~Shoto's POV~
It was Saturday, Katsuki had left for his date yesterday, and he hasn't returned yet. I mean, it was only 7 am. The poor thing probably isn't in he best shape to even get up.
"Morning Shoto!" Denki squealed running into the kitchen and hugging me.
"Hello Denki" I replied softly, finishing up the last few waffles I was making for breakfast
"Someone's here to see you" he giggled
"Who?" I asked genuinely confused as to who would be looking for me at 7 am.
"Just go look, they're in the common area" He giggled again. I furrowed my brows but went out to the common area, looking for whoever was waiting for me.
Arriving at the common area, I came face to face with Kirishima conversing with the other omegas. I felt a small pang of jealousy but brushed it aside, walking further into the room. He could do whatever he wanted. He didn't belong to me.
"Todoroki!" Kirishima said, acknowledging my presence, a wide smile spreading over his features, making his whole face appear brighter, almost blinding me from pure joy
"Hello Kirishima" I said as he hugged me tightly, a small smile appearing on my lips as I hugged him back. "It's nice to see you again"
"I know this is a bit sudden..." he starts as he pulls away, a sheepish look on his face "but I'd like for you to go on a date with me"
I blushed, hard. "Like, r-right now?" I asked, shocked by the request. That was the last thing I expected him to say
"Y-yeah" he answered blushing as he scratched the back of his neck "You don't have to if you can't or don't want to, it's not like I'm forcing you or anything, and you have free will of course, I-"
"I'd love to" I said, cutting him off and smiling at his cute little rant.
~he's rather adorable~
"... And you- wait, what?" He stopped short, seemingly finally, just registering what I had said
"I said I'd love to go on a date with you" I repeated blushing. He grinned widely like a sweet golden retriever puppy
"Great! I'll be back in thirty minutes. Do you think you can get ready by then?" He asked his whole face shining brightly
"Yeah, I can get dressed by then" I said, nodding
"Great, I'll see you then!" He said chirpily, basically skipping off
"I'll help you get dressed! Eek!" Denki squealed, dragging me upstairs. When we got to my room, he threw me onto my bed as he searched through my closet, throwing clothes left and right before finding what he needed.
He shoved the outfit into my arms and pushed me into the bathroom with the message to get dressed and hurry up before Kirishima got back. When I finally emerged from the bathroom, fully changed, and he gave me a small black velvet box.
"It's a present from Sero and me" he said, pushing it into my hands
"Thank you.." I said lowly, taking the box. Inside was a pair of ear cuffs.
"Oh, and here's your scent canceller" he said, handing me one of my many scent cancellers. This one was white with a silver ring and spikes.
After I finished putting the outfit together, I grabbed my phone and wallet then headed downstairs, just in time for Kirishima to get back.
"Ready?" He asked, grinning, his excitement so contagious it has me smiling myself
"Yes" I answered, nodding as he seemingly grinned even wider and took my hand, leading me out of the dorm. "So where are we going?"
"I won't tell, I want it to be a surprise" he said smiling as he looked up at me. Surprisingly, I was the taller of us. To any onlookers, I was the alpha, and he the omega. The simple thought made me blush a little, not the thought of being an alpha persey but rather being his alpha.
Shaking the thought from my mind, I held his hand as he led me off of the compound into town.
When we arrived at our destination, I couldn't suppress my smile. It was a cat café, I mean it was pretty obvious I loved cats, even if they were brats more than half the time (same sho, same)
Looking up at me, Kirishima chuckled before opening the door for me. "After you" he said, glancing back at me. Stepping in with a small tint of pink on my cheeks, the smell of coffee and the sound of meows penetrated my senses, spiking my serotonin and dopamine levels to an all-time high.
Kirishima then guided me over to a table, occupied by a ginger cat and two Calico cats waiting for our waitress.
"Today was fun, I really enjoyed it" I said, hugging Kirishima's arm and leaning my head on his shoulder as we made our way back to the dorms
"I'm glad you had fun, Todoroki," he responded, holding my hand with his, caressing the back of my hand with his thumb, sending wonderful tingles up my arm
"...hey, can I ask you something? It's about your friend" I said, getting up off his shoulder as the dormitory came into view.
"Midoriya?" He asked, glancing up at me
"Yeah, do you think he's a good guy? I just don't want him to hurt Katsuki" I whimpered. If anything happened to Katsuki, I'd hate myself forever
"Midoriya is one of, if not the most amazing selfless people I've ever met" Kirishima said smiling as he spoke of Midoriya "If I were an omega I'd probably have imprinted on him ages ago, hurting Katsuki is probably the last thing he wants"
"... good" I said, nodding as we reached my dorm
"Take care, okay, and maybe, we can go on another date sometime?" He asked sheepishly
I grinned. "I'll think about it" I said, watching his face light up
"See you later" he said, kissing my cheek. I stood there a while longer, the tips of my fingers against my cheek, right where his lips had been. I felt my left side heating up.
Quickly, I ran to my room, hopping into the tub and turning on the cold water till it filled up enough, just enough to cool down. "Oi, Icy-Hot, you good?"
I looked over at my bathroom door to see Katsuki leaning against the doorframe "Y-yeah I'm good" I muttered, looking down
"Don't lie to me idiot" he said sternly
"I'm not lying, I'm fine, I promise" I insisted.
"Good, I'm staying over" he said, walking away, towards my bed, it seemed. After my bath, Katsuki and I stayed up the whole night talking before falling asleep early in the morning cuddling.
Hey everyone, sorry for not updating, genuinely I've been suffering from an intense case of Writer's block, and I'll be trying my best to get back to doing what you love most❤️
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies
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