Chapter 20
Hey guys!
Pic on the side is what I think Jax would kind of look like as requested ----> ;D You can't really see his appearance though I just like this pic cause it displays his personality.
Please comment, vote, and follow!
Sorry for the grammar and editing mistakes!
Chapter 20
I hadn't checked my phone all day and as I stepped out of the first bus station to make my way to the second bus, the buzzing in my pocket finally got to me. I pulled it out of my pocket with a sigh and gulped when I looked down at the screen. Five missed messages from Tate, and three missed calls, but that's not what made my heart flutter in fear.
Rex had tried to reach me to... as a matter of fact, he tried to reach me a lot, if the seven missed text messages and eight missed calls were anything to go by. Uh oh... He was going to be sooo mad... I looked over at my bus ticket and then up at the signs posted on the board.
My bus didn't leave for another forty minutes which means I was stuck here with nothing to do but avoid creepy looking men and wandering eyes. I tried to find the most vacant waiting seat I could before I unlocked my phone and opened up Rex's message.
Rex (2:00p.m.): Miss you Roza, I'm almost done with that thing though. Want to come over to Trey's later?
Rex (3:30 P.M.): Is everything alright?
Rex (4:45 P.M.): It's 4:45 pm Rose, I know you're not sleeping, are you okay?
Rex (5:00 p.m.): I swear to god if your not answering me because Tate took your fucking phone I'll kill him.
Rex (5:10 p.m.): Rosalyn answer the phone.
Rex (5:15 p.m.): If you don't answer the phone Rose, I'm going to go to your house and break that fucking douche bag's nose I swear.
Rex (5:20 p.m.): Answer the fucking phone Rosalyn.
I glanced up at the small digital clock on my phone and gulped when it said 5:24. I didn't doubt he wouldn't go through on his threat and beat the shit out of Tate, well at least if he thinks Tate is the reason I wasn't answering. I had to call him.
The phone only rang once before he answered, his angry and worried voice seething as he spoke. "What the fuck is going on Rosalyn?" I flinched at his harsh tone, but I guess I did deserve it. I shouldn't have made him worry like that.
"I-I'm sorry, my phone was on silent and I didn't hear it-" He cut me off before I could think of something else to say.
"I went to your house, Rose, to see if Tate took your phone or something and he said you left hours ago, hours ago, to hang out with me." I gulped as his seething voice only deepened in anger.
"Rex I-"
"Where the fuck are you?" He cut me off before I could even say anything and I glanced around at the crappy bus station in defeat. He would only get angrier if I didn't tell him and I didn't want him to yell at me anymore. It made my chest ache.
"The bus station in New Port..."
"You're at a fucking bus station by yourself! In New Port! Are you crazy?! Maybe that panic attack really did fry your brain or something. My god Rosalyn!" His voice was only getting angrier and I had to cup the phone closer to my ear to keep the nosy people around me from hearing.
"I-It's not a big deal Rex, I'll be home in an hour and then I'll call you and-"
My heart stopped and I pushed my fist numbly into my chest. "N-no?" I stammered uncertainly as I heard him start to get up and move on the other line.
"I'm coming to get you. I'll be there in twenty minutes." His voice was calm, scary calm, and I knew I was going to get an earful when he got here.
"It's a fifty minute drive Rex! You can't make it here in twenty-"
"Watch me." His voice was a dark growl and in any other situation I'm sure I would have found that extremely sexy, but he was mad, and this time it really was because of me.
I wiped at my dry and stiff face from tears I cried earlier with Jax, and the ones that were threatening to fall now. I hated this. I hated being alone, I hated waiting for this stupid bus, I hated Gerald, I hated myself, and a small part of me was angry at Jax for not saying goodbye, even though I knew he couldn't.
I guess the pause over the phone was to long for Rex, or just long enough to where he knew something was wrong. "Rose, are you crying?" His voice had somewhat softened, but he was still angry and that just added to the little self-hate party I had going on.
"No, I'm not." Not yet. I added softly in my head, but he was Rex and I'm sure he heard the real meaning.
"I'm coming baby Roza, don't worry." His voice was soft now and soothed my racing nerves, even though I'm sure he was still angry as all get out, but honestly I just wanted to hold someone right now, and I really wanted that someone to be Rex.
"Okay Rex." I mumbled quietly in defeat. He was going to come anyway even if my bus did get here before he did, and he would just be more pissed off than he already was if I wasn't waiting for him.
"Are you alone?" His voice was still soft but I could tell he was trying hard to keep the sharp edge out of it.
"Yeah, but there's other people in the station, so I'm not alone-alone." I didn't know how well that knowledge would calm him, or if it would at all, but I pressed the phone firmly to my ear and scooted further down the bench when someone sat next to me.
"Just don't..." He paused and let out a heavy sigh as I listened to his car's engine hum to life. "Just don't talk to anyone, alright? Stay on the phone with me till I get there."
"Okay, but I have to call Tate real fast..." I said softly like that would help his anger ease some. Rex let out an aggravated sigh and I could just picture him clutching his steering wheel tighter in anger.
"Five minutes Rose, then I'm calling you back." He growled into the phone and I couldn't stop the giggle that reached my lips.
"Yes Sir." He huffed something under his breath before I told him goodbye and hung up the phone. He's such a worry wart when he wanted to be...
I didn't even bother looking at the texts Tate sent me. I'm sure they were going to be along the same angry lines as Rex was. "Rosalyn!" His angry voice growled the minute the phone started ringing. I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat at his tone. I hated when he used my full name...
"Hey Tate..."
"What the hell Rose?! I called you like twenty times! Are you okay? Did something happen? Why did you lie to me about hanging out with Rex?" He shot questions at me left and right and the ferocity of them made my head spin.
"I'm fine Tate, nothing happened and I knew if I told the truth you wouldn't let me go by myself, and I needed to be alone." I sighed and rubbed my hand across my forehead as his heavy breathing tickled my ears.
"Where did you go?" He demanded and the throbbing head ache I was starting to get only grew worse.
"I went to... to Portland, to go shopping." The lie slipped through my lips with little hesitation and I held my breath as he mulled my words over. I didn't want him knowing I went to New Haven. He knew the basics of my childhood, but he didn't know anything about Jax, and I wanted to keep it that way.
"You went to Portland... to go shopping?" His voice was rough but slightly incredulous like he couldn't believe it, which he shouldn't, but still.
"Yeah, and Luce was in class so I couldn't ask her to go with me and I really needed to be alone. My phone was on silent though, that's why I didn't answer." I mumbled and scooted farther down the bench as the empty spaces began to fill. I tried not to cower in Rex's jacket as an older guy, probably in his mid forties, shot me a glare before sitting down next to me.
I hate bus stations...
"But you're okay?" He asked after a moment and I nodded even though he couldn't see me.
"Yeah Tate, I'm fine. I'll be home in a little bit."
"Are you still there, do you need me to come get you?" I could hear him stand up and start looking for his keys but I stopped him before he could find them.
"No don't worry about it. I'm already on a bus back and I'll be there before dinner." My phone started beeping at the end of my sentence and I pulled it away from my face long enough to see Rex's name flashing across my screen. I guess my five minutes were up.
"Hey Tate, I got to go. It's getting too loud in here. Love you, see you when I get home."
"I love you to baby doll, but were not done talking about this-"
"Okay bye." I hung up on him before he could say anything else and clicked on the green talk button by Rex's name.
"You done talking to the douche bag?" He growled into the phone as I glared at the guy next to me who had scooted over for someone else to sit down. He was basically pressed firmly against my side... I didn't like it.
"Yes, but I wish you wouldn't call him that." I mumbled as I grabbed my backpack and stood up from the bench. Why do strangers have to be so touchy? I hate it... I threw my bag over my shoulder and marched across the bus station until I reached the phone both and closed the door firmly behind me. At least no one can touch me in here.
"I know I'm sorry." He sighed and I could hear the soft music playing from his speakers in the silence that followed. "I'm almost there Roza, what part of the station are you at?"
"W-what? How are you almost here? You said you would be here in twenty-"
"Don't worry about that Rose, just tell me where you are." He grumbled into the phone and I jerked as someone started tapping on the glass phone booth's door. I looked over and saw the grumpy forty year old from earlier pointing at the phone. I held one finger up to tell him I'll be out in a minute before giving my attention back to Rex.
"I'm in a phone booth next to Bus C. Do you want me to go to the front of the building or-"
"No, just stay there I'll be there in a minute." His voice was tight and strained and I felt bad for putting that much worry on his shoulders, but at least I didn't follow him again...
The guy at the window knocked again, this time more loudly, but I just pushed the door closed tighter and averted my gaze from him. "What's that noise?" Rex's dark and tingle bringing voice growled into the phone.
"Just some guy who wants to use the telephone, but there's nowhere for me to sit and I don't wanna leave the booth." I mumbled like a child even though Rex didn't seem to take my complaining as whining.
"Don't leave the booth Rose, I'll be there in a sec hold on." He grumbled before the line went dead and I was left staring at my blank phone's screen.
"Excuse me? I need to use the phone." I shook my head at the guys' voice and held the nasty public phone up to my ear like I was still talking to someone. Hopefully he wouldn't noticed that I was just using my cell... I gestured toward the phone like I couldn't hear him before huddling back in the corner. The guy huffed angrily before crossing his arms and glaring holes into the side of my skull. God, I hated crowded public places.
It wasn't even five minutes later that I felt the glass door being yanked open from under me. I would have screamed in surprise if I hadn't looked up to see Rex's passive face staring down at me. His sunglasses were resting lazily over his eyes, one of his hands was braced against the door while the other one rested casually in his jacket pocket, and his dark hair was tousled and messy from the wind. He looked hot, as always.
I sighed in relief and didn't hesitate to throw my arms around his waist, despite the angry glare he was giving me. "Hi..." I mumbled against his shirt as I buried my head into his chest. He sighed but let go of the door and wrapped his arms around my back.
"You're in such much trouble Roza." He grumbled agains't my hair but held me tightly nonetheless.
"May I please use the fucking phone now?!" The impatient creepy guy finally snapped and Rex's head shot up with an award winning glare before he pulled me away from the booth.
"Watch your fucking mouth, old man." Rex spit back at him and the look on the guy's face was priceless. I tried not to giggle as he pulled me away from the now fuming man, but it was hard not to. We left him standing there with an open mouth and wide eyes. Sucks to suck...
Rex stayed quiet as he pulled me through the crowded bus station, but kept me pinned close to his side anyway, not that I was complaining. He was so warm and safe... This was what I've needed ever since I left New Haven...
He pulled me out the front entrance and down the steps towards his car that was parked in the only spot left. "Alright, spill Rosalyn." He growled when we reached the car and had spun me around till my back was pressed firmly against the door with his front hovering over mine.
"W-what do you mean?" I stammered nervously and kept my eyes glued to his shirt as the grip he had on my waist tightened.
"You know exactly what I mean. Why the hell or you in New Port? What were you even doing out here? Do you know how dangerous it is to be alone out here, or anywhere for that fucking matter?" His hand had wrapped in my hair and pulled my face up to his. His words were soft but I could hear the underlying anger there and his eyes were hard as they stared down at me.
I nodded as his arm wrapped around my waist and held me tighter to him. "I-I know, I'm sorry..." The whole shopping lie wouldn't work for him, there's no place to shop in New Port and if I told him I actually came here from New Haven, all heck would break loose.
"Then why did you come here Roza?" His dark eyes were worried and pained and everything in me at that moment wanted to make him smile.
"I-I just wanted to be alone for a while..." That wasn't a total lie....
"So you come to New Port? There's nothing here Rose." He shook his head and looked away, his eyes dark as he did so.
"I know Rex, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." I really wasn't. I shouldn't have gone to see Jax, I swore to him when I left I would never go back, but I needed to see him, and it ended terribly.
"It's fine Rose, you don't have to tell me why you came here. I'm sure you have your reasons, like I have mine, but swear to me you'll never go anywhere alone like this again. Swear it." His eyes had locked on mine once again and his hand tightened in my hair for emphasis.
"I promise..." I whispered softly as he sighed and rested his forehead against mine.
"You just left the hospital, baby flower. I-I can't see anything else happen to you... I won't." He growled the last part and pulled me flush against him for emphasis. I would have blushed if my face wasn't buried in his chest.
We stayed like that quietly for a few minutes before he pulled back with a reluctant sigh and unlocked the car. "Get in." He grumbled but held the door open for me anyway and I slipped in gratefully.
"How did your thing go?" I asked softly as he pulled out onto the busy street and started the long drive down the highway.
I turned my head just in time to see him smirk before he sent me a warm smile. "It went well, and it wasn't a fighting thing Rose, stop worrying." I blushed and dropped my gaze to my finger's as he switched the radio on.
"Just making sure..." I mumbled and played with my fingers as he pulled onto the high way.
"I know." His voice was warm now, the anger from earlier gone, even though I could still feel some of it lurking beneath the surface.
"How did you get here so fast?" The thought struck me as he let the car's speed match those of the ones around us. I watched as the smirk he tried to hide early went into full bloom on his face. My stomach lurched.
"You don't need to know." Was his only response and I let the subject drop as he turned the radio up.
I had been staring silently out the window for what felt like forever before I felt Rex's hand lift mine from my lap and slowly slipped his fingers through mine. "I'm sorry if I upset you Roza. I'm not mad at you." His voice was soft over the music but he didn't bothering turning the volume down and neither did I.
"You didn't upset me T', I'm fine." I gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand tighter before looking back out the window.
The rest of the fifty minute drive was quiet but comfortable, although I could tell Rex wanted to tell me something. He pulled into my drive way five minutes before 7:00 and cut the ignition. I listened quietly as the engine died with a soft hum.
I looked up at my silent house and saw the light from my kitchen glinting through the living room window. No doubt Tate would be waiting for me with an angry glare but open arms, and in all honesty, I didn't want to see him right now. I just wanted to stay with Rex.
We could go back to his apartment and eat fast food before watching a movie and falling asleep on the couch. We could even stay there for the whole day tomorrow and not have to worry about the storm brewing around the thoughts in my head or his and-
I was pulled out of my inner ramblings as Rex's hand gently detached from mine to lift my face towards his. "I don't know why you went there Roza, and I'm not going to ask again, but promise you will never go back there... at least by yourself." His voice was soft and his chestnut eyes were warm as his thumb caressed my cheek.
"I'll take you anywhere you want, baby flower. Just tell me where you want to go and I'll get us there... just don't go anywhere alone again, please." The plea and worry in his voice was enough to break and rebuild my heart all in one go.
I couldn't say no to anything when he asked me like that.
"I promise Rex." My voice sounded strange in the silent car as I whispered out the oath, an oath I knew I would stick too. I wanted to see Jax again, but I wouldn't be as ignorant about it as I was today. I wouldn't risk a full out run in with Gerald if I could help it. Besides, maybe having the boy that's my everything now meet the one that helped me survive my childhood wouldn't be such a bad idea...
"You should go inside before that idiot half-brother of mine starts something." His voice was like silk as it washed over my skin, but his thumb traced gentle circles on my cheek like he didn't really want me to leave.
"Are you coming over later?" I couldn't help the question from sounding like a desperate plea as I stared into his soul taking beautiful eyes. They were so warm and open unlike usual and they made me want to stay wrapped up in his arms and never leave-
"If you want me to, my Roza." His voice was soft, and dare I say... seductive even, as he leaned closer and let his thumb trail from my cheek to my bottom lip.
I nodded slowly as his eyes dropped from mine to look down to my lips. My breath caught in my throat. Did he... Did he want to kiss me? I sure as heck wanted to kiss him. My heart beat increased its tempo dramatically in my chest and I had the scary thought that he could hear it, that he could suddenly read my thoughts and see how much I wanted his lips pressed against mine.
Rex's eyes were open but they seemed glued to my lips and I suddenly found it very hard not to lean into him as his thumb stroked my lower lip, pulling my closer. My eyes were starting to drift close as Rex's face inched closer to mine and I could feel the anticipating sparks tingly on my skin at his touch... but just when I thought he would close the distance and kiss me, he pulled away.
I blinked up at him sadly and felt my heart fall into my stomach before I realized that my front door was wide open and Tate was standing in the light from the hallway, fuming. Rex's thumb was not resting just below my lips and I tried so hard not to just reach over and kiss him like I wanted to, but his once warm eyes were glaring icy daggers at Tate.
"On second thought Roza, I think I'll go in with you." He growled darkly before dropping his hand from my face completely and stepped out of the car.
I tried not to let my heart feel as rejected as my mind was telling me that I was. How could he just step out like almost kissing me wasn't such a big deal? Was he even going to kiss me? He probably didn't even like me like that. He probably just saw me as Trey and the others did, like a little sister. The thought made me choke on air as I pushed down a sob.
He was protective of me and he cared about me, sure, but he never made any indication that he liked me-liked me... that he was attracted to me. I mean, I guess I couldn't blame him. Who could be attracted to a seventeen year old who looked like she was twelve and suffered from panic attacks?
"You coming Roza?" I looked up to see Rex standing outside the passenger door with a confused expression on his face.
Roza. I suddenly hated that name. I hated that he called me something so sweet and cute like a boyfriend would call his girlfriend. I hated that he gave me a nickname that made my insides twist in want and need for him. I suddenly hated that he made me feel like this. He didn't like me and I hated the fact that I was way past just liking him.
I loved him, and in the end he would leave, and it would kill me.
"Yeah, I'm coming." I whispered softly and slipped my hand into his waiting one. The shocks his touch sent through me only made my stomach more upset than it already was. I didn't want to eat dinner. I didn't want to face Tate, or my dad, or even Luce. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and sleep. I didn't even want Rex to stay.
I needed to be alone.
"What is he doing here, Rosalyn?" Tate's voice hissed angrily as Rex led me up the porch's steps.
"Dropping me off." My words were short and clipped as Tate's eyes snapped down to mine.
"I thought you were taking the bus home. If I had known he was getting you I would have-"
"I did take the bus home, Tate." I snapped irritably and watched with little care as his eyes widened. Rex's head turned to stare down at mine, but I didn't bother looking up at him. "He picked me up from the station so I wouldn't have had to take a taxi." I grumbled the last part more softly. I wasn't angry at Tate, I wasn't even angry at Rex. I was angry at myself for being such a fool. He couldn't help the fact that I liked him far more than he could ever like me.
Both of the boys were silent as I slipped my hand from Rex's and pushed gently passed Tate so I could walk into the house. "I don't want dinner Tate, I'm not hungry." I sighed as I headed towards the stairs, the familiar stinging of tears threatening to burn in m eyes. "Thank you for bringing me home Rex." I added loudly enough for him to hear me, but I didn't bother looking back at him as I walked quickly up the steps.
I just needed space from him for a little bit. I only ever wanted us to be friends in the first place, even a little bit of Rex was better than no Rex, but I had to get that through my mind before I can be around him again. He didn't like me the way I wanted him to, he never could, and even though my mind already knew that, it was time I convinced my heart that as well.
Something was wrong with princess. That much I could tell just by looking over at my best friend who was staring at her house through the music room's window with a scowl on his face. I just didn't know what was wrong.
"Rex?" I asked softly as the Dimajio brother's played loudly on the Xbox next to us. He grunted in response but didn't take his eyes off of Rose's house.
"Is Rose okay?" I asked carefully, my voice quiet and calm like he was some ticking time bomb that could explode any second, which in all honesty, he was.
"She's fine." His voice was a dark grumble and his eyes darkened as they gazed across the street.
"Then what's wrong?" I persisted against my better judgment. It was so weird seeing my best friend like this, all twisted up in knots over some girl. Not that Rose was some run of the mill girl, but still. It wasn't like Rex, it wasn't normal.
Hell, I've known him for years and I've never seen him show any interest in anyone. Rose was special to him, any and everyone could see that.
A few minutes passed in silence before he finally sighed and glanced over at me. "She locked her window." His voice was a quiet growl as he leaned against his arm that hovered over the window.
I shot him a look before leaning my back against the wall beside him. "That's good though, right?" His dark and icy eyes snapped to mine with an angry glare before he went back to staring at her house.
"She never locks her window when she knows I'm coming over."
I get it now, princess was mad at him, or upset, or something. I knew how much that girl liked Rex, and honestly I had no idea why. He treated her like shit in the beginning. He wouldn't talk to her, didn't acknowledge, yelled at her, made her cry, and then threatened to beat the hell out of us if we talked to her. I knew it was only because he had liked her and wanted to keep her from his shit life, but I didn't understand why she kept coming back for more.
I sighed and shook my head before resting it against the wall. "What did you do this time you stupid fuck?" My voice wasn't angry, but I made sure my words were meant to be.
I didn't like upsetting the guy, but I didn't like how he made Rose upset even more. She was too innocent, too fragile, to be used as his chew toy, and I made sure he knew that every time he fucked up.
"I didn't do anything!" He barked at me before tearing himself away from the window to start pacing angrily in front of me. "We were fine when I picked her up in New Port, and on the whole way home. We were even fine in her driveway!" He threw his hands in the air angrily before stomping holes into my flower once again, an angry scowl on his face.
"It's probably that fuckers fault. She was fine till she got out of the car, then she got all grumpy and snappy and just stormed up to her room!" He let out a heavy sigh before falling on the couch with his head in his hands. Brett and Denton didn't bother pausing their game. We were all used to Rex's temper tantrums.
"Now she locked her window and won't answering my fucking texts." He leaned back on the couch and rested his head against the wall before closing his eyes in defeat.
I stood there quietly for a moment, too unsure of what to do. I'm sure Rex was clued out of something, just like he usually was, and I'm sure poor princess was probably crying herself to sleep even though none of us seem to know why.
"You sure you didn't say or do anything to upset her?" It was a stupid question really. Rex didn't handle people's emotions well, he couldn't even handle his own that well. He can't word things in the right way to not upset people, which is why I'm always stuck cleaning up his messes, and a lot of those messes had to do with Rose lately.
"Yes..." He hissed the word out hatefully but paused before shaking his head and burrying his face in his hands once again. "N-no... I don't know, okay?" He snapped, but I ignored him as I grabbed my coat and headed to the door.
"What are you doing?" His head snapped up faster than a bullet and his dark eyes were glaring hatefully at me.
"Fixing your fucking mistake." I growled and slammed the door in his face. Like always. I didn't say the hateful thought out loud though. Rex already knew he was fucked up, he already hated himself. He didn't need me to add on to it.
The knocking on my window was getting to loud to ignore, but I just knew it was Rex, and I really didn't want to face him at the moment. I sighed and rolled out of bed with a tired yawn before walking to the window. I would tell him to go away if I had too, even if it did kill me on the inside.
My eyes widened in shock when they landed on not Rex, but Trey who stood there with a goofy grin on his face. I rubbed my fists into my eyes and yawned again, but when I looked back up he was still there, and he was pointing to the lock on the window.
I quickly unlocked it and pushed it open. "Trey?" I asked with another yawn and ruffled my bed head as he smiled down at me softly. "What are you doing here?" I moved over as he slipped into the room and closed the window after him.
"Just checking up on you." He started softly as his eyes swept over my face like he could see the tears I had been wiping away for the past two hours.
"Checking up on me? Why?" My head tilted in confusion at the question and I blinked up at him with tired eyes. I hadn't been sleeping, but that was only because I was afraid of what was waiting for me when I did. My medicine bottle still sat unused in my dresser and I didn't have Rex here tonight to chase the dreams away. I wasn't going to be able to sleep.
Trey shrugged in response before sitting down on my window seat and glancing around my room. "You're upset princess." He changed the subject and I dropped my eyes in response. I didn't really want to talk about it...
"What did that idiot do now?" He sighed out irritably and I flinched at the question, but sat down on the edge of the bed and played with my fingers nervously in response.
"He didn't do anything." I mumbled softly and he snorted. It was true though, Rex didn't do anything... and that's the main reason why I was upset.
"Yeah right Rose. You've been crying, I can tell, and Rex said you were upset when he left." Trey pushed the topic gently and I sighed before shaking my head and running my fingers through my messy hair.
"He just had me thinking of something rather upsetting, but I promise he didn't do anything. Don't be mad at him..." I didn't want Trey or any of the boys upset at Rex because of me. They were his friends first, and they should remain his friends no matter what.
"I'm not mad at him Rose, none of us are, I just don't like it when he upsets you... What did he do to make you upset?" Just thinking about the almost kiss made a blush creep up my cheeks and I ducked my head to try and hide it, but I'm sure he saw. I just hoped he wouldn't connect the dots.
"You know he doesn't hate you, princess, right?" Trey asked softly and I jumped slightly at the question before nodding my head viciously.
"Of course I know he doesn't hate me, well I know now at least." I knew Rex didn't hate me, he wouldn't care about me like he does if he did hate me... He just doesn't like me, and I'm okay with that. I just needed time to except it.
"He cares about you Rose, more than he has ever cared about anyone, and he'll probably kill me for telling you this, but it's true. He doesn't know how to... express himself. He thinks you'll get it by reading his mind or something, but you can't. It's hard to explain, but you just need to be patient with him." I could feel his eyes burning holes into the side of my head as I twisted my blankets in my hands.
"Were already friends Trey, and I'm perfectly fine with staying just like that-" I started to deny what my heart was screaming at me but Trey shook his head immediately and I closed my mouth.
"No you're not, and even though I can see how much you like him, he can't." My heart jumped at his words and I squeezed my eyes shut before answering.
"He doesn't like me like that Trey, and I'm not going to make him." I was the one shaking my head this time as Trey rolled his eyes.
"You're blind princess, just as blind as him." Trey chuckled before slowly standing to his feet and glancing out the window.
"Speak of the devil..." He muttered under his breath as his eyes locked on something outside. "Well, that's my que to leave." He said loudly this time as he started to open my window.
"Trey-" I started but was cut of by a very angry voice.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Rex's furious voice made my heart jump and I was racing to the window before I even realized it. I got there just in time to see his whole form shaking and his hands closed tightly into fists. He looked like he was ready to punch Trey right in the face. He's done it before, and I didn't doubt that he would do it again.
"I was just leaving." Trey smirked before his eyes flashed to me then back at Rex, a sneaky twinkle in his eyes.
I watched with wide eyes as Rex stepped closer to him and lowered his voice so I couldn't hear. I pouted in response but leaned forward anyway. Trey murmured something back before Rex glared at him. He shook his head and sighed before stepping closer and whispered something to Rex that made his face drop and caused his eyes to flicker to mine.
Trey pulled back and shot me a wink before hopping off my roof like it was a two foot drop. "I'll see you at school on Monday, princess!!" He yelled as he turned his back on us and started jogging back to his house.
What is going on...?
I looked up at Rex who was staring after Trey with a dark look in his eyes. His hands were still in fists and his jaw was still clenched until he turned those dark eyes on me and they softened. "I'll leave if you still want me to, Roza." He murmured softly and my heart jumped at the name. He knew, some how he knew, that I couldn't say no to him when he sounded so defeated like that.
I shook my head and stepped back so he could climb in. His eyes lit up happily and he let out a relieved sigh before climbing into my room. I frowned. He seemed genuinely relieved that I wanted him here... how bad did me locking my window affect him?
We stood there in awkward silence for what felt like forever. I could feel his eyes staring into my face as I stared at anything but him. His silky smooth voice finally broke the silence and it took all I had in me not to moan at the sound of it.
"I'm sorry Roza..." He murmured softly and I sighed. He's gotten so used to apologizing to me now that he does it without even know what he's done.
"You didn't do anything Rex, there's nothing to be sorry about." I admitted quietly as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
"Then why are you mad at me?" His voice sounded almost broken and the defeated tone in it tore at my chest.
"I-I'm not..."
Be patient with him...
Trey's voice rang in my head and I couldn't help the shimmer of hope that ignited at his words. He wanted me to be patient with him, why though? Was he trying to tell me that Rex did like me, he just didn't know how to express it? Or that he will like me? I had no idea, but I was willing to wait and find out.
"Yes you are. You wouldn't even look at me when I dropped you off, and you locked your window even though you knew I was going to stop by-" His words died in his throat when I suddenly flung my arms around his waist and hugged him hard.
"I'm sorry T', today had just been really stressful. I'm not mad at you." I murmured into his shirt as his arms wrapped instantly around me, no hesitation like the very first time I had ever hugged him.
"You're lying." I didn't respond, but he didn't push his statement further, and instead nudged me gently towards the bed.
I let go of him and crawled under the blankets as he kicked off his shoes and took his jacket off before laying down with me. "You can tell me anything, Rosalyn, even if you think I won't like it." He murmured a few minutes later and I nodded in response.
"I know." I did know that he thought that, but there's some things I had to keep from him, thing he could never learn about... and it needed to stay that way.
I curled up into his side and rested my head on his chest as his fingers played with my hair. "Get some sleep, Roza. I won't leave." He murmured softly before placing a soft kiss in my hair. I sighed in comfort before closing my eyes and letting his steady heart beat lull me to sleep.
Hope you enjoyed!
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