Chapter 12
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UPDATED/EDITED: This chapter has been fixed, but like always if you still see any mistakes don't hesitate to let me know!
Chapter 12
"What's your- favorite color?" Rex's dark voice rumbled in my ear later that afternoon as we lay sprawled out across my bed.
I tried not to make it too obvious that I kept gravitating towards his firm chest the entire time, but I was never good at hiding my actions. It got so bad that he finally just chuckled and pulled me against him until his hard torso was the perfect pillow under my head. I had blushed like crazy and buried my face in his shirt.
"Um- blue. What's yours?"
We had been playing twenty questions over and over since he brought me home from school, and I couldn't have been happier. Especially since he laid down on my bed beside me. Even though, I did kind-of yank on his hand until he fell- But that's not the important part.
He paused before answering, his chest tensing slightly as the hand I was holding tightened its grip. "Green." His voice was soft, hesitant even as the warmth of his breath caressed my ear.
"Really? Why?" It wasn't an uncommon color to like- I knew that, but for Rex I found it so- plain. I expected something darker like grey, or exotic like red. Green was just so- normal. I tilted my head just enough to glance up at him, but his warm chestnut eyes were already staring down at me. My heart skipped a beat. The way his gaze stayed unwavering on mine made my stomach flip.
His free hand reached up and stroked his thumb over my cheek, his captivating gaze unwavering. I gulped. In that very moment, I realized this was what true happiness felt like. I knew that from there on out, whenever I thought about being happy I would think about that moment- being with Rex and in his arms.
But all too soon he tore his gaze away from mine and looked out at the room, but his thumb continued to gently trace the curve of my jaw. "It just is." That was all he said, and for some reason something told me not to push the subject.
"Hey, Rex?"
"You're not going to get in trouble, are you?" I asked softly as I brought my gaze back down to our fingers. I couldn't stop thinking about that afternoon, about the interaction with Jason and his father. It wasn't just the fact that I stood up for Rex, but that whole situation just made me want to hurl.
"For what?" His voice was gruff, but his touch was gentle as his thumb rubbed slowly against my skin.
"For the thing with Jason."
He let out a heavy sigh before bringing his dark gaze to the ceiling. "No Rose, I won't. Stop worrying about it, okay?"
"No buts, just stop thinking about it. There's nothing that prick or his fucktard of a father can do to me. He forced himself on you and I was simply being a helpful citizen by stopping him." He snorted at the last part and I felt a small smile pull at my lips.
"Helpful citizen..." I tested the words on my tongue, but for some reason they just didn't sit right when it came to Rex.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you Roza, ever."
And that's why.
Rex was nowhere near a helpful citizen. If anything, he hated the idea of 'helping', but he was so- protective of me. We haven't been friends for long, barely a week, but I no longer doubted the protectiveness he felt for me. It's only been one short week, but I've felt like we've been friends for ages. Which is odd considering how much he hated me at first.
"I know, I believe you." I murmured quietly as I let my hands gently trace over the strong muscles of his forearms. We stayed quiet for a long while, the only noise passing through the room was the soft background murmur of the TV. It wasn't awkward or anything- actually, it was rather nice. Just being around him was nice.
The loud, angry voice of my sister's boyfriend suddenly shouted through the house as the front door banged open. I flinched and automatically curled further into Rex. Tate only ever used my full name when he was pissed, and Luce wasn't home to mediate anything. But the worst part was, was the fact that Rex had went stiff as a board behind me. This was not going to be good.
"Does he always yell like that?" His voice was calm, scary calm, and I knew if I didn't chose my words very carefully then something bad was going to happen.
"No, he only uses my full name when he's angry or frustrated." I admitted quietly as he began scooting out from under me. I tried not to let my disappointment show as he sat up and slid off my bed, but the sudden cold chill that shot down my spine made it hard.
"Rex- You're not going to start anything with him, are you?" I asked quietly as I climbed off the bed after him.
He stretched, his arms reaching behind his head as his back muscles rippled in a sight so delicious it made my mouth water. "As long as he doesn't start anything with you, I'll try to keep myself in check." His voice was slightly clipped, as if he didn't believe his own words. I didn't either.
"Rosalyn!" I jumped when Tate's voice suddenly sounded right outside my room. The anger simpering in it made me stare up at Rex with wide eyes. Tate's never really been angry at me before, but I just didn't like angry, shouting voices to begin with. But Rex was here, and he promised not to let anyone hurt me. Not that I was worried Tate ever would.
"Y-yes?" I stammered nervously as Rex lowered his arms once again and walked almost casually towards the door.
"Why is Rex's car outside-"
Rex threw the door open before Tate could finish his question, and I cringed at the shocked look that frozen on his face. "What's up, bro?" Rex's voice was anything but pleasant as he stood like a giant wall of muscle between me and my sister's boyfriend.
There was a very long and uncomfortable pause while I walked quietly up to Rex and curled my fingers into the back of his shirt. Although, Tate's face at the moment made me want to go hide under the covers and never come out.
"Why are you in her fucking room?" Tate's deadly voice was anything but calm, and I couldn't help the involuntary flinch that racked through me. I pressed myself against Rex's back in some form of reassurance, whether it was for him or me I wasn't exactly sure.
"We were just hanging out." I piped up softly behind Rex. I didn't want them arguing, and I definitely didn't want them fighting- but with how red Tate's face was turning, I was starting to think that was impossible.
"Yeah, we were just hanging out-" The minute a sneaky smirk started to pull at Rex's lips, I knew bad things were fixing to happen. "On her bed."
Uh oh-
Tate's face went from red to explosive, and I knew that if I didn't do something soon one of them was going to get extremely hurt. And I had a strong feeling that it wasn't going to be Rex.
"You little fucker-" Tate raised his balled his, his dark eyes flashing in fury. My heart stopped in my chest.
"Tate don't!" Before I could think about what I was doing, I jumped in front of Rex as Tate's fist lunged for him.
Now that did not feel good.
"Rosalyn!" The worry in Rex's voice was the only thing keeping me from blacking out as Tate's fists connected with my chest. All the breath left my lungs in one painful lurch.
I gasped for air as my legs buckled, but strong and heavy arms caught me before I could fall. My back fell against his stony chest as Rex lowered me slowly to the ground. "Rosalyn! Roza, are you okay?" Rex was cradling me tightly to him as his dark eyes flashed over me worriedly, his hand reaching up to cup my cheek.
"Breathe Rose, breathe." He whispered soothingly as I tried to gasp for air again, but the heavy sobs racking through me kept clogging my throat. My chest was tight, and my throat felt like it was on fire- it was terrifying.
And then panic sets in.
"Sh. It's okay, just try to take a breath, alright?" His palm was stroking my cheek- his dark eyes gazing down at me in worry, but for some strange reason it calmed the giant storm of nerves boiling inside of me. "You'll be okay. You'll be okay." He murmured over and over again as I tried to gasp for air. I clutched at his shirt desperately, black dots swarming my vision, until the clog in my throat suddenly vanished. I sucked in giant lungfuls of air.
"Oh god- R-Rosie, I'm so sorry-" Tate was standing above us, his eyes wide in horror. But when he tried to bend down to check on me, Rex shot away from him like a bullet with me wrapped tightly in his arms.
"Don't touch her!" He shouted at my sister's horror stricken boyfriend, his hands tight as steel as they clutched me to his chest, his beautiful eyes dark and murderous.
"I didn't mean- Rose I swear. I-I..." Tate fell to his knees, his eyes wide and watery as if he were holding back heavy tears.
"I-It's okay, Tate." I croaked through my suddenly dry and scratchy throat. But I turned my face into Rex's shoulder anyway.
"It isn't fucking okay!" Rex shouted as his beautiful body shook in rage. "I'm going to kick your fucking ass Tate, I swear-"
"Rex stop." I croaked quietly as I curled my fingers tighter into his shirt. His angry eyes snapped down to mine before they slowly softened into those melted chestnuts I could stare into for days.
"Rose..." His tone was soft as his fingers went back to gently stroking my cheek. "Why did you do that? Do you want to get hurt?" I blinked up at him slowly, at the way his dark eyes looked so sad and guilty. I shook my head and curled further into him.
"He was going to hurt you."
Rex's eyes went from worried, to shocked, to pained in a matter of seconds. "You jumped in front of a six-foot-three, one-hundred and ninety-pound wall of rage because he was trying to hurt me?" The shock in his face made my stomach flip anxiously as I nodded my head. His chestnut eyes blinked down at me intently. He was so beautiful, even when he was angry or worried. He never lost that perfection that was just- him.
It wasn't fair.
His jaw clenched, his eyes hardened, and before I knew what was happening, I was being lifted into the air and squished against his stony chest as his handsome face buried deep into the crook of my neck. "Oh Roza, you stupid, stupid, sweet girl." His voice was a soft murmur in my ear, and even though half of what he said was offensive- I found myself blushing and curling tighter into him.
"Don't you ever do that again. Do you understand me? Never again." His voice was a deep growl, but a growl that woke parts in my body that I never knew existed.
I opened my mouth to protest, but he pulled his face away from my neck and glared down at me with fearful eyes. "I'm supposed to protect you, not the other way around. I was so-" He paused and took a deep breath, before glaring down at me. "You scared the hell out of me. Please, don't ever do that again." His tone was soft as he cradled my head against his shoulder.
"Okay T'." I mumbled up at him, even though I wasn't being very truthful. When it came down to it, I had a strong inkling that I would jump in front of anything to protect him- even if it wasn't the smartest idea out there. When I cared about someone, I cared- and that wasn't always good.
"Rosie, baby doll, I'm so sorry-"
"What did you just call her?" The gentle tone in Rex's voice was gone, and the soft caress against my cheek froze as his warm eyes turned cold once again.
"Baby doll. It's what I've called her for the past year, and it's what I'll call her as long as she wants me to." Even though Tate's face was still frozen in guilt, his tone was icy and hard.
"Please stop you two." I groaned as I buried my face in Rex's shoulder again. I don't know why they hated each other so much, but it was starting to hurt me in more ways than one- obviously.
"I think you should go downstairs for a little bit, Tate." Rex's dark voice growled quietly.
"No, I need to stay with Rose-"
"Go, before I decide to beat your fucking ass right in front of her."
Tate stood up slowly, fury swirling in his dark eyes, but one look from me had him sighing in defeat and turning for the door. "I'm so sorry, Rose. I really am. I'll go make you some cookies- or-or cake, okay?" His dark eyes searched my face pleadingly before I finally nodded in a quiet 'yes'. He let out a heavy sigh and cast one finally glance my way before leaving.
"I don't feel comfortable with him living here with you." Rex's voice was a dark growl as he stared at the spot Tate has left, his beautiful dark eyes hard.
"He's never hurt me before, this was just an accident. I'm sure he would never try to hurt me on purpose." I tried reassuring him, but he only grunted and shot me a dark look.
"That doesn't matter. If he ever does anything remotely close to this again, you call me, okay?"
I frowned and forced my eyes away from his dark gaze. Tate would never hurt me on purpose, I knew that- but this scared me, and I had no doubt that if I hadn't taken my medicine the night before I would have had a panic attack. Now that was something I never wanted Rex to see.
"Rosalyn." Rex's fingers gripped my chin tightly and pulled my face back to his. "I'm serious, promise me." His dark eyes flashed as his firm voice filled the air around us. I sighed in defeat. I didn't think I could ever say no to him.
"I promise T'." The nickname had the desired effect. His perfect lips broke out into a small smile that melted my heart and turned my stomach to goo.
It wasn't until then that I realized the position we were in. Rex sat crisscrossed on the floor with my butt pressed firmly in his lap, and his arms wrapped tightly around me as he cradled me firmly to his chest. My face lit up like The Fourth of July in a horrible blush, but that didn't stop me from snuggling closer into him. He was willingly holding me against him like a life line- I would have to be crazy to object to that.
But of course, my bladder did.
"I uh- um, I need to go to the bathroom." I whispered shyly when his face lowered back into the crook of my neck.
"Huh? Oh yeah, right. S-sorry." Rex quickly stood and placed me gently on my feet, his big, warm, hands holding onto my waist tightly until I regained my balance- but even then, he still took a while to let go.
I hurried as fast as I could, and as soon as I finished washing my hands I hopped like the energizer bunny back into my room. Rex was sitting on my bed with his head in his hands, but the moment I walked in he looked up and smiled.
"I should probably go before I regret letting that dip-shit go." His voice was a soft growl, but I could still sense the underlying anger there. I frowned as disappointment shot straight through me.
"Y-you don't have to. We could watch a movie or something, or-"
His soft chuckle ignited that blush in my cheeks once again and stopped my rambled in words in their tracks. "Don't worry Roza, I'll come over after school tomorrow. We can watch whatever you want then."
I frowned, but nodded anyways as he walked towards me. "I'm staying the night at Trey's again, if you get- scared, at all, just come get me alright?" His face was serious, but his dark chestnut eyes shone down at me softly. I nodded again and gave him a soft smile
That smile that hardly ever crossed his face shone shyly along his lips, and made me heart slowly feel like stopping on itself. I gulped. "I'll come get you in the morning." He pulled me closer to him, his lips lingering softly by my ear before he pulled back and sighed. He quickly lost his smile, and that famous emotionless mask of his settle across his handsome face once again.
"Hey T'?" I asked softly as he reached my door. He paused at the entrance and cast his icy eyes back at me.
"I like when you smile."
Slowly, carefully, as if he was fighting it, that small smile of his etched along his lips. "I like when you smile, my Roza."
It wasn't until Rex had left for the night and I walked pass the floor-length mirror on my closet door that I noticed something- something that made my heart stop and had my breath catching in my throat.
My eyes were green.
Since a lot of people aren't making the comparison- Rose knows her eyes are green, the last sentence ties in with the beginning of the chapter.
Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!
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