Chapter 11
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UPDATE/EDITED: this has been edited, but that doesn't mean its perfect. If you still see any errors please point them out so I can fix them! Thank you!
Chapter 11
"That Rex kid is waiting outside for you." Luce announced as her head popped into the open door of my room, her blue eyes flashing in the light of the window.
"Really?" I couldn't keep the giant smile off my face as I sat on the floor tying my shoes. My heart jumped at the thought of Rex waiting like a gentleman at my doorstep, his hands shoved into his pockets and his sunglasses placed perfectly over his eyes. My stomach grew warm at the thought.
"Yes really, and he's getting pretty impatient. It's annoying." I laughed as my big sister rolled her bright blue eyes and walked back down the hall.
She's one to talk about being impatient. If that girl had to wait more than two minutes, everyone in a two-block radius would know about it. I didn't bother hiding my snicker as I jumped off the floor and threw my backpack over my shoulder.
The weekend had flown by faster than anyone would have liked. When we got back from the pumpkin patch on Saturday, we all spent the rest of the day at Trey's, carving pumpkins and listening to music. It was the most fun I had in years. More than when Jax and I would sneak out and go to the movies.
I was even able to convince Rex to help carve the pumpkin he picked for me! The other boys seemed rather surprised to walk into Trey's kitchen and find Rex elbow deep inside a gooey pumpkin. Apparently, they've never seen him do anything remotely related to fun before. I found that pretty funny.
"Come on Roza, we're going to be late." Rex growled at the bottom of the stairs when I finally came bounding down a few moments later.
"I'm coming- I'm coming." The smile that broke across my face at the sight of him was goofy and that of a love struck little girl. He blinked down at me, his cold eyes hard, and that emotionless mask set firmly over his face. But I was quickly starting to learn it was all a façade. Rex's thoughts and feelings seemed just as jumbled and messed up as mine.
"Did you pack your lunch, Rose?" Luce called out from the kitchen as I stuffed that very same lunch into my backpack. Ever since Trey pointed out how gross the school's food was, I've been bringing a lunch with me to school every single day. It helped that Luce and Tate were always nice enough to make one for me too.
"Yes!" I called back to her as Rex rolled his dark chestnut eyes, his hands shoved deep into his jacket's pockets- just like I imagined they would be.
I looked down at the jacket he gave me, and my goofy smile only grew. The hoodies he gave me were way too big to wear in public without looking like an overgrown toddler, but that didn't stop me from lounging around the house in them all weekend. They were so comfy, and they smelled just like him. I never wanted to wash them.
"Zip it up, its fucking cold out." Rex's voice was a dark growl as it pulled me from my thoughts, but I only laughed. I had been so happy the past few days that it would take a lot more than his grumpy growls to bring me down. My fingers fumbled with the metal zipper, but clumsy me got it jammed half way up.
Dumb zipper.
"I don't have any classes today. Do you want me to pick you up from school?" Luce asked as I fought uselessly with the zipper.
Before I had a chance to reply Rex was pushing my hands away from the darn jacket and unjamming the zipper like a professional. "No, I'm bringing her home." His gruff voice carried across the hall loud enough for her to hear while I stood frozen in place. He was zipping up my jacket for me-
"I fucking swear, Rosalyn. How do you even get dressed in the mornings?" He grumbled under his breath, but smoothed the jacket gently down my shoulders anyway.
I shrugged, but didn't bother dropping my smile. Sure, he was grumpy most of the time, but I was starting to realize what he said was true. That it wasn't me he was angry at. Slowly, but surely.
"I put one pant leg on at a time."
Rex raised an eyebrow at my teasing tone, and I couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks. Those dark eyes of his just did funny things to my insides. He sighed a moment later and before I knew it, his heavy arm was slinging across my shoulders and pulling me into his side.
Actually, if I really thought about it, ever since Friday Rex had been putting his arm around me every chance he got. Not that I was complaining or anything, it was just a ginormous shift from his usual 'I'm not going to even look at Rose' self. And I loved it. "Let's go Roza, or we're going to be late." His voice was a low grumble as he pulled me out the door and towards the sleek black car waiting in my driveway.
"Bye Luce!" I called back into the house before Rex was pulling me down the steps. Funny, I didn't even think he would care if he was late to anything.
"We're not riding with Trey and the others?" I asked as he dropped his arm from around my shoulders and unlocked the car.
"No." He confirmed before opening the passenger door for me, his eyes still hard. I didn't bother pushing the subject. I learned my lesson from last time. But that didn't stop the blush that had graced my cheeks earlier from returning full blown as I slid into the passenger seat, a goofy smile tugging at my lips.
Rex had held the door open for me- Why did that make me feel like flying?
The first half of the day was uneventful. Except, of course, for third period. Rex was already sitting in his usual seat and staring up at me curiously as I slid into the desk next to his. The students around us had gotten over the initial shock of the brave, stupid girl who would dare sit next to the Rex Turner. But that didn't stop the gossip mills that went around the school.
I tried not to listen to them, and surprisingly it was rather easy. No one knew who I was, not really. I was just the chick that was suddenly always hanging around the Big Four. They didn't even know my name. I was just the Big Four's little puppy dog follower. And we haven't even been friends for a whole week.
"Hi." I mumbled up to the dark eyed, gorgeous guy sitting next to me as a shy smile tugged on the corner of my lips. I watched as that hard mask of his softened until the corner of his mouth lifted in a tiny smile.
"Hey, you."
My smile only grew when Rex's cold eyes melted into that dark chestnut I loved so much. And for some reason, when he greeted me with that "Hey, you"- fireworks erupted in every ounce of my body. I tried to ignore the heat that flamed through my whole body, but it was hard.
I practically stared at him all throughout class. It was rather embarrassing really, and I'm sure he could feel my eyes on him the entire time. But whenever he would turn his head to glance down at me, I quickly looked away- but not before turning as red as a tomato.
That happened almost four times.
"Is there something on my face?"
I nearly jumped straight out of my seat when Rex's gruff voice suddenly whispered in my ear. "W-what?" My traitorous voice stuttered as my face flamed twelve shades brighter. His lips were right next to my ear, just a hairsbreadth away. If I leaned slightly towards him his mouth would have been pressed firmly to my skin.
And oh, how I wanted that.
"Is there something on my face? You keep staring at me like there is." He raised one beautiful eyebrow in question, and I forced my traitorous gaze back to the front of the room.
"N-no, sorry." I mumbled quietly as if I was a child who just got caught sneaking a cookie out of the cookie jar.
"God, I hate it when you say sorry like that." He grumbled quietly, but that didn't stop from draping his heavy arm around the back of my chair. A few curious students glanced back at us before turning their heads together and whispering. Looks like the gossip mill had more fuel for their fire.
"I'm sorry-"
"Rose, just stop."
He raised an eyebrow at me, a small smirk curling his lips, but I just shot him a smile and looked away. Guess I'll just have to work on the 'sorry' thing. The rest of third period went by in a flash, and before I knew it Rex was taking his slow, sweet time gathering up his things.
He was usually always the last one to leave class, but ever since I started sitting next to him he was the first one out of the door- until now. I guess that us being friends had returned him to his 'I could care less' attitude. That was oddly heart-warming, in a weird, not exactly sure how, kind of way.
"Come on, Roza."
I hadn't realized I was still staring at the black-board until Rex's tall form stepped in my view, his dark shadow shielding me from the overhead lights as he held his outstretched hands towards me. I blinked up at him a moment more as his hard, chestnut eyes slowly began to melt.
"I'll walk you to your next class, if you want."
I didn't have to be told twice.
I threw my stuff quickly into my bag, and jumped from my seat in a flash. Rex's chuckle was so soft that I wouldn't have heard it if we weren't the only ones left in the room. I stared at his outstretched hand for a few short seconds before I cautiously reached out to him.
I didn't want to give myself enough time to realize this was a bad idea as I slipped my fingers between his. I tensed my muscles and waited, waited for when he would pull his hand away in disgust and spit hateful words at me- but he never did. As a matter of fact, his fingers wrapped tightly around mine and pulled me against his side as he led me out of the classroom and down the hall.
I sighed in relief.
"You have history fourth period, right?" He asked a moment later as we walked up to the second floor.
"Yeah, but next week they're moving me to Driver's Ed-"
"That's him!"
I froze mid-step when I heard his voice- the same him that pranced around in so many of my recent nightmares it made me want to hurl. Rex didn't even seem fazed beside me, except for the fact that his once soft face was hard and cold as ice as he stared straight towards him. Jason was standing at the end of the hall next to the principal's office- beat up face and all.
"Rex-" I started softly as panic tried to squeeze its way into my chest. I grasped at his hand tightly and tried not to make it too obvious that was I cowering into his side- even though all I wanted to do was run in the other direction and hide.
His hand squeezed mine as he drew me closer to his side. "Whatever happens, don't leave my side." His voice was a low murmur in my ear as he continued to pull me down the hallway. It's not like I was planning to anyway.
The principal was standing next to a very badly beaten Jason with a hand rubbing down his face in irritation. "We know of your predicament Mr. Shephard, but the authorities have already handled-"
"The authorities let that-that monster go without any consequences!" The man who could only be Jason's dad shouted from beside the principal.
I squeezed Rex's hand tighter as those awful words left Mr. Shephard's lips. Rex wasn't a monster- he was far, far, far from one, and I didn't like that anyone would ever call him that. The principal sighed and turned to face us as Rex began pulling me in the opposite direction.
"Mr. Turner, would you please come here for a second."
Rex pulled us to a stop, and bent his head to the ground in aggravation as a slow, angry sigh left his lips. "That little fucking bitch." He hissed under his breath as I clung to his arm like a monkey.
He glanced over at me as I stared up at him with wide, and slightly terrified eyes. "You should go. I don't want you to deal with this." His mask was slipping into place, the one he hardly ever took down, but that didn't stop me from shaking my head viciously and curling against him even more.
I was terrified, sure, but that didn't mean I wanted him to go through this alone. He had already been arrested because of that scum bag. I had to make sure he wouldn't get in trouble anymore because of him. "No, I don't want to leave you with them." I murmured softly as his rough thumb gently stroked the back of my hand. The dark chestnut that usually shown so coldly slowly softened as he quietly wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me to his side.
"Don't worry little Roza, they can't do anything to me I haven't dealt with before." There was a small smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth as his eyes flashed dangerously down to me. It didn't make the uneasy in my stomach feel any better.
"That's what I'm worried about." I grumbled as his dark eyes flickered over to the men waiting just down the hall. His smirk slowly fell.
"Alright, just don't talk to them okay? You don't have to deal with that fuck ever again."
I could only nod as he gave me one more tight squeeze before grabbing my hand again and leading us down the hall, down towards the real monster. I tried not to make it too obvious that I was cowering at his side. "Ms. Summers, you are not needed in this discussion. It would be best if you went back to class." The principal motioned with his head for me to leave, but I just shook my head and pressed harder against Rex's side.
The principal closed his eyes on an aggravated sigh as he rubbed his hand across his forehead. "Ms. Summers-"
"This discussion has everything to with her. The only reason I beat that fucktard up in the first place was because of her." I wanted to crawl in a hole and hide as Rex's voice filled the tense air around us. He just made this whole situation sound like some petty fight over who got the girl- not because the victim tried to do things to me.
"Language, Mr. Turner, watch it." The principal narrowed his eyes at Rex, but the leader of the Big Four simply shrugged like he couldn't care less. He honestly probably didn't.
"Now listen hear you little prick-" Jason's dad looked as red as a tomato as he turned his full body towards us, his finger jamming towards Rex's just as his eyes glowed in fury. Thank God the principal cut him off before he could finish that sentence.
"Mr. Shephard, please refrain from such language while talking to one of my student's in my school."
Mr. Shephard hissed something under his breath, but dropped his finger and refrained from calling Rex any other names. Even though Jason and his dad looked like they were ready to jump Rex at any time- Rex seemed like the calmest on out of all of us.
He was either a great actor, or he just honestly didn't care. His arm was slung lazily across my back, and even though his grip on my hip was firm, his arm seemed relaxed. His posture screamed with that hot 'bad boy' boredom look, and it took all my willpower not to stare at him in awe.
"I demand that you do something about this boy! He can't continue to run around and harming innocent students-"
When all eyes snapped in my direction I knew I should have just kept my mouth shut, but I wasn't going to sit there and let Mr. Shephard bad mouth Rex any longer.
"Rose, don't-" Rex started, his dark eyes flashing towards mine in warning, but Jason's dad interrupted him before he could say anything else.
"Yes, innocent." He sneered down at me, his blue eyes, that looked so much like his son's, sat hard and cold in his wrinkled face. My eyes snapped to Jason who was staring over at me with such a cold calculation that I couldn't help myself from shrinking farther into Rex. He tightened his hold on me.
"As I was saying-" Mr. Shephard snapped before turning back to the principal. "-I want him expelled from school, sent to court, and fined by the school board."
"Mr. Shephard, the situation between Rex and your son has been solved already by the authorities. An eye witness was there to vouch on Mr. Turner's behalf. I don't believe it is necessary to go over the events again and from Ms. Summer's point of view. Do you?"
My eyes widened at Mr. Saronto's words. H-he was going to have me repeat what happened? The panic from before reared its ugly head and I clutched at Rex anxiously. What? Why? I didn't want to! It was enough I replayed it over and over in my head that night! I didn't want to repeat it now.
I tried to back away, my eyes wide in horror as my breathing turned hard in my chest, but Rex's strong arm only tightened around me and pulled me closer to his side. I breathed in his scent, took in the way how he stood so tall and firm. Rex was here, he wouldn't let anything happen to me, and he wouldn't leave me alone with him.
"That won't be necessary." Mr. Shephard suddenly looked sheepish as he adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. "I was merely stating that even though my son's actions were wrong what this boy did cannot go unpunished. You cannot possibly let monsters like him continue to-"
"Monsters?" That was it, my resolve broke. Anger quickly replaced my fear and I was pulling away from Rex before he could stop me.
"You're calling Rex a monster? Rex?"
"Rose don't-" Rex's voice was soft again as he pulled me gently back by my hand, but for once I ignored him.
"It's people like your son, Mr. Shephard, who are the monsters. Rex only defended me against a sexually harassing pervert who could not only take no for an answer, but continually insisted on making my life a living hell because he could." They were all staring at me with wide eyes, and even though Rex was standing a step behind me, I could basically feel the shock flowing from him.
"I suggest you lay off my monster and focus on the one living under your own roof."
I didn't wait for any of their reactions as I turned on my heel and stomped off in the opposite direction, completely leaving a bewildered Rex behind. "Rose wait!" I heard him shout the minute I turned the corner, and I reluctantly pulled to a stop. I didn't want to be there anymore, around those people. I just wanted to get to class and forget that whole conversation ever happened. "What the hell was that?!" He demanded the minute he pulled to a stop in front of me.
I dropped my gaze to the floor sheepishly and rubbed at my arms as his dark eyes washed over me. I wasn't necessarily angry anymore. In fact, I was feeling rather tired and sad. What was that? Why had I gone off like that? I had never talked to anyone like that before, especially an adult, and I felt like complete crud.
Sheesh, and all he did was threaten Rex.
"I-I don't know." My voice was softer than I would have liked, and I couldn't find it in myself to look up at him. Did he see me differently now? Did he not want to be my friend anymore? Did-
My mental worrying ceased the moment his arms wrapped around me and pulled me tightly into his chest, squishing me to him like a giant teddy bear. "Rex..." I mumbled into his shirt as my eyes widened in surprised, but he just buried his face in my neck and held me to his chest.
"That was pretty awesome, Roza." He chuckled into my hair, and I couldn't help the full-blown blush that erupted on my cheeks.
"You called me yours." The words seemed to slip past his lips before he could stop them, and we both froze. I gulped.
"What?" I pulled back and blinked up at him, but his chestnut eyes only avoided my gaze.
"Back there, you said I was your monster." I smiled the minute I saw a hint of red start to tint his cheeks. Oh my god. Was Rex- blushing? The thought alone made butterflies erupt in my stomach.
"Oh." Was all my stupid brain could come up with.
"Oh." He agreed and dropped his gaze to the floor between us. I shuffled nervously as he ran his fingers through his dark hair.
"You also said hell."
"What?!" I squeaked in horror, and clamped my hand over my mouth as his eyes shot back over to mine. Rex burst out laughing as I stared up at him in wide-eyed terror. Awkward moment aside, Rex was laughing- Straight up, belly convulsing laughing.
"You, Roza, are absolutely adorable." Rex chuckled a moment later before slinging his arm across my shoulders and guiding me back down the hall.
I was too shocked to notice though, after all Rex thought I was adorable.
Hope you all enjoyed! So Rex and Rose are finally starting to get closer!
For all my re-readers, tell me if you can see any differences from these edited chapters and the old version!
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