Chapter 15
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Chapter 15
Tate had to get up early for classes next morning, not that I was complaining. When he woke up and found me in his room, it was like a tidal wave of apologies had slammed against my ears. It took all my strength to shove him out of the bed so he could get ready. He and Luce left quickly after that, but not before he apologized at least four more times.
I didn't know how long I laid there in his bed, just staring up at the ceiling and thinking. It didn't cross my mind to get up and start my day, or go back to my room, or even check my phone to see if Dad called. I just wanted to lay there... until the door bell rang two hours later.
I pulled myself groggily to my feet and hobbled back to my room where I threw my rats nest hair into a quick bun. I don't know what, but something inside of me already knew who was at the door. It was like I could feel his mere presence alone, and I loved it.
I quickly threw on my Supernatural pajama pants Luce bought me for my birthday and threw Rex's jacket over my giant t-shirt. I don't know why really, it wasn't cold in my house. I guess he just always seemed so... at ease, whenever I wore it, and to tell you the truth I did too.
"Hey." I couldn't help the goofy smile that spread across my face at the sight of him. He was leaning lazy against the door frame, his hands in his pockets and his dark aviators sunglasses hung casually over his eyes.
"Hey." He gave me a small smile as I stepped back and gestured him inside, but I noticed how the action made him wince.
"Are you okay?" I could tell my voice was worried as I closed the door behind us, so I'm sure he did to.
"Yeah, Roza. Why wouldn't I be?" He didn't turn around to face me as he headed for the stairs, his hands still snug in his pockets and his glasses still hanging over his eyes.
"I don't know, you just seem... off."
"I'm fine Roza, I promise." He didn't wait for me at the bottom of the stairs like he usually did, instead he just started the short trek up them.
"Rex wait!" I made sure to lock the door before hurrying after him. He paused on the steps and waited for me to catch up, but he kept his face pointed away from me.
He was acting weird...
"T', are you sure there's nothing wrong?" I asked carefully. I didn't think he would get mad at me like before, but I wasn't going to take any chances.
I felt him pause on the stairs, a heavy sigh escaping him. I turned to face him and stared with wide eyes as he reluctantly pushed his sunglasses up.
I gasped and the gut wrenching feeling in my stomach couldn't be helped. Rex's right eye was swollen shut, and the purple/black bruise that surrounded it didn't look so good.
My hands flew up to my mouth in horror, "Oh God..."
"It's not as bad as it looks, Roza." Rex quickly went to reassure me as horror overtook my face.
"Not bad! Rex! You have a black eye!" I gasped, but apparently that wasn't the rest of it.
"And a few bruised bones."
"Rex!" I didn't wait for his reply as I grabbed his hand and started dragging him back down the stairs, despite him wincing at every jerky movement.
"Roza really, I'm fine." I ignored him and, despite his protests, it was relatively easy to pull him into the kitchen.
"Rose-" He started to say again as I pushed him down onto the island's stool.
"Shut up," When he instantly snapped his mouth shut and stared at me with wide eyes I knew I shocked the crud out of him, but I was to focused on fixing him up to notice what I just said.
I quickly grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer and wrapped a wet cloth around it, my hands shaking in the process. When I turned around and walked back over to him he was still staring at me like I was something out of the twilight zone.
"Hold this on your eye." My voice was barely above a mumble as I pressed the wash cloth to his purple and blue eye.
I know I shouldn't be this... upset, sad, or whatever, but just the thought of him getting hurt felt like a sucker punch to my own stomach. And despite the fact that I wasn't the one in physical pain, his just made me want to cry.
I leaned against the island table next to him with my arms crossed and my face tilted towards the ground. Rex held the ice pack to his eye quietly, but I could feel the question in his gaze as he stared down at me.
"I promise I'm okay, Rose." His voice was soft, and meant to reassure me, but it only made the nasueas feeling in my gut increase.
I just shrugged in response but kept my face pointed towards the floor. I heard him let out a heavy sigh before his free arm was wrapped tightly around my shoulders and he pulled me into his side.
I squeaked in surprise but when he put the ice pack down and wrapped his other arm around me, my insides melted like goo. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head into his chest, like he was the only thing keeping me from combusting.
"What happened Rex?" I mumbled into his jacket as he nuzzled his face into my neck.
"Nothing really, I just ran into a pole."
He was lying, I knew he was lying. There was no way a pole could give someone a black eye and bruised bones.
"It had to do with where you went last night, didn't it?" I ignored his explanation and pulled back enough to stare up at his face.
He stared down at me, one chestnut eye shining darkly while the other sat swollen. For a moment I thought he was going to lie again, but he sighed and glanced away a moment later. "Yeah Roza, it had to do with last night."
"You got into a fight didn't you?" Even though I already knew the answer I asked anyway. I blinked up at him and his beautiful chestnut eyes flashed darkly.
He clenched his jaw and tore his good eye away from mine. "Yes Rose, but it's not what you think."
"What do I think?" Even though I wanted the question to sound snarky and sarcastic it came out soft and... weak.
"That I got pissed off at some one and started swinging." His hands reached up and grabbed my shoulders gently, his thumbs rubbing into the soft fabric of my shirt.
"Did you?" My voice was still soft, barely louder than a mumble as I kept my eyes glued to his shirt. I didn't want to see the expression on his face.
"No, It's... it's complicated."
"I'm listening." Despite the tense situation I gave him a big cheesy smile and his sad face broke into a grin.
"I can't tell you."
"And why not?" I pouted and stomped my foot like a child which only made him laugh.
Rex's hands tightened on my shoulders for a moment before he let out another sigh and pulled me into his chest. "I don't need you getting caught up in my shit, Roza. I barely have the strength to handle it myself." His voice was a soft whisper in my ear but I melted into his arms like chocolate.
"I just want to help T'." I mumbled against his shirt as he cradled my head against him.
"I know, which is what I don't understand, but I think I've finally learned to just accept it." He sighed once again but pulled away from me with that dimpled smile that always made my stomach flip.
"Now, weren't we supposed to have a movie day or something?" I brightened at the thought and his small chuckle made the smile on my face increase ten fold.
I was willing to push the fighting thing away... for now. I grabbed Rex's hand and pulled him from the counter until he followed me carefully up the flight of stairs and into my room, but I felt like every step he took was agony.
"Rose, I'm okay... really." He grumbled as I propped up a bunch of pillows on my bed and forced him to lean against them.
"Every time you walk, you wince. That doesn't seem like you're okay, to me." I turned my back on him with a flick of my hair and marched over to my TV.
I found this new show on Netflix that I became obsessed with. It's called Merlin and it's the funniest, most heart wrenching show (besides Supernatural) that I have watched... And I'm going to force Rex to watch it with me.
"What the hell is this?" He grumbled as Merlin's adorable smile flashed across the screen.
"Merlin, now shush! It's a great show!" I scolded him as I climbed onto the comfy blanket next to him. He grumbled something under his breath but remained silent anyway.
Anyone could see how much bolder I was becoming around him. Usually, I'm all shy and timid but there I was, telling him to shut up. I was never necessarily afraid of him, I was just afraid of the things he would say to me.
But now I felt like I knew better, like I knew him better. I knew not to let his anger get to me anymore, like it's not directed at me.
It was a few episodes later before he talked again, even though his eyes didn't leave the screen. "What are you doing for Halloween?"
"Hm? Oh... I'm not really sure." I lifted my face out of my hands and leaned back into his side as he held his arm open for me.
"Usually I love to go trick-or-treating, but Luce says I'm to old for that now, and Tate wouldn't leave my side last year so it wasn't that fun... I might just stay home." I shrugged like it was no big deal as his arm gently wrapped around my lower back.
Halloween was probably my favorite holiday, even back before I lived with Dad and Luce. Halloween was the only day of the year we could sneak off without any repercussions, and Jax always made it fun.
"Roza?" Rex's worried voice snapped me out of my thoughts and threw me back into reality. A reality where I had to take panic prevention pills to keep my sanity.
"Hm?" I turned away from the TV screen and blinked up at his one worried chestnut eye and the swollen bruised one.
"You alright? I called your name five times..." His free hand reached out and traced my jaw gently as the arm wrapped around my lower back tightened.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I gave him a big smile in reassurance and curled into a ball at his side, letting his wonderful smell override my senses.
"So, you're going to Robert Tranvo's party for Halloween?" I hurried out so he couldn't ask what I knew he would. I could practically feel his one good eye narrow until he was staring a hole into the side of my head as I glanced lazily at the TV screen.
"Yeah, I'm kind of being forced to." He bit out harshly, but for once I knew it wasn't directed at me.
"Why do you say it like that?" I turned to face him just in time to see him roll his good eye.
"Because Trey's sister Lainy goes every year and we all get to be on babysitting duty." You could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't too excited about babysitting.
"I didn't know Trey had a sister..."
"Yeah, she's actually a year older than him, but he treats her like she's ten." Rex grumbled beneath his breath and for some reason the action made me laugh.
"What if I go so you I can keep you company or something-"
The way that one simple word hissed out from his teeth had my head snapping in his direction. "W-what? Why-"
"Because I said so Rose. The last thing I need is for you to show up at some dumb ass high school kids party."
My mouth snapped shut, my stomach dropped and I turned all my attention back to the TV and away from him. I was hurt, that much was obvious, but I was also angry... which was such an abnormal feeling for me that I didn't know what to do, so I just pulled away from Rex and set my back against the wall.
A few minutes passed with the tension so thick between us you could have cut it with a knife, before Rex spoke up.
"Roza look, I'm sorry it's just-"
"It's fine." I cut him off, and the sharpness in my voice surprised even me. Usually I was beyond shocked at his apologies, but after what happened to him last night and the way he snapped at me a moment ago, I wasn't up to listen to him.
"I said it was fine, Rex."
He stayed quiet after that, but only because I think I shocked him more than I shocked myself. But I think I knew why I was being so cranky. I stopped taking my panic meds, and increased frustration was a side effect, but I didn't care.
He stayed silent until the episode for Merlin ended and he stood off of the bed with a wince. "I need to go... I have another thing to do tonight."
So much for a movie day.
I couldn't keep the nasty thought from my head and as he walked to the door I clicked on the next episode without sparing him a glance. There was no point in trying to make him stay, I knew he wouldn't.
"I'll text you later Rose..." He paused at the door and looked back at me, like he was waiting for me to jump up and follow him down the stairs.
"Kay." I didn't bother looking at him as he let out a quiet breath of air and walked out my door. It was only a few seconds later that I heard the front door slam shut and my heart clenched.
I hated making him upset, and it was worse this time that it actually was my fault... b-but he makes me so upset and he doesn't even seem to care! I never should have brought up the party. It was a stupid thing to do, I know that now. Maybe it's just best if I keep my mouth shut when I'm around him from now on... that is, if he still wants to be friends.
Why do I always have to screw everything up. I twisted my hands into my hair before I buried my face in my mattress and screamed.
God, what's wrong with me? I have no idea, but obviously everyone else does... They did, and they always warned me this would happen. That I would never be accepted, that I would never be loved and it was becoming harder and harder not to believe them.
I jumped out of bed and quickly walked to the window just in time to see Rex walk down the street towards Trey's house. I might be a total screw up, but Rex was hiding something, and tonight... tonight I was going to find out what it was.
I had "borrowed" my dad's 2014 jeep explorer and parked it conveniently down the street from Trey's house where I could watch his door easily. Creepy, I know, but I was on a stake out. If Rex was going back to the place where he went last night, I was going to follow.
And yes, I did only have my permit, but dad taught me how to drive when I was fourteen in case of emergencies, and this was technically a crisis.
It was already eleven o'clock at night, way past my bed time, and I was decked out in black yoga pants, a black sweater, and a black beanie I found in Luce's closet. I was incognito, and excited. The black paint of the jeep hid us nicely in the night and as I watched Rex and the other three step out of the house, it was time to put my plan into action.
I watched curiously as Rex climbed into the driver's seat of Trey's expedition while Trey climbed into the passenger seat, the other boys didn't bother to get in.
"What...?" I voiced my confusion out loud as the SUV roared to life and Rex backed out of the driveway. Should he be driving with a black eye... and at night?
This was weird...
I didn't have time to linger on the thought as Brent and Denton got into a different car and followed them. I quickly turned the ignition on and crept down the street, careful to keep a safe distance between me and the Big Four.
We were driving for about thirty minutes and the towns we past just kept getting scarier, and scarier until we pulled into the epitome of the "ghetto", as kids at school called them.
Cities like these, always brought back bad memories.
I gulped.
Old and broken down apartments loitered the streets, abandon warehouses sat on almost every corner and the buildings were rotted and covered in some weird slime.
Why in the world would they come here?
Rex and Trey pulled up to the only crowded building in sight, although I would have felt safer in a juvey facility instead of here. The people were all... terrifying. I watched quietly at a stop sign as they parked and climbed out, and although Rex's features were hidden by the darkness, I could tell there was a dark vibe coming off of him.
Brent and Denton took a different street a few miles before we got here so I just assumed they were going home... which I was glad about. I didn't want them in this place as much as I didn't want to be there.
I pulled up a few spots away from them and put my dad's beloved jeep in park. Looking around, I knew bringing my dad's baby to a place like this was a bad idea. I looked around quickly for any type of weapon but only came up with a pen... just fantastic.
I sighed but stuck the pen in my pocket anyway. I wasn't going to back down now. The only reason Rex would come here was if he was in trouble, and I wanted to do anything I could to help.
I took a few deep breaths before I gathered up what little courage I had and climbed out of the safety of the jeep. I made sure I locked all the doors before I stuffed the keys into my pockets, along with my hands, and stepped onto the sidewalk.
I kept my head pointed to the ground as I followed Rex and Trey towards the crowded building, my face hidden in shadow. A few smelly, dirty, and metal pierced body people bumped into me along the way but I ignored them and hurried after Rex.
Maybe, if I just ignored them they would leave me alone... I was wrong. A swarm of loud, and rowdy teenagers wormed in front of me, making me lose sight of Rex and Trey in an instant.
"Excuse me... pardon me... Excuse me." I muttered under my breath as I pushed through the grimy crowd of people, earning all types of glares and curses that I tried not to flinch at. I had already taken ten minutes to push through them and I was only half way through!
I thought maybe, just maybe, I could make it through the crowd without any catches, but of course, I was wrong.
"Hey pipsqueak," A giant, calloused, and dirt covered hand clamped down hard on my shoulder and spun me around until I was facing a giant three times my size.
I stared up at the gruff bear like man with wide, terrified, eyes and prayed to the lord almighty that he wouldn't beat me to a pulp.
"What the hell is a tiny little thing like you do here?"
"U-uh... I-I... I am not tiny." That's all my genius mind could come up with, but I was tired of everyone calling me tiny.
The giant raised his eyebrow at me and the slow smirk that crossed his face caused panic to blossom in my chest like a flower in bloom.
Breathe Rosalyn, just breathe.
I could hear Jax's voice in my head as I tried to step out of the giant's grip. "Let me go." I hissed through the tightening in my chest. Now was not the time to have a panic attack.
"Or what-"
I didn't give him a chance to answer, unlike before with Jason, my mind was somewhat clear and I knew just what to do. I grabbed the pen from my pocket and jabbed it into his hand, smiling in relief when he let go of me with a howl.
I didn't waste any time as I turned on my heel and ran. I pushed my way through the rest of the crowd and kept running until I was in clear sight of a rotted metal door.
"Hey! No cutting!" I heard a few people shouting but I ignored them as I slammed into the door and burst-ed into a room filled with more hot, smelly, and loud people.
I stopped in mid run and squinted at the bright lights that blinded me until my vision cleared and I gasped. It was a rink, a fighting rink with two very sweaty and bruised looking men fighting to what seemed like the death... and one of them was my Rex.
"REX!" I tried to shout over all the yelling of more sweaty men holding yellow pieces of paper in the air, but it was useless, my voice was too small.
I slipped past row after row of gross looking men with bad breath and even worse physical hygiene. A few tried to slap my butt or wolf whistle at me but I slapped their hands away and hurried faster to the front of the crowd. I lost my pen back with the giant so I had nothing to use as defense... I just hoped I could get to Rex in time.
When I finally reached the rink, my heart dropped to my stomach. Rex's bare torso was covered in what looked like giant bruises. His bottom lip was busted and the swollen eye from earlier was peeled open in anger.
Oh God...
He was hurt, extremely so, and it made me want to vomit in worry. Tears tore at my eyes and I wanted nothing more than to climb into the rink and pull him away from the other man, who looked ten times worse than Rex, but still.
"Rex!" I shouted over all the noise, but he didn't seem to hear me.
I stared in horror as the other guy took a swing at him, but Rex ducked just in time and punched the man right in the stomach. The crowd erupted into jeers, but I just stared at the scene in horror. I had to stop this... now, before he got hurt any worse.
I looked around frantically until I saw the steps leading up into the rink. I wasn't stupid enough to get between them, but I would try to get as close as I could.
"Hey! Someone stop that girl!"
I ignored the shouts as I sprinted for three steps and grabbed onto the thick rope of the rink tightly.
"Rex! Rex stop!"
I watched with wide eyes as Rex did a double take, like he didn't actually think I was there the first time he looked, but then his head snapped to mine so fast I thought his neck would have snapped.
"What...?" His face dropped the serious look he had a second ago as his eyes stared back at me in confusion.
I tired to smile at him but instead my eyes caught a swift movement from the guy he was fighting and my breath caught in my throat.
"Rex look out!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before my throat tightened in panic at the sight in front of me.
The man lifted his leg high in the air and fast as lightning snapped his foot towards Rex's head, but just when I thought the kick would reach it's target, Rex's head snapped back to the guy and he caught his foot like ninja.
I stared in horror as a look so dark it would sent an army running crossed his face and he twisted the foot so hard, three loud cracks echoed around the arena.
Everyone went silent, everyone except the guy screaming in agony.
Rex dropped the guy's foot and he fell to the bottom of the rink with a thud, his voice howling in pain. Rex turned back to me then, his face still hard, but his were eyes ablaze in fury.
This was the Rex that terrified me.
"Someone get her the hell down!" Someone in the crowd shouted before I felt two pairs of gruff, dirty, hands grab onto my arms and yank me from the steps.
I opened my mouth to scream but there was a loud 'thud' and another shout before the hands let me go and a pair of strong but sweaty arms caught me.
"No one touches her." Rex's voice was an evil snarl as his stone like arms crushed me against his extremely sweaty chest.
If we were in any other situation, being squished against Rex's bare chest would have had me jumping in happiness, but now all I thought about was making sure he was okay.
I didn't have time to think about what was going on before Rex was practically carrying me through the terrifying crowd. He had my face pressed so hard into his chest I couldn't see anything until the loud banging of a door sounded and he let go.
I blinked around at what seemed to be a tiny locker room with a very surprised Trey sitting at the back. "Princess? What the hell are you doing here-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence before a pair of strong hands gripped my shoulders and spun me around to face a furious Rex.
"What the fuck are you doing here Rosalyn?! Do you have any fucking idea how dangerous this place is?! And you just come fucking prancing in like you own the damn place!"
"No, Rex I-"
"Are you fucking stupid?! Did you get dropped on your head as a baby?! Why are you so fucking ignorant?!"
"Rex, I-"
"What?! You thought you would get a kick out of stomping through all those fuckers and pransing around the arena like some fucking moron?! What the fuck is your problem?!!"
"I'm sorry!" I finally screamed in his face, shutting him up instantly. "I was worried about you! You came to my house looking like you went through a tornado this morning and you wouldn't tell me why! I thought you were in trouble! I just wanted to help!!"
I didn't realize there was tears streaming down my face until the salty water drenched my lips. My chest was tight, my throat felt clogged, and I could feel the panic setting in like a virus.
I only wanted to make sure he wasn't in trouble. I wanted to make sure he was safe... and he wasn't! I knew what I did was stupid, but hearing him yelling that in my face was enough to make me fall to the floor.
He just stood there, his hand still out like he was still holding onto me as I buried my face in my hands and sobbed like a baby. "I-I'm sorry!" I cried as the sobs only made it harder for me to breathe and caused the panic to tighten in my chest.
I heard him drop in front of me before I felt the heat of his bare arms wrap around my shaking figure. "It's okay, Roza. Sh, stop crying." He muttered softly as he pulled me into the comfort of his chest.
"I'm n-not stupid." I hiccuped lamely as he cradled my head into the crook of his sweaty neck, but I didn't care. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as his pulled me into his lap.
"I know, Roza. I'm sorry, I was just upset. I know you're not stupid." He murmured into my hair as he ran his hands down my back.
I hiccuped again and wrapped my legs around his waist as he sighed into my neck. "You're okay, baby flower, you're okay." He murmured over and over again until my crying calmed down.
Slowly, but surely, I felt the panic go away, felt the crying stop, and felt my hiccuping fading. Rex gently pulled me away from his neck far enough so he could wipe the tears off my face.
"Oh Roza, what the hell are you doing here?" He muttered softly, but I knew he wasn't really angry anymore.
"I-I followed you." I sniffed and rubbed my nose with the edge of my sleeve.
"I figured that, little one, but why?" His big hands cupped my face and both his good, and bruised eye stared intently into mine.
"I-I told you, I was worried. You wouldn't tell me why you got hurt last night, and I didn't want you getting hurt tonight, but you did and-" I couldn't find any other words to say and as his face softened into understanding and concern I didn't want to.
His hand tightened in my hair and pulled my face into his neck once again. "Rose, how many damn times do I have to tell you that I'm supposed to protect you? And I can't freaking do that when you're throwing yourself into trouble like this."
I shrugged slightly, and despite the sweaty, smelly, mess he was I snuggled into his skin like it was my own. His next words though, caused my heart to stop in my chest. "I care about you too damn much for you to just throw yourself into a shit place like this."
My breath caught in my throat, but I knew I didn't need to say anything as one of his arms wrapped around my lower back and the other wrapped around the back of my shoulders.
"Is she okay?" Trey whispered a moment later as Rex's hand rubbed down my hair.
"She's fine." He grumbled quietly, almost as if I was sleeping and he didn't want to wake me... As a matter of fact, I could fall asleep here without a problem...
He was so comfy, and now I was finding it difficult not to dose off. Tonight had proved to be very stressful, and like I said before, I don't do well with stress filled situations.
"What is she doing here?" Trey's voice was muffled through the fog that suddenly clouded my brain, but I tried hard to push it away and pay attention.
"She... she thought... she thought she was going to keep me safe." For some reason, Rex had that hardest time getting those words out... like he couldn't believe it himself.
"She knew about the matches?" Trey's voice was incredulous, but who could blame him?
"No, she followed us here." Rex's voice was hard once again and I knew he was done with that conversation.
I felt his hand press gently against my cheek as his head turned and his lips pressed a soft kiss into my hair. My heart fluttered.
"Roza, go with Trey for a minute so I can shower, alright?" His voice was soft, sweet even as he pulled me gently away from his neck.
I nodded and wiped my sleeve down my face one more time before Trey came over and lifted me off of Rex's lap like I weighed nothing. Rex quickly jumped to his feet and glared at his best friend as he held me bridle style to his chest.
"Don't hold her... Just... Just set her down in the chair." Rex nodded towards the metal chair Trey was originally sitting in before he turned around and headed for the small stall with the only shower-head in the locker room.
Trey chuckled and set me down in the chair before sitting on the floor with his back against the lockers. "You know, princess, you confuse him."
I blinked down at him and tilted my head to the side questioningly but he just chuckled. "He's never had someone... care, about him the way you do. He's not use to it. It's like he convinced himself a long time ago no one would ever want him as much as you do."
"Don't even try to deny it, Rose. I see the way you look at him." He smirked and I blushed like a tomato once again.
"D-does he know?" I asked quietly so Rex couldn't hear over the water from the shower.
"Not really, he can't see it. I told you, he doesn't believe anyone could ever love him." Trey sighed and glanced around at the rest of the lockers as I curled up on the chair.
What he said... reminded me of, well, me. But why would Rex ever feel like that? I don't understand...
"Let's get the hell out of here. I don't want that guy's manager coming after me cause' I broke his leg." Rex growled a few minutes later as he stepped around the corner of lockers with basketball shorts and a t-shirt on.
His eyes locked on mine and I gave him a small smile as I stretched and climbed out of the chair. His hard face slowly broke into a smile and I hurried into his open arms.
"Come on, Roza." He muttered against my hair before pulling me towards the door.
"Trey, stay behind us. I don't want anyone getting close to her." Rex commanded his best friend who just rolled his eyes and shot me a wink. I smiled and turned back into Rex's chest as he pushed the door open.
Men still crowded the arena as Rex guided us through the mess, there were two different fighters in the rink now and they had thankfully drawn there attention away from us.
Something flashed in the corner of my eye and I turned my head just in time to see some guy's wrist locked in Trey's death grip. "Don't even think about it." I heard him hiss in the guys face before he let him go and shoved him into the heated crowd.
That was a side of Trey I've never seen before, and honestly, it scared the hell out of me. He noticed me watching and his face broke out into a grin, instantly losing the look of evil he once wore.
"He tried to touch something that wasn't his to touch." His words were simple but they made something click in Rex's head and before I knew it I was wrapped around his body like a blanket. He was literally carrying me now.
"Disgusting, ignorant, fucking, ass holes-" The curses just kept leaving his mouth in a hiss as he pushed us through the crowd until we reached the back door.
He wrapped his arm tighter around my lower back as his shoulder slammed open the door and the cool night air hit us like a wave. This exit lead us straight to the parking lot where are cars were parked and I was dreading driving all the way back home... but turns out, I didn't have to.
Rex didn't put me down until we reached Trey's SUV where he set me in the passenger seat and buckled the seat belt for me. After he made sure I was all strapped in, he turned his dark eyes on me.
"I left something inside, but I'll be back in a minute... Do not leave." His voice was hard but his eyes were soft and I nodded without hesitation.
"I'm serious, Rosalyn. Do not leave." He added for emphaisis and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"T', I promise, the last thing I will ever do is go back in there."
He seemed satisfied with my answer because he gave me a small smile before climbing off the foot step and shutting the door. It locked after him.
I watched my breath come out as fog in the freezing October air as Rex jogged over to Trey who nodded before Rex walked back into the building. Trey walked over to his SUV and knocked on the window. I unlocked and opened the door.
"Give me your keys, princess. I'll drive your car home."
I gave him a grateful smile as I fished my keys out of the pocket and handed into him. "It's the black jeep explorer." I nodded towards dad's jeep a few spots down and he smiled.
Rex came back out of the building a few minutes later as Trey closed the door and I locked it again. Rex's eyes darted to me before he walked over to Trey and said something. Trey nodded again before Rex left and walked to the driver's side.
He unlocked the driver's door and climbed in besides me. "What did you have to get?" I asked casually as he turned the ignition on.
"Nothing important." He grumbled under his breath as he buckled his seat belt and turned the heater on.
I sent him a glare.
"Rex, I drove all the way out here, watched you get hurt and break a guys leg, before I broke down like a baby... At least tell me what you had to get."
He turned his dark eyes on me before he sighed and pulled out of the parking spot. "Two grand."
"Two grand... As in two thousand dollars?"
Silence. That's what filled the car as he drove away from that crowded, disgusting place.
"Did you steal it?"
"No Rose, I won it."
"Oh... right, duh." I muttered under my breath before I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on top of them.
His chuckle filled the car and the smile that crawled on my face was automatic. "You're too cute for your own good, Roza."
My breath caught in my throat, but he didn't give me a chance to choke out a response. "But promise me, seriously swear, that you will never do something as stupid as this again... okay?"
"Are you going to fight like that again?" He didn't respond so I took that as my answer. "Then I'm not going to promise anything."
"Rosalyn-" He started to growl but I beat him too it.
"No Rex, Trey's smart enough not to say anything against you, but I'm not. Fighting like this is stupid. These people don't care how badly you get hurt, they don't care if you get killed. They'll just throw you away like you're nothing and move on with their lives... but I care, okay? And if something like that every happened to you, I would... I would..."
My voice caught in my throat and I couldn't finish, because in all honesty I knew what would happen to me if he never came back from one of these things, and it wasn't pretty.
It was quiet for a few long minutes as he, thankfully, drove us out of that... that place and onto the safety of the highway.
My legs had fallen into Indian style on the seat and I clutched my hands tightly in my lap... until one of his reached over and pried them apart.
"You shouldn't care so much about me, Rose." He whispered softly into the quiet car as his hand entwined with mine.
"But I do, and no matter what you say will ever change that." I whispered back and his hand tightened around mine.
"I... I don't want to change that, but you need to know that I'm not good enough for you. I've told you that before, but you didn't understand and no matter how selfish this makes me, I don't want to push you away again... Just know, Roza, that I'm not good for you."
"Maybe Rex... or maybe your just what I need."
Hope you enjoyed!
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