaning mood.
I deep cleaned my whole room and bathroom before cleaning Tate's room and the hallway's bathroom. I never bothered cleaning Luce's room when I went on a cleaning spree. It stayed in the perfect disaster she loved so much. If I even brought a vacuum near it she would freak out and lock her door.
Two hours later I was half way done with cleaning the living room when my door bell rang. My head snapped up at the sound and I quickly dropped the bleach covered rag and took off the big rubber gloves before racing towards the front door.
My whole mood lit up ten fold when I pulled the door's window's curtain back and saw who was standing on my porch. "Rex?" I couldn't stop the excitement from filling my voice as I swung the door open.
A small smile sat etched on his lips and his dark eyes flashed. "Hey Roza."
"What are you doing here?" It was so hard trying to stop myself from grabbing onto his arm and dragging him into my house where I would never let him go, but thankfully I was able to resist.
"I finished that thing earlier than I thought I would." I nodded eagerly as he stood in the doorway with his hands in his jacket's pockets, even though I'm sure I looked like an excited dog wagging my tail crazily. "And I figured you would like to go out tonight with me... and the others." His eyes turned hard at the last part, but I let it slide and jumped on the balls of my feet.
"Oh yeah definitely!" I could see the smile trying to tug at his lips as I bounced back from the door and headed towards the stairs to get my shoes, and he followed quietly behind me.
"Where are we going?" I asked excitedly as I basically jumped into my sneakers and tied them.
"Echo, a club we like to go to sometimes and it's Brett's birthday so we let him pick..."
My head snapped up at his words and I instantly felt ten times worse. "It's Brett's birthday?" Rex nodded and tilted his head slightly as my face fell. "I-I didn't know that..." What kind of friend am I that I forgot his birthday?
"Hey Rose, don't worry about it. I've been his friend for years and even I didn't know it was his birthday." He reached out to me almost reassuringly, but I just glared at him.
"Because you're a terrible friend." I tried to make my voice hard, but it came out weak as his arm dropped and he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, let's just go." He turned on his heels and stalked out of my room. I tried not to giggle as I followed his stiff back down the stairs and out the door before locking it, but it was hard not to.
He was acting like what I said hurt him, but he always admits that he's awful to his friends and he acts like he doesn't care about it, but... but he's just Rex, and no one understands him. I quickened my pace until I could slip my hand into his and look up at him with an apologetic smile.
His hand instantly gripped mine and the muscles in his back relaxed as he turned his face down to me. He gave me a soft smile before tugging on my hand and pulling me into his side.
"You locked the door right?" I nodded as he pulled me towards a motorbike that was parked in the empty spots in my driveway.
That's not his... is it?
"Rex, where's your car?" I asked incredulously as he picked up a heavy padded jacket from what I assumed was the passenger seat.
"It's at Brett and Denton's house. My babies been sitting in the garage for months neglected, so I decided to take it out today." He patted the back almost affectionately and my eyes widened at the gesture. He showed more feelings for the bike than he ever did for anything or anyone else.
"It's your bike...?"
"Mhm." He swung his leg over the bullet looking death trap and handed me the helmet like I knew how to put it on.
I clutched the thing tightly as sweat started to form on the back of my neck. I-I wasn't so sure about this... Jax's friend has a motorcycle way back when, and he totaled the thing on a sharp corner. He was in the hospital for months...
"I-I'm not so sure I can ride that, Rex." I mumbled softly as he ran his fingers through his dark hair. He turned his warm chestnut eyes on me and raised his eyebrows in question as the helmet quivered in my shaking hands.
He climbed off the bike and beckoned me over to him without saying a word, and I went willingly, despite the common sense ringing in my head. He took the helmet from my shaking hands and set it on his seat before picking the padded jacket back up and opening it.
"Put your arms in." His voice held it's usual hard tone, but it was slightly warmer as if he knew I was quietly freaking out on the inside.
I did as he said and slipped my arms into the large, and heavy padded jacket, and stood like a child as he shoved my phone and house keys into one of the inside pockets before he zipped the jacket up and buttoned the buttons over the zipper.
"I haven't crashed this thing since I got it three years ago, Roza, and I don't plan on crashing it today. Besides, you really think I'm going to put you in any type of danger?" He raised one eyebrow and turned hard eyes on my own as he picked the helmet back up.
I shook my head rather guiltily as he lifted the black head gear up and gestured for me to lower my head. "Exactly." He grumbled as he held one of the flaps back and shoved the helmet gently onto me.
Ugh, talk about a bad hair day.
"Where's your helmet?" My voice came out slow and muffled through the helmet, but he smiled like he heard me anyway.
"This is my only one and I'm not going to let you not wear one." He grumbled, but gave me a sweet smile anyway. My stomach twisted with butterflies.
He grabbed and squeezed my hand reassuringly once before climbing back onto the bike. He revved the engine once before holding out his hand for me to take. I took it and let him help me onto the tiny padded seat. The bike wobbled as I did so and I found myself clinging onto Rex for dear life before he even let go of my hand. I heard his muffled chuckle through the padding in the helmet.
"Alright Roza, all you need to do is lean with me on the turns and hold on as tight as you can."
He didn't need to tell me twice.
My chest was pressed as close to his back as humanly possible and my hands were wrapped so tightly around his stomach that I was afraid of suffocating him, but that didn't make me lessen my hold one bit. As soon as his leg left the ground and the bike started to back out of my driveway I lost all coherent thought in my brain.
Please, don't let us die.
I rested my head against his shoulder blade, but kept my eyes wide open as the house zoomed past us and the wind hit us square on. We were out of my neighborhood and zooming down the main-street of town before I knew it.
It took me a good ten minutes before I could lift my head from Rex's shoulder and look around, but when I did, I wasn't disappointed. All the different colors zooming around us in a rapid fire blur was beautiful, and experiencing this with Rex only made it ten times better.
We pulled up into a crowded parking lot thirty minutes later and the engine died down to a quiet roar as he turned the ignition off. "See? That wasn't so bad." He smiled as he helped me take the helmet off and step down from the bike.
"I... I liked it... A lot." His lip tugged up farther in a small smirk and his eyes twinkled as he undid the jacket.
"I do too." He took my phone out of the pocket, but kept my keys there as he unlocked the passenger seat and lifted it off the back. I watched as he shoved the jacket down into the little cubby hole it revealed before setting the seat back down and locking it.
"Safe and sound." He murmured and smiled at me as I ran my fingers through my disheveled hair before he took my other hand. "Alright, just remember Rose this is a club and there are going to be fucking ignorant ass pricks in there." I widened my eyes at his words, but he didn't seem to register my sudden fear as he pulled me onto the sidewalk and towards the packed entrance.
"So don't leave mine, or the other's side alright?" I nodded almost viciously and tightened my grip on his hand as he pushed us to the front of the line.
"Rex Turner." He shouted over the heavy music at the extremely buff looking bouncer with a hard expression painted on his face. The really angry looking dude gave us both a hard once over, which caused Rex to stand in front of me rather protectively, before nodding and letting us pass through the door behind him.
"What was that about?!" I shouted over the music even though I was basically glued to his side.
He lowered his head down to mine and put his mouth close to my ear so he wouldn't have to shout. "We come here a lot and know the owner, so the bouncers usually let us through."
I nodded like that made sense to me and let him pull me through the heavy crowd until we reached a wrap around bar where Brett sat with four empty shot glasses surrounding him. "He's not twenty-one, is he?" I shouted over the music, but Rex just laughed.
"He's nineteen now, and still in school. We know the owner remember?" He winked at me and order a soda for both of us.
"Hey kid! How ya doin'?!" Brett leaned over to me and breathed the heavy smell of alcohol all over my face.
I had to cough before I could answer. "I'm good Brett, how's your birthday been?" I gave him a small smile which he beamed at before he planted his heavy hand on-top of my hair.
"It's soooo good!! But it's ten times better now that you're here!"
"That's enough." Rex growled as Brett patted my face and stepped between us so his hand was now on Rex's shoulder.
"Awe man, you're know fun! It's not like I was going to kiss her!" Brett pouted and I blushed as Rex's back tensed at the thought. He seemed almost... jealous, and for some reason that made my heart soar.
"Hey princess!" A huge smile broke over my face as I felt Trey's heavy arms wrap around my waist and lift me into a bear hug.
"Hi Trey." I grinned as he squeezed me to his chest before setting me gently back down.
"Thought I'd give you a hug while cranky pants was distracted." He winked at me before Rex finished fending Brett off and I giggled as he turned towards us.
"What's so funny?" He raised his eyebrows and shot a suspicious glance between the two of us with narrowed eyes.
"Where's Denton?" I changed the subject quickly so Rex wouldn't get suspicious and angry.
"Dancing with some blonde he met five minutes ago. Their kind of cute actually." Trey shouted over the heavy bass of the music and I smiled as he pointed over to the two blonde heads bobbing in the middle of the crowd.
"Here Roza." Rex handed me a cold can of Dr. Pepper and I smiled as he laced his arm around my waist.
"So do you guys spend a lot of time hear?" I said loud enough for him to hear over all the noise.
"When we're not at Trey's or out vandalizing, we usually come here. We get everything for free and its fun." He shrugged like it was no big deal, but I was shocked.
"You having fun? Is that even possible?" I teased in mock surprise and his hard eyes narrowed down at me.
"I have fun when I want to, Rose." He all but growled, but I only laughed.
"Oh, I'm sure you do."
He raised both eyebrows again and set our cans down on the bar before grabbing my hands. "Wanna bet, baby flower?" He didn't give me a chance to answer before he was pulling me out onto the dance floor.
I froze. I couldn't dance.
"Whats wrong?" He asked a moment later when he looked back and saw the unease on my face.
"I-I can't dance!" I shouted as the music hit it's all time high.
Rex just smiled and gripped my hand harder as he pulled me up against him. "Look around Roza. No one here knows how to dance, that's what makes it fun." He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck and let him pull me close.
Okay, so not only does he turn on to be a sexy as all get out boxer, he can dance, and he's holding me so close to his chiseled chest that I could feel his abs pressed against my stomach. I was in heaven.
The music was too fast and loud for the slow tempo we were dancing too, but I was to comfortable and too far on cloud nine to pay any attention to it. "Come here." He murmured into my ear before grabbing my hand and pulling me from the dance floor.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he pulled me back over to Brett and dropped my hand.
"I have to go check on something. Wait here for a sec. I'll be right back." He winked at me before walking in the opposite direction.
I frowned as he broke his own "don't leave my side rule", but I stayed where I was and waited till he came back. But why would he leave anyway...?
I waited for five minutes, and then ten, and when some people started looking at me funny I decided to go look for him myself. I cast one uneasy look at a very drunk Brett before I pushed off the bar and back into the sweaty mess of jumbled bodies.
It took me a while to squeeze my way through the crowd, but I finally reached the back wall. However, Rex wasn't there and I wasn't sure where to go afterwards. Where would he possibly go?
I turned around with a heavy sigh, ready to go crawl around the room for Rex and the others when the worst sight in all history reached my eyes. The ugly walrus looking version of Gerald danced across my vision and as his dark eyes locked with mine, a terrible feeling of dread settled into my gut.
Oh My God...What in everything that is holy is he doing here?! Why is he here? This club was no where near New Haven and... and... and he shouldn't be here! I could feel panic start to creep into my chest as his ugly eyes flashed with a predatory gleam and my breath began to feel constricted.
I needed Rex... No, I needed Jax... No Rex! I-I... I needed someone!
I took off as soon as he started towards me and pushed through the nearest unlocked door I found. It lead to a hallway with three doors on each side, all of them locked except one.
"You've got to be kidding me!" I hissed as I entered the room which was actually only a narrow hall that lead to a single bathroom... A locked single bathroom.
I let out an angry huff of agitation, which at the moment was the only thing keeping me from panicking, and started to turn on my heel and head for the door. Hopefully I could find another hide out before he caught up to me... but then he walked through.
"Where do you think your going you little brat?" Gerald's voice was the same as I remembered, slippery like a snake and as greasy as oil.
"Away from you." My voice was an angry hiss and sounded a lot stronger than how I felt.
His eyes widened for a brief moment as if he was actually surprised that I talked back to him, but they were back to narrow slits in a blink. He took another heavy step forward, and I took one back. The hallway was narrow and not very long, and the only door was the one we had entered and the locked bathrooms behind me.
I was screwed. Maybe quite literally.
"What are you even doing here?" I glowered at him as he continued advancing. I need to get away from him somehow and any type of stalling I could think of was helpful.
"It's bar, and it's not a crime to come to one." He scoffed like my idiotic questions meant nothing to him.
"But it is a crime to use foster kids for money." I growled, but the dumb stupid head just rolled his eyes.
"I should have shut you the fuck up when I had the chance."
My heart stopped at his words and I clutched clenched fists to my chest. I was pretty terrified, not gonna lie. I started swiveling my head in any direction it could go, like I could magically find an exit by doing so. But the fruit loop dingus blocked my path.
"What do you think your looking for? That fucking dick head Jax?" He sneered and took another step forward which I countered with another step back. There wasn't much space left for me to retreat to.
"Don't call him that!" I shouted at him with an angry glare, but his eyes just lit in amusement and he ignored me.
"Sorry to tell you, sweetheart, but I kicked lover's boys ass to the curb and he's not coming to save you. Not now, and not ever again."
"Shut up!"
He merely laughed at my scream and kept his steady pace towards me. "Scream as loud as you want Rosalyn. No ones here to save you anymore." My back finally met the locked bathroom door, but that didn't stop him from advancing, and I knew it wouldn't be long until he pounced.
"My father will find me if you take me, and he won't stop until your dead." My voice came out as serious as I intended it too, but the pig only laughed.
"I never said I was taking you, just finishing something that boy never let me start." His voice grew dark on that last part and the sick feeling growing in my stomach told me to be afraid, to be very afraid.
Before I knew it he was lunging at me and I was ducking just in time to miss his arms. "You little bitch!" He roared as I summer-saulted between his open beefy legs and hopped back to my feet like a bunny.
Reflexes 1 : Ugly fat guy 0
I bolted for the door as fast as I could with my hair flying around me in painful slaps and my breathing on border line panic mode. Where's Rex? Why did he leave me? He's the one that told me to stay close to him. I tried not to dwell on it as I bolted down the short hallway and slammed open the door, Gerald's beefy body fumbling after me.
"Get back here you little brat!" I slammed the door shut in his face and shoved past a group of people crowding the entrance.
I needed to go home. Like now. Panic was starting to claw at my chest, I couldn't find Rex, and I needed to hear Jax's voice. He was the only thing that kept me sane when it came to Gerald.
My breath was coming out in sharp, painful gasps, and I wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of there before Gerald could find me again. I came to a fast stop in what I hoped was the middle of the club and tried to stand on my tiptoes to look for one of the Big Four, but everyone was so tall and I was so short. I couldn't see them, I couldn't see anything really, and the music and flickering lights were giving me too much of a headache.
I needed to leave this place.
"Rex!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, but it was no use. The music was too loud and my voice got lost in the midst of everyone else's.
I wanted to cry.
I shoved past the heavy and sweaty bodies that were grinding against each other and headed for the last spot I saw Brett, the bar. The boy wasn't anywhere close to being twenty-one, but some how he was able to get drunk off his butt.
"ROSALYN!" The familiar happy slur greeted my ears as soon as I pushed my self from the crowd and I almost threw myself into Brett's arms at the sight of him, despite the fact that he was completed hammered.
"There you are kid! That puppy dog of yours has been looking eevverryyywhheeree for youuu." He tipped over in his chair as he sang the words and laughed as he landed face first on the glass counter top.
"Brett, where's Rex?!" I shouted over the music and ignored the fact that he called Rex my puppy dog. I wasn't in the mood. I needed to get out before the panic I felt creeping into my chest took over. All I got was a few more laughs before he pressed his cheek against the counter top and closed his eyes. Well, he's useless-
I almost screamed at the top of my lungs as a heavy hand clamp tightly onto my shoulder, but I settled with a frightened look of shock when it spun me around and I came face to face with a pair of hard chestnut eyes.
"Where the fuck have you been?!" Rex shouted over the music, and although the tone he used would usually have me trembling in my shoes, I was in no mood to be a coward.
"I want to go home!" I shouted back at him and didn't bother answering his question as heavy tears of panic began pushing against my eyes. Trey and Denton stood behind him with completely different expressions etched on their faces. Trey's was one of worry as he stared down at me, and Denton's held amusement as he watched his older brother drool all over the bar.
"No, Rose. Tell me where you went-"
"I need to go home Rex, now!" There was a lull in the music as the songs changed and everyone at the bar turned as my shout rang across our side of the room. My voice was harsh and snappy, but I needed to get out of there before Gerald found me and no one seemed to understand that!
Rex's face changed from angry to shocked and his grip on my shoulder loosened enough for me to wiggle my way out of it. And who the heck is he to demand where I have been when he was the one who left me?! Where was he when I actually needed him to save me!
I'll tell you where he wasn't, and it wasn't with me.
I was angry, and my eyes were narrowed. I could tell he saw the furry brewing beneath my gaze because he nodded and started to fish in his pockets for the keys to his bike. Anger was the only thing keeping the panic at bay, so I didn't have time to feel guilty about yelling at him. Later I would, but not now.
"Okay Roza, let's go." His voice was soft, soothing even, like he was talking to an angry child, but I just turned on my heel and headed for the entrance. I didn't even wait to see Trey and Denton hoist a passed out Brett onto their shoulder's and follow us.
Rex quickly caught up to me and even though I was simpering with anger and fear from the whole situation, I let him wrap his arm around my waist and lead me to the bike. I was happy he was leaving without much resistance, but I didn't say anything to him as he helped me put the padded jacket and helmet on.
For a moment there, as Rex started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, I thought I saw Gerald's figure racing out of the entrance to the club, but we turned a corner and he was gone. Hopefully from my life forever.
I knew that thought was too good to be true.
I was already taking my helmet off before Rex even cut the engine of the bike. "Roza-" I stopped him in mid sentence by climbing off the back and tossing the helmet at him, followed quickly by the padded jacket.
"Rose wait-" He called after me as I headed for my front door with my hands shoved in my pocket looking for my house keys that I put in there when we first got to the bike.
I ignored him.
"Rosalyn wait!" Suddenly there was a tight grip on my arm and he was pulling me to a fast stop. "Rose what is going on? Why are you so angry? What happened back there-"
"What do you care?" I finally turned on my heel and snapped at him. My fear and frustration was the only thing keeping me from blacking out, and all I wanted to do was take a shower and crawl under the safety of my covers.
His worried chestnut eyes grew hard and turned to glaring as he stared down at me, his hand still tight on my arm. "What the hell do you mean what do I care?" His voice was hard and I could tell he was getting mad, but I didn't care at the moment. Later, in the middle of the night when my mind won't let my body sleep because of nightmares, I will, but not now.
"What. Do. You. Care? What happened to "I will always protect you Roza"? What happened to "don't leave my side"? Where were you?!" The last part I screamed so loudly my throat went scratchy and he took a step back in shock. I didn't realize I was crying until the salty taste of tears coated my lips and I reached up to furiously scrub them off my cheeks.
"Rose I-I... Oh god, baby flower, what happened-" He reached out to touch me, but I jerked myself back and ignored the hurt that flashed through his eyes.
"It doesn't matter Rex. Not anymore. Thank you for bringing me home, now go. Leave me alone." I turned back around and started for my front door once again, but his voice stopped me.
"Rose wait-"
"Leave me alone." I bit out through clenched teeth and climbed the porches steps.
He didn't go.
"Where's your sister? Her car's not here-"
"Gone, Rex, okay! She's gone, Tate's gone, my dad's gone, it's just me! Now leave me alone!" I was already slamming the door behind me before he could say another word and locking it to add emphasize on the whole 'leave me alone' part.
My anger fled as I started up the staircase and the tears that started to stream down my cheeks came pouring in waterfalls. I hated when I got angry, and I hated taking that anger out on Rex, but I'd rather push him away than have him watch what was going to happen to me next.
I didn't get to take a shower that night, or even change clothes. I fell to the flower as soon as I got to my room and barely had time to grasp the panic meds I had thrown down by my dresser before the attack hit me.
I spent the whole night on the floor that day, with a full bottle of medication clutched to my chest and my quivering body convulsing against the hard wood. There was no sleep, and no reprieve until the attack passed and air started to make its way back into my lungs.
I didn't pass out from exhaustion until four in the morning.
Hope you enjoyed!
Don't forget to check out the Rewrite! It's written so much better than this version! Love you guys!
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