You're an Omega
~Katsuki's POV~
"KATSUKI!" The Old Hag called from downstairs
"Yes mom!" I yelled rolling out of bed
"Huh, why?!" I asked in confusion
"So find out your second gender and if you have a quirk remember?" She asked walking through my door
"Oh yeah!" I squealed jumping up and running off to the bathroom. After bathing I got dressed and ran downstairs bouncing on the tips of my toes
"Haha, calm down katsu, we'll get there on time, now eat your breakfast" The Old Man said chuckling
"But I wanna go now!" I whined stomping my foot
"Katsuki" The Old Hag warned
"Ugh, okay" I whined again and hopped up on the chair at the dining table and ate my breakfast quirkly; basically stuffing my mouth as fast as possible
"Katsuki! Eat slower or else you're going to choke!" The Old Hag scolded making me pout but ate slower. Eventually I finished eating and we were off to the doctor. I was so excited I kept bouncing in my seat.
"Alright katsu, let's go" Dad said unbuckling his seat belt since we were now at the hospital
My parents and I then got out of the car and entered the hospital. "Good morning, we're here to see doctor Declan" The Old Hag said to the receptionist while I tugged at dad's pants
"What's up bud?" He asked looking at me
"Up!" I squealed reaching up at him making him laugh a little. He picked me up and sat me on his hip while the receptionist typed something on the computer in front of her
"Ah yes, a quirk and second gender check up for Katsuki Bakugou, correct?" She asked looking at my old hag
"Yes" she confirmed nodding with a small smile
"Of course, down the hall and to the left, the third door on the right" the receptionist directed
"Thank you" my Old Hag replied leaving
"You ready kiddo?" Dad asked following her
"Mhm!" I hummed excitedly bouncing in his arm making him laugh a little more
My Old hag then knocked on a door and I heard someone say 'come in'. We all walked in and saw a lady with black hair and color changing eyes. "Good morning Mrs Declan" mom and dad said
"Hi..." I mumbled cuddling closer to dad making the doctor coo
"Good morning to you as well please sit" The doctor said smiling. Mom and dad then sat, dad setting me in his lap "Katsuki sweetheart can I have a look at your hand pumpkin?"
"Why..?" I asked warily
"So I can see your second and if you have a quirk" she explained
"You can do that just by looking at my hand?!" I asked surprised
"Hehe, yes, that's my quirk" said the doctor "I can tell your second gender and if you have a quirk just by touching you, it wouldn't very useful in the hero business so I became a doctor instead"
"Cool!" I squealed before giving her my hand. After staring at if for about a minute she nodded
"Well little man, you do in fact have a quirk" she said making me squeal and bounce in my dad's lap happily
"And his second gender?" Mom asked smiling
"Ah yes, of course" The doctor said smiling looking at both my parents "can I have both your hands please?"
"Of course" Dad said, they gave her their hands and she nodded again after staring at them
"Mr Bakugou, I'll need to speak with you in private" the doctor said making dad nod. Adults do alot of nodding huh? He gave me to mom and we left them
"What's my second gender mommy?" I asked lopking up at her.
"When we get home hun" she said smiling a little
"Is it bad?" I asked worried
"No sweetie, that's just how this works" she said "we, the parents, are notified as to what our child's second gender is and then we go home and have a private conversation with them, telling them what we can now and when they get older we explain further"
"Ooh! Ok!" I grinned
"Alright let's go home" Dad said coming out of the doctor's office.
"Okay kiddo, let's talk" dad said setting me on the bed after dressing me
"About what?" I questioned looking up at him just as my Old Hag walked in
"Remember what I said at the doctor's appointment?" She asked sitting on the bed beside me
"About my second gender?" I asked looking up at her
"Yes, sweetheart" she said
"Weeeellll?" I asked giddily
"Well, you're an-"
"Alpha?!" I asked unable to wait for Dad to finish his sentence
"N-no hun, you're an Omega" Dad explained
"W-what?" I stuttered faltering
"You're an Omega Katsuki" Mom repeated
"B-but I can't be an Omega! I can't!" I yelled crying
"Why not sweetheart, what's wrong?" Dad asked worried
"Because everyone will make fun of me!" I cried "I'm supposed to be the best! I can't if I'm an Omega!"
"Sweetie, you can still be the best, even if you're an Omega" Mom said softly but it did little to sooth me
"Everyone will think I'm weak and start bullying me!" I yelled crying more
"....if it makes you feel any better I have something that can help" dad said hesitantly
"Masaru no" mom said sadly
"He'll only be wearing it until our second talk" Dad said shaking his head. He left and came back with a black band in his hand
"This is a scent cancelling collar. Basically it makes it so that no one can smell your distinctive Omegan scent and you can't smell anyone else's scent, be it Alpha, Omega or Beta" he said "you're only allowed to wear it at school, so even if you invite a friend over, you still have to take it off. Understand?"
"Mhmm.." I hum nodding with a small hiccup. With that he nodded and put the collar on my nightstand before tucking me in then leaving with mom.
~Why did I have to be Omega~
Welcome, my lovelies to another shit show written, directed and produced by me. Enjoy!
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
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