18 *Hallucination*
are sensory experiences that appear real but are created by your mind. They can affect all five of your senses. For example, you might hear a voice that no one else in the room can hear or see an image that isn't real.
Hoseok's p.o.v.
I was looking at her as she looked at me but something was off she was zoned out.
Meeshi looked at me confused then at her.
She shrugged her a bit but she didn't respond to her.
"Yoongi?" She called out looking at her side but there was no one but that's not the thing i was shocked of. How did she know yoongi hyung I'm sure she called for his name last time too.
Y/n's p.o.v
"Yoongi?" I looked at him again as my heart started to beating more then it's usual rate this can't happen.. he.is.dead...
"Y/n?" I gasped out looking to my side.
"What happened?" Meeshi asked me again i looked to my right and this time there was no one.
"Are you alright? Should we go home?" She asked worried.
"Uh no I'm fine" i said as i saw the bus stopping i walked towards it and swiped my bus card and went to take in a seat.
Third person's p.o.v
"Is she alright?" Hoseok asked meeshi as he saw y/n quickly walking in the bus.
"Yea i guess she's a bit upset about what happened yesterday" meeshi made an excuse of what just happened she clearly knew about y/n and yoongi but what just happened surprised her too still she didn't want hoseok to catch any suspicions.
They made thier way in the bus meeshi sat next to y/n as hoseok took a bar since the seats were full.
The bus arrived in few minutes at thier spot as noone exchanged any word.
They three got off the bus and started walking towards their combined destination.
Meeshi and y/n were walking side by side while hoseok was behind them.
Eventually they reached the main entrance and they all walked in.
Hoseok Waved us a bye and went to his apartment while meeshi and me started climbed the stairs.
I held onto my breath as i was feeling a bit scared? What am i hallucinating ?
I looked behind me while climbing the stairs but there was no one.
"Y/n?" Meeshi called me out that's when i realised i was standing in the mid of stairs. I quickly started walking up and we reached our department.
We swiped our cards and went in.
We both walked passed the other workers as meeshi got seated on her seat and i went to sit on mine.
"Good morning y/n" I looked to my right and it was namjoon. I nod a bit and greeted him back.
"How are you?" He started a conversation but i was not looking forward to it my muscles were so tensed up.
"Fine" i replied nevertheless.
"Good" he looked back at the screen infront of him. I started doing my leftover files too.
"Why are you late?" I looked up to see the one and only sunmi who else can it be.
"Oh uh sunbae" i stood up and bowed a little "it's 8:05" i looked ata my watch.
"Yeah why five minutes late?" She asked while gritting her teeth.
"I'm sorry" i really didn't want to get her lecture this early in morning.
"Whatever I want you hand over those files to Sir jeon and then bring the whole staff coffee and then take the files on my desk and deop them over to manager sejin. Understand." She said as she walked away before i could protest.
"She's being a bitch. Again." namjoon gritted his teeth.
"No it's okay" i smiled at him.
"Y/n i would've helped you but i just got a pile of emails and i have to respond to them" namjoon said but why is he telling me i didn't even asked for his help.
"It's okay I'll do it myself" I got out and took the files she asked me and started walking over to Jungkook's office but then i saw meeshi walking there too.
"You going somewhere y/n?" She asked me
"Yeah i have to give these files to jungkook" i replied.
"Oh i can drop them I'm going to discuss a few details with him" meeshi smiled taking the files
"Oh thankyou" i replied as i started walking back to make coffee.
Meeshi's p.o.v.
Just as i was about to walk in i overheard something well i didn't want to but it just happened.
"Appa what?" It seems as jungkook was talking to his dad.
On call (jungkook and his dad)
"Son it's for your good" Mr jeon said.
"But dad I'm already very much satisfied with my job" jungkook retorted.
"I know son but being at our company then bang hyung is more competitive I've already talked with him and you don't have to do something else" Mr jeon said on the other side of the phone.
"Dad I have been working here for a while now and i doubt if I can go to states" jungkook said pissed.
"States..?" Meeshi mumbled.
"No son i have made all the arrangements and you are leaving this country and going there it's for the good of our business" Mr jeon informed.
"But dad-"
"No excuses jungkook it's been settled you are my successor afterall" with that his dad hang up the call.
Jungkook slamed both of his hands on his desk as he heaved a hard sigh.
Meeshi hesitated a bit but knocked on the door opening it just as jungkook saw her he gatehred his posture and sat down.
"Oh hey meeshi good morning" he smiled.
"Morning kookie" meeshi tried to smile but she was curious.
"Is there something?" Jungkook asked
"Oh uh nothing" she shaked her head "oh actually here y/n asked me to hand them over to you" meeshi placed the files on his desk.
"Hmm thankyou" he replied. "Take a seat" he gestured her to sit as she took it
"So did you get a good sleep? How's y/n?" He asked her.
"Yea i had a nice sleep and she's good thanks for asking" meeshi said nonchalantly
Now jungkook was sure there was something as he raised his eyebrows.
"Are you okay meeshi?" He asked her.
"Yeah i am uh i will get going then I've to see some files" meeshi excused thinking it's not a good way what if jungkook think she was eavesdropping
"Hmm sure we'll see eachother at lunch then" jungkook replied with a bunny smile.
Meeshi smiled and went outside.
Time skips (lunch time)
Meeshi managed to get y/n to cafeteria and they all were sitting at thier usual table eating thier lunch.
"Uh the apartment's owner agreed you can have a apartment where i am living" hoseok didn't found any other way to tell y/n and others about the news so he just said it casually.
My eyes widened while eating he really did it.
"Wow that's good" meeshi said cheerfully.
"Great !Hyung so what are the conditions? Jungkook asked as he took a sip of his stew.
"Yea he said he will hand over the paperwork today by 8 so y/n..." hoseok looked at me "you have to visit him today if you want to i can accompany you" he said looking at me.
I looked at him and we made an eyecontact but i quickly looked down.
"Okay. Thank-you" i said looking at nothing.
"It's right hoseok and y/n you both can do the paperwork done by today and then y/n can pack up her things. And i will help you with everything and we will decorate your new house together to--" Meeshi got interrupted as jungkook held her hand to calm her down.
"Calm down meeshi first let her get the basics done you are so much excited" jungkook said as he chuckled looking at his girlfriend's childish behavior.
Meeshi blushed looking at thier intertwined hands.
"So.." hoseok trailed off "are you alright now?" He questioned taking his all he didn't wnat to make things worse or uncomfortable.
I could feel the brun of caught down my throat as if i was standing on the edge of some cliff just one push and i would be falling.
"Fine...i guess" I can't remember but what i do is that if he saw me with that attack i was having he will tell it to everyone what will other people think of me.
Out if my instincts i stood up "I- i will go now" i said as they three looked at me i quickly passed all the other tables hand my tray to the counter and walked out.
.....the whole day passed and now I was wrapping my things up.
"Y/n wanna grab a drink sometime?" I looked and it was namjoon i appreciate his request but I don't drink.
"I don't like to drink" i said out to him.
His mouth formed an "O" before he smiled and said it's okay he then picked up his. Things waved a bye and went out.
I took my things and i saw meeshi she was sitting on her desk deep in thoughts.
I sighed and went towards her.
"Meeshi let's go" i called out and she looked up and smiled at me.
"Sure let's go"
She picked her bag and we both went towards the exit and then down the stairs.
When we were at the lobby we saw hoseok and jungkook coming while they were talking.
"Hey girls" jungkook called out smiling.
"Hello kookie" meeshi passed a smile while i nod a bit.
"So are you coming?" Hoseok asked and i looked at him then at meeshi and she give a nod.
"Yea" i replied.
"Sure then we will meet at 7:45? Is it good?" Hoseok asked
"Okay I'll come give me the location" i asked him.
"It's okay we will meet at the park near your house is it comfortable for you?" He asked.
"Okay" i nod.
I looked to my side and meeshi and jungkook was nowhere to be found.
Meeshi and jungkook's p.o.v
"We should get going" jungkook whispered to meeshi to which she looked at him confused but then nodded and they both walked past y/n and hoseok out of the company.
"What's happening?" Meeshi asked jungkook completely confused.
"Get in the car" jungkook said meeshi was confused but nodded nevertheless and took a seat in the car once they reached it.
"Now jungkook tell me what's that--" she was cut off by a pair of lips capturing hers.
She was startled but once she figured what's actually happening she closed her eyes and they both moved thier lips in sync.
A minute passed and they pulled off out of breath. Jungkook lenaed back in his seat so did meeshi and take in oxygen her cheeks tinted red.
"Now w-whats this for..." Meeshi asked jungkook completely blushing.
"I love you" meeshi choked on her spit as soon as these three words cone out of jungkook's mouth.
"I -i love y-you too kookie but what's it?" Meeshi asked.
"Let's have dinner should we?" Jungkook asked smiling to himself turning the ignition.
The whole ride went silent until they reached a restaurant.
"And Don't worry about y/n hyung is with her" he said as he got out of the car.
They both went in the restaurant and a waiter show the table jungkook already had made a reservation for.
Y/n and hoseok's p.o.v
When they didn't saw meeshi and jungkook there hoseok looked at his phone and he saw jungkook's text. they both got out of the company and to the bus station with no words exchanged.
Both waited for the bus and when it arrived they got on it. In about half an hour they reached their mutual bus stop. Both got down of it and started walking towards the same road which lead to thier ways.
A light cool breeze was passing by making the atmosphere a bit of silent more then it was.
I and hoseok were walking side by side but my inside were killing me to ask how he came to my house yesterday and if he knows what condition i was in why isn't he abandoning me. He should've said that he don't want to help me with that apartment and al-
"Okay so let's meet at the park at 7:30" hoseok said out of the blue stopping and then i realised it was the road where we have to part our ways.
"Okay" i said and started walking towards the road where my house was.
"Y/n" hoseok called out as i look back at him.
"Uh--- nothing" he scratched the back of his neck.
I take a last glance at him and then started walking.
I unlocked the door and went in already used to the usual silence. I sighed locked the door and went upstairs. I took a shower and changed to pajamas. Then i started packing the leftover stuff which i started in the morning.
Time passed and when i looked at the watch it was almost 7. I zipped up the bag and took a black sweatpant with grey hoodie and changed into it. I let my hair over my shoulders because I don't feel like tying them up.
I took those white sneakers and put them on staring at them for a long time. And then i remembered the incident which happened in the mornning.
Why? After all these years? Why you kept on taking my mind? I held my head hunging my head low.
"Why you always seem so cold?" I asked the boy who was sitting beside me on the small cliff we both found long ago just to be away from all the other world. It was our safe place.
"Huh me?" He pointed towards his chest with his forefinger.
I nodded looking infront at the beautiful view.
"What makes you think so?" He asked.
"Just-" i trailed off.
Now his attention was all on me.
"Y/n" I looked at him and we both locked eyes.
"You know that you are my friend?" He chortles.
"I consider you more then just a friend" your words left unsaid.
"Are you listening to me y/n?" He asked again.
"Uh huh yea?" You were completely in daze seeing his beautiful yet pale face.
"Hmm so I just wanted to tell you that no matter what I'll be by your side just call me when you need me" he brushed your hair with his fingers.
You said you will be with me ....
I rubbed my face again looking at those shoes.
"Why can't I forget you?" My thoughts were taking a control over me.
"Why do I see you when i see hoseok? What's happening to me--" my phone ringed and I saw the caller id.
It's hoseok....
I looked at the time and it was 7:30.
Gosh I'm late... I picked up the call.
"Hey y/n"
"H-hello" i said walking out of my room.
"Oh hey y/n I am just heading out I got a bit late" i mentally thanked him as it's not like only i was late.
"It's okay I'm going now too" i said as i opened the door and locked it.
"Hmm okay I'll be there in 10" he said before ending the call.
I walked to the park and not after a few minutes he showed up wearing a blue jeans with a white button up and a light sweater.
"Hey" he waved and smiled to which i nodded a bit.
"I hope you don't have to wait long" he said.
"No i just got here" i replied.
"Okay so let's go" he said and lead the way.
We both walked in silence. Honestly i was still sfraid what type of questions he will ask me but on a scale why haven't he talked about it.
The curiosity was eating me up and without any second thought i let out a "thanks".
"Huh?" He looked at me his hands were inside his pockets.
"Thanks for yesterday" i said in an almost audible tone.
"Oh uhh it's okay" he smiled again looking at the road infront of us.
"But can i ask you something?" The question i was fearing of... I gulped and looked at him.
"It's okay if you don't want to" he said taking his hands out of his pocket and folding them in front of his chest.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Can we become friends?"
Thanks for 600+ reads.
Word count: 2812
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