Chapter 1
Hey everyone! WARNING: This story will have cliché moments, but I think those story's are CUTE. But anyways, I hope you like it! Please comment and tell me what you think!!
I highly suggest checking out the Rewritten version of this story on my profile if you haven't already! It's written far better, more intense and realistic, but just as cute, low key cliche, and romancy!
EDITED/Updated - Hey guys, this is edited so if they are still any errors please feel free to point them out so I can fix them :D
Chapter 1
I didn't know what to do. Normally I would spin on my heel and run in the opposite direction, but my phone was in my locker and I needed to call Tate.
Just breathe.
They were only human beings. They weren't going to tear my head off and drink my blood, or something weird like that. The worst they could do was stare at me like I was trash or call me a few names. That I could hopefully handle.
I clutched my binder tighter against my chest, my courage slowly waning. There were four of them, all standing around lazily and talking about who knows what. I took a few steps towards my locker. I mean they didn't look too bad.
But that wasn't saying much.
They were the Big Four. They weren't necessarily the popular kids, but they did rule the school in their own dangerous and rather intimidating way. They were what everyone would call bad, and their leader was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen.
Rex Turner.
His name alone sent shivers down people's spine, and they weren't good ones. Rex was bad. Everyone knew it, but no one dared to approach him about it. He wasn't your typical 'bad grades and bad manners' bad, he was bad as in 'I just got out of juvey for public vandalism and they're most likely holding a spot for me in prison for future illegal crimes' bad.
At least he hasn't been to juvey in almost a year.
I spent way too much of my time thinking about him, more than I would admit. But ever since I came back I've been drawn to him. To the way he acted, the way he walked, to his attitude. He was one giant walking bipolar criminal, and that drew my attention like a magnet. Maybe it was because his presence reminded me too much of the past, or maybe I just really liked looking at him.
I squished my binder tighter to my chest and gulped down the tight fear squeezing my throat as I approached them. It was bad enough having a crush on a regular bad boy, but to have a crush on Rex?
It was suicide.
I stopped my walk of death as I reached the back of a very muscular body. A body that was twice the size of mine. I gulped. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
Against my better judgment, I tapped on the shoulder directly in front of me, the one that was two times larger than my fist. I saw my life flash before my eyes as that mountain of a body stiffened and slowly turned around.
"What do you want, Princess?" The mountain asked as he revealed the one and only face of Trey Maguire, Rex's best friend. If you could even call him that.
What did he just call me?
"U-uh, what?" My words came out as a jumbled mess, and it was becoming physically harder trying to force my legs to keep from running away. Trey raised one perfectly shaped dark eyebrow at me before a smirk, that I will admit was pretty attractive, crossed his handsome face.
"You tell me, you're the one interupting."
By now we had everyone's attention, everyone except Rex. He was staring out the hallway window with a blank and lazy look painted on his beautiful face. He almost didn't seem to realize that his friends had stopped talking to him. The other two, however, were staring at me with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes.
That couldn't be good.
"Oh y-yeah. Um, I kind of need to get to my locker..." The amused smirk on Trey's face didn't falter, and he didn't bother moving. Kinda like this whole situation was very funny to him.
"And?" He encouraged as his bright green eyes flashed with humor.
"You guys are kinda, um, in the way." I tore my eyes away from his rather beautiful ones, and glanced at the rest of the boys who now wore matching smiles. Matching devilish smiles. I flushed and brought my gaze back to Rex. He still hadn't moved or acknowledged my presence.
That kind of stung.
"Just say the magic word, and we'll get out of your way." Trey teased as his giant body loomed over my much smaller one.
I didn't think I was necessarily tiny, but Luce and dad always said I was. I mean, I was like 5'1", but when you have a moving, fine piece of male, that is a walking mountain looming over you- you're going to feel like a mouse.
"Please?" I asked hopefully as my eyes automatically blinked up at him from under my eyelashes. It was during moments like these where I wished I could be a turtle just so I could crawl inside myself and never come out.
He laughed, and even though the sound was warm and light-hearted, the sneaky amused lit in it rang across the quickly emptying hallway. I blushed like crazy and dropped my eyes to my shoes as the other two boys chuckled beside us.
"Aw look Trey, you made her blush." Denton Dimajio laughed from Trey's left and nodded at my cheeks. My face only heated up more and I kept my eyes glued to our shoes.
"Aren't you the most adorable thing I've ever seen." Brett Dimajio, the older of the two brothers by mere minutes, chuckled from Trey's right.
There was no denying that the two dark-haired, blue-eyed flashing jocks were twins. Even though the older Dimajio held a little more muscle than his brother, they made an excellent team in any sport. That's why so many colleges would do anything to have them.
Or so I've heard.
"I like you, you're cute." Trey chuckled not-so-softly across from me, and my attention snapped back to him.
"Come on dude, she's just a kid." Brett's gruff voice scolded Trey, and I watched as his bright blue eyes sized up my inadequate frame.
I frowned and gently kicked a broken pencil away with my foot. I might have been smaller than them, but they weren't much older than me. "I'm not a kid. I'm seventeen." I grumbled softly, but kept my eyes down as heat crept up my cheeks once again. Their laughter only grew.
My blush deepened.
"Absolutely adorable, Princess." Trey chuckled as my face burned brighter until I looked like a red tomato.
"Why do you keep calling me that?" I groaned softly and scuffed the bottom of my shoes against the hallway's tiled floor as his giant body loomed over mine.
He shrugged and shot me a small smile, a laugh still trying to escape his lips. "I don't know your real name, and you're small and cute, like a Princess."
"I am not." I grumbled and crossed my arms over my chest with a pout. I just wanted to get to my locker. Why couldn't he just take his friends and leave?
"You're not helping your case kid." Brett chuckled again and shook his head.
"I'm not a kid-"
"What's your name girly?" Trey's voice cut off my grumbling, and I wasn't sure if I should have been disappointed that he didn't call me Princes or overjoyed. I opened my mouth to answer, but a different voice finally cut into our strange conversation. A deep, richer, and tummy turning voice.
"Leave the girl alone Trey, and let her get to her fucking locker."
All the boy's attention snapped away from mine, their dark eyes focused on the brooding boy leaning against the metal lockers. Rex's dark hair looked tousled as he popped his gum one more time. My stomach twisted in butterflies as he stood up straight and pushed past Denton to walk away.
He truly was beautiful.
"I'm leaving with or without you fuckers." His irritated voice called over his shoulder as he shoved his hands in his pockets and stalked off down the hall. He didn't look back once.
I tried not to let that get to me. I mean, all the other boys were talking to me and actually being some form of friendly. Why wasn't he?
Maybe he just didn't like me- But why wouldn't he? I've never said more than two words to him. Despite having the biggest crush on him than anyone could possibly ever have on someone, I haven't done anything wrong.
That didn't matter though. Not to Rex. I have a better chance with Channing Tatum than I did with Rex Turner. He didn't even acknowledge until he got fed up and walked away.
I wasn't his type anyway. Guys like Rex, the insanely hot, bad ones, didn't fall for girls like me. I'm the type of girl that avoids danger as much as possible.
Trey turned back to me with a small pout on his face, but his amused eyes ruined his puppy dog look. "Looks like we got to go Princess, but I'm sure we'll see you around." He shot me a wink before following after Rex with Brett hot on his heels.
"Catch you later Buttercup!"
Buttercup? What was it with those boys and nicknames? Denton blew me an air kiss which I blushed like a maniac at before he chuckled and ran after his brother and friends.
Well, that went- well?
No, more like completely shockingly unexpected.
Yeah, that's better.
I shook my head and sighed before turning to my locker and spinning in the combo.
"This is all your darn fault." I scolded my phone as I slammed the metal door shut. "If you had just stayed in my pocket like you were told I never would have had to face them."
I never would have to have gone through Rex ignoring me like that.
It shouldn't have bothered me that much. I know it shouldn't. I didn't know him- just knew of him. But it still didn't feel great. I clutched my phone and binder to my chest as I headed down the hall. I shouldn't feel so upset. Rex ignores everyone, even his friends on occasions. He's not even a player.
As a matter of fact, I've never seen him talk, hug, kiss, or even touch a girl at our school. Obviously it's no lie that I've got a crush on him- a big one. We've been going to the same school since we were thirteen, and even though he didn't talk much then either, I've always been drawn to his quiet and reserved self.
But he never noticed me, and he never will. Like I said before, his type would never fall for someone like me.
Hope you enjoyed! If not, or if you just want a better written version check out His Flower Rewritten! (or HFR as you'll see my call it!)
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