Chapter 14
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Chapter 14
"I heard you got Mr. Rex here out of some serious shit this morning, princess." Trey teased as he plopped down on his music room's couch beside me.
"I didn't want him to get in trouble." I admitted with a sheepish grin as his arm rested against the back of the couch.
He shook his head but laughed as his eyes twinkled in amusement. "Oh Rose, you're going to learn sooner or later that every time that dip-shit get's in trouble it's because he deserves it."
I squirmed nervously at his words.
"Stop filling her head with shit." Rex's voice grumbled as his heavy body sat down beside me, his arm instantly going to wrap around my waist and pull me to his side.
"It's not shit! It's the truth." Trey's voice was smug and his face held a smirk, but I knew, I just knew, that what he said upset Rex.
His jaw was tense and his body was stiff as his arm went slightly slack around me and he turned his head in the completely opposite direction. I gently reached across his lap and grabbed the hand that wasn't resting on my hip. I laced our fingers together and held his hand tightly, loving how he slowly relaxed back into me, his arm around my waist tightening once again.
When I looked back up, Trey was staring at our joined hands with slightly wide eyes, shock written clearly in his face. "What the fuck are you staring at?" Rex growled at Trey as he brought our joined hands into his lap... away from Trey's view.
He chuckled.
"Nothing man, sorrryyy." Trey drawled out lazily as his eyes took in the mess that was his music room. Brent and Denton had thrown CD after CD across the room while they argued over what band or singer was better. Honestly, it was rather amusing to watch.
"The Beatles are a classic!" Brent shouted at his younger brother has he chucked another CD at Denton's head.
"And so is Metallica!" Denton shouted back as he barely dodged the multiple disks Brent was still throwing.
"Stop destroying my music!!" Trey suddenly bombed across the room, his giant rock like figure shooting up from the couch and stomping over to the two brothers.
Rex chuckled in my ear, "They're such idiots they make everything so amusing to watch."
I laughed too, unaware of my body turning to face his. "I agree." We watched their bickering for forever, and it was only funnier when Trey ended up joining in instead of stopping it.
"You ready to go home?" Rex whispered closely to my ear what felt like hours later.
I lifted my heavy head from his shoulder with a shy yawn and nodded. "Yeah." I gave him a small smile as he gently pulled himself away from me and stood to his feet with a lengthy stretch. I tried to ignore the small patch of tan skin that peaked out from beneath his shirt, but I soon found out that was near impossible.
Rex yawned and lowered his arms, breaking the trance like state the small sight of his abs had put me in. "You ready?" His lips were pulled into a tiny smirk as he held his outstretched hand in my direction. I gave him a sheepish smile as he pulled me to my feet and made sure "my" jacket was zipped up properly.
"We're not going to say bye to-"
"They'll get over it. Besides, I'm sure Trey will call you tomorrow." He grumbled under his breath but instead of getting embarrassed or upset, I laughed.
Rex smiled as he laced his fingers through mine and pulled me from Trey's cute little two story house. "Halloween's Sunday." My words tumbled out across the quiet street as we walked hand and hand down the sidewalk, our breath coming out as fog in the chilly night air.
He just turned his head in my direction and raised his eyebrow like he was waiting for me to say more. "Are you doing anything?" I drawled out like a rhyme and he chuckled.
"No, I don't usually like to do anything, but Trey and those idiots always go to Robert Tranvo's party so I tag along." He shrugged as his thumb gently rubbed the back of my hand.
"Oh... that will be fun." That was the lamest response on the planet, and I know he knew it. It's just, Luce always took me trick-or-treating, until last year when she tried to convince me I was too old to dress up and prance around the neighborhood like a kid... so Tate took me.
Now, I was kind of hoping Rex would go with me, but that was a long shot. I knew he didn't really like anything fun, I was surprised he even knew what Halloween was. But there was still a small part of me that hoped he would have wanted to hang out with me.
We didn't even have to go trick-or-treating! But if he wanted to go to Robert's party, I wasn't going to ask him to stay with me. I learned along time ago to put the others you care about before myself, and that put Rex at the top of the list.
I hadn't realized we were walking in complete silence for a few long seconds until Rex suddenly pulled his hand from mine so he could wrap his arm tightly around my shoulders.
"What's with the mopey face Roza?" His arm pulled me tighter into his side so his thumb could reach up and rub gently against my jaw, his dark chestnut eyes staring down at me curiously.
I gave him a reassuring smile and snuggled as close to him as I could get without seeming like a creeper. "There's no mopey face, I guess I'm just tired." He didn't believe me. I could tell by the way his eyes bore holes into that side of my chest that he didn't.
Rex moved his arm from around my shoulder when we finally climbed up the steps of my porch. I let out a quiet sigh as I stuck my hand in my pocket in search of my key, my breath fogging the air around us.
I could feel Rex's chest pressed almost firmly against my back, his warmth seeped into my jacket and fueled the sparks that already fueled from being in his presence.
"Thank you for walking me home." I turned around once I finally unlocked the front door and smiled up at him, ignoring the look in his eyes. Why did he always have to give me those looks like he knew I was hiding something from him.
"Of course, Roza." He gave me a small smile, a smile I'm starting to realize he only wore around me.
"Do you want to come inside?" The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them, just like the first night I asked him that.
His smiled widened and the instant warmth that filled my stomach at the sight made me blush. "I can't, I have something to do tonight." He didn't elaborate and even though I knew he was probably busy, it was pretty hard not to think he was just making up an excuse.
"That's okay." I gave him small a smile, ignoring the disappointment that surged through my stomach as I turned back around to walk into the foyer.
"Hey, Roza." Rex's voice was soft as his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me gently back onto the porch.
"Yes?" I blinked up at him as his other arm wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, his dark chestnut eyes staring down at me with concern.
"I would stay if I could." He whispered softly as if there were nosy ears listening in, but knowing my family, there probably was.
I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist without thinking about it. It was just some weird stupid instinct for me to hug someone whenever I was feeling down, and Rex was so warm and his shirt was so soft...
"I know." I whispered softly before I rubbed my face against his chest. The hand that was wrapped around my shoulders gently twirled in my hair until he was pulling the strands gently through his fingers.
"Can I come over tomorrow? We can do whatever you want then."
I pulled away from his chest just enough to blink up at him in wonder. "Of course Rex. You can come over whenever you want." I mumbled softly as he traced my jaw with his thumb.
His face lit up in amusement and his dark chestnut eyes flashed in laughter as he chuckled and pulled me back into his chest. "I'll keep that in mind, Roza."
I sighed in content and rested my head against his chest once again. I would have totally forgot he had somewhere to be, and would have gladly stayed like this all night, if it wasn't for the very angry presence now standing in the door.
I jumped in Rex's arms from shock when Tate's voice pulled us out of our dream like state. "H-hey Tate." I blushed like a mad man as Rex scowled at his half-brother and pulled me closer to his side.
"It's time to come inside, Rosalyn." His eyes were hard, his hair messy in a sleepless way, and he was clutching onto the door knob like his life depended on it.
I flinched at his tone and the action didn't go unnoticed by Rex. "Why don't you watch your fucking tone?" He snapped at Tate before shoving him out of the way with his shoulder so I could walk in.
"Why don't you keep your fucking hands off her?" Tate snapped right back.
I stared at my best friend in horror. He usually never cussed, like ever. He only cussed when Rex was around but even then Luce was there to correct him. I didn't like this angry side of Tate, it only made me want to stay in Rex's arms more.
"Because I'm not the one who fucking punched her." Rex was furious, his eyes were so dark in anger I was surprised I could still see some of the beautiful chestnut. His fists were clenched and I was pretty sure the only reason he wasn't beating the tar out of Tate was because I was gripping his arm tightly.
"Rex stop." I murmured beside him as Tate's face lit up as bright as a tomato.
"I was trying to hit you! You ignorant fuck! I would never hurt her!!"
Now that was Luce.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?! I told you to watch your language around my sister!" Luce was standing at the bottom of the stairs, her dark hair up in a messy bun and her bright blue eyes shining in anger.
Uh oh... Dealing with an angry Luce was never fun, and that was something Tate knew all to well.
"Sorry babe." He murmured softly. The fury quickly left his face as he dragged his hand through his hair, guilt swirling in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Rosie." He apologized softly, his dark eyes staring at me in worry, pleading with me.
"It's okay Tate." His eyes softened but they quickly hardened once again as Rex leaned down and placed his lips right beside my ear. I blushed as he softly pressed his mouth to my skin in something that was very close to kiss.
"If he even thinks about touching you, you go to Trey's house, okay?" Even though his voice wasn't angry I knew not to argue with him.
"Okay." I nodded softly as he pulled away from me and stared down at me with hard eyes.
"I put my number in your phone. Call me or Trey if you need anything... alright?" He spoke louder this time, letting the whole staring audience in the hallway hear.
I nodded again and surprised everyone by quickly standing on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "I will. Thank you for walking me home, I'll see you tomorrow." His beautiful eyes were wide, his fingers gently hovering in the air like he wanted to touch me or his cheek but wasn't sure which one.
"S-see you tomorrow." He spun around and quickly left without another word. I would have been upset at his abrupt departure, if it wasn't for the red I saw creeping up his neck and onto his cheeks.
I made him blush!! And even though I was blush like a freaking tomato too it still counts!!! I was giddy, extraordinarily so, until I turned around and saw Tate staring at me with daggers in his eyes.
"What the hell was that Rosalyn?!" He looked furious, like "beat-up anything he could get his hands on" furious. And even though I did love him like a brother, I didn't want a repeat of the other day.
I backed away from him like he was Jack the Ripper, and it took everything I had in me not to hide behind Luce like a terrified child. But then Tate's eyes widened, and the fury I saw not a moment ago was quickly replaced with pain.
"Baby doll, I didn't mean-" The words stopped in his throat when he reached out for me and I backed away without a second thought.
"Don't trust him. He's not what he seems." Rex's words were starting to get to me, and even though watching Tate's eyes give me that depressed and pained puppy dog look, I wasn't sure if I could trust him.
I know it wasn't necessarily his fault that he hit me the other day. I shouldn't have jumped in front of him like that, but he shouldn't have been trying to hit Rex either. I-I also know he would never hurt me on purpose, but just the memory of his furious eyes and clenched fist rushing towards me was enough to make me scared.
It reminded me of them, and that was something I never wanted to think about again.
All three of us settled into an awkward silence, Tate staring at me with hurt and pain-filled eyes while Luce's gaze flickered between us in concern, and then there was me, holding my wrists over my chest like that would stop the pain that blossomed there.
"Y-you know I would never hurt you on purpose, baby doll... right?" His voice was soft, but there was no mistaking the hurt ringing through it, or the way his hand still rested in the air between us, like he expected me to run into his arms.
"Yeah Tate, I know." But that doesn't mean you won't accidentally. I added quietly in my head. There was no use in making him feel any worse than I could tell he already was.
"Come on Rose, let's get you to bed." Luce finally intervened. I watched her walk around Tate and gently wrap her arm around my shoulders before leading me towards the stairs, leaving a very hurt and distraught Tate behind.
I was sitting on my window bench, the one Rex seemed to love so much, and staring up at the night sky a few hours later. My mind was running to wild for me to go to bed, and I wasn't in the mood to take my "nightmare" medicine.
Even though tonight had started out great it ended in disaster, and now Tate was upset, Luce was upset at Tate, and Rex went off to do only god knows what. So what am I stuck doing? Watching the stars, not that I'm complaining.
Before I came home and daddy took me to the doctors for my medicine, the stars would always help calm the nightmares... and the panic. But it didn't always work, and I found that out the hard way.
I nearly sky rocketed straight into the air when my phone went off, but even then I was weary to answer it. The only people who had my number were sleeping, and nobody has ever text-ed me before. I didn't know if Jason had some how gotten a hold of my number and was set on harassing me or if some hacker got a hold of it and was waiting to strike...
My whole mood lit up when I looked down at the little screen and saw Rex's name flashing in bold lettering.
Rex: Are you still awake?
I tried not to giggle like a six your old girl with her first crush, but I couldn't help it. Rex was texting me! Like, straight up texting me!
Me: Yes, I can't sleep. Are you still out?
I didn't know whether to send him a smiley face or not so I just kept it sweet and simple before staring at my phone until he replied.
Rex: Just got back from that thing, but I'm spending the night at Trey's again.
I looked over at my alarm clock and blinked in shock when it read 1:45.
Me: You just got back?? But it's almost two in the morning!
More impatient waiting...
Rex: I know, it's kind of like my job in away. But, I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow, Roza.
I thumbed the word "Roza" on my screen for what felt like forever before typing him a quick goodnight.
Rex: Get some sleep Rose, I know you need it.
Usually I would have taken that the wrong way, but I knew it was true. He probably noticed the bags under my eyes or how it was all to quickly for me to take a little nap on Trey's couch with him as my pillow...
Me: Yes sir :D
I would have waited all night for his reply even though I knew there wouldn't be one. When I had finally put my phone back on it's charger I stared at my bedroom door for a good five minutes before getting the courage to walk out into the hall.
The house was quiet, Luce was sleeping and dad was still away on some business trip. I crept on my tip toes down the hall until I reached Tate's slightly opened door.
I was silently praying that he would be asleep. I didn't really want to talk about earlier, but I always felt better when I slept in his bed. My insomnia didn't really bother me if I had someone with me to chase away the dreams.
Tate was sleeping like bear in his bed, all the muscles in his body made him look like a rigid rock and I tried not to laugh as I gently closed the door behind me.
I wasn't mad at him, and I did know he would never hurt me on purpose, I just didn't want to be around him when he was being all cranky, and if he's going to be mean whenever Rex was around then I wouldn't talk to him.
But Rex isn't here, and I felt bad about earlier. Plus, I was tired and could use a snuggle buddy. I hugged the pillow I brought with me tightly to my chest as I lifted up one of the corners of his blankets and slipped easily in.
His sleeping reaction was automatic. He rolled onto his side and his arms wrapped around me as I snuggled into his chest. Anyone would have sworn he was awake if they didn't know him as well as I did. It's like his body just feels the extra warmth and immediately moves to embrace it.
"Love you... Rosie." He mumbled in his sleep before his face went and buried into the crook of my shoulder.
"Love you too Tate." I giggled quietly before closing my eyes and waiting for sleep to take me.
Hope you enjoyed!
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